Ein Dutzend Handys reicht aus, um das Netz einer kleinen Stadt zu stören: Forscher haben eine Methode gefunden, mit der sie handelsübliche Telefone zu...
Mit einer kritischen Stellungnahme spricht sich die Kitzinger Bürgerinitiative 'Risiko Mobilfunk' gegen einen neuen Senderstandort in der Siedlung aus...
Die Abwicklung des Mobilfunk-Streits im Stadtteil Mühlbach beschäftigt weiter den Bund der Steuerzahler (BdSt). 'Wir haben das noch nicht endgültig bewertet',...
Wer immer erreichbar sein will, nimmt das Handy sogar mit ins Bett. Doch das hat Einfluss auf die Schlaf-Qualität. Und schlechter Schlaf kann sich negativ auf...
Zusammenhang zwischen der Exposition gegenüber elektromagnetischen Feldern von Hochspannungsfreileitungen und neurologisch-bedingtem Verhalten bei Kindern
Ziel dieser Studie war es, den Zusammenhang zwischen EMF-Exposition von Hochspannungsfreileitungen und neurologisch-bedingtem Verhalten bei Kindern zu untersuchen.
Zwei Grundschulen in der chinesischen Stadt Guangzhou wurden auf der Grundlage von Monitoring-Daten der elektromagnetischen Strahlung der Umgebung ausgewählt. Eine Querschnittsstudie mit 437 Kindern (9 bis 13 Jahre alt) wurde durchgeführt. Die Exposition gegenüber EMF von Hochspannungsfreileitungen wurde an beiden Schulen überprüft. Mittels standardisierter Fragebögen wurden Informationen über mögliche Störfaktoren und relevante Expositions-Prädiktoren erhoben. Das neurologisch-bedingte Verhalten der Kinder wurde mit etablierten computerbasierten neurologischen Verhaltenstests ausgewertet. Die Daten wurden unter Verwendung multivariater Regressionsmodelle für relevante Störfaktoren angepasst.
Nach Berücksichtigung der möglichen Störgrößen (Confounder) ergab die multivariate Regression, dass die Kinder, die eine Schule in der Nähe einer 500-kV-Freileitung besuchten, schlechtere Leistungen bei den computerbasierten neurologischen Verhaltenstests für visuelle Merkfähigkeit und Zielgerichtetheit zeigten als die Kinder, deren Schule nicht in unmittelbarer Nähe zu einer Hochspannungsfreileitung lag.
Die Wissenschaftler schlussfolgern anhand dieser Ergebnisse, dass die langfristige Exposition gegenüber niederfrequenten EMF von Hochspannungsfreileitungen einen negativen Einfluss auf das neurologisch-bedingte Verhalten bei Kindern haben kann. Da nur für zwei der vier neurologischen Tests eine statistische Signifikanz erreicht wurde und aufgrund von möglicherweise weiteren Einschränkungen sind weitere Studien erforderlich, um die Auswirkungen der Exposition gegenüber extrem niederfrequenten EMF auf das neurologisch-bedingte Verhalten und die Entwicklung bei Kindern genauer zu erforschen.
A two-hour trip into the city can leave her fatigued for the rest of the day. Campbell avoids restaurants, coffee shops, movie theatres and anywhere she expects exposure.
The situation impelled Campbell to call on B.C. Ferries to provide a way to limit exposure to the ship s wireless technology while on voyages to the Mainland.
When you see the video (live blood analysis) [ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4JDEspdx58 ]
and then realize that lyme disease is caused by blood born parasites, it is easy to see how electro hyper-sensitivity and lyme disease can be inter-related and how exposure to wireless radiation could make the symptoms much worse.
Martin Weatherall
Doctors sound alarm on child fitness and health
New report prompts fears over soaring obesity, showing half of seven-year-olds are not doing enough exercise. By the final year of primary school 33.9% of pupils are either overweight (14.7%) or obese (19.2%).
Comment: Is this problem 'childhood fatigue', caused by long term exposure to wireless microwave radiation, in a similar way that microwave radiation appears to cause chronic fatigue in adults? It is interesting that the poorer single parent families, who are less likely to have many wireless gadgets appear to be suffering less.
Martin Weatherall
Can Cellphones Affect Your Heart Health? A Cardiologist Explains
A 1-minute phone call raised the heart rate in chronic users of cell phones. The blood cholesterol levels were also higher in regular users
Laptop use lowers student grades, experiment shows
Laptops have replaced pen and paper for many post-secondary students but a Canadian study suggests using computers during lectures could be hurting their grades and lowering their classmates' marks.
Weil die Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO) sich vom Antennenwald auf dem Wilhelm-Högner-Haus in der Siedlung trennen will, suchen die Mobilfunk-Betreiber nach...
Das Handy klingelt, der Schulweg scheint endlos zu sein und der Nintendo verlockt, in die digitale Spielewelt einzutauchen. Oft schenken Kinder auf dem Weg...
They eventually lost and the mast was erected by Orange...Leading campaigner Karen Barratt, who still does not have a mobile phone, said: 'We are delighted...
He said: 'We don t want to see masts put up in residential areas and the residents are furious. Nearly everybody has a mobile phone these days so we do have...
For months everyone was freaking out about the unsolved bee apocalypse (or beepocalypse) with bees suddenly and mysteriously dying by the tens of millions...
India has set EMF emission levels from mobile towers at one-tenth of international standards. The guidelines also specify that consent of state-level Term Cells...
THEY were defeated in their long-running battle against a mobile phone mast. But now the residents of a Winchester avenue have had the last laugh, they are...
Ende 2014 soll nun endlich der Digitalfunk bei Polizei und Feuerwehr...Ende 2014 geplanten bundesweiten Start des abhörsicheren Digitalfunks von Polizei,...
Ontario teachers' union votes to ban cell phones in classrooms
The federation also voted to label Wi-Fi access points in school, and to continue to study the effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, the potentially...
Province pulls plug on Internet access in school buses
Officials had hoped students would use the service to complete homework assignments. But the majority of students, roughly 60 per cent, used the Wi-Fi primarily for entertainment purposes.
Faceoff: should kids be allowed to use cellphones in the classroom?
YES: Andy Walker, former TV host, and co-author of Super You. andywalker.com
NO: Dr. Magda Havas, Associate Professor, Trent University, magdahavas.com
But Plant said she started getting reactions in her eardrums to electromagnetic field emissions (EMFs) from objects like cordless and cell phones, microwaves,...
Rhode Island Commissioner Tries to Slow Smart Meter Deployment
Although Rhode Island has a smart meter pilot program on Aquidneck Island, there are currently no plans to expand the meters in the state. Rhode Island s Public Utilities Commissioner Paul J. Roberti doesn t believe smart meters 'come close' to justifying their costs and are an ill-advised, unrealistic attempt to modify consumer behavior.
Donna Giroux of Kennebunk says she became extremely ill and experienced facial burning, weakness and other cognitive and neurological effects after smart meters were installed in her neighborhood.
Northcote resident says smart meter caused her tinnitus
A NORTHCOTE resident says her pleas to an electricity provider to get rid of the smart meter she s blaming for her tinnitus are falling on deaf ears. Vasiliki Erophile is calling for residents to have access to an opt-out clause similar to Holland and...
Electrical Workers Union Speaks Out Against Smart Meters
Leaders of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1288 said Monday, July 8, they intend to put up billboards warning the public of what they say are the dangers of the new meters the utility plans to seek city funding for later this year.
'We know it can be hacked in China,' said Donna Bohannon, another opponent of the meters. 'Made in China, hacked by China.'
North Webster Fire Department Chief Jeremy Likens ???said the fire at 36 EMS T14 Lane, Leesburg, definitely started in the new meter.
Across the country, over 900 fires have been linked to smart meters since 2008, according to Jonathan Libber, a former attorney for the Environmental Protection Agency. Libber heads Maryland Smart Meter Awareness, a group opposed to the meters.
Smart electricity meters can be used to spy on private homes
After signing up with the German smart-meter firm Discovergy, the researchers detected that the company s devices transmitted unencrypted data from the home devices back to the company s servers over an insecure link. The researchers, Dario Carluccio and Stephan Brinkhaus, intercepted the supposedly confidential and sensitive information, and, based on the fingerprint of power usage, were able to tell not only whether or not the homeowners were home, away or even sleeping, but also what movie they were watching on TV.
Check out this exclusive sneak peek from Take Back Your Power, launching worldwide on September 5.
This clip takes a look at evidence of health hazards resulting from 'smart' meter radiation. Please share this clip amongst your online communities and spread the word!
Die Schweizerischen Bundesbahnen (SBB) wollen auf 100 Bahnhöfen kostenloses WLAN anbieten. Doch Elektrosmog-Betroffene und eine Nationalrätin sind dagegen...
'Bei W-Lan ist der Abstand zwischen den Wellen kürzer als bei Radio- und länger als bei Mikrowellen', sagt Marilyn Browning. Elektromagnetische Wellen sind...
200 Euro fällig, wobei in den Niederlanden bereits das Halten eines Handys während der Fahrt im Auto strafbar ist. In Spanien kostet das Telefonieren am...
Yahya Abu Ghanem believes his three sons and wife, who all have all been diagnosed with various forms of cancer, is a result of their home s close proximity to a tower, which is adjacent to a building with a tower on top of it.
He said an official from the Public Environmental Health Office in Sanaa visited his home and confirmed the frequency of radiation emitted by the towers is high and may cause serious diseases.
Some, like Four Barrel and the Grove, have nixed WiFi entirely, while some places like Coffee Bar limit some tables to WiFi zones during certain hours...
Nestled among mountains, the town is inside the US National Radio Quiet Zone, where electromagnetic radiation is banned, and that includes radio and TV,...
Americans moving to U.S. radiation free town for healthier lifestyle
Newstrack India
This zone is spread across 13,000-square-mile area, where most types of electromagnetic radiation on the radio spectrum, including radio and TV broadcasts,...
If you haven t seen this, please check out the following, new article on Green Banks, the radio quiet zone in the US. It seems they may shut down the telescope, this is big news.
Wobei das Handy, genauer, das Smartphone, das heutzutage rund 60 Prozent aller Amerikaner bei sich tragen, ein unentbehrliches Hilfsmittel ist. Sobald sich...
The current FCC Maximum Permitted Exposure (MPE) limits are so high that they provide no protection for the public from the biological effects found in any of the 67 studies.
A scientific look at smart meters pokes holes in CMP safety claims
I recall one incident where a co-worker and I were working near a radio frequency field that was considered safe. Before starting work, I had removed my wedding band and watch, knowing that metal moving in a field can conduct electricity. After a short time, my co-worker stated that it smelled like someone was cooking a hot dog, then he started to yell and shake his left hand.
It turned out his movements near the field had induced a current in his wedding band, 'cooking' his finger. It is my understanding from my work that long-term exposure to radiated energy, even at very low dosage, can have an accumulated effect on human tissue.
'Why are we creating new vulnerabilities in the grid, and then being sold the idea that this is somehow going to make the grid more stable and reliable?' del Sol asked.
In BC (and I believe the same is true in every province) no agency is tracking fires or damaged appliances associated with smart meters. We have had many fires in BC but the utility company denies responsibility and no information is available about the cause. The provincial fire commissioner has no code for smart meters so all such fires are included with all other 'electrical' ones.
So I when I heard that the US Consumer Product Safety Commission is investigating fires said to be caused by smart meters, I asked if we could report ours, too. I was told yes, if the model was the same used in the US.
'If you do believe that the particular model is available in the US. You can file a report with us at http://www.saferproducts.gov or call 1-800-638-2772 Mon to Fri 8 am to 5:30 pm.
If the product is available for purchase in the US, then we do have jurisdiction. With utility meters, we don t have jurisdiction over health issues attributed to RF or EMF from the meter, but we are interested in fire reports involving meters that are used in the US. For a fire incident in Canada to be of interest to us, the model (not just the manufacturer) involved would have to be the same as one that is marketed in the US.'
In BC the model used is the ITRON Centron II Openway, and this is the same one used in many places in the US.
If our governments will not protect us, then let s get help from the US. Please check to see if the model of smart meter used in your area is used in the US. If it is, please report fires that are covered by the media.
Sharon Noble
LP&L board members to meet about smart meters on Monday
In an initial vote last week, the City Council decided to remove the 15 million dollar capital project from LP&L s budget proposal.
Die Gewerkschaft Verdi hat ihr ?Schwarzbuch Telekom? vorgelegt. Darin wirft sie dem Konzern Verstöße ihrer Auslandstöchter gegen Vereinigungsfreiheit und Arbeitsrecht vor. Artikel von Frank-Thomas Wenzel in der Frankfurter Rundschau vom 15.12.2013
Forsting bekommt seinen Behördenfunk. Damit wird eine Fläche genutzt, die ohnehin vor neun Jahren dafür gedacht war, wie Bürgermeister Lorenz Ostermaier ...
RESIDENTS are battling to prevent a mobile phone mast being put up almost on their doorsteps at Cove. They say the 40ft high mast will be an eyesore and a...
Do you know what is the 'electromagnetic hypersensitivity' and how dangerous it can be for the nervous system? If unknown, the following report will tell you all about this new disease and its serious consequences. We also know the history of the first Peruvian who suffers and the whole ordeal by having to go through because of the technology.
The report concluded 'a growing number of people worldwide have serious and debilitating symptoms that are key to various types of EMF and RFR exposure. Of this there is little doubt.'
Direkt an der Autobahn-Raststätte Holzkirchen-Nord soll ein neuer Mobilfunkmast entstehen: 46 Meter hoch, mit Sendern für UMTS, LTE für schnelleres mobiles...
Handystrahlung liegt im Frequenzbereich der Mikrowellen, die ihre Energie auf wasserhaltige Strukturen übertragen und diese so erhitzen. Die Grenzwerte für...
Konstanz. Am Mobilfunk scheiden sich die Geister, das zeigt eine Umfrage unter den Bundestagskandidaten. Initiiert hatte sie die Mobilfunk-Skeptikerin Hanna...
München. Seit Jahren kämpft die Gemeinde Mauern gegen einen Tetrafunkmast auf ihrem Gebiet. Jetzt hat sie vor Gericht einen Sieg errungen, gegen einen mächtigen Gegner: den Freistaat Bayern...
Just like smoking tobacco, they fail to acknowledge that it can take from 10 to 30 years for brain tumors to develop from cell phone exposure, so we are just now ...
New bill aims to make 'smart' meters mandatory for entire nation
There is a sinister agenda underway to forcibly convert every standard electric meter in the U.S. to the 'smart' variety under the guise of promoting renewable energy interests.
Thinking about cell phones, these scientists had simple concerns about the possible injurious effects of 'electromagnetic radiation on human tissues located...
In Canada as in many countries, CBC TV and other mainstream media claim no such effects have been proven. However, the British Columbia (BC) Center for Disease Control just issued this report you may have seen: Radiofrequency Toolkit for Environmental Health Practitioners:
It states on page 9: 'The epidemiological studies of men assessed for infertility were consistent in demonstrating decreased sperm motility associated with increased use of mobile phones'.
page 250: 'oxidative stress due to increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) or decreased antioxidants is a plausible explanation for non thermal effects of RF on sperm cells'.
page 272: 'although RF does not appear to have sufficient energy to damage DNA directly (as ionizing radiation may) other mechanisms of damage to DNA may be involved such as through ROS and oxidative stress, as well as up-regulation on gene expression and protein formation, including heat shock and adhesion proteins'.
BC Center for Disease Control on oxidative stress from RFs and link to infertility and neurodegenerative diseases
July 11 2013. Disgusting actions by Baraboo City Council. How not to treat aging citizens, who suffer health problems
Parker told members of the city s Public Safety Committee last fall that new smart meters, installed to monitor her gas and electric usage, had caused her to have heart palpitations.
The low-down on the effects of 'smart' meters was rather depressing, but so important. Hearing about the normal eight-year-old boy who suddenly became autistic, straight after the 'smart' meter was installed, was heartbreaking. Seeing the aphids ...
But it will also enable them remotely to terminate your supply if, for example, you fail to pay your bills on time. Which means, and here s the interesting bit, Kim Jong Un, the Chinese army or any number of unsavory characters in the Middle East or Russia could do the same.
'The off switch creates information-security problems of a kind, and on a scale, that the energy companies have not had to face before,' writes Prof. Ross Anderson, one of Britain s leading experts on cybersecurity
Smart meters can be used to spy, reveal if you are home, away, sleeping, even what film you are watching on TV
After signing up with the German smart-meter firm Discovergy, the researchers detected that the company s devices transmitted unencrypted data from the home devices back to the company s servers over an insecure link. The researchers, Dario Carluccio and Stephan Brinkhaus, intercepted the supposedly confidential and sensitive information, and, based on the fingerprint of power usage, were able to tell not only whether or not the homeowners were home, away or even sleeping, but also what movie they were watching on TV.
Andre Fauteux, Editor
La Maison du 21e siècle magazine
2955 Domaine-lac-Lucerne
Ste-Adèle (Qc) Canada J8B 3K9
450 228-1555
Mehr Elektrosmog durch Millionen neuer WLAN-Hot-Spots
Stuttgart, 02.08.2013. Ab Ende Oktober 2013 möchte ''Kabel Deutschland'' allen Kunden den öffentlichen WLAN-Zugang zum mobilen Internet ermöglichen, die...
Neue Studie zu Belastungen der Bevölkerung durch LTE-Mobilfunksendeanlagen in Nordrhein-Westfalen
Düsseldorf, 05.08.2013. Der nordrhein-westfälische Umweltminister Johannes Remmel setzt sich für den Schutz der Bevölkerung vor elektromagnetischen Feldern ein und fordert die Bundesregierung erneut auf, strengere Grenzwerte und Mindestabstände zu den Mobilfunksendeanlagen gesetzlich zu regeln.
LTE zur Schnecke degradiert Japaner präsentieren ultraschnelles 5G-Netz
In Deutschland ist LTE derzeit das Geschwindigkeitsmaß im Mobilfunkbereich. In Japan tickt die Uhr bereits in Richtung Olympia 2020 - und des neuen Standards 5G. Im Testbetrieb erreicht das Netz eine 1000 Mal so hohe Übertragungskapazität wie 4G.
Die japanische Elektronik-Messe Ceatec bei Tokio ist eröffnet - und hat auch für den europäischen Markt einiges parat. Mittel- bis langfristig interessant ist besonders die Simulation eines Mobilfunknetzes der fünften Generation - also der Nachfolger des momentan überall beworbenen LTE-Netzes. Der Mobilfunkriese NTT DoCoMo will 5G bis zu den Sommerspielen im Jahr 2020 in Japan in Betrieb nehmen. Im Vergleich zu LTE soll das neue Mobilfunknetz 1000 Mal so hohe Übertragungskapazität haben und bis zu 100 Mal so schnell sein.[?]
Die Entwicklung des superschnellen 5G-Netzes in Japan, welches LTE ablösen soll, wird wohl auch bei uns einkehren. Mit vermutlicher Beibehaltung des GSM-Netzes haben wir dann eine Bestrahlung von fünf Mobilfunknetzen. EHS-Betroffene werden dann einer regelrechten Funkbefeuerung ausgesetzt sein.
Lt. Redaktion der Zeitung handelte es sich bei dem explodierten Smartphone um ein Samsung Galöaxy S2. Der Geschädigte hat inzwischen einen Anwalt eingeschaltet und enthält sich derzeit jeglicher Kommentierung.
In one of his last interviews, Schloter described himself as a victim of modern communication, always on the go, and said it was all too easy to get lost in the stream of information.
''I find it increasingly difficult to unwind,'' Schloter, who told the Schweiz am Sonntag newspaper in an interview in May.
Hohenwart (swe). Geht es nach dem Willen der Deutschen Telekom, soll im kommenden Jahr in Hohenwart ein Funkmast aufgestellt werden. Die Telekom hatte...
Cell Phone Use and Salivary...