Investigation of the health effects of electromagnetic radiation goes back decades?and for decades there have been moves to downplay if not suppress it. ...
bitte veröffentlichen Sie nachfolgende mail einer Bürgerinitiative in Ebersberg mit dem Hinweis auf die Fernsehsendung im BR "Kontrovers" am Mittwoch, den 31.03.2010, 21:15 Uhr.
Vielen Dank.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Trudi Christof
BI Aßling - Mobilfunk mit Grenzen e.V.
Hallo liebe Mitstreiter,
anbei eine aktuelle Information zum Thema Bürgerinitiative gegen BOS-Digital-Funkmast im Stadtgebiet Ebersberg am Standort 'Polizei'.
Derzeit bereiten wir ein Bürgerbegehren vor. Diese Woche werden wir versuchen, alle Formalitäten und Zulassungsvoraussetzungen auch im Dialog mit der Stadt Ebersberg zu klären. Direkt im Anschluss daran käme dann die Unterschriftenaktion.
Wir würden uns über jegliches Feedback freuen und können jede Hilfe gut gebrauchen, denn es steht uns eine etwas größere Unterschriftensammlung bevor, wie zuletzt für den Bürgerantrag.
Unser Anliegen wird übrigens voraussichtlich am kommenden Mittwoch um 21:15 in der BR Sendung "Kontrovers" zur Ausstrahlung kommen. Wir sind schon sehr gespannt...
... Vorsorgeprinzips aus und sagte zu, sich auch um die Problematik der Elektrosensibilität zu kümmern. Von Seiten der Bürgerinitiativen wurde gefordert, ...
Auch dass der Sendemast nach einem Jahrzehnt verschwindet und die Installation eines weiteren verhindert werden konnte von den Anwohnern, verbucht der ...
Basel. Am 13. Juni entscheidet die Basler Stimmbevölkerung an der Urne über die kantonale Initiative gegen den Mobilfunkantennen-Wildwuchs und über die zukünftige ...
Ein Defekt in der Stromversorgung für einen Mobilfunk-Server hat in Norwegen den kompletten Bahnverkehr zusammenbrechen lassen. Drei Stunden durfte kein Zug ...
A study has measured the electric fields emitted from these lamps and concluded that a certain distance is needed to keep well under international limits. ...
Heard on news in Vancouver. A large box store is banning the sale of incandescent light bulbs. For those that are EHS I advise to stock up as I have done before you are not able to buy them any where. This might be the way government intends to force fluorescent bulbs as the phone companies are forcing us to use cell phones by removing public pay phones.
New Method of Poisoning Us With Radiation: 'High Efficiency' Light Bulbs
Braucht Honau einen weiteren Mobilfunksendemasten? Dieser Frage ging der Gemeinderat auf den Grund. Und entschied sich dagegen. Die Mobilfunk-Versorgung in ...
NEW DELHI ? The electromagnetic waves emitted by mobile phone towers and cellphones can pose a threat to honey bees, a study published in India has ...
The UGA research team also is trying to find out if wild bees, like the carpenter bees, are dying off, as some scientists fear. And the scientists think ...
Wild honeybee populations are mysteriously dying out
Daily Press
Bees normally do not abandon a hive until the brood has all hatched. In many hives, there are an insufficient number of worker bees to maintain the brood. ...
Fürstenfeldbruck - Von den rund 950 Basisstationen, die in Bayern für den neuen Sicherheitsbehörden-Digitalfunk gebraucht werden, werden mindestens sechs im ...
Die Bürgerinitiatie "Stoppt BOS TETRA" aus Axstedt / Lübberstedt hat am 23. März dem Landrat des LK Osterholz eine Unterschiftenliste mit einem Protest gegen den Aufbau neuer Mobilfunkmasten im LK übergeben. Gleichzeiig wurde dem Landrat auch ein Appell der Bi übergeben.
Peter Mehring
1.Vors. BEO e.V.
Aus Weser-Kurier 24.03.2010
621 Stimmen gegen Einführung von Behördenfunk gesammelt Bürgerinitiative bittet Landrat Dr. Jörg Mielke um Unterstützung
621 Namen stehen auf der Unterschriftenliste, die Vertreter der Bürgerinitiative "Stoppt Tetra BOS" gestern Nachmittag Landrat Dr. Jörg Mielke im Kreishaus überreichten. Seit im vorigen Jahr per Zufall herauskam, dass das Land Niedersachsen auf dem ehemaligen Bundeswehrgelände in Axstedt eine Basisstation für den neuen Digitalfunk für Polizei und Rettungsdienste errichten will, setzen Axstedter und Lübberstedter alle Hebel in Bewegung, diesen Standort zu verhindern. Mit der Unterschriftenliste in der Hand appellierten sie nun an den Landrat, sie dabei zu unterstützen.
"Ich bin zum Teil bei Ihnen, zum Teil aber auch nicht", stieg Mielke in die Diskussion um das niederfrequente digitale Funksystem (Tetra BOS) und die Standortwahl ein. Anders als seine Gäste hält er die moderne Technik nicht für gesundheitsschädigend. Den Hinweis von Peter Mehring von der Bürgerinitiative Elektrosmog Osterholz, die für Deutschland gültigen Grenzwerte für Funkstrahlen seien zu hoch, die Technik daher durchaus gefährlich, ließ er nicht kommentarlos stehen: "Ob der Grenzwert etwas taugt, ist eine Diskussion, die bis vors Bundesverfassungsgericht gegangen ist." Und das habe den Grenzwert nicht gekippt. Für ihn bedeutet das, dass der Grenzwert nach überwiegender Meinung in Ordnung sei - und daran habe er sich als Jurist zu halten. Was nicht bedeuten soll, dass man diesen Wert nicht hinterfragen dürfe, fügte Mielke an.
Auch wenn er sie in großen Teilen nicht teile, "nehme ich ihre Sorgen sehr ernst", versicherte Mielke. Und weil es diese Ängste vor der Funktechnik in der Bevölkerung gibt, müsse die Debatte über ihre Einführung anders, nämlich offener geführt werden. "In diesem Punkt sind wir beieinander", stimmte Mielke der Delegation zu. "Ja, ich halte Tetra BOS für erforderlich" - aber die Geheimniskrämerei, die das Land um die Einführung der Behördenfunktechnik macht, sei für ihn nicht nachvollziehbar. Mielke nannte sie absurd und versicherte, dass die Kommunen diesbezüglich Druck auf Hannover ausübten. Auch die Unterschriftenliste der Initiative schicke er an die zuständigen Stellen.
Sehr gut kam beim Landrat der Vorschlag der Bürgerinitiative an, ein grundlegendes Emissionsschutz- und Mobilfunkversorgungskonzept aufzustellen. "Weil es überhaupt erst eine Diskussion ermöglicht", sagte Mielke. Auch Hinweise der Delegation auf weiterführende Internetseiten zu dem Thema sowie eine gerade begonnene Studie an Anwohnern eines Funkmastes notierte er sich. "Ich würde diese Diskussion gern mit ihnen vertiefen", sagte er und versprach der Delegation, sich für ein weiteres Gespräch bei ihnen zu melden.
Aus: HLV Info 025
Digitalfunk: ?Hoffen auf wenig Widerstand?
Dachau Kurier
?Auf wenig oder überhaupt keinen Widerstand?, hofft Kreisbrandinspektor Hermann John bei der Festlegung der Standorte für die Digitalfunk-Basisstationen. ...
Keine Mobilfunkmasten in Deuringen - einen wichtigen Schritt auf dieses Ziel zu ging der Stadtberger Stadtrat bei seiner jüngsten Sitzung und verabschiedete ...
Wie berichtet, will der Mobilfunkbetreiber O2 einen Mobilfunkmast in Deuringen errichten. Als diese Pläne bekannt wurden, regte sich Widerstand in der ...
Stadtbergen: Als eine Sauerei sondergleichen bezeichnet Fraktionssprecher GRÜNE/Thum Johannes Münch die Vorgänge um die für den 12. September 2011 vorgesehene...
NEWPORT East assembly member John Griffiths is calling on Newport council to think again about its decision to allow mobile phone masts to be built on ...
"The question of EMF and cancer had been raised by several different studies, and has therefore been studied in depth for over 30 years," said Linda ...
Ammersee: Hunderte von Unterschriften gegen Behördenfunk. Zwischenbilanz der Initiative Funkmast in Dießen: In einer Pressemitteilung schreiben die ...
Die Unterschriftensammlung der Bürgerinitiative ?Funkmast? stärkt die Position der Gemeinde, die einen Standort weiter entfernt von der Wohnbebauung, ...
Die Bürgerinitiative ?Funkmast? überreicht 1787 Unterschriften gegen die Aufstellung der Antenne in Nähe eines Wohngebietes ( Bürgermeister Herbert ...
World-renowned doctor and author Andrew Weil says, "Electromagnetic pollution (EMF) may be the most significant form of pollution human activity has ...
You've misrepresented some facts in you article, "Entrepreneurs cash in on unproven Wi-Fi fears." The WHO recognizes Electrical Sensitivity (ES). So does the US Access Board, and the European Parliament in their EMF resolution last year called on its member states to recognize ES like Sweden does. (physical impairment) There are thousands of peer reviewed studies on RF health effects.
I discovered I am EMF Sensitive over three years ago. I have since spent hundreds of hours researching this issue. The cumulation of that research can be found at The website is filled with information about the health risks and concerns over the proliferation of wireless devices including Wi-Fi. See: ?EMF and RF World Concerns Summary? The EMF Safety Network does not sell products.
Our website was launched in late October 2009 and receives traffic from all around the world. In the past month the site received 1672 visits from 16 countries, 26 US states and over a hundred cities in California. Average time spent on the website was over four minutes.
Your article mocks and minimizes a serious global environmental issue. It does a disservice to people who suffer from a challenging and sometimes debilitating health issue, and to those who could be helped from symptoms they or their doctors cannot understand or explain.
Instead of making fun of the EMF sensitive, promote fiber optics as the superior alternative to wireless. See:
If you have not seen the recent GQ article I highly recommend it: The writer spent a year studying this issue, his advice: "abandon wi-fi" GQ Magazine February: ?WARNING: Your Cell Phone May Be Hazardous To Your Health?
Meanwhile, a spokesperson from Telefonica O2 Ireland said it has applied for permission to retain the mast in the "key site" for providing mobile phone ...
(Sigmaringen/fxh) Die Diskussion um den Mobilfunkmast in der Ortsmitte von Laiz geht weiter: Die Vertreter der Bürgerinitiative tauschen sich mit der Stadt ...
Im Podium saßen sowohl Vertreter von Polizei, Regierungspräsidium und Landratsamt, die für die aus ihrer Sicht unumgängliche Umstellung auf den Digitalfunk ...
lädt die Stadtverwaltung auf Anregung der Bürgerinitiative am morgigen Dienstag, 23. März um 19 Uhr zu einer Informationsveranstaltung in die Stadthalle ein ...
The MCD continued sealing illegal mobile towers in various parts of the city today. In Karol Bagh, while one mobile tower was sealed, 10 towers were removed by cell phone operators. "We sealed one tower today. We will take action on two more towers in Karol Bagh," said D.V. Verma, deputy commissioner of Karol Bagh zone. There are 198 existing cell phone towers in Karol Bagh that have the requisite permission. Next week, the MCD will shift its focus to illegal cell phone towers in South Delhi.
Meanwhile, hearing a petition by Indus Towers, the Allahabad High Court fixed the next date for March 30, and ordered that no lease be cancelled or tower removed in pursuance of notices issued till March 30.
MCD begins sealing of unauthorized mobile phone towers
March 18 ?2010
The Municipal Council of Delhi (MCD) Thursday initiated the sealing of unauthorized mobile phone towers in Delhi with Karol Bagh being the first locality to be hit in the process. A look at the top news stories at 10:00 am IST on Mar. 18,?10.
Action sought against 170 illegal mobile phone towers
Times of India
The civic body is not aware about the intensity of the electromagnetic radiation. Solanki told TOI, "I have put forth a demand before the standing committee ...
Zum Vergleich haben sie in einem separaten Brutschrank Hodengewebszellen ohne Handystrahlung herangezogen. Geschädigte Zellen könnten einen programmierten ...
Zum Vergleich wurden in einem separaten Brutschrank Hodengewebszellen ohne Handystrahlung herangezogen. Geschädigte Zellen könnten möglicherweise einen ...
"Cell phone towers should not be placed near schools, residents where children live. We don't know exactly what the level of the hazard is but we should ... See the news video -
"This device emits electromagnetic radiation, exposure to which may cause brain cancer. Users, especially children and pregnant women, should keep this ...
Final Vote 2010, The Children's Wireless Protection Act, Maine
Well it was decided by leadership that the minority report be presented for a final vote on the floor in Maine this past Fri. in Maine Results were...
House, 83-62 in favor of killing the bill
Senate, 20 -15 in favor of killing the bill.
In other words nothing passed. However, this is evidently a very close vote for a brand new issue that no one knew very much about except for the awareness that was raised via the hearings and local attention to the bill. The committee did write the CDC a letter asking that more info on this issue of cell phone radiation be linked to their website. Exact wording of the letter I do not have but will let you know once I do. So Maine will be the first state to mandate this from the CDC. But again, I don't have this letter yet.
The legislator who brought bill, Andrea Boland, is re-submitting it for the 2011 session. She just has to get re-elected in the interim. I would comment but being as this is a non profit, we are strictly prohibited from advocating for any political candidates.
During this time, we have been contacted by other states who see Maine as we do...a huge awareness raising event which only brought us closer to our eminent success in getting a warning label on cell phones.
We have received numerous requests to post the hearings on the website and will be doing so soon. Hopefully they will aide in your bringing this bill or others like it to your own state or country.
We are also currently moving forward with warning labels on cell phones at the federal level. A group of us will be in DC in the month of May for National Brain Tumor Awareness Week, (approx. May 4th - May 11th) lobbying Congress. There may be a language change in the bill due to our experience in Maine. I will send it out to you all once it is finalized, but ultimately it will be up to whichever legislator picks the bill up and authors it, to decide upon exact language of the bill.
Anyone who wants to help out in DC please let us know. We really could use the help even if you can't personally make it. Just you setting up meetings with your representatives for us to take while we are there would be enormously helpful. They respond to their constituents and that is what something like this is going to take. So please let us know if you can either join us in DC or if you can set up a meeting for us with your Congressman or Senator.
Thank you so much for your ongoing support. We need it now more than ever.
At the forum, consultant John Osepchuk of Full Spectrum Consulting tried to reassure residents that the electromagnetic levels were minimal and would cause ...
So liest man es in der Broschüre ?Elektrosmog: Quellen - Wirkung - Vorsorge?, die Eckhard Uhlenberg, Umweltminister von NRW, im Herbst 2009 herausgegeben ...
Oberschopfheimer protestieren gegen Mobilfunkmasten
Badische Zeitung
"In der Loh" will der Netzanbieter O 2 den zehn Meter hohen Sendemast aufstellen. Gemeinde- und Ortschaftsrat haben nach längeren Diskussionen und mehreren ...
Murnau - Der Mobilfunkanbieter O2 möchte im Murnauer Süden eine Antenne errichten. Vom geplanten Standort am Burggraben ist in anderem Zusammenhang öfters ...
Murnau - Sie sprießen wie Pilze aus dem Boden - die Mobilfunk-Antennen. ... Endgültiger Auslöser war die Installation einer Mobilfunkantenne auf einem ...
Murnau - Die neue Antenne ist ihnen ein Dorn im Auge, nicht nur der Gesundheit wegen. Die Mitglieder der Interessengemeinschaft gegen Mobilfunk fürchten ...
LTE und HSDPA+ sind im kommen - UMTS bald Vergangenheit?
Top-DSL News
Im Moment wird sogar davon ausgegangen, dass LTE die Datenübertragung per UMTS ablösen wird. Es sieht wohl aber so aus, dass die deutschen Anbieter im ...
Smart Meter Danger in apartment buildings
Martin Weatherall
23 March 2010
The Legislative Assembly of Ontario
This is my submission to members of the Standing Committee on General Government in consideration of Bill 235, Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010.
Dear Committee Members
Smart Meters that are being installed in Ontario, use strong microwave radiation signals to send information about energy use, to electricity providers. Microwave radiation has many adverse health effects at exposure levels which are a fraction of what the Federal Government says is safe. The Federal Government bases their safety levels, simply on heating effects and they completely ignore biological effects on the brain, nervous system, DNA, blood and various other areas of the body.
The smart meter systems (using microwave radiation) that are likely to be installed in apartments throughout Ontario are already obsolete and should not be considered for any future use. This is because of the health harm that may occur to persons who will be exposed to radiation from them. The danger posed by microwave radiation is well known and well researched. The adverse health effects have been known for many years. It would be irresponsible for the Ontario Government to force large numbers of the population to be exposed to microwave radiation. A comparison of the danger, may be spraying all apartments in Ontario with small amounts of dangerous poisons, irritants, harmful emissions and dangerous gasses. These poisons may not harm people in the short term, but over a long period of time they are likely to cause a large amount of significant harm to health.
It is important for the Members of the Ontario Legislature and the members of this committee, to learn about the adverse health effects of microwave radiation, before this bill is considered and before a vote on the subject. The Government must not cause further environmental and health harm to the citizens of Ontario. Many of the modern diseases which are plaguing the world today have been scientifically linked to microwave radiation and other forms of electro magnetic radiation. Signals from apartment smart meters will not simply travel from the meter to the reception point, they are likely to travel on the electrical systems that circulate around apartment buildings and may harm the tenants by re-radiating inside the apartments.
Yesterday I was visiting an apartment in Stratford where the electrical meters (previously installed when the building was new) were located in a room next to the apartment. If, all of these meters were changed to 'smart meters' emitting microwave radiation, this apartment, and others nearby, may become unliveable. All humans are sensitive to electro magnetic radiation. The tremendous increase of electro magnetic radiation, because of wireless devices, is causing many people to become more sensitive and others are becoming electro hyper-sensitive. If the Ontario Government contributes to the amount of electrical pollution, it may be very difficult for some people in Ontario to live normal lives. Electro sensitivities, made worse by the Government installing smart meters may lead to huge legal claims against the Province. If many people develop significant illnesses because of exposure to electro magnetic radiation, the Provincial health system is likely to break down. Please do not under estimate the dangers posed by this new wireless pollution.
The cost to implement smart meters to all apartment buildings around Ontario will be huge, with little likelihood of any major energy savings. In coming years, as more knowledge about the health effects of microwave radiation emerge, there is a real chance that all these new 'Smart Meters' will have to be replaced with 'safe ones' again, at a huge cost. The government should not be experimenting with the health and safety of its citizens. If you do implement a plan to put meters in apartment buildings, you must ensure there is true value to the investment and that they are safe and do not emit radio frequencies or microwave radiation.
An important place to learn about the health effects of electro magnetic radiation is the scientific information contained in the Bio Initiative Report, which can be accessed at . Another location to find out about the dangerous mixture or electricity and radiofrequency pollution is . Canadian Internet sites containing information about the health effect of EMR include - and .
Yours sincerely
Martin Weatherall
Co Director WEEP
(The Canadian Initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution)
Smart Meters
On behalf of the EMF Safety Network I have filed an application for modification on two Decisions pertaining to Smart Meters with the California Public Utilities Commission. Today I received news from the CPUC docket office that they have accepted the filing and it is posted on the CPUC website for viewing.
On the Network website you can find other new articles of interest about Smart Meters, including comments on privacy also filed with the CPUC. We now have Smart Meter opt out letters for utility customers in two California utility districts that can be sent to the CPUC.
It provides unequivocal evidence that the radiation from a cordless (DECT) phone interferes with the heart. This video provides evidence that electrohypersensitivity is real, is physical, and may be life threatening.
It also shows that non-thermal exposure, at levels well below federal guidelines in most countries (0.3% of the 1000 microW/cm2), has biological and health effects.
Please share this video with your friends, family, and doctors as they are the ones who need to know about this to better help their patients.
Dr. Magda Havas
Informant: Martin Weatherall
Cordless phones: the unspoken DECT hazard at home and at work
Die Familie, die in der Karl-Marx-Straße wohnt, musste sich dort schon einmal gegen einen Funkmast wehren. "Jetzt soll einer in der Nähe der Kita stehen, ...
Große Wellen hat der geplante zusätzliche Funkmast in Neuenbürg gestern in der Sitzung des Gemeinderats geschlagen. Dabei nutzten einige Bürger die Chance, ...
Geht es nach den Bürgerinititiaven gegen Funkmasten, dürfte es im Wiesental kein Mobilfunk geben. Nie. BZ-Redakteur Wulf Rüskamp wundert sich über den ...
Neubeuern - Ein wahres hin und her mit den Genehmigungen. Zuerst hieß es, der O2 Mast wird nicht genehmigt. Dann erteilten sie das Einvernehmen doch. ...
Kritiker warnen vor Big Brother. Die totale Überwachung verstoße gegen Menschenrechte. Smartphones wie das Apple-Handy iPhone merken, wenn man sie bewegt. ...
Apple sichert sich im Manual für das IPhone 3G gegen gesundheitliche Folgen ab:
s. S. 7 u.8:
Schutz vor HF-Energie
"Das iPhone enthält Funksender und -empfänger. Das eingeschaltete iPhone empfängt und sendet HF-Energie (Hochfrequenz) über die Antenne. Die Funkantenne des iPhone befindet sich an der Rückseite des iPhone in der Nähe des Dockanschlusses. Die Wi-Fi- und Bluetooth®-Antenne befindet sich oben an der Rückseite des iPhone. Bei der Entwicklung und Herstellung des iPhone wurde darauf geachtet, dass die Grenzwerte für Belastungen durch HF-Energie eingehalten werden, "Halten Sie stets die folgenden Anweisungen und Vorsichtsmaßnahmen ein, um eine optimale Leistung des Mobiltelefons zu gewährleisten und um sicherzustellen, dass die Einwirkungen der HF-Energie auf den Menschen die Grenzwerte der FCC-, IC-Bestimmungen und EU Richtlinien nicht überschreiten. Wenn Sie bei einem Anruf den eingebauten Telefonhörer des iPhone verwenden, halten Sie das iPhone so, dass der Dockanschluss nach unten zu Ihrer Schulter weist, um den Abstand zur Antenne zu vergrößern. Befindet sich das iPhone beim Telefonieren oder bei der drahtlosen Datenübertragung in einem Funknetz in der Nähe des Körpers, achten Sie darauf, dass das iPhone mindestens 15 mm vom Körper entfernt ist.
Verwenden Sie ausschließlich Etuis, Gürtelclips oder Halterungen, die keine Metallteile besitzen und einen Mindestabstand von 15 mm zwischen iPhone und Körper gewährleisten."
"Wenn Sie dennoch Bedenken wegen möglicher Einflüsse von HF-Energie haben, sollten Sie die Zeit einschränken, während der Sie das iPhone nutzen, da der Zeitfaktor eine Rolle dabei spielt, wie stark die Belastung einer Person durch HF-Energie ist. Achten Sie zudem darauf, einen möglichst weiten Abstand zum iPhone einzuhalten, da die Belastung mit steigender Entfernung deutlich sinkt".
Außerdem gibt es scheinbar genetisch bedingte Unterschiede, was die Empfindlichkeit für Handystrahlung angeht. Ein weiter heiss diskutiertes Thema ist die ...
Live blood testing showing the results of electrosmog
I made a short (2.5 minute) video for youtube on what I found when I looked at my blood under a microscope before and after using a computer and a mobile phone. My blood returned to "normal" after 10 minutes away from a computer. Live blood analysis may be a useful diagnostic for testing people who are electrically sensitive.
Please share this video with others who may be interested in EHS and Electrosmog (and anyone concerned about their health).
Dear Editor: for some time now I've been letting this pass but as a journalist I find it increasingly annoying the misleading PR produced by Telus employee Shawn Hall with regard to his comments on New Denver. Of course, given the formidable legal department that corporation has, I'm sure he stops just short of libel and outright lies but his skills as a corporate publicist to me are seriously in question when he can't get even basic facts correct.
For example, in the recent Globe and Mail article (March 12) on New Denver's cell phone controversy, he states: "Some who have spoken in favour of the tower have been threatened with lawsuits, which runs contrary to freedom of speech," he said. THIS IS FALSE. No individual resident of the community has been threatened with any legal action, nor has anyone's right to free speech on the pro-cell phone side been denied. Letters from both pro- and anti-cell phone sides are routinely published by independently owned local newspaper the Valley Voice and notices from both sides posted around town freely.
Further, the article notes: "Mr. Hall accused opponents of bullying people who want change." In fact, anti-cell phone protestors have been harassed AT THEIR HOMES by an angry, drunken pro-cell phone activist whose Facebook page Mr. Hall is a supporter of. This has resulted in a restraining order from a single mom with two kids who was harassed. The individual has since modified his behaviour.
As to the dubious claim that New Denver businesses are losing "thousands of dollars" due to the lack of cell phone service, there is nothing anywhere in the Globe and Mail article to substantiate this accusation. In fact, in recent ads sponsored by the BC governments Ministry of Tourism, Sport and the Arts, it features a pair of fishing buddies in a remote BC location with the caption, "Want to really get away from cell phones?" with the encouragement to grab the fishing gear and head to the nearest backcountry lake. This is precisely what our Chamber of Commerce has been marketing to visitors to the community.
Having Mr. Hall defame us in the mass media is underhanded and in fact is the real potential cause of lost revenue if visitors stay away due to a perceived backwardness in the community. However, as a destination of choice for low impact tourists?kayakers, canoeists, hikers, backcountry sports enthusiasts, etc. we are confident that it's our very pristine quality and remoteness that attracts visitors.
I am aware of such corporate tactics as standard disinformation campaign gamesmanship. However, I am certain that Telus does not want its corporate image tarnished by one of its employees who could be held to account for false or misleading statements.
Furthermore, New Denver is hardly an isolated backwater filled with hicks who "don't want to enter the 21st century." Communities across Canada and the world have chosen to take a precautionary approach to a technology whose safety is in question, including Charlottetown PEI, yet another community overruled by Industry Canada.
It would be better yet if Telus were to ask the question: What IF this technology were NOT safe for our children? What then? Are we willing to put their futures on the line for the sake of convenience?
Arthur Joyce
New Denver, BC
Brain tumors are the leading cause of cancer deaths for children in the United States
I know how busy you all are but I beg you to do this ? it will only take a minute.
Brain tumors are the leading cause of cancer deaths for children in the United States. Please read Lloyd?s comments below and today PLEASE call Elana Leventhal ((202) 225-4671), the Health Aide for Representative Frank Pallone, Chairman of the Health Subcommittee.
Please tell her you support HR653 and ask her to have Rep. Pallone schedule a hearing for HR 653 (National Childhood Brain Tumor Prevention Network Act of 2009). If you don't reach her, leave a message. Then please pass this on to your email contacts.
When we lobbied for this in DC last Sept. we were joined by a very pregnant courageous young woman who had lost her 4 year daughter to a brain tumor. We met with many legislators and she told her story over and over again and I cried each time. We were quite successful in DC with many agreeing to co-sponsor it. It has been delayed because of Health Care Reform.
Thanks so very much,
From Lloyd Morgan
Childhood brain tumors Bill
I ask that each of you to place one phone call tomorrow. Call Elana Leventhal ((202) 225-4671), the Health Aide for Representative Frank Pallone, Chairman of the Health Subcommittee. Ask her to have Rep. Pallone schedule a hearing for HR 653 and to give you a date for the hearing. If you don't reach her, leave a message.
After you have made your one phone call, get your spouse, your kids, your cousins, neighbors, friends, and anyone else to call Elana and ask that a hearing be scheduled.
If they don't know anything about this Bill just say childhood brain tumors are the leading cause of cancer death in children and this Bill mandates the first ever investigation into the causes of childhood brain tumors.
Our goal is that she receives more phone messages tomorrow than she has ever received before.
Lloyd Morgan
510 841-4262
National Childhood Brain Tumor Prevention Network Act of 2009
(Senate Bill S 305, House of Representatives Bill HR 653)
4 Forderungen: Die Bürgerinitiative fordert bei Mobilfunkmasten generell eine Sicherheitszone von 400 Metern zu Kindergärten und zu dicht besiedeltem ...
... aus Illereichen ist in Sorge: Nahe des Altenstadter Ortsteils, wo er mit seiner Familie lebt, soll ein 44 Meter hoher Sendemast errichtet werden. ...
?Wenn der Funkmast gebraucht wird, werden wir ihn kaum verhindern können.? Unter anderem hatte der Rechtsanwalt angeführt, dass durch den Funkmast das ...
Thank you for all of the information on WiFi, cell towers, and the population--especially children. After looking at this for a year and getting nowhere with my school district, I have decided to pull my two younger children out of public school. Next year the high schoolers will do dual enrollment with the school part time and an online--wired--virtual school. I thought I would forward a copy of my letter to them to you.
I am still pursuing this issue with the school district.
It is with real regret that I must inform you I will be sending my Notice of Intent to withdraw the children from Clark today or tomorrow. If everything is approved in time, this will be their last week there.
Teachers, you have been wonderful inspirations and excellent instructors for my children. I could not have hoped for better teachers and thank you for everything you have given to Natalie and Joe. I have the same regard for Ms. Jefferis, Ms. Wood, Ms. Azzarello (both of my children loved her so much), Ms. Leigh McIlwaine, Ms. Driscoll, Ms. Meads, Ms. Doctor, Ms. Ortiz, Mr. Isle, and Coach Mooney. We have never had a teacher at Clark that we didn't like. Each made a unique contribution to my children's development and to their lives. If not for the Wifi, I would definitely leave them in public school under your academic guidance.
Joseph is upset that he will miss the 5th grade activities and his friends since kindergarten; Natalie, likewise, doesn't want to leave her friends. Both have also said they will miss their teachers and school in general. As you know, I have addressed the WiFi issue from every direction that has formally been available to me, and then some. Mr. Hegarty still has not answered any of my public records requests that I made in January. He did forward one statement from Mr. Smith; but it did not answer any of my specific requests. I feel I am getting no cooperation at the school district level and the PTA is unwilling to intervene or represent me as well. I have sent numerous studies to all of you showing harm as well as letters from scientists who are experts in this field who discourage use of wifi in schools. All of this seems to have no great bearing on the situation. So I feel I have no choice other than to withdraw my children from school and home school them.
I will continue to pursue this issue with SDHC as I still have 2 children in high school who are exposed to microwave radiation and have been, unbeknownst to me until the installation at Clark, since middle school. I will continue to write to scientists and public health experts and have enclosed a response from a leading researcher in Greece, Dr. Panagopoulos. His recent study regarding fertility impairment and a meta-analysis is attached. I will also pursue this at the state level and with the Health Department. But as I continue following my conscience, at least I will have the peace of mind that my younger children are no longer exposed at school. When whole European cities have banned Wifi at schools, I know I am not alone in my thinking. The government of Germany has advised its citizens to avoid wifi and to use hard-wired computers; going still further, Frankfort has banned Wifi in schools. The Germans hardly have an anti-technology reputation; their engineering is preeminent in the world. I've sent you similar positions from other municipalities and professional organizations as well. It is just here, at SDHC, that the idea is out of sync. I can not fathom why this school added a wifi system when you already had working hard-wired computers--especially when the wifi consistently malfunctions; hence, you are exposing everyone to microwave radiation for no perceived benefit--as if any benefit could outweigh the risk when there is an alternative available and in place. It doesn't make any sense to me and I sincerely question the school district's judgment regarding all wireless technologies on school campuses.
I realize most of the academic work for the year is completed, but do have one request. If it is not too much trouble, would the teachers please give me a brief outline of the topics they will be covering until the end of the year in English, Science, Social Studies, and Math? My inquiries have led me to believe that it is too late to enroll my children in a formal homeschooling program at this time and I do not want my children to get behind. I was advised to review skills, read, go to museums and libraries, etc. Any other advice you have for me would be greatly appreciated.
PROTESTERS are campaigning against plans to put a mobile phone mast close to a primary school. The proposals for the 45ft mast near to Pear Tree Primary ...
A mobile phone mast can now be put up in Headford despite large scale opposition. Hutchinson 3G has been granted permission to build a 25 metre antenna ...
The mast is situated at the top of a car park at The Royal Toby Hotel, ... The offenders forced open the doors to the mobile phone unit and started a fire. ...
A mobile phone mast will be built on land next to a popular park after planners backed the development. Rochdale Council has agreed to allow a 20 metre high ...
BI gegen Mobilfunk im Wiesental schlägt angesichts der von ihr ermittelten Belastung Alarm / Dienstag Infoveranstaltung. Antennen-Wildwuchs: Die Zahl der ...
Wie andere Gemeinden mit der aktuellen Funkmastproblematik umgehen und wie die IG nach der wahrscheinlichen Genehmigung des Funkmastes ihre Aktivitäten ...
The PROTEST of T-Mobile 6 antenna cell tower at Taper Ave and Westmont in San Pedro. This cell tower is only 40ft away from Taper Ave School. The PROTEST against T-Mobile on Sunday 11-22-09 went very well! We had 110 people by 12 noon. Mrs. Vladovic was there along with staff from Dr. Vladovic's office as well as the presidents of the Homeowners Associations and the Northwest Neighborhood Council. Lots of parents and quite a few seniors. We had previously notified the Harbor LAPD watch commander and even they, (squad cars), cruised by and good-naturedly showed their support. Reporters from Channel 5 News and the LA Times were there, as well as a reporter from an Orange County newspaper. We had LOTS of support from cars passing by honking their horns.
Verlagerung der Mobilfunksendeanlage in unbewohnte Teile Heinebachs, ... Keine Mobilfunksendeanlagen in Wohngebieten der Gemeinde Alheim, da zu erwarten sei ...
This information about 'dirty' electricity affecting diabetes is very important.
Please pass the information on to diabetics, doctors, nurses, hospital boards and local health authorities.
Martin Weatherall
Diabetes and electrosmog
I made a short youtube video (7 min.) on diabetes and electrosmog (dirty electricity), based on the paper that I wrote for Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 2008 (see abstract below).
Please pass this on to those who are diabetic or to doctors who are treating diabetics.
Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 27: 135?146, 2008
Copyright C Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
ISSN 1536-8378 print/1536-8386 online
DOI: 10.1080/15368370802072075
Dirty Electricity Elevates Blood Sugar Among Electrically Sensitive Diabetics and May Explain Brittle Diabetes
Transient electromagnetic fields (dirty electricity), in the kilohertz range on electrical wiring, may be contributing to elevated blood sugar levels among diabetics and prediabetics. By closely following plasma glucose levels in four Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics, we find that they responded directly to the amount of dirty electricity in their environment. In an electromagnetically clean environment, Type 1 diabetics require less insulin and Type 2 diabetics have lower levels of plasma glucose. Dirty electricity, generated by electronic equipment and wireless devices, is ubiquitous in the environment. Exercise on a treadmill, which produces dirty electricity, increases plasma glucose. These findings may explain why brittle diabetics have difficulty regulating blood sugar. Based on estimates of people who suffer from symptoms of electrical hypersensitivity (3?35%), as many as 5?60 million diabetics worldwide may be affected. Exposure to electromagnetic pollution in its various forms may account for higher plasma glucose levels and may contribute to the misdiagnosis of diabetes. Reducing exposure to electromagnetic pollution by avoidance or with specially designed GS filters may enable some diabetics to better regulate their blood sugar with less medication and borderline or pre-diabetics to remain non diabetic longer.
Keywords Radio frequency; Transients; Dirty electricity; Power quality; Plasma glucose; Blood sugar; Insulin; GS filters; Electrohypersensitivity; Brittle diabetes; Type 3 diabetes; Type 2 diabetes; Type 1 diabetes.
This article linked below, is an interesting time waster and potential killer, from the World Health Organization.
They admit that the cause of most childhood cancer is 75% to 90% unknown yet fail to mention the cancer suffered by children living near to cell phone antennas and those going to school near to antennas.
Even though the health effects of microwave radiation are well known, extremely serious and numerous, there is no advice for children to avoid microwave radiation exposure.
How can a world organization, meant to protect us, be so incompetent?
Dießen Zwischenbilanz der Initiative Funkmast: In einer Pressemitteilung schreiben die Initiatoren, dass sich ein ?voller Erfolg? abzeichne: Es seien ...
In nur zwei Tagen war der neue Funkmast in Kyritz ausgewachsen
Märkische Allgemeine
In echt gibt es so etwas natürlich nicht, wenngleich die Montage des neuen Funkmastes aus Spann-Schleuderbeton, innen hohl, nach einem ähnlichen Prinzip ...
Robert Riedlinger
British Columbia Canada
EMR Environmentalist
In 1997 after he became ill, he and his wife were not able to live in their home. Robert became involved in the world wide debate about microwave radiation. On a number of occasions he stepped forward to help schools, city halls and other groups around the world know what was taking place in Canada and the province of BC. As the world continues to debate this issue and health declines, this man is one of the first of the few Canadians that put many years into this - so others would not have to experience the same outcome. Generations to come may look back and ask how would things have changed if only Industry Canada and Health Canada had of taken these observations seriously. Other nations have considerably better radiation standards, in turn much less exposure then Canada carelessly sets forth as "safe".
Note: Robert Riedlinger is still active and helping others with EMF / EMR issues.
Antennas: Harrison Hot Springs
Letter to the Montgomery County Gazette
I wrote the following letter in response to an article in the Montgomery County Gazette. As I have yet to have a letter to any newspaper published I have taken to copying my letters to key people in the government and the people who would be impacted by the cell tower.
So far I have had six of these people thank me and two ask me to never send them another email. One of the thank you's came yesterday from one of our state Senators.
Principal Goodwin at Walt Whitman High School is wise to end his part of collaborating with T-Mobile to place a cell tower on school property. Numerous studies have shown that the radio frequency (EMf/RF) exposure at the levels found near cell towers harms humans. This has been established since the 1950s when Russia beamed EMF/RF at our embassy in Moscow.
Children, with their longer life time cumulative exposure potential are more at risk than adults, however the teachers and and other staff would have faced a longer duration of RF exposure. The unchecked proliferation of wireless communications antennas should be halted until our government determines a safe cumulative RF exposure for the non thermal biological effects.
Dr. George Carlo has an article in the recent issue of American Trial Lawyer. Dr. Carlo brings up these points:
There are violations of propriety, ethics and law encompassed within the insidious partnership between the government and the wireless industry that facilitate the collateral damage and possibly infringe on constitutional rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Relevant questions include:
? Is it trespass when wireless signals from base station antennas land on or cross a homeowner?s property without permission?
? Is it assault when a tower is constructed in a community causing citizens to fear for their safety?
? Does it constitute battery when a person develops electro-hypersensitivity and cannot live in their home because of the construction of a nearby base station tower?
? Are there infringements on regulatory policing powers as derived from the constitutional Commerce Clause expected by consumers to be protective?
? Is it criminal or fraudulent inducement to force consumers to sign long-term service contracts that in effect force ongoing exposure to dangerous radiation?
? Are packages that contain wireless devices with misleading data about safety violations of ?truth in advertising? statutes?
? Is it assault and battery to require students to sit in classrooms in schools outfitted with WiFi where parents voice objections?
The article also has this section on the Moscow Embassy incident:
Since the Cold War, the U.S. government has known that microwaves are genetically hazardous. Beginning in 1953 and continuing intermittently for about three decades, the Russian Soviets used microwaves to covertly attack the U.S. embassy staff in Moscow, Russia. The ongoing irradiation campaign affected about 1,800 employees and 3,000 dependents housed at the embassy during this period. The Russians targeted the U.S. embassy with 2.4 to 4.1 gigahertz, a range within the same realm of frequencies blasting from America?s wireless cell phones, in-house cordless phones, wireless computers, WiFi systems and cell towers. In the mid 1970s, a Johns Hopkins medical team under direction of Dr. Abraham Lilienfield was commissioned by the U.S. State Department to study the health effects of the Moscow irradiation on our embassy staffers.
The draft report documented numerous symptoms of radiation poisoning, including immune system disorders, high white blood cell counts, chronic fatigue, blurred vision, cataracts and muscle aches. Information on cancer was deliberately withheld from the Lilienfield team, but it was later reported that cancer incidence among embassy staff was four times normal? reproductive problems among the irradiated Moscow personnel included abnormal red and white blood cells, above average chromosomal aberrations, higher than normal rates of miscarriage plus pregnancy complications.
Embassy staff with blood abnormalities were advised not to conceive children until six months after their somatic levels had returned to normal in a non-irradiated environment. It should also be noted that then U.S. State Department chief medical officer Herbert Pollack sanitized the conclusions of the Lilienfield report.
The final report falsely concluded that no important health effects were associated with the embassy microwave exposure.
Amy Worthington
The Idaho Observer
We should not be collateral damage. No child, not one person, should be harmed by the EMF/RF emitted by our wireless infrastructure. Our nation can move to safer technologies, such as fiber optics. We do have a choice.
I suggest you watch the new documentary film on the health effects of cell towers, Full Signal. Director Talal Jabari talks to scientists around the world who are researching the health effects related to cellular technology; to activists who are fighting to regulate the placement of antennas; and to lawyers and law makers who represent the people wanting those antennas regulated. Filmed in Ten countries and Six US states, Full Signal examines the dilemma between health and finance, one of the challenges in the fight to regulate antenna placement.
Full Signal will screen as part of the D.C. Environmental Film Festival on March 19th and 25th. There will be question and answer segments after the screenings with the director, former CBS news associate producer, 60 Minutes field producer, and Al Jezeera documentary-channel producer, as well as guests.
Found a CBS report on this tower fight - I contacted Robert Hymes in Loudonville two days ago and have sent him several of documents and references to studies.
These folks and others need all the help they can get. I encourage others who have experience and documents to contact and support those involved in these fights as they are almost always starting from zero.
... wollen herausfinden, ob die Bewohner in Mastbruch gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigungen durch einen dort gebauten Mobilfunkmasten befürchten müssen. ...
Das ist der umstrittene Mobilfunkmast. Die Bürgerinitiative (BI) »Gegenwelle« hat - wie mehrfach berichtet - eine bis zu 500 000 Euro teure Untersuchung ...
An Funkmast in Oberschopfheim ist nicht zu rütteln
Badische Zeitung
Sind die Strahlen von Funkmasten gefährlich? Diese Frage hat auch Friesenheims Bürgermeister Armin Roesner am Montag Abend in der Sitzung des Gemeinderates ...
Der letzte Rechtsstreit um den Bau eines Mobilfunkmastes am Wieterturm ist vom Tisch. Wie das Verwaltungsgericht Göttingen mitteilte, hat Vodafone die Klage ...
Die Northeimer Bürgerinitiative (BI) gegen den Mobilfunkmast auf dem Wieter löst sich auf. Nachdem das Ziel erreicht ist, den vom Mobilfunkanbieter Vodafone ...
Die Frage, ob der Mobilfunkmasten im Gewann ?Hörnle? nun gebaut wird oder nicht, geht in die heiße Phase. Auch der nun eingereichte Bauantrag beinhaltete ...
Ein Zeichen zu setzen ? darum ging es dem Rosenfelder Gemeinderat, als er dem Bauantrag des Handynetzbetreibers O2 für einen Funkmast auf dem Täbinger ...
In seinem neuesten Beitrag MOBILFUNK: SPÄTE LEHREN AUS FRÜHEN WARNUNGEN? setzt sich der österreichische Menschenrechtsexperte Eduard Christian Schöpfer nicht nur kritisch mit dem Grundsatzurteil...
FAMILIES are calling on council chiefs to try to rectify a planning blunder which gave the green light for a mobile phone mast to be built outside their ...
... with us so we can get a country-wide movement going to stop the phone masts. ... and that of our children to be more important than mobile broadband. ...
Des Weiteren wurde angefragt, ob der Funkmast bereits im Technischen Ausschuss beraten oder in einer Ortschaftsratssitzung ohne Bürger diskutiert worden sei ...
... Sprecherin der »Bürgerinitiative Mobilfunksendeanlage« und Ortschaftsrätin. Für O2 stehe nur die Grundversorgung der Netzstruktur im Vordergrund. ...
Ortsbürgermeister zu Funkmast: "Gerichtsentscheidung verhöhnt Anwohner"
Angerstein. Die zweite Kammer des Verwaltungsgerichts Göttingen hat den Eilantrag zweier Anwohner am Mobilfunkmast Angerstein "Im hohen Felde" abgelehnt. ...
Eine Kehrtwende hat der Bad Rippoldsauer Gemeinderat vollzogen: Der Bauantrag für den Sendemast auf dem Roßhard, dem das Gremium vor wenigen Wochen ...
In einem Positionspapier fordert die Initiative unter anderem: ?Kein Funkmast auf dem Alersberg? ? ?gezielte Auswahl alternativer Standorte für Funkmasten ...
... Wohin mit dem BOS-Funkturm? Diese Frage sorgt weiter für Zoff. Nach massivem Protest aus Alersberg plädieren die Bürger nun für einen Standort im Wald. ...
People will say 'Why weren't we protected?': Lakehead president.
Posted By Nathan Taylor
Federal guidelines for the use of wireless technology are dangerously outdated and should be more in line with emerging research, experts say.
And some Simcoe County parents, who say their kids have experienced adverse health effects as a result of wireless Internet (Wi-Fi) in their schools, agree.
Rodney Palmer, who has two children, four and nine years old, at Mountain View Elementary School in Collingwood, recently made a presentation to the Simcoe County District School Board. He informed the board that some students were experiencing headaches, dizziness, distorted vision and other symptoms that otherwise weren't usually a problem with the children.
Palmer's four-year-old daughter would get a rash on her leg ? something that would happen only at school, he said.
"It's really the long-term effects that I'm worried about. Introducing a four-year-old to microwave radiation for six hours a day when it's not being used is profoundly unnecessary," he said, noting the majority of the school's eight transmitters were left on when they were not needed.
The long-term effects are what worry researchers, too.
The longer people are exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMFs), the more sensitive they become to them, and the symptoms become more severe, said Magda Havas, an associate professor at Trent University who has been conducting electromagnetic research for 20 years.
She cited a study out of the University of Stockholm in Sweden, where human cells were exposed to radiation at frequencies of both 915 and 1,900 megahertz (MHz). The ability of a cell to heal itself was shown to be impaired when exposed to either frequency.
Havas was involved with a 2008 blind study in Colorado that tested the effects of EMFs on 25 adults. Researchers used cordless phones with a frequency of 2.4 gigahertz (GHz), which is used in schools, Havas noted. When the phones were turned on, six people's hearts "started behaving erratically," she said, adding their heart activity normalized after the phones were shut off.
What's alarming to Havas is that 2.4 GHz is a microwave frequency.
"What we're using for Wi-Fi in schools is basically a weaker microwave," she said. "With a microwave oven, you close the door and the microwaves are contained within the oven, whereas, with our schools, the microwaves are released into the environment. The school becomes the microwave."
Der unsichtbare Haken daran: Elektrosmog. Über dessen krank machende Nebenwirkungen wird seit Jahren gestritten. Tatsache ist aber, dass inzwischen viele ...
Alle von uns untersuchten DECT-Telefone strahlen weiter fröhlich vor sich hin. » Artikel lesen Zu Weihnachten bekam ich die Digitalkamera Nikon Coolpix 3200 ...
In der vergangenen Woche wurde bekannt, dass O2 bei der Stadt den Bauantrag gestellt hat, den Sendemast auf 21 Meter zu erhöhen. Dr. August Wielath konnte ...
Lengdorf - Die Gemeinde wird die Kläranlage nicht als Standort für einen Handymasten zur Verfügung stellen. Eine entsprechende Anfrage der Abel Mobilfunk ...
Ein Handymasten, der mitten in Hornstein errichtet werden soll, sorgt für Aufregung. Bürgermeister Herbert Worschitz (SPÖ) und der Gemeinderat sind ...
A bill to regulate the erection of mobile phone masts is to be laid before Parliament soon. The document, put together by a technical committee comprising ...
Was viele umtreibt, ist immer noch und schon wieder der geplante Funkmast von E-Plus. Das Verwaltungsgericht Frankfurt (Oder) hat die Eilrechtsschutzklage ...
Öhningen - Das Thema Mobilfunk dominierte die Gemeinderatssitzung in Öhningen am Montagabend. So viel Interesse seitens der Bürger an einer Sitzung ist ...
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig s disease) is caused by electric currents applied to or induced in the body: It is an iatrogenic disease of athletes caused by use of electrotherapy devices.
There have been whispers about a link between cell phone use and brain cancer for decades. But while the state of Maine and the city of San Francisco consider requiring a warning label on cellular phones, the FCC and the mobile phone industry say there?s nothing to worry about.
Today we?ll talk to experts on both sides of this divide and try to figure out just what the available data means.
Is your cell phone a danger to you and those around you? What about cell towers and wi-fi? What about the FM radio you?re listening to right now? Olle Johansson (from around minute 21:30) and Blake Levitt (39:50).
I just read Brian Stelter's article "F.C.C. Says Adoption of New Broadband Plan Is Vital" (March 16, 2010)
Fibre optics provide a much better solution than wireless broadband for internet access. Fibre optic networks are faster, more secure, have less interference, can handle large traffic flow, and do not emit radio frequency radiation that seems to be making some people ill. In the short-term fibre optics are more expensive but in the long-term they provide a much less expensive and more reliable service. Fibre optics can be used in most communities and are especially cost-effective in densely populated areas. With fibre optics, wireless access could be limited to essential emergency services (fire fighters and police) and perhaps used in areas where wired infrastructure is technically inappropriate. This would reduce our exposure to electromagnetic frequencies and it would limit the number of licenses required leaving these frequencies available for radio and television broadcast.
Dr. Magda Havas
Environmental & Resource Studies,
Trent University, Peterborough, ON, K9J 7B8, Canada
705 748-1011 ext 7882 (work)
304 Woordward Ave,
Peterborough, ON, Canada
705 743-0081 (home)
Informant: Martin Weatherall
Neighbors wonder whether installation will be 'dirty' power
West Linn Tidings
By Kara Hansen
Samuel Milham, who specializes in the public health risks of electromagnetic fields, gave a presentation to concerned neighbors on March 7. ...
... Bodensee-Oberschwaben? im Naturschutzbund Deutschland stellt den Dachstuhl der Franziskanerkirche als Standort für eine Mobilfunkantenne in Frage. ...
Öhningen (pes) Hausbesitzer Erwin Zimmermann ist über den Widerstand gegen die Aufrüstung des Mobilfunkmastes auf seinem Haus in Öhningen überrascht. ...
Die Anwohner wollen wissen, warum es keine Bürgeranhörung gegeben hat, sondern der Sendemast plötzlich stand. Der fast 30 Meter hohe Stahlgittermast sorgt ...
Until the industry proves them safe (don?t hold your breathe) the public deserves to be informed of the science and the dangers. The manuals tell us in tiny print not to hold them to our head or bodies. But the industry V.P. at the Maine hearing could not answer why- told the committee he ?would get back to them? on that! Not to mention he was told by Maine?s attorney general that he was wrong on preemption. And do they really have liability insurance? It is certainly not ?junk science?. The experts that testified were top-notch.
Thanks for interviewing me and thanks for the good report!
Druze: 'Death to Jews' over cell phone antenna
Druze rioters from Galilee town of Kisra set antenna alight, throw stones, call abusive slogans. Har Halutz residents 'disappointed' by Druze behavior...
Der Mobilfunkbetreiber O2 prüft einen neuen Standort für ihren umstrittenen Funkmasten in Aach-Linz. Auf diesen Vorschlag einigte sich der "Runde Tisch". ...
Gegen die Errichtung des Funkmastes, der einen bestehenden kleineren Mast ersetzen soll, läuft bereits ein Eilverfahren beim Verwaltungsgericht Göttingen. ...
Mr. Speaker, pursuant to Standing Order 36, I am presenting today a petition signed by one thousand Quebeckers calling for changes to public safety standards by limiting the public's exposure to microwaves.
The petitioners asked me to bring this matter to the attention of the Standing Committee on Health. I intend to ask the members of that committee to consider studying the impact of microwaves on human health at a future meeting.
The article "What you should know about cellphone and brain tumors" by Christiane Tourtet B.A. has been published in the American Chronicle and its 21 affiliates magazines.
Everyone using a cell phone should read it and take the necessary precautions, especially if they are children in the household.
Many people use a smart phone as a working tool, they carry it with them all day long and use it to send and receive lots of emails and SMS.
When you carry your smart phone and you use it to receive and send emails you are exposed to a lot of electromagnetic radiation during the day.
This video will show you the levels or radiation emitted from the smart phone when a single email is received.
Thanks for watching.
Please rate, comment and share with others.
No Rad
----- Original Message -----
Blackberries are the worst. When the email sync function (push) is on the device sync the mailbox every 1 minute for 12 seconds. This means that if you hold/carry/ware the blackberry for 6 hours a day you are exposed to 1 hour of EMR without even talking on it. In addition the levels of EMR blackberries emit is relativly high (~1.4 SAR). No Rad
I bought the Blackberry Torch yesterday which comes with a small safety and product information guide. The font is actually larger than the iphone guide. Also, on page 4 when it gives the spiel about when wearing the device close to your body keep a distance of at least .98 in. or it may cause your device to exceed rf exposure standards, it also states: THE LONG TERM EFFECTS OF EXCEEDING RF EXPOSURE STANDARDS MIGHT PRESENT A RISK OF SERIOUS HARM.
Page 23: Use in areas when there is a strong signal....... A reduced signal might indicate increased power output. ...Use hands- free if available and keep the Blackberry at least .98 in. from your body IINCLUDING THE ABDOMEN OF PREGNANT WOMEN AND THE LOWER ABDOMEN OF TEENAGERS!!! More to come as it has many pages on SAR but how interesting is this? And CTIA denies/ignores/spins all of this? Although Snowden repeated how many times "I am not telling you they are safe"? I think my son added that to top of today. "Let me be very clear, the industry has not said once, not once, that cell phones are safe". Quote from CTIA on Sept. 20, 2010. In all fairness he was saying it is the governing agencies that claim they are safe. Let's not go there! The FCC actually changed the website the day of the Burlingame meeting. It had stated as a precaution one should buy a lower sar phone (seen on Sept. 19). On Sept. 20 that was gone! What a coincidence! Also, for those of you that watched the Burlingame hearing, the Maine legislator spoke to Senator Brannigan and Representative Stuckey yesterday and NO ONE from the CTIA (including Mr. Snowden) ever got back to them about the language in the user guides as Mr. Snowden claimed he did. Please share with others. People need to know.
Note: After an EMF article written in the Wire Report, the reporter received some criticism. Here is the reporter's assessment of the situation and then there is a reply to him.
The Wire Report
As a journalist with daily deadlines I hope you can appreciate that I always don't have the time to give more complex stories, like this one, the full research they sometimes deserve. At the end of the day, I need to have something published because we are a small publication and have subscribers who count on daily content.
The impetus for this particular story was the decision by the Bloc Québécois to look into forming a sub-committee to explore the health risks associated with RF signals. That is what I tried to focus on. As I'm sure you know, SEMO and the Bloc have counted on the Bioinitiative Report to support their claims that RF signals are indeed harmful.
When I spoke with Dr. Daniel Krewski, possibly the top researcher in Canada on the potential cancer risks associated with cell phones, he told me that he had never heard of the report. If you were in my shoes, this would surely raise a few questions and probably a little skepticism.
So I wrote my story to the best of my abilities with the information I had at the time.
What I found, at least, was that most authoritative research had not found any concrete links between cell phone use and cancer. If you read the article again, however, I'm sure you'll notice that I also said that research on the long-term effects of cell phone use and the health risks associated with children has been rather slim and inconclusive to date. I don't think I gave the telecom industry a free ride, but you may disagree.
If you want to send some more research my way it would be appreciated. Depending on how this sub-committee goes I'm sure there could be some good opportunities for a follow-up.
By the way, we are actually independent.The Wire Report is owned by The Hill Times Publishing, a respected independent publisher that also publishes The Hill Times newspaper and Embassy.
I have no ties to the telecom or broadcasting industries, apart from the fact that I cover them on a daily basis.
Dear Mr. -------------,
I must admit with embarassment that I copied you by accident with me initial email. I thank you very much for the courtesy you extended by explaining your situation. I appreciate it greatly. If I could make one suggestion in response to your statement that you must write something because your readers expect content, it would be that it might be preferable to write nothing than to write something that is misleading. I hope to give you further information that, I also hope, you might provide to your readers as a follow-up.
Please allow me first to present some additional research for you to consider, as requested. Attached is a petition I submitted to the Auditor General of Canada. In it you will find many studies which show that damage is caused by RF radiation as well as evidence to support my assertion that Dr. Krewski and members of Health Canada are associated with the telecommunication industry. If you wish to see the responses,which in no way question my assertions but, to the contrary confirm them, just google my petition (#255 and #255b). Should you have difficulty finding them I would be happy to send them to you.
There are no doubt many who would dispute your consideration of Dr. Krewski as one of Canada's top, if not the top, researcher into cellphones. He has been involved with the Interphone Study, the results of which are dubious due to its funding by the industry. Other countries (there were 13 involved in the endeavour) have reached conclusions that differ widely, and the report has been delayed due to the pressure being brought to bear by the industry.
I must admit amazement with Dr. Krewski's statement that he has never heard of the BioInitiative Report. This is a compilation of 2000 peer-reviewed studies done by independent, credible scientists from around the world over a number of years. Many have considered it to be a vital addition to the discussion of RF exposure. What makes his statement even more confusing is that the BioInitiative Group has corresponded with Dr. Krewski, urging him and his colleagues to produce their research because people are being harmed during the delay of several years. Pls. see the link: . Also there are numerous articles in various newspapers and journals citing both the Interphone Group (Dr. Krewski) and the BioInitiative Group. One example: Perhaps Dr. Krewski's memory has been affected by his cellphone usage! (joke?) Or perhaps it's just one more example of Dr. Krewski not being entirely forthcoming.
If my conclusion that yours was an industry newsletter is incorrect, please forgive me. The title "The Wired Report" and the information in the article may have mislead me. We who are fighting to get the standards for exposure to RF in Canada to the same level as most of the major countries of the world have become cynical due to lack of media and government support which is resulting in RF becoming the 21st century cigarette.
And last, but not least, there are many across Canada who are most grateful to the Bloc Quebecois for taking this stance and for bringing this important issue to Parliament's attention. Hopefully others will lend their support so that real change can be brought to Health Canada.
Should you wish additional information or substantiation of any of my comments, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Nanotechnologie ? (k)ein Risiko? Über Betrug in der Wissenschaft und Alltagsgifte. Wie gelangen Supergifte in den Mund? Und vor allem. ... Amalgamfüllungen wirken wie Empfangs-Antennen für elektromagnetische Strahlung (Mobilfunk!) und verstärken die Strahlung, den Elektrosmog. Außerdem tritt vermehrt Quecksilberdampf aus dem Amalgam aus, wenn der Amalgam-Träger mit dem Handy telefoniert! Dies ist auch bei Computerbildschirm-Strahlung der Fall. ...
POLICE were called after residents staged a protest over work on a mobile phone mast at the centre of a planning wrangle. Officers were requested by workers ...
Bald könnte ihm jedoch ein knapp 44 Meter hoher Sendemast Konkurrenz machen, der auf einer Anhöhe zwischen Illereichen und Untereichen errichtet werden soll ...
Rund 2.100 Bürger können entscheiden, ob an der Kirschenallee auf dem Ziegelberg ein Sendemast errichtet werden soll. Im letzten halben Jahr war die ...
Die Mobilfunkmast-Gegner hätten alle demokratischen Mittel ausgeschöpft, sagt Christian Mayer. Nun stünden ihnen nur noch individuelle Maßnahmen zur ...
A Mirror survey of 2008 had measured electromagnetic radiation (EMR) levels emitted by cell towers in the city (see box). The results had shown alarming ...
Centre plans radiation limit for cellphone towers, city activists say not tight enough
Radiation exposure limit is the maximum permissible density of electromagnetic radiation from a tower base station. TRAI, along with other central agencies, ...
Neben der Mobilfunkantenne befinden sich auch eine X-DSL-Antenne und eine Satellitenschüssel auf dem Zollhaus. Zur Legalisierung also müsste der Gemeinderat ...
In June, months after meeting President Barack Obama, Tanea died of a malignant brain tumor. She was 12. Just days before, Aaliyah told her mother that her ...
Canadian who worked with cell phones for a living began to have a burning sensation when using the phones. It became so serious with her own phone, that her skin developed a rash or burn. She believes that the phone exceeded Safety Standards, which was indeed the case when the phone was tested.
This email is going to be a little long. I apologize in advance. I wanted to give you an update on Maine. It's not over yet, but here is what's happened thus far...
We BLEW THEM AWAY at the hearings in testimony on the science and with Mainers speaking out. We had absolutely top drawer scientists from around the country and world. However, it all in the end boiled down to the politics as opposed to the science. What a shocker.
Here is what we were up against in Maine...The CDC director of Maine, Dr. Dora Mills, is the sister of the Senator who sits on the HHS committee (where hearings were) and who also happens to be running for governor of Maine this year. The other sibling in this family is in a top position at the federal level of the CDC, and their take on cell phones is that of the FDA and FCC...NO PROBLEM, END OF STORY.
The vote of the committee was 8 to 6. 8 to kill the bill for warning label (their words), but to have Maine post on their CDC website links to info on this subject from the federal websites on ways the public can reduce RF exposure. The 6 votes (called the minority report) was to have CDC website links for Maine on ways the public can reduce RF exposure, request for research at the federal level and a request for CTIA to voluntarily get more info out to the public on cell phones and health effects and how to reduce exposure to RF. There will be a final vote for the full legislative body next week on everything. But the legislator, Andrea Boland is quick to point out in either case, both the majority report and the minority report means Maine will be the first state in the US to vote to inform the public on how to reduce RF exposure. Sadly, there will not be a brain cancer warning label on cell phones in Maine this year. Andrea wants to come back with the bill again next year and we will of course be working with her to help in any way we can. In the meantime, we are still working with other states who have expressed interest, as well as hearings on this at the federal level. It took Henry Waxman 10 years to pass the Clean Air Act. We don't expect it to take that long with this bill, but we also are not surprised that it did not pass this first time around. Had we had a SAR bill, things might be different. SAR of course sings the song of the industry fallacy that below 1.6 w/kg is protective of human health because after all, only heat from RF is what causes damage. But we are not playing that game, as we full well know that heat is not what causes the damage of tissue from cell phones and damage occurs at thousands of levels lower than SAR "safety" limits set for cell phones. There is currently a SAR bill in CA that will be going to vote this year. This bill is not nearly as threatening to industry as a brain cancer warning label, as it sings industry's song on SAR and we expect it to pass without a problem. One good thing that happened with this bill is it will be including headsets and after much lobbying, phone calls and an actual meeting with the legislator, he has added advice in the bill that children should not use cell phones.
I have enclosed some national news coverage if you'd like to see it, although I must warn you, it is my opinion that they bow to sponsorship pressure and slant the story in favor of industry by not reporting the actual outcome of the vote to change the bill to mandate informing the public on advisories on how to reduce RF exposure.
We will have more news later on the final outcome of the vote next week.
I would like to thank all of you on this list who testified at the hearings, who donated generously to make the expert witness testimony possible at the hearings, and to everyone who wrote an email or called the legislators in Maine. Your efforts have not been for nothing. We have made a small stride here with Maine voting that the public be officially informed of how to protect themselves from RF exposure on the Maine CDC website. It seems like nothing, but it is the first action in the history of the US that any state has officially taken on this subject. We consider it a small victory, with a long ways to go on this issue. More and heavier decisions on this issue will transpire in the near future in the US and worldwide. Our only wish is that it happen now, before the body count and lawsuits of the future forces it to happen. I am confident we will prevail.
I will keep you apprised of the final outcome in Maine after the vote goes to the floor. Thank you again for your support on this. We needed it in Maine and will continue to in the future on this bill and others like it as we move towards transparency and protection of this upcoming major public health pandemic, should things just remain status quo.
If you would like to contact the producers of CBS and express your support for a warning label on cell phones, or your disappointment that they did not accurately report on what was decided in both the minority and majority report, which was to take some action, and that there was a small victory even if it was not a warning label, you can send the an email to
(sda) 30 Zentimeter Abstand von der Energiesparlampe: Das empfehlen die Bundesämter für Gesundheit (BAG) und Energie (BfE) zum Schutz vor Elektrosmog. ...
Die Birkacher Mobilfunk-Initiative hat bislang knapp 700 Protestunterschriften gegen den Mobilfunkstandort von E-Plus auf dem Hotel Birke gesammelt. ...
Remember Swindon - May 2003. The Swindon Council was late in notifying One2One (now T- Mobile) of its decision to refuse an application for prior approval - approval was thus deemed. Several householders complained to the Local Government Ombudsman who found the Council guilty of maladministration. He recommended an independent valuation of each property with and without the mast and that the difference in each case should be paid in compensation. This result was that the Council paid out almost £120,000.
David Baron
Mast slashed home value by 25%
This is London/Evening Standard
9 June 2003
Melanie Hall and her husband won thousands of pounds in compensation for the decrease in the value of their home after a mobile phone mast was put up nearby. The couple, who have two children, brought a complaint against the mobile phone company, saying the 20ft mast had reduced the value of their house by up to 25 per cent. One2One - now called T-Mobile - was forced to award a total of £117,000 to seven households in the area in a landmark ruling...
Im Klartext: Hätte der Gemeinderat diesem Wunsch entsprochen, hätte innerorts vorerst baulich nichts verändert werden dürfen ? die geplante Mobilfunkantenne ...
Cell Phone Use and Salivary...