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Die Suche nach »Andrew Tresidder« hat 5 Resultate geliefert.
Hundreds of birds dead during 5G experiment in The Hague, Netherlands
From: FREDERICK LEVENSTON Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2018 7:23 AM To: Andrew Michrowski Subject: Hundreds of birds dead during 5G experiment in The Hague, Netherlands -- Health & Wellness -- Sott.net... ...
Starmail - 16. Dez, 05:18
Mobile phone health issues focus of talk
This is Gloucestershire A PUBLIC meeting in Stroud will discuss the health dangers from mobile phones, their masts and wi-fi. Campaigner Gabriel Millar has invited Dr Andrew Tresidder... http://www.t hisisgloucestershire.co.uk /Mobile-phone-health-issue s-focus-talk/story-1992935 0-detail/story.html Mor e... ...
Starmail - 15. Okt, 09:04
Nicole Legrand, EHS, wishes to be heard
Nicole Legrand confess now, she is ''not in a good day.'' At 84 years, this place Rihour Lille installed suffering for nearly fifteen years of debilitating pain and fatigue she attributes including antennas... ...
Starmail - 4. Dez, 17:31
Neurological Disorder in US Kids on the Rise
As per a report, it has been revealed that there has been an enormous rise in the children who suffer from neurological disorders from 1997 to 2006 in US. The number has increased so much that now hospitals... ...
Starmail - 22. Aug, 09:21
Electrosensitivity: A Personal Story
Dr Andrew Tresidder MMBS MRCGP Details about a doctor s own electro sensitivity and how he helped electrosensitive patients. http://electromagneticma n.co.uk/case-studies/your- stories/43-electrosensitiv ity-a-personal-story-dr-an drew-tresidder-mmbs-mrcgp. .. ...
Starmail - 24. Jul, 15:17