On the eve of this nation s Independence Day celebrations, local legislators from coast to coast are taking the lead to ensure that in addition to the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, Americans also have the right to know about cell phone radiation - and that they can easily learn safer ways to use these ubiquitous devices in their homes and workplaces. With the World Health Organization declaring microwave radiation from cell phones a potential cause of cancer - much like engine exhausts and some pesticides - a number of officials are moving to place warnings directly on phones.
'Democracy rests on the fundamental principle that citizens have a right to know about potential dangers of products that they choose to use, and that they also have a right to live free from intrusions into their homes and families,' says Devra Davis, Ph.D., MPH, founder of the Environmental Health Trust and author of Disconnect - The Truth about Cell Phone Radiation, What Industry Has Done to Hide It and How to Protect Your Family. 'Democratic principles also require that industry and government have a duty to inform citizens about hazards that may constitute a clear and present danger to public welfare. Whether from pesticides or cell phones, we should take serious steps to curtail exposures to suspected hazards.'
As the nation s fifth largest city and the birthplace of the Declaration of Independence, Philadelphia is on the forefront of the cell phone radiation issue. The eyes of the country will be on Pennsylvania later this summer (August 31st), because passage of a new bill would require that retailers prominently display a warning label on cell phones and their packaging detailing potential harm of cell phone radiation, specifically to children and pregnant women.
Advanced by former-speaker of the House Pennsylvania State Rep. Dennis O?Brien (R-169, and State Rep. Vanessa Brown (D-190), the Pennsylvania cell phone safety bill (HB-1408) would provide the first state action in the US reflecting growing scientific consensus from the WHO and from EHT s Doctors? Pamphlet on Safer Cellphone Use, written by some of the world s top neurosurgeons.
Pennsylvania State Rep. Vanessa Lowery Brown believes that cell phones should be treated like cigarettes. 'It is simply too early to prove without doubt that cell phones are not harmful,' she has said. 'Therefore, the choice is simple: be a more responsible cell phone user, especially around young children, or keep taking chances. Just as children can t smoke, they shouldn t hold cell phones next to their brains. The purpose of the label is to prevent damage and promote safer cell phone practices among Pennsylvania s families,' she adds.
Rob Stuart, a Senior Advisor to Environmental Health Trust, and a leader of the Pennsylvania effort is confident about the need for legislative action and its prospects for passage. 'This is a non-partisan matter that is bringing together all parties in the State to stand up for liberty and truth in labeling about cell phone radiation. We have to protect our children now, rather than wait for damaging health consequences from radiation to emerge.'
Founding Fathers of Cell Phone Issue: More Work Needed (Again)
In the US over the past two decades, three congressional hearings have addressed the cell phone health risk issue: Congressman Edward Markey (D-MA) in 1993; Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) in 2008; Senators Arlen Specter (D-PA) and Thomas Harkin (D-IA in 2009). Ellen Marks, Director of Government and Public Affairs at EHT, believes it s time to move beyond talk about the problem to real action. 'Calls for warnings and public education about cell phone safety are sweeping the nation as Pennsylvania, Maine, California (San Francisco, Berkeley, Burlingame), New Mexico, Jackson, Wyoming, and perhaps New York City are now proposing serious legislative changes in labeling and public education.'
The State Senates in California and Pennsylvania will soon be reviewing proposals for major public education campaigns so that consumers have the right to know how to use phones safely. In a recent speech highlighting the fine print warnings found in packaging to keep cell phones away from the body, cell phone legislative sponsor California State Senator, Mark Leno concluded, 'They (the cell phone industry) know and the more they resist, it only makes me wonder how much more they are not telling us.'
Israeli legislators recently announced a new bill with several striking demands for cell phone companies, including sending an SMS every day at 12 noon to cell phone users, which warns that the WHO has determined that mobile phone radiation is a possible cause of cancer and that cellphones should be used with care. A similar warning would appear on the screen when the phone is turned on. The bill includes a stipulation that purchaser of a cell phone will have to sign a statement indicating that they understand the risks of its use, especially in children.
John Cockburn,
Director, Equipment Division,
Office of Energy Efficiency,
Department of Natural Resources,
930 Carling Avenue (CEF, Building 1, Observatory Crescent),
2nd Floor, Room 25,
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0Y3
(tel.: 613-996-4359; email: equipment@nrcan.gc.ca)
Re: Canada Gazette, Part I, Regulations Amending the Energy Efficiency Regulations
I am delighted that Natural Resources Canada is considering a two-year delay for banning incandescent light bulbs.
In 2008, Tom Hutchinson and I sent a petition to the Auditor General of Canada that is attached. It outlines the key problems with CFL bulbs and includes the following:
1. Mercury content a concern during breakage inside buildings (homes, schools, offices, etc) and disposal in waste dumps contributes to the global load of mercury. It is also contributing to ill health among many Chinese workers. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article6211261.ece
2. CFL emit UV radiation and Health Canada has already issued a warning that people should sit further away and use the light bulbs for less than 2 hours at a time to minimize their UV exposure. Some bulbs now have a double envelope, which does reduce the UV considerably, but many bulbs still generate UV radiation.
3. CFL bulbs generate radio frequency radiation that flows along electrical wires and contributes to poor power quality also known as dirty electricity. Dirty electricity has been linked to ill health, increased blood sugar among diabetics who are electrically sensitive, increased tremors and difficulty walking among those with Multiple Sclerosis, and problems with student behaviour in schools. All of this is properly referenced in the attached Environmental Petition sent to the Auditor General of Canada.
4. CFL bulbs generate radio frequency radiation that can interfere with marine wireless communication and some GE bulbs have this warning on the package.
6. CFL bulbs are making people ill. This includes those who have migraine headaches, epilepsy, those with electrosensitivity, and those who have skin problems. Details are provided in the attached report.
If the government waits for an additional two years, light emitting diode (LED) technology will have improved in terms of light quality and intensity and the price will have dropped as did the price of CFLs when they first came on the market.
Canadians are attached to their incandescent light bulbs and it makes sense to use light bulbs that will add to the heating of rooms especially during the long Canadian winters. CFL technology is deeply flawed and it was a mistake for the government to tell people what type of light bulbs they should or should not use. There are alternative ways to alter choice without banning a product. I would urge the government to remove the ban all-together but extending it for an additional two years makes sense because it will give Canadians a choice with technology that is likely to be even more energy efficient without the side effects of CFL bulbs.
New Method for Measuring Parkinson s Disease Prevalence Reveals Sharp Increase in Israel
ScienceDaily (June 13, 2011) - In a new study published in the inaugural issue of the Journal of Parkinson s Disease, Israeli researchers report that by tracking pharmacy purchases of anti-Parkinson drugs they could estimate the number of Parkinson s disease (PD) cases in a large population. The study identified a sharp rise in PD prevalence from 170/100,000 in 2000 to 256/100,000 in 2007 in Israel, which warrants further investigation.
Here is an audio of a program in Calif. discussing how people can protect their legal rights against infringement by wireless technology.
Attorney Larry Bragman, is Mayor of the town of Fairfax in Marin County, California, where he introduced and authored Fairfax s 2010 groundbreaking Smart Meter Moratorium. Josh Hart is the director of Stop Smart Meters, a journalist and activist who is leading a citizen revolt against the roll of of wireless utility meters. They both join the show to discuss how citizen s can protect their civil rights, privacy and health with the proliferation of wireless technologies.
Smart Meter alternatives: Are wired transmissions better than wireless?
Planet Thrive
People around the country are protesting the mandatory placement of wireless 'smart' meters on their homes by electric utility companies. Citing serious health effects, privacy concerns and other issues, they are requesting 'opt-out' offers by their ...
July 6, 2011. Finally someone measured the mercury content of compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs!
We have been told that CFL bulbs contain 0.5 mg of mercury and that lower mercury-content bulbs will be produced in the future, yet many bulbs exceed this value as shown in the article below.
Li,Y. and L. Jin. 2011. Environmental Release of Mercury from Broken Compact Fluorescent Lamps, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE. 28 (10), 5 pp. Click here for pdf with links and here for abstract.
The total amount of mercury in CFLs ranged from 0.1 to 3.6 mg.
What does this mean?
Lets' look at the water quality guidelines for mercury as a comparison.
The maxiumum concentration of total mercury in drinking water is 1.0 micro gram per litre. That number is 0.001 mg mercury per litre of water. Therefore the mercury content of a CFL bulb, at the nominal 0.5 mg per bulb, is 500 time higher than the concentration in a litre of drinking water!
Is there anyone out there who is a watch dog for this product or can CFL manufacturers do anything they want? We don t allow lead paint on toys from China yet we import light bulbs that contain mercury! This is not a bright idea for us, for the environment, or for the Chinese workers. Click http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article6211261.ece to read ?Green? lightbulbs poison workers, Hundreds of factory staff are being made ill by mercury used in bulbs destined for the West.
Opinion: Energy-efficient bulbs - they are causing headaches for many of us
As the reader who reported daily migraine attacks noted, 'will the time come when you have to have a physicians? prescription to purchase a 100-watt bulb? Will you have to get special authority from Pharmacare to have them in your house?'
CFLs emit noteworthy levels of electromagnetic radiation, including radio... If a bulb breaks at home, its fragments are dangerous to bare skin and need ...
Schleching - Der mögliche Bau eines Digitalfunk-Sendemasten am Grieselberg oberhalb von Ettenhausen stößt in der Bevölkerung auf Widerstand.
Das dokumentierte die große Zahl von 40 Schlechinger Bürgern in der jüngsten Gemeinderatssitzung.
Der Grieselberg ist als Standort für einen Masten für den 'BOS-' (Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben) Digitalfunk im Gespräch. Darüber hatte Zweite Bürgermeisterin Elfie Bachmann das Gremium bereits in einer Sitzung Anfang Februar informiert...
Wie eine Woche zuvor die Nachbargemeinde Reit im Winkl wünscht auch Schleching in Sachen BOS-Digitalfunk ein Moratorium (Denkpause). Einstimmig befürwortete der Gemeinderat einen entsprechenden Antrag der Bürgerinitiative (BI) 'Tetrafunkfreies...
Das ist gut für die Anwohner, denen der Anblick der Masten und Elektrosmog erspart bleibt - aber schlecht für die Verbraucher, denen wegen der höheren ...
PLANS to develop listed military buildings along with 4500 new houses in Aldershot have put paid to plans to install a new mobile phone mast at the top of Hospital Hill. The victory for buildings conservation experts comes as people will...
2014 soll laut Arbeitsminister Nicolas Schmit in Marnach Schluss sein mit der umstrittenen Antennenanlage. Die Gegner kritisieren das Datum und wittern eine...
Wie Ortsvorsteher Klaus Preiser aus Obermettingen betonte, handele es sich bei dem geplanten Sendemast um die 'öffentliche Versorgung mit Notdiensten'...
Thomas Vizl meinte deshalb, der Mobilfunk-Standort in der Nikolaus-Fey-Straße sei in der Tat weniger kritisch. Beim Standort Weißer Turm sollte allerdings schon überlegt werden, ob man diesen nicht aus der Innenstadt verlegen kann...
Luisenburg-Intendant Michael Lerchenberg schlägt Alarm. Die großen Netzbetreiber nutzen für die neue Technik LTE genau die Frequenz, die die Bühnentechnik für die Funkmikrofone braucht. Das kann sogar zu Tonausfällen führen. 'Das kann ganz schnell ein ...
That this House welcomes the positive contribution that low energy lighting bulbs such as compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) are making to reduce energy consumption; acknowledges that ultra-violet radiation, electric fields and peaks in light wavelength from CFLs can aggravate conditions including lupus, migraines, autistic conditions, ME and xeroderma pigmenosum; notes the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Public Health s statement that between 30,000 and 40,000 people in the UK might be at risk of harm in this respect; also notes that the campaign group the Spectrum Alliance estimate this figure to be in excess of 250,000; acknowledges that this restricts both the range of work and day-to-day activities these people can undertake; is aware that incandescent light bulbs are the only light source not to have such effects; acknowledges that Commission Regulation (EC) No 244/2009 prohibits the sale of incandescent light bulbs; supports the Spectrum Alliance s campaign to have incandescent light bulbs made available to those affected; and urges the Department of Health to seek an exemption from the Commission Regulation in this respect.
Thousands of peerreviewed scientific studies showing the hazards of electromagnetic radiation cannot be considered anecdotal evidence. And if Wi-Fi was to prove to be a hazard in this experiment, a gratuitous 'blanket ban' of all EMR-emitting devices ...
Es ist nur ein kurzer Satz. Für die Gemeinde Aßling ist er aber überaus bedeutungsschwer: Telefonica O2 hat seine beim Bayerischen Verwaltungsgerichtshof eingereichte Normenkontrollklage zurückgenommen. Die kleine Gemeinde feiert einen Riesenerfolg....
Bei der Einführung des digitalen Behördenfunks ist das Innenministerium offenbar nicht so basisnah. Das bekommt gerade Aßling zu spüren. Der Gemeinderat...
Lenggries - Ein Jahr herrschte im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes Funkstille. Jetzt gibt es in Lenggries den ersten Antrag auf Errichtung eines 43 Meter hohen Mastens für den digitalen Behördenfunk...
A CAMPAIGN group set up to fight the erection of a mobile phone mast in Belper has commissioned an epidemiology study into any health implications of masts. Belper Against Masts (BAM), which is primarily opposed to a mast at the junction of Marsh Lane...
A NEW mobile phone mast that courted much controversy in Belper has been built ? despite objections from residents, a school and the town s MP. Furious locals began a campaign in March after Amber Valley Borough Council passed plans for a mast on the...
Campaigners 'will keep fighting' against mast put up overnight
It recommended a 'precautionary approach' be taken to siting masts until further research was done. A spokesman for O2 said the report was part of the national guidelines they followed - the Code of Best Practice on Mobile Phone Network Development...
Alison Napier will open her garden to the public on Sunday 7th August A
CAMPAIGN group set up to fight against the building of a mobile phone mast
in Belper, claims a staggering 99 per cent of residents it spoke to were
not consulted before the mast ...
A PLANNING application for a mobile phone mast in Belper has been refused by Amber Valley Borough Council. Telecommunications giants Vodafone and O2 had applied to erect a 12.8-metre high pole, an equipment cabinet and minor ancillary works...
2 degrees has reduced the power from one of their cellphone transmitters in Mt Eden, Auckland, New Zealand, in response to a doctor being made shockingly ill shortly after a microwave radiation transmitter was installed in the street.
2 degrees told the family the power didn t need to be so high as it couldn t get around the mountain anyway. So why was its output so high in the first place?
Bad behaviour based on bad regulations? The doctor is still very electrosensitive.
TAIWAN will consider banning mobile phones from schools
Health risks from proposed cell tower worry Pictou County man living near site
A cellphone tower that would expand mobile telephone service on Nova Scotia s north shore may also cause health problems, says a neighbour of the proposed site. 'When I first heard about it, I thought it was great because we have such ...
Note - This is a very sad story about a little girl with cancer.
When you are reading it, think about the scientific links between leukemia and other cancers and electro magnetic fields and microwave radiation.
Could the illnesses have been prevented if the family knew about the dangers?
Did any doctor or health care worker warn the family to avoid EMFs and wireless radiation?
Did any public medical authority attend at the home, to check for high EMFs and wireless radiation?
Are the medical authorities even aware of EMF effects and the links to cancer?
Become involved as an EMF activist, in the effort to stop this type of harm!
Martin Weatherall
The tumor is a new cancer, T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma. ... Sophie s brain tumor was chance. Now, because of the damage, she will keep getting cancer...
First, it is important to explain why Caribarena got considerably high readings on the cell towers, while this independent study got very low ones. In our study, as we clearly expressed in our articles, we used the IEMFAs Seletun Scientific limits for cell tower radiation. Skvarca, in his study, chose to use the 'internationally accepted' ICNIRP guidelines.
The two are very different, but perhaps one needs some revision. The Council of Europe has stated that the ICNIRP guidelines have 'serious limitations,' and that they need to be revised to take into account a lot of modern research. The ICNIRP guidelines only take into account thermal effects, and completely ignore all biological effects. This means that unless you are made physically hotter by the waves, there is nothing to worry about. This is crucially incorrect, as the Council of Europe has expressed.
Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm
The Royal Institute of Technology
100 44 Stockholm
'I urge you to invest your resources into exploring alternatives including mobile mast sharing'. Earlier this month Campaigners held a protest picnic on the site and it attracted national attention when Channel 5's The Wright Stuff filmed the...
Barnsley Council is to commission an independent assessment into the health impacts of a mobile phone mast in a village. Residents in Bolton-on Dearne have signed a petition calling for the mast to be moved. The council turned down Vodafone s...
AN INDEPENDENT assessment is to be carried out into possible health implications of a controversial mobile phone mast erected in a South Yorkshire village. Barnsley Council is commissioning the study after more than 1000 residents in Bolton-on-Dearne...
Then on May 31, the World Health Organization officially labeled electromagnetic radiation from cell phones, WiFi, cordless phones, smart meters, and other wireless consumer devices and infrastructure to be a Class 2B carcinogen, in the same category...
But - even AS IMPORTANT as the article, read the SLEW of comments...! Look how articulate, researched and incredibly detailed they are..!
Mark G.
Council of Europe Proposes WiFi & Cell Phone Ban in Schools
No Jitter (blog)
... Martin Blank of Columbia University discussing the effects of EMR/ELF Radiation, primarily from power lines but it also included findings about ELF (extremely low frequency) and low level electromagnetic radiation (EMR) associated with cell phones...
It has been brought to my attention that the smart meter petition is not working for overseas signators. I just spoke with the company who runs this petition and they confirmed this is unfortunately correct because we have the petition targeted to officials here in the US by zip code. My apologies for this. I would like to highly recommend however, if you live in another country to set it up to function in your country and send it to everyone of your friends on FB and everyone on your email list. The smart meter roll out is is cell towers on steroids and are placed directly in and on your own home and a menace to all life forms.
If you live in Canada, we are able to set it up so that your legislators receive the petition, but it will take a slight bit of work on your end. We have to do an initial manual set up of names, addresses and provinces of the Canadian officials and then Canadians will be able to just type in their zip code and the recipient will receive the petition. This is a one time set up which will take just a little time, but is well worth it. Let me know if you are a Canadian, would like to have the petition set up for your country and are willing to take this small amount of time to help me set the petition up for you.
Seit März 2010 - zwei Monate, bevor der umstrittene Funkmast des Netzbetreibers O2 in dem Wohngebiet in Betrieb gegangen ist ? ist eine Handvoll Wissenschaftler damit beschäftigt, diese Frage zu beantworten. Jetzt stellten sie die ersten Ergebnisse vor ...
Viele Autofahrer telefonieren ohne Freisprecheinrichtung
Fast die Hälfte der deutschen Autofahrer gibt zu, beim Autofahren mit dem Handy ohne Freisprecheinrichtung zu telefonieren. Seit mehr als zehn Jahren darf in Deutschland im Auto nur mit Freisprecheinrichtung telefoniert werden. ...
COMMUNITIES across Durham are gearing up for another fight over plans to erect a string of mobile phone masts. Between February and April, Vodafone and O2 were denied permission to build masts ranging from 14.8m to 17.5m high in...
LAST-ditch talks will be held tomorrow over controversial plans to build a mobile phone mast near schools and homes. As reported in The Northern Echo today, Telefonica O2 gained planning permission to build a 15m-high mast near the...
A COUNCILLOR has called for changes to prevent a planning fiasco which handed a telephone firm permission build a 15m-high mast near schools and homes being repeated. Telefonica O2 got the go-ahead to erect a mobile phone mast near...
Die Forderung der Bürger ist eindeutig: Sie wollen, dass der Gemeinderat seine Genehmigung für den Funkmasten am Bahnübergang Brunnenweg widerruft. Ein Schreiben, das im Gemeinderat erheblichen Unmut auslöste. Gegen die Stimmen von Monika Marstaller ...
WINDSOR, Ont. - Sarah Weisman isn t giving up the fight against a cellphone tower proposed to go about 150 metres from her dream home along the Arner Townline. 'If and when it does go up, I will sell my property and move,' said Weisman, whose husband...
SILOAM SPRINGS, Ark. -- Police say a man in Benton County shot at workers on a cell phone tower in his back yard near Siloam Springs, injuring one. Benton County officials said the man s wife knew the crew of four people were working on the tower in...
6/25/11 - Nearly four years after a cell phone tower located on Howell Public Schools property burned down, the district's insurance company has settled a lawsuit it had earlier filed against both the manufacturer and owner of the tower...
Viewers share more smart meter installation complaints
by Jeremy Desel / KHOU 11 News HOUSTON
After KHOU 11 News aired the story of a man who said a smart meter installation ruined his AC, many people have come forward to share similar stories. It's been a long couple of weeks for a Sugar Land man who...
Kendall said a recent study from the World Health Organization s International Agency on Research on Cancer that labelled the electromagnetic fields caused by cellphones and the like as 'a possible human carcinogen,' suggested the EMF level is ...
My Turn: Three reasons to reject BED s smart-meter proposal
Smart meters pulsate EMF/RF every 15 minutes so Burlington Electric will know exactly when you are using your toaster, microwave, TV, computer, etc. They will know exactly what your usage is by the day, hour or minute depending on when they request a ...
In dieser Arbeit (von N. Falzone et al. 2011) wurde untersucht, ob bzw. wie sich die Fähigkeit von Spermien, an die Eizellen-Oberfläche zu binden, unter Einwirkung von Mobilfunkstrahlung verändert. Die äußere Gestalt der Spermien war signifikant verändert, nicht aber die Fähigkeit zur Akrosomenreaktion. Die Bindungsfähigkeit der Spermien an die Eizelle war signifikant reduziert. Die Fruchtbarkeit der Spermienzellen ist unter diesen Testbedingungen deutlich herabgesetzt.
Wirkung von 900-MHz-Strahlung auf die Zellteilung
Die regelrechte Funktion des Spindelapparates ist bei Zell-Hybriden aus Hamsterzellen und menschlichen Zellen gestört, wenn die elektrische Komponente (E-Feld) von 900-MHz-Strahlung während der Zellteilung einwirkt. Das Magnetfeld (H-Feld) hatte keine Auswirkungen. Es ist eine nicht-thermische Wirkung, die in die letzten Phasen der Zellteilung eingreift. (T. Schrader et al. 2011)
Hochfrequenzwirkung auf Bienen
Mobilfunkstrahlung ändert das Verhalten von Honigbienen
Das Verhalten von Honigbienen unter Einwirkung von Mobilfunkstrahlung verändert sich in der Weise, dass die Arbeiterinnen vermehrt Piepstöne abgeben. Diese Signale senden die Bienen unter natürlichen Bedingungen aus, wenn das Schwärmen bevorsteht oder die Kolonie gestört wird. (D. Favre 2011)
Forschung, Gesundheit und Politik
Warnungen vor Gesundheitsgefahren durch EMF weltweit
Mehrere Gremien haben in den letzten Monaten und Jahren Stellungnahmen zu Gesundheitsgefahren durch elektromagnetische Felder abgegeben. Ob Nieder- oder Hochfrequenz, Krebsrisiko oder allgemeine Gefährdung, alle Institutionen fordern, dass diese Problematik ernst genommen, die Forschung gefördert wird und die Grenzwerte überdacht werden. Die Europäische Umweltagentur fordert darüber hinaus, dass Forscher, die schon früh Warnungen abgegeben haben, nicht diffamiert werden. Einige dieser Papiere werden hier vorgestellt.
Bienen und Imker sind für die Landwirtschaft weitaus wichtiger als Genmais
Alle sprechen vom Bienensterben und dabei geht es nicht nur um Honig, sondern um viel mehr. So sagte Albert Einstein einst: ''Wenn die Bienen aussterben, sterben vier Jahre später auch die Menschen aus.''
Wissenschaftler untersuchen die Mobilfunk-Gewohnheiten von Patienten, die an Tinnitus leiden
Das mobile Telefonieren boomt: Im Jahre 2007 überschritt der weltweite Handy-Verkauf erstmals die Grenze von einer Milliarde, und der Trend zeigt weiter nach oben. Interessanterweise entwickelt sich der unangenehme Tinnitus, also das lästige Klingeln im Ohr, in eine ähnliche Richtung. ...
...Demnach wird Tinnitus durch 'ein Ungleichgewicht zwischen erregenden und
hemmenden neuronalen Verbindungen' verursacht, und die Mikrowellen des
Handys ...
Three hives gone within 3 days of installation of smart meters
FYI--direct from the ranch
We had three bee hives that were healthy and had no other reason to leave- when bees are uncomfortable, threatened, or lack food sources, they leave. Now, a colony will leave individually, yet these hives, all on completely different areas of the property left with in three days of the installation of a PGE smart meter. We also called PGE and asked them not to install, and they did when we were off the property.
I have read reports on the smart meters and was not enrolled that they were/are safe and now have evidence that they effected our personal livelihood and lost three hives which equates to $250/hive loss, pollination loss to fruit tress (bees pollinate 80% of all fruits and vegetables) $5k+/-, and honey as a source of medicine and food $4k.
The math does not equate, the loss of pollination does not equate, and the rapid push of PGE to do this just because they may be at a financial loss- does not equate when it DOES in FACT harmfully effect our community, livelihoods, and food stuffs.
I have experienced this personally and documented it.
Thank you for listening and doing the right thing.
Susan Morin
Red Wolf Ranch
No Time To Waste
Since we received smart meters, my dog (yellow lab) died of heart failure and two neighbors' dogs - one developed a virulent cancer at 9 years old and died within 3 months of getting it, got sick about 8 months after the meters were installed. That meter is on their bedroom, as is mine. I surely am in terrible health since the meter went in, and so has my adult son been, till we figured that out and keep him away from it.
SB (California)
In a message dated 6/23/2011 9:56:22 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, xxxxxxxxx writes:
News from a friend in New York where Smart Meters have been deployed for two-three years: 'In the last 2-3 years, so many people are sick, and people have died. There have been several in their late 40s and 50s who have died of massive heart attacks in the last 2-3 years, and people whose cancer has reoccurred. I live in a small village, and this is a lot of people who are ill and have died. I am very suspicious why this is happening.'
Legal battle likely over Smart Meters
Times Record
By Seth Koenig, Times Record Staff
BATH - After meeting about Smart Meters behind closed doors Wednesday night, the Bath City Council did not rescind its ordinance restricting implementation of the wireless electrical meters in the city. ...
In July of this year, BC Hydro and Fortis will embark upon a $1 billion plus venture to replace every analog hydro meter in the province with a wireless smart electrical meter. For consumers of electricity, who face up to a 50 per cent increase in ...
Please take a minute to send this new online email letter to the California Public Utilities Commission. Its a simple, easy and quick way to send a unified message - restore the analog meters.
Mast cells disrupt the gut-blood-brain barriers and contribute to autism
We know that Electromagnetism breaks the blood brain barrier. Electrosensitive people were found to have more mast cells in their skin when exposed to a TV on their backs. This was seen in skin samples, taken from their backs after exposure by Professor Olle Johansson. See mystery in the skin, by him.
Mr Friar feared the tower could result in 'significant health issues' if fears that they contributed to cancer and other health problems were true. Mr Friar said he would have expected cellphone towers to be erected in areas with minimum potential for ...
This document (376 pp) is quite remarkable as a marketing tool. I have glanced at it and plan to read it more carefully but I thought I would bring it to your attention.
There is a section on e-health, e-education, and much, much more! However, there is no mention that electromagnetic radiation may be harmful to human health or that it might affect wildlife.
Direkt hinter dem Kreuz soll der Sendemast stehen. Ebenfalls soll ein Container gebaut werden, in dem die technischen Überwachungsgeräte aufbewahrt werden. ...
A Tucson Electric Power representative and other experts will also speak.
· When: Sunday, July 17, 2011 from 2 ? 4 P.M.
· Where: The Milagro Community Common House
3057 N. Gaia Place, Tucson, Arizona.
· Suggested $5 Donation
· What is the smart grid and wireless broadband infrastructure?
· Do Smart Meters promote energy and water conservation and efficiency?
· What is the significance of the recent World Health Organization statement that non-ionizing radiation is a possible human carcinogen?
· Are current Federal standards protecting us from microwave radiation emissions from Smart Meters, WI-Fi, antennas, and wireless devices?
· How can people who are Electro-magnetically Hypersensitive, or who have surgically implanted metal devices, survive in the Wireless Digital Age?
RSVP as space is limited: info071811@comcast.net .
Strictly Enforced to Enable Access for ALL: We request that you not wear perfumes, colognes or any scented products, and turn off your cell phones as you enter the Milagro Community.
Parking Available: Park in the vacant lot right before you drive into main parking lot. Follow the pathway from the mailbox area into this wonderful pedestrian eco-village. See http://www.milagrocohousing.org.
Our Sponsors: Arizonans for Safer Utility Infrastructure, Human Ecology Action League (HEAL) Southern Arizona Chapter, Re|Shelter, and Electromagnetic Safety Alliance, Inc.
Elizabeth Kelley
Co-coordinator: Arizonans for Safer Utility Infrastructure
Director: Electromagnetic Safety Alliance, Inc.
Advisor, International EMF Alliance
011-520 743-0125
We have a new petition against 'smart' meters. If you don t already know about them, you will soon, no matter where you are on earth. They are like mini cell towers, only attached right on your home and can be involuntary in many places around the world. This lethal roll out in the face of the recent IARC class 2 b classification of electromagnetic fields as a possible human carcinogen is a disgrace, shameful and UNACCEPTABLE. You can sign this petition no matter what state or country you are in. If you live in another country, I can send you the signatures from your country after a month or so. Just ask me to do so.
We also have a 'tell a friend' follow up where you can send the petition to others on your list and a donate link as this petition costs us money since it is specifically targeted by zip code and delivered in real time to our reps, the white house, etc. So please pass it on and please donate what you can to help us pay for this petition.
This week I had the privilege of being interviewed again on The Power Hour with Joyce Riley. This time it was myself and Prof. Olle Johansson from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden who is currently being discriminated against because of his non industry stance on cell non ionizing radiation and heath effects.
I have also posted the interviews from last month as it gives some background on things and this month I was focused primarily on actions that the public can take to protect themselves from smart meters, but last months interview may give a little more info on smart meters themselves. Olle Johansson is brilliant and I want to thank our fantastic host Joyce Riley for giving this issue a platform from which the non industry POV on this issue can be heard.
May 25th, 2011 Sophia Smallstorm and myself (towards middle of first link and for full hour on 2nd link)
And finally, documentary filmmaker and journalist Julius Morten has made multiple videos on Dr. Olle Johansson and Monica Nilsson, another investigative journalist on this issue. I have not watched them all but what I have seen is well worth your time.
35 interview videos with Olle Johansson from May 2008 to October 2010:
I know there's a lot of content in this email. But the issue is rail roading right over us all if we do not do something about it, so the more material you have to educate yourself, the better off we all are.
Thank you for your time and attention,
Very important reading:
50+ EMF Safety Tips & Insights
by Camilla Rees, MBA, Founder www.ElectromagneticHealth.org and
Campaign for Radiation Free Schools (Facebook); Co-author with Magda Havas, PhD of 'Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side of the Wireless Revolution'. Co-founder International EMF Alliance.
We ll get the full study to see if it is simply 'being online' that matters, or if there is an RF-EMF
component that contributes to abnormal neuronal changes.
Cindy Sage, MA
Microstructure Abnormalities in Adolescents with Internet Addiction Disorder
Die Bürgerinitiative Funkmast Ortenaukreis mit Sitz in Waldulm hat zwei Elektrosmog-Warnschilder in der näheren Umgebung des Funkmasts auf dem Waldulmer Pfarrberg aufgestellt Die Grundstücksbesitzer erteilten ihre Zustimmung, damit Wanderer vor der vom ...
While Health Canada has said that the low-level electromagnetic frequency from Wi-Fi is not a public danger, a number of local people are convinced otherwise. Some of them cite symptoms such as nausea and headaches they say are caused by Wi-Fi. ...
DISGRUNTLED residents today slammed 'shocking' plans to place a mobile phone mast next to a tennis club. Mobile operators O2 and Vodafone have made inquiries to Wyre Council about installing a 15m high mast in the grounds of Moorland Tennis Club in ...
PLANS for a mobile phone mast that would have been installed in a memorial field for cancer victims have been thrown out by Elmbridge Council. Vodafone wanted to build the 12.5 metre mast on land at the junction of Oatlands Drive and Berkeley Court, ...
Erzürnte Anwohner und Eltern gründeten den Verein 'Gomas' (Günsberg ohne Mobilfunkantenne auf dem Schul- und Sportplatz) und kämpfen gegen den Sendemast. ...
Plans for a mobile phone mast have been thrown out because it was deemed too close to an historic Preston park. Telefonica O2 Limited and Vodafone Limited wanted to share a 12.5m mast in Ashton to improve 3G coverage. They submitted plans to erect it ...
Planners believe two mobile phone masts should be put up in residential areas of Preston, despite objections from neighbours and a school. Vodafone (UK) Ltd and Telefonica O2 (UK) want permission for masts in Fulwood and Ribbleton...
Lancashire Evening Post Mr Jackson claimed the group is not against all mobile phone mast developments but believes other sites should be explored further east. He said: 'We have no objection to a mast but why not put it in a place where it doesn t interfere with people...
For the second time in less than a month, an international cancer research group has aired its concerns about the cancer-causing potential of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) emitted by ...
In recent months, residents in Eros and surrounding areas raised concern over health risks which can result from exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields, which are sent out by wireless communication devices and base transmitters stations. ...
Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm
The Royal Institute of Technology
100 44 Stockholm
OLLE JOHANSSON, PH.D., TELLS HOW HE S BEEN PUNISHED FOR EXPOSING THE HEALTH RISKS OF MAN-MADE EMF'S (Please watch this video & read article it may just save your life)
D., ... for Electromagnetic Radiation - Pointing to Biological Hazards and Risks to the ...
Some 30 scientists from 14 countries met in France to discuss the evidence surrounding radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) (including those caused by mobile phones) as possibly carcinogenic to humans. The findings have today been published ...
Brain tumours evidence rises, mobile phone shares fall
People who started their mobile phone use when aged less than 20 had almost a 5-fold increased risk of developing a brain tumour, a new Hardell study shows. Also, following the IARC classification of RF as a possible human carcinogen, mobile telecoms industry shares have taken a significant fall. One class action has already been filed in Israel.
It turns out there s are several million people with this condition called Electro Hyper Sensitivity or EHS and that number is growing all the time. ...
The importance of her message was underscored by the World Health Organization s recent declaration that radiofrequency and electromagnetic radiation constitute a 'possible' cause of brain cancer. In her article, titled 'Beyond Brain Cancer: Other ...
Conducted in Canada by the Queens University, the study says that men with poor sperm quality and less sperm count could have been spending too much time on cell phones and were being harmed by the electromagnetic waves emitted by them. ...
Congratulations to the Radiation Research Trust on getting these posters educating men about fertility risks from cell phone radiation disseminated in men's bathrooms in the U.K.
Portland, OR ? June 19, 2011 ? A parent of a child in a Portland Public School is suing PPS, for installing a wi fi infrastructure throughout the school system. Citing breach of 14th Amendment right to choice, the plaintiff in the case has serious, legally and scientifically established concerns about the safety of wi fi technology and its potential biological effects on children.
About 44 per cent Canadians say they have coped with a mental health problem such as extreme stress, depression, substance abuse or schizophrenia, according to a survey that suggests employees aren t the only ones paying the price.
Why worry about 24 hours a day carcinogenic radiation (W.H.O. 2b) and all the adverse health effects, when you can gaze upon this beauty? Just look at the visual appeal !
'You would not believe the e-mails I got,' said Councillor Alex Chiu. The Rogers wireless tower at 14th Avenue and Brimley Road in front of a day care centre has area residents up in arms about the potential health risk to children.
Conclusion: with the government s cooperation, they are going to study the coming epidemic...
John Weigel
Man sues school district over Wi-Fi
KPTV Portland
The World Health Organization has classified radio frequencies and electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans. Morrison says he s taken this to administrators, but believes his concerns are being ignored. That's why he filed the lawsuit. ...
Der bereits beschlossene Handy-Funkmast auf dem Bauhofgebäude hat den Gemeinderat Kirchweidach in seiner jüngsten Sitzung beschäftigt. Nun lag dem Gremium ein Schreiben besorgter Anlieger vor. Der Gemeinderat beschloss, eine Informationsveranstaltung ...
Our sister lobbying group, AmericanAssociationForCellPhoneSafety.org, is sending another letter to our federal regulatory agencies. Our letter last year helped prompt some vital changes in the Motorola phone manuals including vital warnings to children and pregnant women. It is high time the FCC take action within their own website, materials and information disseminated to the public, particularly in the wake of the recent WHO/IARC classification of electromagnetic fields being Class 2 B carcinogens..
It reportedly based its classification after a review of hundreds of
articles published in scientific journals on health risks associated with
exposure to radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields, including a
study--called the Interphone study--that ...
While an influential European parliamentary committee is warning European countries to reduce exposure to electromagnetic radiation, especially for children, and a growing number of government health ministries around the world recommend drastically ...
I have been campaigning against more phone masts since 2000, ... A spokesman for Cornerstone Mobile on behalf of Vodafone previously said that all base ...
Über mögliche Risiken durch Handystrahlung wird seit langem diskutiert. Neurowissenschaftler wiesen nun erstmals nach, dass starke Handy-Strahlung bei Ratten Lernprozesse im Gehirn behindert. Sehr starke Strahlung schadet dem Rattenhirn. ...
Attached is a great flyer outlining the many problems associated with the smart meters. Some of them are specific to the costs here in BC, but I?m sure wherever they are being installed, the same cost problem exists. This was made by Tatha Cornish here in Victoria. Many thanks to her for helping to educate so many.
Dear Premier Clark, Hon. Mr. de Jong, Dr. Kendall,
On May 31, 2011, the World Health Organizations International Agency for Research on Cancers 31 international scientists officially classified microwave radiation from wireless devices a 2b carcinogen.
This is major news! All of those gadgets which have become essential to our lives, and which surround us 24/7 might cause cancer. Thousands of studies done by hundreds of world class scientists over several decades have shown serious health effects like blood brain barrier leakage which causes neurological problems, or DNA damage which can cause mutation of cells, or hormonal changes which can lead to cancer. But, due largely to industry influence, these have been ignored, until MAY 31, 2011!!
But what does our esteemed Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Perry Kendall say? In a letter posted on the BC Centre for Disease Control he mocks the rating, saying it means that radiation from cell phones is no more dangerous than coffee. He deliberately misleads the public by making them believe that using a microwave device, all day, radiating your head is no worse than drinking a cup of coffee. Shame on him for not saying that drinking huge amounts of coffee has been linked to bladder cancer.
Dr. Kendall says many everyday items are given a 2b rating. This is a lie. There are 200 substances in this category and few would consider lead, DDT or industrial chemicals everyday items.
He further states that this decision by IARC was based on old information, implying that means the decision was immaterial. First, the decision was based on a thorough review of all available science, including several new studies regarding cellphones which were not included in the infamous Interphone study. Because the Interphone study had been funded largely by the telecom companies, and industry affiliated researchers had participated in setting the guidelines for the study, many independent scientists held back their reports. They refused to be tinged by the taint of collusion which surrounded that multimillion dollar report.
Why does Dr. Kendall whitewash the IARC decision when he should be encouraging precautionary policies to protect the public? He clearly is not doing his job. Why, Dr. Kendall? In the past when asked about Canada s lack of protective guidelines regarding WiFi in schools, cell transmitters near homes and hospitals, and children sleeping with cell phones you said you believed there was no evidence of harm and you looked to Health Canada which followed WHO s lead. Now that the WHO has found evidence of harm, enough to call wireless radiation a possible carcinogen, you decide WHO is wrong. You decide WHO is wrong. You, with no research experience on the topic, decide you know more than all of the experts on the IARC panel.
Shame on you, Dr. Kendall. Did you not take the Hippocratic oath when you became a doctor? Have you handed it over to the gods of industry? I can think of no other reason for your shameful failure to do your job.
I call upon the Minister of Health to fire you for gross negligence. British Columbia deserves better than you, Dr. Kendall.
Yours truly,
Sharon Noble
818 Bexhill Place
Victoria, BC V9C 3V5
'New Zealand s approach to this issue is the approach of big business trying to protect their interests. They know there are dangers but if people discover this they will lose a huge amount of money,' Goldsworthy said.
'I became interested in the effect of radio waves on living organisms, both animals and plants. At first I didn not believe the signals could do any damage at all, it went against my whole instincts, but then when I went more deeply into it I could see the mechanism by which it was happening and why everything fitted together. It was like a eureka moment in reverse. Instead of feeing elated at having discovered something, I felt sick.'...
The danger is found in electromagnetic radiation which cellphones emit. .... based on studies he has done which link autism to the use of baby monitors. ...
An informal survey by one resident found many people were suffering similar symptoms, including joint pains, headaches, insomnia, fatigue and dizziness.
Radiation from cell phone towers, Wi-Fi , smart grids, and other sources: What are the long-term effects?
Environmental Expert (press release)
...published online on 5 November 2010. Levitt, BB and Lai, H. 2010. Biological effects from exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell tower base stations and other antenna arrays. Environmental Reviews, 18: 369?395...
[ Please, note that professor Martin Ingvar at the Karolinska Institute, head of the Osher Centrum, today has been elected ''Misleader of the Year''/''Årets Förvillare 2012''. See: http://aretsforvillare.nu/ . Scroll down to ''Årets förvillare 2012 blev Martin Ingvar, KI, Osher Centrum''.
Olle Johansson, professor
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm
Sweden ]
Important New Scientific Study
Our analysis of the literature studies and of the results from meta-analyses of the significant data alone shows an almost doubling of the risk of head tumours induced by long-term mobile phone use or latency.
Opponents tie cancer to SmartMeters, Wi-Fi, cell phones ...
'The WHO finding is groundbreaking. The idea that Wi-Fi, SmartMeters and all the wireless technologies are completely safe was piggybacked on the pronouncements that cell phones are completely safe. This WHO study calls all that into question,' Morey said.
Monday June 13, 2011 ? The Victoria School Board s Wi-Fi Committee presented their motion on Wi-Fi, which passed at the Operations Policy and Planning meeting. The motion basically recommended to continue examining the evidence from Health Canada and the World Health Organization in spite of the WHO s recent reclassification of radio frequency, electromagnetic radiation as a 2B carcinogen, the same as lead, DDT, chloroform, and car exhaust.
One trustee went on record to say he had heard enough to know Wi-Fi is a potential threat to children and should not be used in schools. The Chair of the Wi-Fi Committee- the SB Treasurer (no conflict there), likened the risk of daily exposure to microwave radiation from Wi-Fi as the same as crossing the street, which we allow our children to do. This is the level of ignorance at times we are up against.
It is far from over though; parents and others will continue to hold school officials accountable until responsible action is taken to protect children.
Victoria School Board?s Wi-Fi Committee presents motion at OPPs Meeting (2 hrs.)
Woman arrested for allegedly blocking SmartMeter installation
San Francisco Examiner
... is a point of contention between the utility and activists, who say the radiation is especially dangerous for those suffering from 'electrosensitivity. ...
Sie werfen der Kirche vor, dass sie nicht über die Mobilfunkantenne auf dem Glockenturm informiert habe, und forderten die Gemeindeverwaltung zum Handeln...
Ausgangspunkt des Bürgerprotests: Auf dem Sportgelände des SC Hassenroth soll, geht es nach dem Willen der Bundesnetzagentur, ein 40 Meter hoher Sendemast für den digitalen Polizeifunk entstehen. Bürger kritisieren die Pläne, denn der Mast stünde in ...
Der Hassenrother Sportplatz wird vom Digitalfunk-Übertragungsbetrieb frei bleiben. ... Der von der Bundesanstalt für Digitalfunk angestrebte Vertrag zur...
Die Bürgerinitiative 'Tetrafreies Leben' Hassenroth freut sich zwar über die Rücknahme der gemeindlichen Zusage an die Bundesanstalt für Digitalfunk, den Sportplatz in diesem Höchster Ortsteil für einen Empfangs- und Sendemast nutzen zu dürfen,...
Moratorium beim Ausbau weiterer Sendemasten gefordert
Die Hassenrother BI lädt für Dienstag, 6. September, ab 19.30 Uhr in das Höchster Bürgerhaus zu einer Informationsveranstaltung -Tetra - verstrahltes Hessen...
... Arbeitsgruppe wegen möglicher Befangenheit abgelehnt hat. Die IARC hat kürzlich bekannt gegeben, dass Handystrahlung 'möglicherweise krebserregend' sei. ...
Physics Chunda Zhou, Walter W. Reisner, Rory J. Staunton, Amir Ashan, Robert H. Austin, and Robert Riehn
Electric fields applied to DNA in solution can be used to manipulate this important biological molecule. In Physical Review Letters, researchers report ...
Unterwössen - Die Marschrichtung der Gemeinde Unterwössen in Sachen geplanten Digitalfunks bleibt bestehen: In Agersgschwendt wird der bestehende Funkmast ...
Unterwössen: Trotz heftigem Gegenwind in Sachen 'Digitalfunk für Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben (BOS)' bleibt die Gemeinde Unterwössen weiter auf Kurs. Nach harten Auseinandersetzungen in der jüngsten Sitzung des Gemeinderates hat...
... Sprecherin der BI die Mehrheitsentscheidungen des Gemeinderates Unterwössen vom Mai und Juni für zwei Tetra-Funk-Sendemasten in Oberwössen attackiert...
Die geplante Verlagerung der Mobilfunksendeanlage vom Dach der Schule an der Ruhr zum Waldstadion Bürenbruch ruft den Widerstand von Anwohnern hervor...
Dr. Gerhard Doll, in Schwerte praktizierender Kieferchirurg, hat sich seit Jahren mit der Frage befasst, welcher Belastung die Menschen durch Mobilfunk ausgesetzt sind. Der Arzt empfiehlt dringend, die Antennenmasten draußen vor der Stadt aufzustellen...
Der Widerstand gegen den geplanten Mobilfunkmast am Stadion Bürenbruch wächst. ... Als sie von den Plänen erfuhren, nach denen Vodafone die Mobilfunkmasten...
der Mobilfunkbetreiber Telefonica Germany (O2) ist einem Grundsatzurteil des Bundesgerichtshofs in Karlsruhe zur Wirksamkeit einer Kündigung eines von ihm sehr einseitig formulierten 30jährigen Mietvertrages mit einer Vertragsaufhebung zuvorgekommen. Das bundesweit von vielen Bürgern, Kommunen, Initiativen und Juristen mit Spannung erwartete Urteil des BGH bleibt damit aus.
Auf Bestreben von O2 kam jetzt eine außergerichtliche Einigung mit einer Grundstücksbesitzerin aus dem Landkreis Ebersberg/Bayern zustande. Diese hatte auf Feststellung der Wirksamkeit der Kündigung ihres mit 02 geschlossenen Mietvertrages geklagt und in letzter Instanz beim Bundesgerichtshof in Karlsruhe Revision eingelegt.
Mit dem Rückzieher von O2 ist es der Mobilfunkbranche erneut gelungen, den Status quo zu ihren eigenen Gunsten aufrecht zu erhalten. Das Angebot außergerichtlicher Regelungen bei unsicherem Prozessausgang ist gängige Praxis der Mobilfunkbetreiber.
Im Anhang dazu unsere Pressemitteilung mit der Bitte um Veröffentlichung.
Vielen Dank im voraus.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Trudi Christof
Rudolf Lang
Vorstand BI Aßling - Mobilfunk mit Grenzen e.V.
Postfach 1114, 85615 Aßling
Tel. 08092 / 9220
Aßling - Für die Aßlinger Initiative 'Mobilfunk mit Grenzen' ist es ein Präzendenzfall. Fakt ist nämlich, dass der Mobilfunkbetreiber O2 den Aßlinger 'Büchsenberg' als Standort für einen Sendemast aufgibt Der Mobilfunkbetreiber Telefonica Germany (O2) ...
Nördlich von Oberbrunn soll auf dem Höhenberg ein rund 40 Meter hoher Sendemast mit Tetrafunk für Seeon, Pittenhart, Obing und die umliegenden Gemeinden errichtet werden. Nach Bekanntwerden dieser Pläne hat sich die Bürgerinitiative 'Tetrafunkfreies ...
Auf dem Höhenberg soll ein etwa 40 Meter hoher Tetrafunk-Sendemast aufgebaut werden. Mit diesem Mast sollen Seeon, Pittenhart, Obing und die benachbarten Gemeinden in das Digitalfunk-Netz eingebunden werden. Im Landkreis Traunstein sollen zudem 22 ...
Gauting - Grünen-Gemeinderätin Anne Franke spricht sich gegen die Aufstellung des BOS-Funkmasten aus, weil er gesundheitsschädlich sei - Gemeinderat winkt...
Seeon - Auf Widerstand stoßen die Pläne, einen zirka 40 Meter hohen Turm
für den neuen digitalen Behördenfunk (Tetrafunk) auf dem Höhenberg
zwischen Seeon ...
Tetrafunk: Technisch veraltet, gesundheitsgefährdend und zu teuer?
Traunsteiner Tagblatt
... Waging« informierte der Baubiologe Johannes Schmidt aus Seeon im »Sailer-Keller« über die Risiken bei dem flächendeckenden digitalen Behördenfunk...
... und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben beabsichtigt die BOS Bayern auf dem Höhenberg bei Seeon einen rund 40 Meter hohen Sendemast aufzustellen...
Zwar gibt es im südlichen Ostallgäu ein Mobilfunk-Konzept, die Sender aus den Wohngebieten herausbringen und ihre Anzahl insgesamt verringern will. Doch hat das einen Haken: Die Betreiber negieren in den meisten Fällen die vorgeschlagenen ...
Town officials will seek to limit the size of a proposed cellphone tower and the amount of electromagnetic radiation it produces before agreeing to lease town property to Verizon Wireless. The town has been negotiating with the company since early last ...
Dr. Annie Sasco, a cancer researcher at the University of Bordeaux, France, and a distinguished 20-year IARC veteran, feels an even higher classification is warranted: Class 2A,
The minister at Roxboro United Church confirmed Monday that the congregation is in negotiations with Telus Mobility, a major Canadian wireless phone company.
Online petition - opposition to Telus plans to install Cellphone tower at Roxboro United Church
Thank you to a concerned resident who has set up an online petition that now allows concerned residents and parents to voice their opposition to the Telus plans to install a cellphone tower at Roboro United Church (RUC) in Roxboro.
Under the title: Opposing plans of Telus to install a cell phone tower at Roxboro United Church in Roxboro, Quebec
Please, help us by visiting the site and signing the petition. Also it would be appreciated if you could distribute this note to other concerned residents.
Even those who may not live nearby can support the petition. If the actions of Telus and other carriers can happen at RUC, they can also happen in other neighbourhoods.
Beyond Brain Cancer: Other Possible Dangers Of Cell Phones
Huffington Post (blog)
In a nearly unanimous decision, 31 expert advisers to the World Health Organization (WHO) last week stunned the world s 5 billion cell phone users and declared radiofrequency and electromagnetic radiation a "possible" cause of brain cancer. ...
ACCORDING to the UN News Centre, the World Health Organisation reported on May 31 that the exposure to electromagnetic fields emitted by mobile telephones could possibly cause cancer, including an increased risk in a malignant type of brain tumour. ...
Then he watched My House, My Castle on TV2 and heard other people who live near cellphone towers talk about their concerns that the electromagnetic radiation may have a cumulative effect on their health. He wants to get the radiation levels around the ...
Dr. Gittleman has a very personal reason behind her efforts to educate the public about the dangers of EMF emissions. She developed a tumor in her parotid gland, which was caused by her cell phone use. Startled by this revelation, she began her journey ...
The FINANCIAL -- Brussels, 14 June 2011 ? A proposal to update and improve EU rules to protect workers from electromagnetic fields in their daily tasks has just been put forward by the European Commission. The rules are to protect workers like doctors ...
The Commission wants to improve rules to protect workers from electromagnetic fields
The proposal presented by the Commission would replace the current Directive (2004/40/EC) and it is aimed to revamp rules to protect EU workers from harmful electromagnetic fields. More specifically, this proposal is aimed to protect workers like ...
EU proposes more protection for workers exposed to radiation
Times of Malta
Rules to further protect workers from electromagnetic fields, such as doctors and nurses who administer MRI scans, are being proposed by the European Commission. The idea is to update a 2004 directive on the minimum health and safety requirements...
(hf) Für den digitalen Behördenfunk im Landkreis Rhön-Grabfeld sind Funkmasten notwendig. Einer davon sollte am historischen, denkmalgeschützten 'Weißen ...
Und tatsächlich nutzen gerade vier Passagiere ihre Geräte, ein Handy und
drei iPods. In einem anderen Fall liefen plötzlich Uhren im Cockpit
'rückwärts' und das Navigationssystem spielte verrückt. Es stellte
sich heraus, dass zwei Passagiere mit ihren ...
CDU-Ortschaftsrat Alois Ockl wundert sich: Eigens für den Funkmast wurde ein ... Vor einer Woche wurde der 50 Meter hohe Funkmast nun ohne eine weitere...
Vor einer Woche wurde der 50 Meter hohe Funkmast nun ohne eine weitere Information an den Ortschaftsrat errichtet. Die neue Einrichtung ragt nun in ...
Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from mobile phones impact the central nervous system and the ear, which is the closest organ, causing a higher energy deposition in the ear. The amount of absorbed energy depends on both duration of exposure and the ...
Ten year-old Harry Hucknell kissed his mother Jane and older brother, David, goodnight before going upstairs to his bedroom and locking the door. He then hanged himself with a belt from his bunk bed. His father blames Harry s death on two ?mind-altering? drugs that his son had been prescribed by a psychiatrist to cure his boisterous behaviour and low spirits. Now, a distraught Mr Hucknall is to make a formal complaint to the NHS for prescribing his son Ritalin, a cocaine-like stimulant which, paradoxically, is said to calm down a child, and Prozac, a powerful antidepressant. 661,000 prescriptions are dished out annually in Britain to treat childhood ADHD - double the figure of five years ago. These medicines are being given to very young children - one aged just 15 months. ?I think ADHD is a disease invented by drug companies' - Darren Hucknell. ?Harry ended up taking two drugs that work against each other - the Prozac that fights depression and the Ritalin that can cause it. How can that be right??
Sue Reid, Daily Mail
Even pediatricians want suicide warning placed on ADHD drugs
Inaudible to some, buzz could be water system, electromagnetic frequency
Some people are sensitive to electro magnetic frequencies. So we are looking at a combination of location, maybe the geology of the area, which is still an...
A controversial proposal to erect a cell-phone tower at the Boy Scouts' Camp Herms in El Cerrito has been canceled by T-Mobile, the Boy Scouts announced.
This is the first time that the IARC has evaluated electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone use for carcinogenicity. Until now, WHO had relied on the evaluations done by the ICNIRP. The ICNIRP has held that there is no link between mobile phone use ...
The European Parliament in May decided that there is enough evidence 'of potentially harmful effects of electromagnetic fields on fauna, flora and human health to react and guard against potentially serious environmental and health hazards'. ...
In Hermagor sorgt ein geplanter, fast 50 Meter hoher Handymast für Aufregung. Der Mast wurde von der Gemeinde auf dem ehemaligen Grund eines Biobauern...
In der Gemeinde Hermagor macht eine Bürgerinitiative gegen einen Handymast mobil. Rund 300 Personen wollen die Errichtung in letzter Minute verhindern, ...
Bereits Ende Juni hätte nahe Untervellach bei Hermagor ein neuer Handymast mit 48 Meter Höhe stehen sollen. Nach Bürgerprotesten und einem Runden Tisch ist...
With technological advances, there will be increases in the electromagnetic
radiation from mobile phones and base stations and these may raise the
pathological consequences of cell phones on fertility. Taking into account
the anatomical variation in ...
And, ubiquitous as they are, electromagnetic fields are being studied for their effect on biological life. True, there s radiation in nature too. But researchers say modern technology has caused these radiation levels to increase. ...
The impact of electromagnetic fields generated by cell phones on the human brain has received sporadic attention until recently, but more and more evidence point towards microwave radiation from mobile phones may actually cause serious diseases and ...