Die Mitglieder der Bürgerinitiativen Stuttgart-West verstehen sich als Mobilfunk-Kritiker, nicht Mobilfunk-Gegner. Nach Meinung der Bürgerinitiative ...
?Radiation from mobile masts cause harm to sparrows and bee colonies, ... the respondents said mobile phone improved access to reliable communication, ...
Seit zwei Jahren kämpfen der Spittaler Bürgermeister und seine 30 Gemeinderäte gegen die Errichtung von Handymasten mitten im dicht besiedelten Wohngebiet. ...
Dear Victims of Michael Repacholi (and associates):
The finding made by Dr. Lai at the University of Washington concerning the capacity of cell phone telephony to damage the human genome is an outstanding rediscovery of the medical marvels of US and Socialist Medicine during the XXth century. The presence of micronuclei in vegetable species was a harbinger of the health scandal that was forming inside EMF Project of the World Health Oranization. More Tobacco Science and millions of dead.
The need to study day and night the history and dialectical evolution of the biological effects of microwaves, goes without saying.
Micronuclei, which are a pathological evidence of genetic damage, can be easily evidenced with the common light microscope. The technique developed to recognize the presence of this genetic damage is technically called Alkaline Single Cell Gel Microelectrophoresis Assay or in simple terms, the comet assay.
I would like to refer you all to a paragraph in the classic of the field entitled: "Biological Effects of Microwaves" written by S. Baranski and P. Czerski. On page 132 they write:
"Chromosomal Effects, Possible Genetic Effects, and Influence of Microwave Radiation on Mitosis. Cellular Effects
Chromosomal aberrations and mitotic abnormalities may be induced, at least under certain conditions and in certain cell types, by exposure to microwave or radiofrequency fields. This is a well-established fact, as several reports from at least five independent laboratories exist. A series of investigations was carried out by Heller his coworkers at the New England Institute for Medical Research, Ridgefield, Connecticut. These authors were the first to observe such effects in 1958, and have continued their research till now. Chromosomal and mitotic aberrations could be induced in garlic root tips exposed to 5-40 MHz PW at various pulse duration 15 to 30 ms, repetition rates 500 to 1000 Hz and intensities varying between 250 to 6000 V/cm. Bridging, fragmentation,micronuclei, and chromosomal lagging were observed."
Sebastopol residents lash out against plan for 'smart meters'
Santa Rosa Press
Democrat Baker and others are vocal critics of the plan for PG&E to go wireless, fearing any additional radiation from the meters' electromagnetic fields will ...
The city held a town hall meeting to hear consumer concerns over radiation from the meters' electromagnetic fields. Dozens of peope addressed the City ...
Mobile Phones + Smart Sewers = Reduced Water Pollution
Dialaphone (blog)
And it all starts with measuring rain using mobile phone masts. To understand why this would work, you need to understand a little bit about the problems ...
On the same day as the EMR Hearings in Ottawa with Health Canada, and various Scientist and Doctors from around the world, BC Hydro announces the Smart Metre program (WIFI/WIMAX) that is said to be completed by 2012.
Ontario has already been busy refitting the Greater Toronto Region, and many recently built homes in BC were also using smart metres, The Wireless networks that are used with Smart Metres is the problem. California home owners have already experienced health effects according to citizens who stood up to a microphone at a three hour meeting in California.
Please read the article, below, entitled: "Teachers begin using cell phones for class lessons" and call your child's school right away. Ask them to enforce a policy of prohibiting the use cell phone and other electronic devices in their schools as the French Senate just ruled to protect students attending French state schools. Teachers who direct students to use cell phones in the classroom as a learning tool are perhaps unwittingly falling prey to the cell phone industry mantra that "there is no credible scientific evidence to show there is harm." There is a growing body of scientific evidence and concern among neurosurgeons and other health practitioners that the radiation from cell phones can cause health problems.
In fact, scientific evidence is mounting that there is an association between long term cell phone use and head and neck tumors - brain, ear, eye, salivary gland tumors, both malignant and non-malignant can result. The numbers are small because it takes many years for tumors to form and the U.S. population has only in the past 6 years become habituated to routine use of these devices.
Expert Scientists in the Scandinavian countries and elsewhere, where cell phones have been popular for a longer time. have done studies showing links between cell phone use and brain cancers and nonmalignant tumors on the nerve in the inner ear. Medical doctors are reporting increased rates of brain cancer among their youngest patients, even during their first year of life. Scientists are deeply concerned about the potential impact on this next generation of young people, many of who are early adaptors and regular users, even at age 8! Due to smaller head size and thinner skull bones, children's brains and absorb more radiofrequency radiation from cell phones than adult brains do. Young brains are developing into early 20s. Students health can be affected by radiation in the classroom, affecting memory, concentration and causing depression and can result in infertility, neurological problems and other serious health conditions. Scientists warn that these early adaptors are 5 times more likely to develop a brain tumor by the time they turn age 30.
Society should support education to prepare their young for long, healthy and productive lives. We need good teachers to interact with students and guide them in learning how to read, write, develop critical thinking and other skills to be all they can be. Electronic devices are distracting, time-wasting and have limited value in the classroom as a teaching tool. Training students to become habitual users of cell phones in class seems like a low priority. Remember the cigarette ads? Now, we know smoking is not so cool. Are cell phones the new cigarettes?
For more information, I refer you to the International commission for Electromagnetic Safety, http://www.icems.eu. and to the Environmental Health Trust, Inc. http://www.environmentalhealthtrust.org. There you will find scientific information, resolutions and media presentations on the state of the science on electromagnetic fields issued by prominent scientists and medical doctors. You can view a TV interview Dr. Oz did with Dr. Devra Davis in mid-November 2009 on cell phones and health, especially the possible health effects on children by going to http://www.environmentalhealthtrust.org and scrolling down to "cell phones." Simple safety advice: don't let children use cell phones, don't hold it by your head, text instead, turn it off when not in use and, keep your land lines.
Elizabeth Kelley
Managing Secretariat
International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety http://www.icems.eu
Associated Press
Teachers begin using cell phones for class lessons
Associated Press Writer
Cell phones, the subject of tugs of war between parents, teachers and students across the nation, are taking on a new role in the classroom: learning tool. Tech savvy teachers are asking students to use their phones to record foreign language assignments, take photographs for projects and do mini-Internet searches...
Yes. Absolutely. As long as they are turned off. Of course, that still leaves the transmissions towers that radiate pulsed microwaves in all directions, 24/7.
Cell phone towers emit signals in a ?flower petal? pattern around the tower. This 360-degree radius around the tower is called a ?cell? and this is what the term ?cell? in cell phone means. (5) When your phone is in a ?cell? you get good reception and when it isn?t in a ?cell? you get poor reception. So, for a cell phone company to provide complete coverage cell phone towers and antenna towers must be positioned all across the country so that the ?cells? overlap. You can begin to see what a huge infrastructure needs to be created to provide complete cell phone coverage. That?s why cell phone towers and antenna towers are so prevalent. Furthermore, that?s why these antennas are installed in so many places like rooftops, fire stations, schools and churches. This is what is necessary for complete coverage.
... concerns over mobile phones comes from how the phones operate: cellular technology functions in the microwave range using electromagnetic radiation; ...
Bis in die Düsseldorfer Staatskanzlei ist inzwischen der Protest Heimerzheimer Bürger und Swisttaler Politiker gegen den Funkmast auf dem Gelände der ...
Drei von ihnen enthielten gefährliche Weichmacher, in einem Fall wurde der Grenzwert um fast das 50-Fache überschritten. Das vierte überschritt bei der ...
Exposure to excessive levels of RF emissions may affect health.
The following information is designed to inform all who are required to work on sites near where radiofrequency transmitting antennas are operating. They include:
* Vodafone personnel and contractors working on sites as part of Vodafone operations; and
* Workers involved in activities such as roof maintenance, window cleaners, façade maintenance and delivery of plant where access to the roof is required.
At some point in the near future, Port Washington may be circled by a halo of cell-towers. Their effect would be anything but angelic judging from recent public opinion. Tonight, Nov. 19 at 8 p.m., Manorhaven's village hall should be packed for the second time with angry and concerned citizens. Giovanna Giunta, a Manhasset Isle resident and local organizer, commented, "This battle is about the safety and well being of our community. We will stand united to protect our children, Port Washington and our property values. It*s not too late for the tower to be removed and to correct the errors of the past. We're only in Round 2 and will continue fighting" ...
The radiation emitted by cell phones is known as electromagnetic radiation. Our human body is exposed to radiation while making or receiving calls. ...
Gessertshausen. Der Gemeinderat in Gessertshausen hat für das Gebiet Weidenäcker im Zentrum der Gemeinde eine Veränderungssperre erlassen. Gleichzeitig soll für das Wohngebiet ein Bebauungsplan aufgestellt werden. Damit ist die Sorge der Anwohner, dass O2 auf einem Privathaus einen Mobilfunkmasten von über zehn Metern erstellen könnte, vorerst vom Tisch.
This Malaghoy cancer story is doing the rounds but I wonder how meaningful it is. In the West, about 1 adult in 3 now develops some form of cancer (from minor and benign to major and deadly) at some time in their life. Malaghoy reports 1 in 8. I suspect you would find at least that level in most communities. It really is essential for such places (where there may well be a real cluster around a mast) to get some proper detailed data collection and analysis carried out. Generalised reports like this really are not helpful.
I am VERY frustrated by the refusal of Authorities (everywhere) to properly investigate these matters. On 3rd November I wrote a formal letter the UK HPA (see below for the text - the recipient's personal name is removed). At last week's ICNIRP Salzburg meeting Paula Vecchia actually stated that "long term effects cannot form the basis of ICNIRP's Guidance", so that confirms that we leave acute affects to ICNIRP and look elsewhere (e.g. The BioInitiative group) for biologically based precautionary advice. I gather that the Norway meeting has made some progress in this direction. Hopefully we will see a published paper on this next year. I managed to get the BioInitiative Report Wiki page restored and rejuvenated last week, but it needs more work on it if it is to properly meet their "notability" requirements ( what I have done is not really right - someone has already added alternative views which is actually good as far as Wiki is concerned). Anyone can edit the page within Wiki rules, but with proper care (please!!!) or it will be removed again. "Rants"(however well justified) are not allowed on Wiki.
Actually, proper ecological/epidemiological studies are becoming almost impossible to do as so many people have DECT cordless phones in their house (like a mobile phone microcell base-station transmitting 24/7 inside their house!) and so many are also installing an 24/7 WiFi/wLAN Access Point inside their houses. What RF effects are due to these and what due to exposure from nearby base stations? About 30% of most people's pulsing microwave exposure is now from DECT and WiFi. I just hope that we are wrong and this will not bring the worst plague ever on humankind (far worse in the long-run than Aids/HIV). Unfortunately, at present, I read the incoming evidence as showing that we are right. We have a major problem, especially for future generations.
Alasdair Philips
My letter text (3rd November 2009 - it has been acknowledged):
Dear <<Director of Public Health UK Health Protection Agency -Radiation Protection Division>>
I recognise that such a "study" will have significant selection and reporting biases, however, yet again, the same problems are being reported by people living near mobile phone base-stations.
Most of these studies show similar adverse effects and many show dose-response relationships with distance or signal strength. I accept that many of these studies have flaws but, together, they provide a compelling case for significant action under the Precautionary Principle.
Given the investment in and use of the enormous cellular network infrastructure, the most appropriate action to take would be to ensure that a well planned and controlled study is carried out into the general health of people living near to base station antennas compared with people living more than, say 1km away, and the measured signal levels in their homes.
As you know, I have been asking you and the UK Department of Health (DH) for a formal National study into this using GP records for at least the last five years. I believe that it is a failure of duty to care and an abuse of human rights for our Government not to follow this issue up and investigate it properly. You are responsible for advising Government, via DH, in these matters.
I believe that such a study, at the present time, would need HPA and DH backing to get formal Ethics Approval as access to health records, the geographical location and contact details would be necessary to be able to carry out the work meaningfully.
The UK Government are currently receiving something in the order of £15bn a year from taxes on mobile phones and mobile phone calls. Surely the resources can be found from this enormous income stream to fund such a study?
In the past you have used reports from your scientific advisory group, AGNIR, to justify non-action. However, they are not in a position to refute the many studies reporting adverse effects on health from base-station exposures until a properly controlled and executed study has been carried out. That is both scientifically wrong and morally untenable.
I call on you, as the person I see most responsible for advising the UK Government in these matters, to press the need for authorising and funding such a study.
Jetzt, vier Jahre später, wurden erneut Studien in Auftrag gegeben, um in Erfahrung zu bringen, ob und wie der Grenzwert von 6 auf 0,6 V/m gesenkt werden ...
A friend gave me a subscription to Bottom Line- Personal for Christmas last year. It gives advice on consumer issues, investing and health. Most of the time I read it and wonder why it isn't a well-known publication. Tonight it may have changed my life. The headline on this issue (November 15, vol. 30, number 22) reads, "Don't Stand In Front of the Microwave", written by Magda Havas, PhD, Trent University. Dr. Havas writes that "Radiation levels up to 1,000 times lower than the FCC guidelines have been shown to affect our health".
EDMONTON - More than 2,000 people showed up at Rexall Place on Tuesday to demand the province bury proposed electrical transmission lines.
The rally was the largest yet organized by a group called Responsible Electricity Transmission for Albertans or RETA. The group was hoping to demonstrate that it has large public support for its stance.
"In terms of diagnosis, the EMF intolerance syndrome can be recognised on the basis of several criteria: the absence of any other recognised pathology which could explain the symptoms; an abnormal pulsed echodoppler examination of the brain showing a clear decrease in the pulsatility of several areas of the brain; an increase in the blood of stress proteins and other biomarkers reflecting cerebral suffering. In addition, about 50% of patients have shown a decrease in the levels of urinary melatonin (a sleep hormone), which could be a cause or a consequence of their insomnia."
FAMILIES fighting plans to erect a mobile phone mast in the heart of their upmarket community are to be addressed by a leading expert on the issue of health risks posed by radiation.
Hundreds of local people are expected to attend a public meeting in Darras Hall, Ponteland, next month at which the guest speaker will be academic and author Barry Trower from Dartmoor.
Protesters still hope to stop Darras Hall phone mast
Journal Live
PROTESTERS were yesterday given renewed hope that controversial plans for a mobile phone mast next to a popular North East school could yet be stopped. ...
... wieder auch wissenschaftlich gesicherte und in der Fachliteratur beschriebene Erkenntnisse über die gesundheitsschädlichen Auswirkungen der Sendemasten;...
Bürgermeister Günter Engertsberger hat einen Handymast nicht genehmigt. Der Bürgermeister hatte nicht erwartet, dass die Mobilkom so weit gehen würde. ...
Die Gemeinde Neuhofen an der Krems wehrt sich gegen einen Handymasten - mit rechtlichen Folgen. Denn Bürgermeister Günter Engertsberger ist von einem ...
Arthur Firstenberg first reported that, in 2004, the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) compelled an independent study to determine the ...
From Green Bay to Waiheke, from Birkenhead to Pakuranga, everyday Aucklanders are revolting. They talk about health risks. They talk about invasions of their human rights. And they talk about their property values. The councils say: Don't blame us. Blame Wellington. The Government and big business pooh-pooh the protest. They may be making a big mistake. John Landrigan has been to the front line.
Cellphone companies insist that phone masts are safe, but refuse to sign any guarantee of safety or to monitor the health of people living in proximity to a ...
Allerdings vergisst auch Verbandssprecher Wilfried Schober nicht darauf hinzuweisen, dass der Freistaat alleine schon für die Standortsuche der Funkmasten ...
Acher-Rench-Zeitung - Oberkirch, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Selbst mit bloßem Auge ist der Sendemast auf dem Überskopf nur schwer zu ... Zur BOS-Anlage gehören neben dem Sendemast auch ein Container mit der Technik. ...
Paunzhausen (gth) Seit bekannt geworden ist, dass in der Gemeinde Paunzhausen ein Antennenmast für das geplante digitale Behördenfunknetz (BOS-Digitalfunknetz) in unmittelbarer Ortsnähe aufgestellt werden soll, rumort es in der Bevölkerung gewaltig.
25--POLICE were yesterday hunting arsonists who torched a mobile phone mast in Muharraq. The incident on Sunday has been condemned by the Muharraq Municipal ...
"If they're buried there's no electric field that's completely shielded by the earth," she says. "The magnetic field is much reduced in the sense of how far ...
S100 proteins have been implicated in a variety of intracellular and extracellular functions. S100 proteins are involved in regulation of protein phosphorylation, transcription factors, Ca++ homeostasis, the dynamics of cytoskeleton constituents, enzyme activities, cell growth and differentiation, and the inflammatory response.
An other mechanism to say EMF are guilty with a lot of side effects?
Karin Kdoshim from Givat Shmuel was an excellent student in school. In May 2000 when she was 17 years old, she was hospitalizaled and diagnosed with leukemia. In 2002 she died. Now 7 years later, her family is filing a lawsuit against the power company. The radiation was 10 times more than the standard of which there's a cancer risk, accroding to IARC. Karin lived there since 1998, and the power company acted only in 2003 to reduce the level. Dr. Sigal Sadezki is the expert that helps the family, she wrote that "In a comprehensive check there was found no risk factor that can be related to the disease apart from her exposure to magnetic field. I think that it is certainly possible that her disease and death were caused by the radiation levels she was exposed to".
Wireless broadband operator iBurst and a community in Fourways, north of Johannesburg, are at loggerheads over the construction of a base station that some residents of the neighbourhood claim is resulting in serious health problems.
The tower, at Fourways Memorial in the small suburb of Craigavon, was switched on on 12 August 2009. Since then, residents who live close to the iBurst facility have reported skin rashes, headaches, vomiting, sleep disorders, fatigue, upset stomachs, tinnitus and other health conditions.
A residents? group has claimed that the problems are directly related to electromagnetic radiation.
Essex County Environmental Center Green holiday fair draws a variety of ... Caldwell Progress ?I lost 80 percent of my bees in some colonies last year,? Lelinho said. ?If a company loses 80 percent of its workers, it is in deep trouble. ...
Taking us through a world in which bees are extinct and interpersonal communication is a dying art. Welcome to the program. Ryssdal: You have somehow ...
... their food supply are dying due to rising sea temperatures from global warming. ... Without bees, there will be no pollination, and without pollination, ...
Recent international research shows electromagnetic radiation can affect people's health and increase the risk of brain tumours. It also shows that adverse ...
Green MP Sue Kedgley says there are risks associated with low-level exposure to electromagnetic radiation and she wants a review of the standard which ...
I?ve just got back from Wellington on another matter (the Supreme Court recall application re Justice Wilson?s under-disclosure to us and to his colleagues about his business interests with lawyer for the other party in the Saxmere case) and received the long awaited Select Committee Report into EMR.
This was initiated by Sarah Allen?s petition to Parliament following Telecom?s proposal to build a celltower next to Atawhai Playcentre.
The people spoke and were listened to!!!!
There is still more to be done- including getting some of the many highly competent community voices onto the Interagency Committee and the NZS2772:1 replaced with a more precautionary standard that represents best international practice.
This is a huge step in the right direction for our children and the public of New Zealand
Well down everyone. Its been a big few days. Time to celebration!
Ban the Tower is delighted with the report of the Local Government and Environment Select Committee into Electromagnetic Radiation, which was released ...
Electromagnetic radiation has become a new environmental pollution focus. The amount of EMR has increased greatly in recent years due to advances in ...
Edmonton Journal ... and resource studies, from Peterborough, Ont., to speak about the effect of electromagnetic energy on health, particularly the health of children. ...
When carrying a cell phone, position the keypad toward your body so that electromagnetic transmissions move away from you instead of through you. 5. ...
Being electro hyper-sensitive (EHS) can be painful, bad for health, employment, relationships and quality of life. Being EHS and having multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS), makes living even harder. The sad story below is from Germany, but here in Canada, in Toronto, we have a victim who is suffering on a similar scale (maybe worse) to Angelika. If you feel that you can provide any help or support to 'Linda', please contact me and I will pass your information on.
The last few months of the life of Angelika S. who was chemically sensitive
Chemical sensitivity ? MCS is recognized as a disease and as a physical disability in Germany. The disease is coded at ICD-10 with T78.4 as an organic disease. One might think that people with MCS get proper medical treatment, are treated with fairness like other disabled people, get special workplaces and receive help. Sadly all of this is still lacking in Germany. People with MCS are left without medical attention and accommodations. If their families are unable to take care of them they are lost. For the very sick this sad and unacceptable situation can end in disaster as in the following authentic case.
Christiane Tourtet's article "After Lawsuit by Employee with Chemical Sensitivity Detroit City establishes fragrance-free policy" has been published in the American Chronicle and its 21 Affiliates Magazines.You can read her article by clicking on the link below:
Appearing during all 4 hours of the show, researcher William Thomas talked about the hazardous health effects of cell phones and wireless devices... People are being subjected to "electromagnetic smog" invisibly spread by wireless routers, portable phones, and other devices, he said. Just a two-minute conversation on a cell phone causes the blood-brain barrier to open, making one susceptible to neuron damage that might lead to Alzheimer's, and "instant aging," he warned. The kids of today who are using cell phones may be unable to mentally function by the time they are 30, he added.
Bluetooth phone headsets are also hazardous, as they conduct electromagnetic energy into the ear, he noted. Portable phones inside the home can be worse than cell phones, as their base stations are broadcasting 24-7, producing more signals than cell phone towers, Thomas continued. Migraines, brain cancer, changes in personality, and aggressive behavior are all associated with exposure to cell phones and wireless devices, and children and pregnant women are particularly at risk, he reported. Just carrying a cell phone in your pocket that is turned on can cause soft tissue damage, said Thomas.
Cell Phone Use and Salivary...