Das Digitalfunknetz für Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben (BOS) wie Polizei, Feuerwehren und Rettungsdienste wird bayernweit ausgebaut. Dafür braucht es zusätzliche Antennenmasten. Auch im Landkreis Rottal-Inn werden mehrere Stationen ...
The Infrastructure Minister is to look again at plans to build a telephone
mast near to a school in Onchan. David Cretney was asked about the mobile
phone mast which has permission to be build on West Drive, near to the new
Bemahague School...
That was the concern raised in the House of Keys by Douglas North MHK John Houghton after it was confirmed that planning officers had approved, under a permitted development order, the siting of a mobile phone communication mast on land in the area of...
Infrastructure chiefs are being urged to revisit plans to site a mobile phone mast in Onchan. Approval for the mast on land in the vicinity of West Drive was granted in January, a move confirmed in the House of Keys this week when Infrastructure...
''The Public Service Board did an inadequate job before authorizing the utilities to deploy this technology,'' said Sen. Robert Hartwell, D-Bennington, who introduced the bill requiring written consent. ''Just because you get a federal grant doesn t mean you go out and spend the money.''
March 24, 2012 (San Diego?s East County)
Earlier this month, an administrative law judge with the California Public Utilities Commission ordered San Diego Gas & Electric Company to prepare a plan that would give ratepayers the right to not have wireless smart meters.
The utilities say the wireless smart meters should improve customer service. But some residents have raised health and privacy concerns. Theo Talcott of Manchester says the vote against smart meters at Saturday s Town Meeting came after an unsuccessful...
''Anything short of a no-cost opt-out will not help people like me,'' said resident Tony Passarella, who told the council that due to his electro-sensitivity,...
Schon im Dezember warnte die Gewerkschaft der Polizei (GdP) in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern vor gesundheitlichen Gefahren durch Digitalfunk. Der moderne und angeblich abhörsichere Funkbetrieb läuft schon seit vergangenem Herbst flächendeckend im Nordosten...
Vortrag: ''Gesundheitsschäden durch Funkstrahlen''
Referentin: Frau Dr. med. Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam
am 13.03.2012: 19.00 bis 21.00 Uhr in der Kulturscheune 36160 Dipperz-Wisselsrod (Hessen)
Die in Bamberg lebende Dr. med. Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam referiert über Erkrankungen und Gesundheitsschäden von Funkstrahlen, Auswirkungen elektromagnetischer Emissionen auf die Umwelt im nationalen sowie im internationalen Bereich, die Auswirkungen auf Mensch und Tier, Strahlenschutzbewertungen, Leitlinien zum Strahlenschutz, Erkenntnisse über Wirkungen von Funkstrahlen sowie ärztliche Erhebungen und Messungen von hoch frequentierten Elektro-Magnetischen-Funkstahlen.
Gegen einige der im Raum Deggendorf geplanten Masten für den Behördenfunk nach dem Tetra-Standard, den neben der Polizei auch Feuerwehr und Rettungsdienste nutzen werden, gibt es massiven Widerstand von Bürgern. Am heftigsten bekämpft wird der bei...
SCORES of angry residents have signed a petition in protest over plans to put a mobile phone mast near their homes. People living in The Suttons, off Crowhurst Road, in St Leonards, and neighbouring streets, said the 20-metre-high mast will be an...
''Petitioners who have been subjected to forced or compelled installation of smart meters or have been exposed to RF and EMF radiation generated by smart meters fraudulently installed on neighboring homes and businesses have experienced difficulties...
They argued that their health concerns over exposure to electromagnetic radiation emanating from the meters should outweigh the cooperative's plan to install the devices throughout its system. ?We should have a right to say yes or no, whether we want...
Once installed, Energy Australia, now called Ausgrid, will have its own 4G radio network with the ability to communicate directly with two million proposed radio-enabled domestic electricity meters...
Russell Crisp, of Blackhill Lane, wrote to the Guardian last week saying he was unhappy with the appearance of the mast, built at the beginning of February. ''The farmland site chosen for the shiny new cell phone mast is on possibly the highest land in...
Schwerin (OZ). Kopfschmerzen, Übelkeit, Krebs: Gesundheitliche Gefahren durch Digitalfunk versetzen Polizei und Rettungskräfte in MV in Alarmbereitschaft. In der Dezember-Ausgabe ihrer Mitarbeiterzeitschrift warnt die Gewerkschaft der Polizei (GdP),...
Company officials say replacing 1.45 million analog meters statewide with meters that can be read remotely would save $36 million a year. But some customers object, citing fears that electromagnetic waves from the smart meters could be harmful...
Smart meter opponents rally against Brocklehurst cell tower
Those opposed to the installation include some neighbours already convinced that electromagnetic radiation from smart meters, as well as the cumulative effect of other radio-frequency technology, is making them gravely ill. ''That is what is affecting...
Ample protection: Craig Ruttle, wearing a specially woven mask designed to deflect microwave radiation, says radiation from Smart Meters caused him to become sick. He is asking the City of New Westminster to research all possible options before...
FURIOUS parents are up in arms over a mobile phone mast at a new £9.7million primary school in the town. They are extremely concerned about the potential risk to children s health caused by the Orange mobile mast in the grounds of Glengowan Primary...
As Dr. Robert Becker, surgeon and author twice nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize states: ''The greatest polluting element in the Earth s environment is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields. Scientists estimate that the levels are now 200 million...
Int J Radiat Biol. 2012 Feb 21. [Epub ahead of print]
Cam ST, Seyhan N.
Purpose: To analyze the short term effects of radiofrequency radiation (RFR) exposure on genomic deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of human hair root cells.
Subjects and methods: Hair samples were collected from 8 healthy human subjects immediately before and after using a 900-MHz GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) mobile phone for 15 and 30 minutes. Single-strand DNA breaks of hair root cells from the samples were determined using the 'comet assay'.
Results: The data showed that talking on a mobile phone for 15 or 30 minutes significantly increased (p< .05) single-strand DNA breaks in cells of hair roots close to the phone. Comparing the 15-min and 30-min data using the paired t-test also showed that significantly more damages resulted after 30 minutes than after 15 minutes of phone use.
Conclusions: A short-term exposure (15 and 30 minutes) to RFR (900-MHz) from a mobile phone caused a significant increase in DNA single-strand breaks in human hair root cells located around the ear which is used for the phone calls.
PMID: 22348707
[PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
The study will pay special attention to the effect on radiation on animal behaviour but the results will be relevant for human health also. There are frequent reports about the effect of electromagnetic radiation from communication towers on bees,...
Blinde Kälber wegen Antennenmast mit Vorbehalt wissenschaftlich bestätigt
Veterinärmediziner der Universität Zürich haben über Jahre systematisch blinde Kälber auf dem Rütlihof von Hans Sturzenegger in Reutlingen untersucht. Als dort nämlich 1999 eine Mobilfunkanlage mit Antennenmast errichtet wurde, kamen in den Folgejahren über fünfzig Kälber mit nukleärer Katarakt (grauer Star) auf die Welt. Das ist wesentlich mehr als im schweizerischen Durchschnitt. Nachdem die Antenne 2006 abgebrochen wurde, sind keine auffälligen Erkrankungen mehr festgestellt worden. Jetzt liegen die Ergebnisse der Fallstudie in der aktuellen Ausgabe des Schweizer Archivs für Tierheilkunde vor.
Schweiz: Meldestelle Nutztiere und nichtionisierende Strahlung
Seit Dezember 2013 hat das schweizerische Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU) eine Meldestelle für Fälle eingerichtet, in denen Halterinnen und Halter von großen Nutztieren wie Kühen, Pferden, Schweinen oder Schafen den Verdacht haben, dass gesundheitliche Störungen oder Verhaltensauffälligkeiten bei ihren Tieren durch Elektro-Smog verursacht werden. Die Halter können dies über den internetbasierten Fragebogen NUNIS melden.
Das Fällen von Bäumen zeigt: Vorarbeiten für die Errichtung des seit Ende Januar baurechtlich genehmigten Mastes für den Behörden-Digitalfunk (BOS) sind in vollem Gange. Zusammen mit der diplomierten Bauingenieurin Daniela Klimmer, der Initiatorin der...
Langenaus Ortsvorsteherin Elke Würger sprach in der jüngsten Gemeinderatssitzung den geplanten Bau eines Mastes für den umstrittenen Behördenfunk (Tetra)...
COUNCILLORS have signalled they will object to plans for a 15m mobile phone mast to go up near hundreds of homes and a school in Dorcan. Previous plans by telecommunication giants O2 and Vodafone to put a mast up in other areas in...
Es gibt keine rechtliche Grundlage für die Festsetzung von Immissionsgrenzwerten beim Mobilfunk. Dies machte Bürgermeister Jakob Bichlmaier nach einem entsprechenden Antrag von Gemeinderat Hans Stellner deutlich.
Bei der von der Telekom ins Auge gefassten Aufstellung eines Sendemasten zum besseren Handyempfang im Bereich von Mallmersdorf handelt es sich um ein so...
Thalia Assuras sat down with former CIA Director James Woolsey to discuss the current state of the nation s electric grid and its vulnerabilities. Woolsey says the federal government s oversight of grid security is inadequate and attacks on the grid are "entirely possible.''
An additional approach which has been presented by a retired fraud investigator and police office for Vancouver, is that Hydro is using extortion to put smart meters on homes. They are threatening people by saying that if they do not allow a meter to be installed their power will be cut. A threat that is unnecessary since the analog meters are still functioning and performing their jobs of recording usage. Given all the problems, people have justifiable reasons for refusing, and Hydro, being a monopoly, is using this threat, or telling people they can go off the grid as their only option.
Maple Ridge residents protest against smart meters
People in 24 of the 28 units signed a petition and sent it to the utility company in January.
Naperville officials call $73000 in FOIA requests ''harassment, abuse''
Chicago Daily Herald
Kim Bendis, president of the smart meter opposition group, said she believes the city could have saved all of that money had officials been more forthcoming with information when the questions were first asked. ''If words like harassment and abuse are...
Naperville Smart Meter Awareness (NSMA) filed a Complaint for Injunctive Relief in United States
December 30, 2011: Naperville Smart Meter Awareness (NSMA) filed a Complaint for Injunctive Relief in United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division, (Case No 11-cv-9299)
Immerhin 45 Standorte für Sendemasten sind für den ostsächsischen Raum vorgesehen, von denen fünf noch als umstritten gelten. Die Gründe dafür ähneln sich: Bürger und Gemeinden fürchten eine Verschandelung ihrer Ortsbilder durch die etwa 50 Meter hohen...
Oakville Police and Firefighters at odds over cell antenna safety
It s become a sorry state of affairs when the police chief of Oakville decides to install cell towers on a firehall property to raise funds for their initiatives. Even though the International Association of Firefighters and the Oakville fire chief prohibit the use of Firehall property for commercial cell antennas because of concerns of health effects from the microwave radiation, this agreement was was ignored. In this video, the careless disregard of human health and shady back-room business deals with the telecom industry are presented.
What is so surprising and disappointing to the citizens of Oakville is that only a few months ago, the town of Oakville was a shining example for municipalities that wanted to establish strict rules for cell tower setbacks in residential areas. Now, it appears that even the government does not practice what they preach to their own citizens.
Study to examine impact of radiation from cell phone towers
The Hindu
The study was commissioned against the backdrop of a previous study finding that the electromagnetic radiation from these communication towers affected bees very badly and reports of adverse effect on scavenger birds in certain parts of Orissa,...
''We are now worried that the radiation on a particular wavelength will have a deleterious effect on the avian population. This is what prompted the study.''
----- Original Message -----
From: Magda Havas
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2012 6:47 AM
Subject: Havas presentation about cellular antennas near a fire hall in Oakville, Canada
In March 2012, Professor Magda Havas of Trent University gave a one hour presentation to the citizens of Oakville Ontario Canada that demonstrated the amount of microwave emissions that are emitted by cell phone antenna. The audience in attendance were mostly members of the local community of Bronte that were concerned about 6 additional cell phone antenna that were placed on a tower beside their local fire station.
In this video you will be introduced to several cell antenna studies that show the microwave radiation that is emitted by these towers are harmful to human health. You will hear testimony of one person that lived right below a cluster of cell antenna that had been placed on her roof. Using radio frequency meters, Dr. Havas also demonstrated how wireless household appliances such as portable phones, WiFi base stations and DECT baby monitors broadcast constant microwave radiation that are similar in intensity a few hundred meters away from a large cell phone tower.
''Gegenstand des seit 2006 laufenden Verfahrens ist ja nicht etwa das Thema, ob Mobilfunk der Gesundheit schadet oder nicht, sondern die rein verwaltungsrechtliche Frage, welche Kriterien bei der Standortsuche erfüllt sein müssen, um die Bedingungen für...
...Juni 2009 aufgehoben, wonach das Landratsamt des Ostalbkreises verpflichtet ist, dem Bau eines Mobilfunkmasten im Außenbereich von Durlangen zuzustimmen...
Übersetzt bedeutet das soviel wie Kein-Handy-Angst. Einer aktuellen Studie zufolge ist die Zahl der betroffenen Menschen in Großbritannien in den letzten Jahren stark gestiegen. Inzwischen befürchten 66 Prozent der Bevölkerung, ihr Handy zu verlieren...
Not surprisingly, the older the woman, the higher the prevalence of infertility. Yet infertility appears to be rising among younger women as well, the study finds. In 1984, about 5% of couples with a female partner age 18 to 29 were infertile. By 2009-10, the prevalence for the same age group ranged from seven to 13.7%.
Threatened fertility: Is male sperm count declining?
Red flags first went up in the 1990s on the possibility of sperm decline with the publication of a controversial Danish study that suggested that sperm count was declining at such a rapid rate that there would be little left in 50 years. Dr. Shanna Swan, a reproductive epidemiologist at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City analyzed the data used in the Danish study and came up with the same results. Then she did studies of her own.
Note: This is probably the most important subject discussed in this council chamber, yet the speaker still gets cut off before being allowed to finish the presentatation.
''Transmission range is between 10 and 75 meters (33 and 246 feet) and up to 1500 meters for zigbee pro, although it is heavily dependent on the particular environment. The output power of the radios is generally 0 dBm (1 mW).''
Grayson used handheld meters to measure radiation emitted from three CFL bulbs of 10, 13 and 23 watts and three traditional incandescent bulbs of 40, 60 and 100 watts. He said he was surprised at the results. He called his project, ''Is it a bright idea? Illuminating the dangers of CFL bulbs.''
''Multi-tasking or Multi-distracting: What is happening in our classrooms?''
The situation is ironic. Around us and among students we notice a great increase in depression, anxiety, cyber bullying, lack of proper social skills and short attention spans, yet students are, unfortunately, encouraged by media, advertisements, families, and even our education system to constantly use electronic devices that foster those same problems!
''I think it s way premature,'' said Phil Squire, chairperson of the London District Catholic school board. ''At this point in time I don t think that there s compelling scientific evidence that Wi-Fi is a threat to children in the classroom.''
Makes you wonder whether the children are smarter than the people running the schools?
Esmerk Finnish News 8 feb 2012
Kaleva, Finland: School in Ylivieska becomes mobile-free
In Finland, a school in Ylivieska has announced it is a mobile-free zone. Children have had to turn off their mobiles in school since the beginning of 2012. The aim is to achieve a more peaceful working environment for the children and to avoid the possible health risks of electromagnetic radiation. Mobile-free schools are very rare in Finland. According to the principal of the school, the health risks are unknown so there is cause for being careful.
The agency s limits are then used to set rules for mobile-phone towers and other devices that emit electromagnetic radiation (EMR) on what the acceptable limit for emissions is. Dr Lindsay Martin, manager with the non-ionising radiation branch of...
Anne Gastinger, of Dallington, has electromagnetic hypersensitivity, or an adverse reaction to electromagnetic waves and wi-fi, and severe chemical allergies, including to treated wood. Her illness was discovered after she contracted dengue fever while...
Earthquake repairs force EHS disabled victim to sleep outdoors
A Christchurch woman with a rare medical condition has been forced to sleep outdoors or suffer migraines and insomnia because of repairs in her earthquake-damaged street. Anne Gastinger, of Dallington, has electromagnetic hypersensitivity, or an adverse reaction to electromagnetic waves and wi-fi, and severe chemical allergies, including to treated wood.
From hairdryers to DVD players, our lives are intertwined with electromagnetic radiation. We can t see it, and we can t smell it, but it s always there. Even if we choose to live a life away from the city and not use any electrical devices,...
A good place to start is the website of Electro-sensitivity UK: http://www.es-uk.info/. An alternative easy to use way of accessing broadband is D-LAN,...
The residents of Bennington, my family included, are being exposed to an unknown amount of electromagnetic radiation, being emitted from the cell tower located behind the old blacksmith shop at 215 South St. This tower does not appear on the Federal...
Normally anyone suffering from a weak mobile phone signal just has to put up with... By happy chance, a dual cell mast, to improve 3G coverage, was then...
Viel schwieriger als erwartet ist die Umstellung vom bisherigen Analog- auf den Digitalfunk. ''Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben'' (BOS) warten schon lange darauf, dass das nach offiziellen Angaben abhörsichere und weniger störanfällige...
Jetzt haben es die Bewohner der Klagenfurter Sterneckstraße schwarz auf weiß: Die geplante Errichtung von sechs Handymasten auf drei Gemeindebauten in ihrer...
TURIN. Case history in Turin: the court of Turin was sentenced to 16 years in prison each Swiss billionaire Stephan Schmidheiny, 65, and the Belgian Baron Louis de Cartier, 91, at the end of the process Eternit. The indictment contained a list of 2,191 dead and 665 suffering from diseases caused by asbestos. Some relatives of the victims broke down in tears at the verdict which condemned the two top executives of the multinational to 16 years imprisonment.
Will we see more of such decisions in the future...?
Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm
The Royal Institute of Technology
100 44 Stockholm
''In principle electromagnetic radiation can cause heating effects. The best example is the microwave oven, but the kind of heating effect to scorch a tree would imply a serious health hazard to people. ''You actually start heating people up,...
In der Causa ''Tetron''-Behördenfunk beantragt die Wiener Staatsanwaltschaft die Aufhebung der Immunität des Vizepräsidenten des Bundesrates und Chef von Alcatel-Lucent Österreich, Harald Himmer (ÖVP), und weiterer Manager...
Ausschreibung von Blaulichtfunk Tetron im Visier der Ermittler
Beim Behördenfunk Tetron, der demnächst in den U-Ausschuss kommt, geht es um Zahlungen vom französischen Telekomausrüster Alcatel-Lucent in der Höhe von...
Auch beim Behördenfunk geht es um Zahlungen von mehr als drei Millionen ?, die über ihn abgewickelt worden sein sollen mithilfe prominenter Politiker...
Critics said they expose you to around-the-clock electromagnetic radiation that can be linked to cancer and other health problems. The radio frequencies are similar to other devices like cellphones and baby monitors, but those are devices you choose to...
''Nothing happened until a new meter got put onto an old part and that scares me a little bit,'' Albernaz said. Margie said her new meter was installed a few weeks prior to the fire. The Contact 5 Investigators went searching for answers and discovered Margie s not alone. A family in Cutler Bay, just south of Miami, claims a fire broke out at their home in June shortly after a smart meter was installed.
There are 2 parts to the smart meter, at least the ITRON openway meters we have (BC). The first is a 920 Mhz transmitter that transmitters info to Hydro. Then there is a second one transmitting at 2.4GHz, and with it is a Zigbee chip the sole function of which is to communicate with appliances that have smart chips. It communicates through the house all day everyday, recording any usage info. for each appliance, and then storing it for sending back to Hydro. This is also how the company can shut off appliances or the entire power to your home remotely.
Informant: Martin Weatherall
Smart meter questions
The Record (New Westminster)
... and load management) and against, such as privacy issues (these meters would make good surveillance tools), but I haven t heard much about the health ramifications of the population being subject to mass amounts of electromagnetic radiation...
Potentially harmful radio frequency interference (RFI) has been one of the most serious potential technological obstacles to BPL. BPL works by sending radio frequency signals along the power lines using frequencies anywhere from 1.7 to 80 MHz. Some of the BPL signals can cause interference in licensed frequency bands over 1.7-8 MHz, generally known as HF or shortwave bands. Also, various structures in or near power lines may become radiators or antennas at the high frequencies at which BPL data are transmitted. This can also result in interference with a variety of existing licensed radio services, including ham/or amateur radio operators, public safety, emergency response frequencies, military, aviation, maritime, and shortwave broadcasts. Among others, the American Radio Relay League (ARRA), one of most vocal opponents to the deployment of BPL, opposes BPL as a way to achieve broadband access to the home because it is claimed the technology has a high potential for causing interference to radio communication.67
Data breaches put patients at risk for identity theft
... information from your Social Security number to the details of your last cervical exam and your family s cancer history, is stored electronically. Your doctor might access the information on a cell phone that could slip into the wrong hands.
Widerspruch gegen die Errichtung eines Mobilfunkmastes hat eine Einwohnerin von Lehesten eingelegt, informierte Bürgermeister Andreas Ludwig (Die Linke) zur..
Grund dafür ist die geplante Errichtung eines Mobilfunkmastes durch die Deutsche Funkturm GmbH auf dem Gelände des Agrar-Unternehmens Frankenwald eG...
Geplanter Funkmast bringt Lehestener Agrar-Betrieb in die Klemme
Thüringische Landeszeitung
Nach der Flächenverpachtung für einen Funkmast gibt es scheinbar kein Zurück. Die Telekom beharrt auf ihren Mietvertrag und hält an den Bauplänen fest. Trotz aller Proteste von direkt betroffenen Anwohnern...
Tracey-Lee Dorny, the chairwoman of the Electromagnetic Radiation Research Foundation of SA, applauds the school s move, noting that a village in Spain has just removed a cellphone mast after 50 villagers contracted cancer or suffered from headaches,...
Tracey-Lee Dorny, chairperson of the Electromagnetic Radiation Research Foundation of SA and an avid campaigner against the harmful effects of cellphone technology on human health, points out that the AGNIR report mentions a number of male fertility...
Die Bau- und Umweltkommission der Stadt Rapperswil-Jona lehnt das Baugesuch der Swisscom zur Errichtung einer neuen Antenne für den Mobilfunk bei der...
''Es gibt beim Digitalfunk auch massive gesundheitliche Bedenken, weil noch nicht erforscht ist, was die Strahlen bewirken'', so die Meinung von Christian Robert-Foris. Matthias Carl bemängelte dagegen die fehlende Transparenz. ''Wie soll man da abstimmen...
When Allergy UK says that there is no cure for the millions of people who suffer from the new allergy known as 'Home Fever', I beg to differ and I offer you a suggestion that may cure the vast majority of persons who suffer from this illness. It is obvious that a new ubiquitous environmental contaminant is causing or strongly influencing these new allergies. The most likely contaminant is electro magnetic radiation and, in particular, microwave radiation from wireless devices such as cell phones, cordless telephones, Wi Fi, wireless games, and radiation from outdoor antennas.
My suggestion to persons suffering from ''Home Fever'' is to unplug cordless telephones and use wired telephones, unplug Wi Fi routers and use only safe wired connections to the internet, only turn on cell phones when they are needed for urgent situations, do not use other wireless devices, and shield your home from external antenna radiation. For an even better solution, people should try sleeping with the electricity in the bedrooms turned off at the main electrical panel.
I am speaking from some experience, as I have suffered from electro-sensitivity for the last eight years. When I am exposed to microwave radiation from the above mentioned wireless devices, I suffer from allergic effects, including asthma type symptoms, as though someone were sitting on my chest. Also, testing has shown that my heart rate changes drastically and I develop irregular heartbeat when exposed. There are also many other more subtle ''allergic'' effects that I have experienced. The worst of all the effects was cancer. I am in touch with many other electro sensitive people around the world who report a vast array of allergic reactions.
Every person in the world is allergic to electromagnetic radiation, the only thing that is at doubt is the level of exposure at which this occurs. Most governments and health agencies allow strong exposure levels as their safety standards but these are decided simply by considering thermal effects. They fail to take into consideration the thousands of biological effects that scientific research has discovered at levels of radiation that are below government safety standards. These effects have been reported over the last sixty years. It is the biological effects of microwave radiation that are most likely causing the allergies that your article reports. Many of these adverse health effects are documented and referenced in the scientific publication ''The Bioinitiative Report'', and can be viewed online at http://www.bioinitiative.org .
The possible solutions that I have provided to you are cost free and very simple to try. Results are likely to be seen within hours or days. Please tell people about this possible cure for their illnesses and give them an opportunity to try the cure for themselves.
Yours sincerely,
Martin Weatherall Co Director WEEP www.weepinitiative.org
Note: Please consider contacting you own local allergy group and passing on this information.
The Epidemic of Mental Illness: Why?
It seems that Americans are in the midst of a raging epidemic of mental illness, at least as judged by the increase in the numbers treated for it. The tally of those who are so disabled by mental disorders that they qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) increased nearly two and a half times between 1987 and 2007?from one in 184 Americans to one in seventy-six. For children, the rise is even more startling?a thirty-five-fold increase in the same two decades. Mental illness is now the leading cause of disability in children, well ahead of physical disabilities like cerebral palsy or Down syndrome, for which the federal programs were created.
Comment: Home alone with the Cordless DECT telephone and the Wi Fi router, no wonder that pets are getting sick!
Cluster of cell towers raises concern for Lafayette residents
He was directly in front of the Happy Valley School with a radio frequency detector. It showed microwave radiation as high as the maximum levels allowed by the federal government. (very powerful radiation)
Board of health sending letter to school board questioning installing of Wi-Fi
The local board of health wants to know why the public school board went ahead with a plan to install Wi-Fi systems in all its schools even as parents raise concerns that the technology can cause harm.
I read your two recent articles on smart meters with the insight of having spent the last eight months researching this subject on almost a daily basis. There are hundreds of independent studies that go back decades verifying the dangers of low and...
''Smart meters are emitting electromagnetic radiation that we can t see, can t smell, can t feel,'' Schultz said. Florida power companies got hundreds of millions of dollars from the federal government to install smart meters, but these devices have...
Edison said EMF readings vary based on what is inside a home: not all readings relate to power lines. Doris Don-Lou Richmond has EMFs ranging from 5.4 ? 13.9 on her property and an electrically charged gas line. The gas company s marked her meter ''11...
Nevertheless, SCE has dismissed concerns about EMFs in the area. In a December meeting with the Redondo Beach City Council, SCE representative Scott Gobel said that though the EMF readings surrounding the Topaz Substation were higher than most,...
Capistrano Council Expresses Concern About Electrical Substation Expansion
Capistrano Dispatch
Councilmembers echoed residents' concerns about the size of the new buildings required for the project, its proximity to Capistrano s historic downtown and how potentially increased electromagnetic fields (EMFS) generated by the increased voltage could...
In his presentation, Dennis addressed concerns regarding EMF (electric and magnetic fields) and asked audience members to visit LADWP.com and look at the studies cited on the company s Web site. All power lines radiate electromagnetic fields,...
Residents alarmed over stray voltage from Redondo Beach Edison substation
Contra Costa Times
...believe the stray electricity is emitting from the substation by connecting to steel gas pipes, and through electromagnetic fields, or EMF. Electromagnetic fields are areas of energy surrounding electrical devices and are created whenever electric...
Congressmen to hold hearing on Chino Hills expanded electrical transmission towers controversy
Contra Costa Times
CHINO HILLS. Two lawmakers are set to host a field congressional hearing Saturday to discuss the issue of installing 200-foot electric towers in the city. The transmission poles and towers are being installed within Southern California Edison s...
(Several More Cell Phones Articles on the Site...follow link)
Informant: Mark G.
The influence of microwave radiation from cellular phone on fetal rat brain
Electromagn Biol Med. 2012 Jan 23. [Epub ahead of print]
Jing J, Yuhua Z, Xiao-Qian Y, Rongping J, Dong-Mei G, Xi C. Source
Institute of Chemistry and Bacteria Detection, Department of Public Health, Shandong University, Shandong, China. Abstract
The increasing use of cellular phones in our society has brought focus on the potential detrimental effects to human health by microwave radiation. The aim of our study was to evaluate the intensity of oxidative stress and the level of neurotransmitters in the brains of fetal rats chronically exposed to cellular phones. The experiment was performed on pregnant rats exposed to different intensities of microwave radiation from cellular phones.
Thirty-two pregnant rats were randomly divided into four groups: CG, GL, GM, and GH. CG accepted no microwave radiation, GL group radiated 10 min each time, GM group radiated 30 min, and GH group radiated 60 min. The 3 experimental groups were radiated 3 times a day from the first pregnant day for consecutively 20 days, and on the 21st day, the fetal rats were taken and then the contents of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), malondialdehyde (MDA), noradrenaline (NE), dopamine (DA), and 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HT) in the brain were assayed. Compared with CG, there were significant differences (P < 0.05) found in the contents of SOD, GSH-Px, and MDA in GM and GH; the contents of SOD and GSH-Px decreased and the content of MDA increased. The significant content differences of NE and DA were found in fetal rat brains in GL and GH groups, with the GL group increased and the GH group decreased.
Through this study, we concluded that receiving a certain period of microwave radiation from cellular phones during pregnancy has certain harm on fetal rat brains.
Havas presents case studies of four people with diabetes (two with type 1, and two with type 2) with varying levels of exposure to electromagnetic radiation and says that in all four, blood sugar levels ''responded directly to the amount of dirty electricity...
Sassenroth erhält an der Bahnhaltestelle einen 20 Meter hohen Mobilfunkmast den die Deutsche Bahn AG dort errichtet. Ortsvorsteher und Ortsbeirat sind stinksauer, denn sie werden trotz Eingaben und Alternativvorschlag vor vollendete Tatsachen gestellt...
''Residents can also be assured that they are not mobile telephone masts; their signals are directed along the railway tracks whereas mobile phone masts...
Auch im Kanton Aargau existieren mindestens Empfehlungen, die Standorte von Mobilfunkantennen zu «koordinieren» und Wohnquartiere wenn möglich zu verschonen...
Ob die Deutsche Funkturmgesellschaft zwischen Durlangen und Tanau einen Mobilfunkmast bauen darf, steht am Freitag, 17. Februar, fest. Dann verkündet der Verwaltungsgerichtshof Baden-Württemberg sein Urteil. Bei der Verhandlung am Mittwoch in Durlangen...
Durlangen und der Streit um die Mobilfunkantenne: Verwaltungsgericht befasste sich mit der Angelegenheit
Und Gerstlauers Aufgabe in der Verhandlung beschränkte sich darauf, die ablehnende Haltung der Gemeinde zum Bau von Mobilfunkantennen aus ''gesundheitlichen...
Ban Wi-Fi in classroom, Ontario teachers union urges
An Ontario teachers' union is calling for an end to new Wi-Fi setups in the province s 1,400-plus Catholic schools. The Ontario English Catholic Teacher s Association says computers in all new schools should be hardwired instead of setting up wireless networks.
''My fears (with Wi-Fi) are, children are still growing, their skulls and bones are thinner. They receive more radiation than we do with all of these devices. We just don t know enough about it. But do we wait until they all grow up and get cancer to find out??
SIMCOE COUNTY. Ontario s English Catholic teachers are making waves about the safety of Wi-Fi in schools. The union released a joint health and safety committee report saying non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation could potentially be a workplace...
Debra Edwards, Orillia s trustee on the Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB), noted safety concerns regarding the use of wi-fi technology...
While Health Canada has determined radio frequency energy used in schools with wireless devices falls within safe exposure limits, the Elementary Teachers? Federation of Ontario (ETFO) wants the governing body to make more information available.
... zusammen gefilmt hatte, 1959 im Fernsehen), nur zwei Nistplätze blieben den Dohlen, bis sie wohl wegen Elektrosmog fernblieben. Doch sie rächten sich!...
Hot tea helps Barbara Domberger tolerate the cold of winter in her camping car.
Recovery in an EMF-free zone
An electrosensitive judge from Augsburg finds refuge in the Wehra Valley (German Black Forest)
Rain spluttered on the roof of the little white camper. Although Barbara has turned up the heater, the cold of winter creeps along the ground and relentlessly wraps around our feet. Barbara Domberger is on a forced vacation in Wehra Valley. The rugged gorge is one of the few havens left for the electrosensitive.
She recall she once still had a few secluded holiday areas where she could retire, but gradually, they have disappeared. ''The digital network is currently our biggest problem,'' she says. The 43-year-old District Judge is on the run from harmful emitters, mostly microwaves from mobile phone networks. ''I have become electrosensitive,'' she says.
The judge is convinced: when she is exposed to artificial electromagnetic fields for too long, like those from cordless phones or wireless Internet connections, she gets sick. She feels artificially invaded, unable to sleep and concentrate. ''And all my muscles harden.'' Her family doctor says it is from too much stress.
It took three or four years of suffering before an old school friend put her on the right track, says Domberger. Back then the concept of electrical sensitivity was unknown. That s changed: Domberger has read many studies on her condition and has developed contacts with people who share her plight. She chairs the Munich Society for the electrosensitive and mobile-phone injured.
She is very convincing when she easily refutes the arguments of the mobile phone industry. She knows that many prefer sticking her with a psychosomatic label. If that was the case, then how can one explain that her heart rate changes as soon as she enters a room filled with radiation? Domberger says it is a clear medical evidence.
Fear of radiation dominates her life. The once-successful young woman had to abandon her condominium with 17 a square-meter rooftop terrace near downtown Augsburg. ''The apartment could not be shielded,'' she says. Her furniture is stored. She is looking for a small apartment in low-radiation area, which she could shield with special reflective paint.
She only goes out when necessary. For shopping, of course. But a movie or the theater? ''I used to like going to restaurants,'' says Domberger. Today, she even turns down birthday invitations, because almost everyone has a cordless phone at home. ''I miss the contact with ordinary people,'' she says with a sigh.
Since January 2010, the District Judge is on sick leave. The state of Bavaria is considering putting her on permanent disability.
Barbara Domberger was in charge of the elderly and disabled. She d love to work again. ''Being a judge was my dream job.'' For eight years, she worked at the District Court of Augsburg, and before that six years as a prosecutor, also for the Federal Ministry of Justice. Now she is fighting for electrosensitivity to be recognized as a disease and to obtain help for those affected.
Today she is resting in the Wehra Valley. ''Here I feel really good, as I did before,'' she says with a smile.
Very little radiation gets through where she parked her white camper, as opposed to airports or railway stations. A holiday trip in the hot South? Only by car. For longer trips, she bought a special blouse, woven with reflective silver fiber. It cost her 90 Euros. ''Most people with EHS can t afford it,'' says Domberger who asked us not to divulge the exact location of her retreat.
Mother electrocuted while using slimming machine
Evripidou did not rule out the possibility that Themistocleas? use of a mobile phone at the time of her electrocution could have played a part in her death.
''Its exposure to the electromagnetic radiation from the mobile phone could have switched the setting of the particular device to a dangerous level, thus causing the electrocution,'' said Evripidou.
Here s some validation that the Stanley Cup riots may have been created by microwave (Tetra more specifically) as he explains in part 6 of this 13 part series. This whole story is mind bending. I wonder how long youtube will allow this. Lots of truth telling here even though it s a long presentation.
But Nelson environmental lawyer Sue Grey said the NES, passed before the 2008 election, could breach the Resource Management Act, which requires national environmental standards to take account of community health. The standard means telecommunications companies do not need to consult with the public, or even the council, she said.
A RADIATION campaigner is celebrating after plans to force homeowners to install energy smart meters were abandoned. Formby resident Eileen O'Connor, director of EM Radiation Research Trust, joined forces with Sefton Central MP Bill Esterson to speak...
Once installed, these meters emit dangerous carcinogenic electromagnetic field radiation, and they also invade our privacy in that they monitor all electricity use in the household. The Federal Wiretap and the Stored Electronic Communications acts...
Your Organization seems to have made a significant error in thinking that smart meters will be green. They are probably one of the biggest ever threats to health and the environment in BC history.
In the BC Hydro cost analysis report on your web site they have failed to add the costs of increased litigation as more people become ill from them. They have also failed to add up the cost of replacing the meters at a future date and returning to a safe system as has been used for many years.
The report linked below is very detailed and will explain the dangers of smart meters for the electrical supply system. I hope that you read the information and will add the link 'Smart Meters - Smarter Practices' to your web site so that there is a balanced understanding of the issues.
The new Victorian smart meter installed at Prabath Gamage s Broadmeadows home. Picture: Craig Borrow Source: Herald Sun REX Jory shares an alarming tale of bureaucracy invading the sanctity of the home. THIS is the extraordinary story of bureaucratic...
Lower Nicola band staff have prevented smart-meter installers from gaining access to band buildings and sent notices refusing smart meters to on-reserve homeowners and tenants.
Lesser known but just as important: an EMF consultant measured one of the
lowest levels of neighbourhood EMF pollution he d seen right here in Ocean
Park. Without a moratorium, it is my opinion that no neighbourhood will
escape the radiation from the...
36 Bürger beantragten schließlich in einem Schreiben vom vierten Dezember vergangenen Jahres, einen anderen Standort für den geplanten Sendemasten zu finden...
Mehrere hochrangige Behördenvertreter, unter ihnen der damalige Telekommunikation-Minister A. Raja, sowie mehrere Manager aus der Mobilfunkindustrie sind...
''We will continue to monitor EMF developments and address the EMF issue in a responsible manner.? Because Franklin, over the years, has become sensitive to environmental issues, Petsch has requested Atlantic City Electric provide a written statement...
''Ich bin elektrosensibel'', sagt sie. Die Juristin [ Barbara Domberger] ist überzeugt: Wenn sie sich zu lange ... Damals war ihr Elektrosensibilität kein Begriff...
Die Übertragung der Daten führe zu einer signifikant steigenden Belastung mit Elektrosmog, heißt es in einer Aussendung am Samstag. Die ÖÄK appelliert nun an...
Die Zahl der Menschen, die unter Elektrosensibilität leiden und die vom allgegenwärtigen Elektrosmog durch Handymasten und andere Funkquellen betroffen sind...
ERLANGEN. Im Turm der katholischen Kirche Unsere Liebe Frau in Dechsendorf sind seit mehreren Jahren Mobilfunkantennen von drei Betreibern installiert...
Er gab sich überzeugt, dass er durch Verhandlungen mit den drei Mobilfunkanbietern die Gesamtstrahlung in Basel-Stadt senken kann. Schon damals schien dieses Ziel sehr ambitiös. Heute, eineinhalb Jahre später, ist es unrealistisch...
Lindlar. Verwaltung bittet um Rücksprache bei Bauplanungen für Mobilfunksendemasten. Prüfung der Bauvorhaben in Anlehnung an die Leitlinien sollte vor...
Im Korruptionsskandal um die Vergabe von Mobilfunklizenzen in Indien hat das Oberste Gericht am Donnerstag alle im Jahr 2008 erteilten Genehmigungen annulliert und eine Neuausschreibung angeordnet. Wie die Nachrichtenagentur IANS berichtete,...
The department of telecommunications (DoT) has notified the new deadline for mobile emission norms to reduce the electromagnetic waves exposure risk. The tag depicting the radiation level of a particular handset will help forewarn consumers about the...
New Alarms Raised over Cellphone Effects on Pregnant Women, Kids
Wargo calls on cellphone makers to, ''take immediate steps to reduce emission of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from phones and avoid marketing their products to children.'' Basing their findings on hundreds of previous studies, the EHHI researchers say...
Momentan ist die Mobilfunkantenne von O2 die letzte aktive Anlage auf dem Silo des ehemaligen Durst Malz-Geländes. Nachdem die Verträge hierfür bereits zum...
... towers were causing, because while some people would not be affected by them, many others were, such as those with pacemakers or electrosensitivity.
Come September 1, 2012, India will have stricter regulations to check electromagnetic radiation emission from mobile phones, a step that would address health concerns and also streamline the handset manufacturing industry...
Jetzt liegt der Bau einer Mobilfunkantenne im Dach der Mühlbacher Verwaltungsstelle noch länger auf Eis. ''O2 wird die Anlage zunächst nicht realisieren'',...
Die über den Behördenfunk vorgetragenen Details waren genauso bekannt wie die Thesen der Gegner, die, sekundiert von Aktiven aus dem Nachbarlandkreis,...
Dazu gehören unter anderem altersbedingte Vergesslichkeit, Depressionen bei älteren Menschen, Gehirntumore und -verletzungen, Autismus, Störungen des...
''The cellular industry should take immediate steps to reduce emission of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from phones and avoid marketing their products to children.'' EHHI President Nancy Alderman explained how pervasive cell phones are in the United...