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Die Suche nach »World Health Organization« hat 151 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 1 bis 10.
Do you really want a cell tower as your neighbor?
Mountain Democrat The World Health Organization s International Association for Research on Cancer has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF or wireless) as a carcinogen, in the same category... ...
Starmail - 6. Feb, 06:38
Re-Evaluating The Impact Of Mobile Towers: A Legal Perspective
Mondaq News Alerts (registration) Moreover, World Health Organization has classified the radio frequency electromagnetic radiations emitted from wireless phones under a 2-B... http://www.mondaq. com/india/x/594134/Telecom munications+Mobile+Cable+C ommunications/Reevaluating +the+Impact+of+Mobile+Towe rs+A+Legal+Perspective -- ------... ...
Starmail - 17. Mai, 10:06
EMF-Omega-News 18. February 2017
Study on Cell Phone, EMF Dangers Ignored http://www.buerger welle.de:8080/helma/twoday /bwnews/stories/7820/ The World Health Organization (WHO) exposed for causing Worldwide Harm http://www.buergerwel le.de:8080/helma/twoday/bw news/stories/7817/ VOTE.. . ...
Starmail - 18. Feb, 08:40
The World Health Organization (WHO) exposed for causing Worldwide Harm
https://groups.google.com/ forum/?hl=de#!topic/omegan ews/FpkHdMnVhww More about the theme: http://www.buerger welle.de:8080/helma/twoday /bwnews/search?q=harm http ://omega.twoday.net/search ?q=harm http://www.buerger welle.de:8080/helma/twoday /bwnews/search?q=World+Hea lth+Organi http://omega.tw oday.net/search?q=World+He alth+Organi ...
Starmail - 13. Feb, 08:07
Worcester school officials weigh risks of Wi-Fi signals
Worcester Telegram In both cases, the move to explore the murky territory of electromagnetic radiation originated with local residents who have become passionate... http://www. telegram.com/news/20161210 /worcester-school-official s-weigh-risks-of-wi-fi-sig nals -------- Worcester, ... ...
Starmail - 13. Dez, 22:14
Electromagnetic frequency standards unsatisfactory
Cowichan Valley Citizen Untold millions suffer from EMF sensitivity, including Gro Harlem Brundtland, former director general of the World Health Organization. There is plenty... http://www.cowi chanvalleycitizen.com/opin ion/394195381.html Only. .. ...
Starmail - 26. Nov, 21:52
Cell phone radiation linked to more than brain cancer
Food Consumer Radio frequency electromagnetic radiation emitted from devices like cell phones was recognized in 2011 by World Health Organization s Internaiton... http://www .foodconsumer.org/newsite/ Non-food/Lifestyle/cell_ph one_radiation_brain_cancer _0907161047.html More.. . ...
Starmail - 7. Sep, 22:37
EMF-Omega-News 14. May 2016
Children are not at higher risk from mobile phones? http://www.buerger welle.de:8080/helma/twoday /bwnews/stories/7355/ No link between mobile phone use and brain cancer: good epidemiology or spin? http://www.buergerwe lle.de:8080/helma/twoday/b wnews/stories/7349/ How.. . ...
Starmail - 14. Mai, 08:42
How the World Health Organization s cancer agency confuses consumers
https://groups.google.com/ forum/?hl=de#!topic/omegan ews/-A5mVD_ujE8 More about the theme: http://www.buerger welle.de:8080/helma/twoday /bwnews/search?q=cancer ht tp://omega.twoday.net/sear ch?q=cancer http://www.bue rgerwelle.de:8080/helma/tw oday/bwnews/search?q=World +Health+Organi http://omeg a.twoday.net/search?q=Worl d+Health+Organi http://www .buergerwelle.de:8080/helm a/twoday/bwnews/search?q=I ARC http://omega.twoday.ne t/search?q=IARC ...
Starmail - 10. Mai, 22:35
EMF-Omega-News 23. April 2016
What the World Health Organization knew about the dangers of microwave radiation forty two years ago http://www.buergerwell e.de:8080/helma/twoday/bwn ews/stories/7305/ Depress ion and Suicide caused by... ...
Starmail - 23. Apr, 08:29