The following is a quick summary of another twenty papers that have come out over the last few months related to effects of electromagnetic radiation. Some of the papers are notable papers that have been published very recently, others are papers that were published a few months ago that have not yet made it to one of the Science Updates
Elektrosmog ist für hyperaktive Kinder ein besonderes Problem, denn er steht im Verdacht, Gereiztheit, Nervosität und Schlafstörungen auszulösen oder zu ...
Wenn Telekom, Vodafone und O2 das Spektrum nun aber für schnelleres Internet via Mobilfunk verwenden, fliegen die Mikros raus. Ein Umrüsten oder Neukauf von ...
Soester Anzeiger Alle wollen empfangen, doch wohin soll der Mobilfunkmast? Wie Frank Weinbrenner, Kommunalbeauftragter der Telekom, und Ralf Panske vom...
Ex-advisor to the DoT, Ram Kumar, who also served on the panel of the inter-ministerial committee on electro-magnetic field (EMF) radiation said that one of ...
High-level panel calls for stricter mobile radiation norms
The Hindu
Expressing serious concern over high-level of electromagnetic radiation from mobile towers and handsets, a high-level inter-ministerial committee has called ...
He added that the recommendations would be used to formulate a national policy and guidelines on electromagnetic frequency (EMF) radiation for telecom ...
Mobile phone radiation poses health risks: Government panel
It causes loss of memory, lack of concentration, digestive and sleep disturbances, says a government panel on hazards posed by electromagnetic radiation. ...
Indian Report, at Odds With Mainstream, Raises Mobile Phone Concerns
Science AAAS
... why the Indian health ministry has initiated a 5-year study to gather more scientific evidence on the potential effects of electromagnetic radiation. ...
... written by eight experts ranging from health specialists to telecom engineers, reviewed the scientific literature on electromagnetic frequency emissions ...
In a dramatic message in the Journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine, two leading Interphone researchers now advise the following: Simple and low-cost measures, such as the use of text messages, hands-free kits and/or the loudspeaker mode of the phone could substantially reduce exposure to the brain from mobile phones. Therefore, until definitive scientific answers are available, the adoption of such precautions, particularly among young people, is advisable.
Limit your mobile phone usage to avoid health hazards
... prefer SMS to avoid health hazards Expressing serious concern over high level of electromagnetic radiation emanating from mobile towers and handsets, ...
A MOTHER-of-two has voiced her concerns after a telecommunications giant earmarked two sites in Belper as possible locations for mobile phone masts. ...
Determined residents have the support of town councillors as they fight proposals to build more mobile phone masts in Belper. Vodafone and O2 want to put up shared masts in two locations in the town. Their proposals would see masts erected on Park Road...
...controversial plans to erect two mobile phone masts in Belper have been given the go-ahead. A heated planning meeting in Ripley on Monday saw the plans for the 13.8-metre high masts on the corner of Marsh Lane and Laund Nook, and on Park Road, ...
A FURIOUS Belper man has vowed to carry on the fight to stop controversial mobile phone masts being installed in the town ? even though they have planning permission to go ahead. It comes as a third plan has been submitted to install a mast in the town...
An angry councillor has slammed the companies behind plans for mobile phone masts in Belper in a new twist to the controversial saga. Amber Valley borough councillor Peter Makin, who is also a Derbyshire county councillor, has rubbished claims from a... angry resident furious at plans for a mobile phone mast near his Belper home has written a letter of complaint to the Prime Minister. Tony Vardy felt compelled to write to David Cameron after attending a meeting of Amber Valley Borough Council's ...
Die Funkmast-Gegner aus Niederhöchstadt haben jetzt nur noch eine Hoffnung: Sie setzen darauf, dass sich nach der Kommunalwahl eine neue Mehrheit findet, ...
Public talk discusses dangers of cell phone, Wi-Fi radiation
Some researchers are warning that these electromagnetic waves cause physical harm to the body, including damage to DNA, breakdown of brain cells and brain ...
Im Zug des Rathausumbaus musste der Mobilfunkmast 2007 vom Dach demontiert und verlegt werden. Über die Montage auf dem Wasserreservoir zum bestehenden ...
Die bestehenden Mobilfunkmasten in Hofstetten bleiben zumindest in den ...
Die Hofstetter Mobilfunkmasten bleiben in den kommenden Jahren dort, wo sie
Proposed Cell Phone Mast at Church will not Proceed
The controversy over chronic cell tower radiation is starting to reach the Canadian public. Recently, CBC radio ran a feature documentary about the possible harmful effects that cell towers were having on the occupants of the top floor of an apartment building in Toronto. Bell and Wind Mobile had placed towers on the roof of the apartment and gradually over a few months the people living directly under them became ill.
The airing of this program was a timely gift and confirmation to Tina Catalano and fellow activists that were protesting the erection of a cell tower that was to be hidden in roof of a nearby church in Vaughan. Read the article for information about the protest.
It seems that the public protest was so effective, the church decided to cancel any further negotiations about the planned towers. When citizens are well informed about the potential hazards of chronic microwave radiation, and then effectively communicate that knowledge to decision makers and others in the community, the health of it's congregation often outweighs the substantial financial gains offered by the wireless industry.
This is the resolution that was recently posted on the church website.
Re: Rogers Proposed Cellular Antennae on Church Property
To all parishioners and neighbours.
The clergy and members of the Finance Council of St. Margaret Mary Parish wish to thank all the members of our community who responded to our proposal to enter into a lease arrangement with Rogers Communications Inc. Our decision to consult the parish community was a responsible one which, although not formally required, was considered to be appropriate. Community feedback on this topic was welcomed and we thank all those who contributed to this discussion.
It has been very encouraging to see that the local community is alive, strong, caring, and concerned about he well being of our church and parish community. Unfortunately, the Parish has faced financial challenges over the last several years and the Finance Council has struggled to ensure that the financial needs of the parish are met. Our expenses continue to increase each year just as your home expenses do. However, our collections have not increased to match this demand. We rely heavily upon the fundraising efforts of committed and dedicated groups within the parish.
We were approached by Rogers with an idea. In good faith, we studied the proposal over a long period of time and sought the advice of the Archdiocese of Toronto. Our absolute priority through months of careful consideration has always been the well being of all members of our parish family and the extended community. This goes both without saying and without compromise. We opened the discussion to the community, have attempted to be receptive to all points of view, and have made our best efforts to filter out the highest quality technical information on the subject to guide us. We did receive many comments regarding the lease proposal and, on the basis of those comments, we have decided not to proceed with the proposal and to cancel the meeting scheduled for February 9, 2011.
As somewhat of a paradox, it is the popular lifestyle choice we have made as a society to embrace cellular technology, at work and at home, that creates the very need for the antennae that we are currently discussing. Naturally, our parish neither created the demand for cellular phones nor is it capable of preventing their deeper penetration into our neighbourhoods. Our community is already aware of existing cellular antennas in the vicinity of the church and of the growing number of other locations throughout the city, the region and the nation. Indeed many of which are installed without any consultation or public discussion, whatsoever, including collocation (the function of including multiple antenna's from various companies on the same single facility) which is regularly happening in our community.
We have been advised that the technology that we proposed to implement at our parish was safe and posed no health issues to the community. In fact, the proposed antennae at St. Margaret Mary Church would, if directed in the westerly direction of St. Margaret Mary School (which they are not) and if operating at full capacity, full time (which we are advised is not the case), would generate radio frequency levels at the location of the school of about I% of the threshold levels set by Industry Canada. In other words, the intensity would be 99% lower than the maximum permitted by Government of Canada standards.
The above said, as Woodbridge's longest serving Roman Catholic church, our goal is not to divide the community. Make no mistake, that irrespective of our need and irrespective of our most sincere belief that the proposed antennae pose no unique threat to the well being of the most vulnerable in our community, we are not presently prepared to enter into a lease arrangement with Rogers Communications, notwithstanding that we would be giving up a substantial source of badly needed funds, without your support and accordingly will not be proceeding with the new proposed antenna.
Fr. Jose Maria Naranjo Silva - Pastor
Submitted by Robert
Mast near to a Junior Primary School to be Removed
The Alliance for Irish Radiation protection would like to thank the Leixlip Town Council for its endorsement of the "Precautionary Principle" in calling for the removal of a communications mast deemed "exempt development" by Kildare Co. Council.
The Leixlip Town Council voted unanimously Tuesday night to have a mast removed from a building which faced directly into a junior primary school at Confey, Leixlip.
Nearly two years ago the, councillors noted, a meeting during which Prof. Olle Johansson, of the Karolinska Institutet spoke outlining the damaging effects of microwave radiation on children.
Nach derzeitigem Stand nicht, gibt es doch beispielsweise an den Lemgoer Schulen Regelungen, die die Handy-Nutzung - und darunter fallen die Smartphones ...
Zwei Berliner haben eine Möglichkeit gefunden, wie einzelne Handys und ganze Mobilfunknetze zum Ziel von Hacker-Angriffen werden können. Mit einfachen SMS-Nachrichten brachten sie die Geräte zum Absturz. ...
Doch Mobilfunkanbieter sehen keine Sicherheitsmängel. Wie Hacker unsere Mobilfunkgeräte sicher machen wollen. Das weltweite Mobilfunksystem ist veraltet, ...
Smart meter and smart grids: security risk or opportunity?
A smart meter in every home in the UK by 2017 is the government plan as a first step towards a smart grid, but how can we ensure the benefits will outweigh ...
Approximately 3% of the population (many of them children exposed to Wi-Fi routers in schools) suffer from a serious condition caused by exposure to EMR known as Electrosensitivty Syndrome (ES) or Electrohypersensitivity Syndrome ( EHS). ...
Heeding his constituents' worries about electromagnetic frequencies, a state assemblyman from Marin County, Jared Huffman, has introduced a bill to require ...
Anyone in Texas concerned about wireless 'Smart'Meters:
In case you've not see the articles, there's a woman in your state who is in court over the meters, and started a website. Perhaps she is someone you all can build an alliance with. The following link is to her website, which I got from the article pasted below. It's a blog, so you should be able to contact her by leaving a comment:
Letter to Supervisor Hill and the County Board of Supervisors
Cal Coast News
... to protect against electrical fires) and non-thermal health risks from exposure to chronic, long-term electromagnetic radiation from the meters. ...
Bad Aibling - Alleine in Bayern sollen 945 neue Sendemasten für den TETRA/BOS Funk errichtet oder ausgebaut werden. Ein 43,53 Meter hoher Sendemast oberhalb ...
Das Gremium forderte zudem von der Behörde Aufklärung rund um den Digitalfunk für Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben (BOS) im Stadtrat. Als regelrechte 'Unverschämtheit' empfand Thomas Höllmüller (CSU) das Antwortschreiben der...
Eine ganz andere These legte die britische Zeitung The Independent vor vier Jahren auf den Tisch: Handystrahlung. "Rotten Handys unsere Bienen aus? ...
Die Umweltverbände NABU und BUND veröffentlichten heute eine Studie unabhängiger Wissenschaftler, die den Abschlussbericht des Deutschen Bienenmonitorings scharf kritisiert.
A MOBILE phone mast is set to be installed in a Burnley street, despite objections from residents. The plans for the pavement between 277 and 315 Brunshaw ...
Ochsenfurt Eine ganze Batterie von Funkmasten befindet sich auf dem Hochsilo der ehemaligen Mälzerei in der Fabrikstraße. Nun soll noch draufgesattelt werden. ...
Mobile phone operators have applied to install a 13 metre-tall mast in Fernbank Road, Ascot. Bracknell Forest Council's planning committee is to decide on ...
Even though, as Ben Jones pointed out last week in this paper, supervisors are not allowed to consider the proven harmful effects of electromagnetic waves ...
International studies have linked electromagnetic radiation to substantially higher risks of leukemia, brain cancer, DNA damage, reproductive disorders, ...
Basel hat ein Emissionskataster für Elektrosmog erstellt. Stadtrat Dietmar Ferger fordert für die Grünen von der Stadt, die Kosten für ein Emissionskataster ...
The tower, which would serve AT&T's cell phone system, not only is unsightly but also will be a source of electromagnetic radiation representing a potential ...
Auslöser der Beratungen ist der Vertrag zum Mobilfunksendemast an der Gemeindegrenze zu Frankenhofen: Er läuft zwar noch fünf Jahre, die Telekom möchte ihn ...
Cell phone transmitter antennas, many no larger than stereo speakers, can be mounted in church steeples, on trees and flagpoles and on top of tall buildings ...
Letter to British Columbia Hydro
From: robe.ried(at)
To: BC Hydro Customer Service
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2011 11:53 AM
Subject: Re Smart Meters
To whom it may concern @ BC Hydro
I wish to inform the directors of BC Hydro that I am hyper-sensitive to electro magnetic fields, RF, and to place a meter,that emits radio fields, at my home could cause me illness. I had to move from a home in Harrison Hot Springs back in 1997 due to RF emissions from a nearby tower which made me ill and left me hyper-sensitive. I am hereby requesting that the electric meter remain as is.
Yours Truly
Robert Riedlinger
30199 Silverhill Ave Mission
Attached please find a press write-up of my experience back in 1997. Also see:
CEPA requires the government to apply the precautionary principle such that ?? where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation.?
Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) serious dangers and alternatives
Finally, CFLs, like all electronic devices emit electromagnetic fields which are known to be harmful to our bodies. The World Health Organization has been ...
The Santa Fe Board of Adjustment heard an application filed by AT&T for a permit to install twelve antennas in the chimney of St. John's Methodist Church.
About 100 Santa Feans attended the hearing. An electrical engineer, an MD, a neuropsychologist, a physicist, a web designer and numerous others testified. People said that radiation emitted by antennas harms human health and thereby violates Santa Fe's telecom ordinance, the 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Many people said that while they use wireless devices, they would never live near an antenna because they can turn off their personal devices, but not an antenna. They cautioned that property values decrease around antennas. Others warned that the church will be subject to lawsuits from neighbors and/or parents of children who attend its preschool, nearby preschools and/or the Children's Museum.
When a representative from St. John's listed hospitals (including Christus St. Vincent's and Sloan-Kettering) that have WiFi, and thereby determined that this technology is safe, Commissioner Susan Rooney told him, "My husband interned at Sloan-Kettering, he's an oncologist, and he would never live near a cell tower."
Commissioner Peter Komis moved to deny AT&T's request for a permit to install an antenna at St. John's based on Section 14-6.2 (E) (1) (n) of Santa Fe's telecom ordinance, which requires the City to "provide remedies for the public health and safety impacts of communications towers." Commissioner Rooney seconded the motion. Chairman Brock abstained from voting. Commissioner Alexandra Ladd voted against the motion.
The motion passed. This is the first time in the U.S. that a governing body has denied a telecom company a permit to install equipment based on health concerns.
RESIDENTS are fuming after a council delay has led to developers building a mobile phone mast in their neighbourhood. Hutchison 3G was refused permission to ...
RED-faced council officials have this week issued an apology after a delay led to developers building a mobile phone mast. Residents in Parkstone Road and ...
Bürgermeister sorgt sich um die 'wunderschöne Landschaft'
Augsburger Allgemeine
Schwabmünchen. Auf ihrer Gemarkung, 400 Meter in südwestlicher Richtung von Schwabegg entfernt, soll ein Mast für den Digitalfunk für Behörden und Organisationen mit...
Ganz so weit mag in der Diskussion um den neuen, bundesweiten Behördenfunk niemand gehen. Aber so mancher Anlieger an den geplanten Standorten für die ...
Singold Bote Bei der Errichtung der Sendemasten für den neuen digitalen Behördenfunk ... Geradezu gebetsmühlenartig ist zu hören, dass der digitale Behördenfunk in ...
Int J Radiat Biol. 2010 Apr;86(4):334-43. Mutagenic response of 2.45 GHz radiation exposure on rat brain.
Kesari KK, Behari J, Kumar S.
Bioelectromagnetic Laboratory, School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. Abstract
PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of 2.45 GHz microwave radiation on rat brain of male wistar strain.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: Male rats of wistar strain (35 days old with 130 ± 10 g body weight) were selected for this study. Animals were divided into two groups: Sham exposed and experimental. Animals were exposed for 2 h a day for 35 days to 2.45 GHz frequency at 0.34 mW/cm(2) power density. The whole body specific absorption rate (SAR) was estimated to be 0.11 W/Kg. Exposure took place in a ventilated Plexiglas cage and kept in anechoic chamber in a far field configuration from the horn antenna. After the completion of exposure period, rats were sacrificed and the whole brain tissue was dissected and used for study of double strand DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) breaks by micro gel electrophoresis and the statistical analysis was carried out using comet assay (IV-2 version software). Thereafter, antioxidant enzymes and histone kinase estimation was also performed.
RESULTS: A significant increase was observed in comet head (P < 0.002), tail length (P < 0.0002) and in tail movement (P < 0.0001) in exposed brain cells. An analysis of antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase (P < 0.005), and superoxide dismutase (P < 0.006) showed a decrease while an increase in catalase (P < 0.006) was observed. A significant decrease (P < 0.023) in histone kinase was also recorded in the exposed group as compared to the control (sham-exposed) ones. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) method was adopted for statistical analysis.
CONCLUSION: The study concludes that the chronic exposure to these radiations may cause significant damage to brain, which may be an indication of possible tumour promotion (Behari and Paulraj 2007).
The researchers said that their findings indicate a need to develop technologies to reduce EMF exposure and for laws requiring cell phone manufactures to ...
Parenting Corner: Put down that phone and nobody gets hurt
The Wenatchee World Online Health writer Ann Louise Gittleman, author of 'Zapped,' also tackles cell phones, but she goes even further, pointing out that potentially dangerous electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are and lurking in places we'd never suspect: wall outlets, electric ...
At the same time, the electromagnetic radiation from cell phones has been proven to be harmful for kids. In fact, a recent World Health Organization points ...
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation cell phone distractions cause some 600,000 crashes, 330,000 injuries, and 3,000 deaths. This works out to more than 1,643 crashes, 904 injuries, and 8 deaths each day...
In our previous news story, we claimed that the BBC had acted most inappropriately by posting on-screen comments during Mr Tom Watson's Adjournment Debate in the House of Commons on 20th December 2010. Not only did these comments contradict the points raised by the MPs when they were raising their constituents concerns about possible long-term adverse health consequences of mobile phone use, especially by children and young people, but they only represented one side of a very two sided story. The nation relies on the BBC for high quality, impartial presentation of current events, and in this case the public has been let down badly.
Powerwatch Announcement: BBC Parliamentary Proceedings coverage issues
We have now added to extra PDF resources to the end of this latest news story. One is a PDF doc with the BBC captioned screen-shots and our brief responses. The other is a working document, generated in November 2010, listing 139 peer-reviewed scientific studies showing biological and/or health effects from RF exposure at levels below the 2 W/kg allowed for mobile phones (cellphones) (with medline hyperlinks). These show considerable reason for concern and the need for more precaution, especially regarding use by children and young people.
As far as we know, only Eileen O'Connor and Alasdair Philips have received replies from the BBC despite their claim to answer within ten days. The complaint is not listed on the BBC complaints website, despite more recent ones being listed. We do know at least 3 people who did complain and who have not received a reply yet. If you complained and have not received a reply, please let us know. Please also chase the BBC Audience Services on 03700 100 222 (UK-wide rate charged at no more than 01/02 geographic numbers) and they "will investigate" for you. (or via the BBC Complaints website page as before).
Die Datenmengen im Mobilfunk vervielfachen sich jedes Jahr, Pessimisten kündigen den weltweiten Netz-Zusammenbruch 2013 an. Experten erwarten das Gegenteil: ...
Überlastung: Deutschland steht vor riesigem Mobilfunk-Crash
In manchen besonders geschäftigen Funkzellen gibt es schon heute beinah täglich das Mobilfunk-Äquivalent zum Stau auf der A3, und wie in einem Stau kann es ...
Der Telekommunikationsanbieter O2 hat beschlossen, an diesem Standort keinen Mobilfunkmast zu errichten. "Wir haben von diesem Standort Abstand genommen", ...
Comment on this information - (In the document a doctor explains that the blood cell count changes when exposed to EMF.
A group of people that were protesting a tower that was to be erected went and had their blood tested to get a baseline. They then sent the results to the cell phone company and said that they would retest it 2 months after the tower went up and if there was a difference they would sue the company and publish the reports - the cell phone company decided to withdraw the application no questions asked.
One thing all of the people around the tower did do was to remove the Dect, Wifi and baby monitors from their home for a few weeks and then they tested their blood - to make sure that the phone company could not use those devices against them. Perhaps this is the reason why these dect phones and baby monitors are everywhere - so that everyone is exposed and it would not show a difference!
This sounds like a real good way to stop a tower going up! Instead of paying for a lawyer - pay for blood tests and do your own study! I think just threatening that you will do this test should get their attention. Perhaps this is another reason why they do not give enough warning when they want to put a cell tower up).
Ich denke unsere Polizei ist auch ohne diesen Funkmasten bestens informiert. In England klagen sogar Polizeibeamte und Mitarbeiter der Feuerwehr gegen diese ...
Mühlenbeck ? Der Sendemast, der auf dem Mühlenbecker Schulcampus steht, muss weg. Die Gemeinde Mühlenbecker Land hat den Vertrag mit dem Mobilfunkanbieter ...
Den Vortrag 'Mobilfunk - Ein Risiko für die Gesundheit?' hielt Referent Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerhard Doll ... 'Weniger hohe Frequenzen benutzen, keine Sendemasten in der direkten Nähe von Kindergärten, Schulen, Altenheimen und Krankenhäusern', lautete eine seiner Forderungen, die er auch aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht begründet sieht. Aber auch die Hersteller müssten ihren Teil dazu beitragen, wenn sie die Handys sensibler machen würden und für niederschwellige Frequenzen auch im boomenden UMTS-Bereich ausrüsteten. ...
PLANS for a 15m high mobile phone mast in Boughton Heath have been put on hold following confusion over land ownership. An application by Vodafone and O2 to ...
... Greentech Media (blog) The concern over health effects, specifically electromagnetic field radiation, is not limited to Santa Cruz. Residents in Maine and other parts of ...
The research emphasized that those who used a cell phone heavily on the side of the head where the tumor developed were found to have an increased risk of ...
In a tech-savvy world, children have become more and more wired to the technology that powers our world. Everything has become a game played on a console; even exercising and sports have been whittled down to the screen. Socializing has become delegated to logging in and typing away, taking away face-time. Real reactions are now delegated to reaction videos instead of experiencing it firsthand...
Die Telekom rüstet den bestehenden Funkmast am Kieselberg zwischen Bobenneukirchen und Zettlarsgrün entsprechend nach. Zahlreiche Fragen nach dem Vortrag ...
Der Protest der Hietzinger gegen einen geplanten Handymasten an der Kreuzung Münichreiterstraße-Stadlergasse hat Früchte getragen. Das 24 Meter hohe Bauwerk ...
Mobilfunk: Verfall der Demokratie? Verkauf unserer Gesundheit? Missachtung unserer Menschenrechte?
Vortrags- und Diskussionsabend im Bürgersaal Neubeuern in der Beurer Halle neben der Grund- und Hauptschule am Freitag, 21. Januar 2011 von 19:00 bis 21:30 Uhr Einlass ab 18:30 Uhr ? Eintritt frei!
Aus der Presse wissen wir, dass im Kreis Rosenheim über 20 neue bis zu 60 Meter hohe Funkmasten geplant sind!
Weitere Infos können Sie sich hier als PDF herunterladen.
Caution: This Common Device Can Double Your Risk of Getting a Brain Tumor
Food Consumer
Dr. Martin Blank of Columbia University explains how the electromagnetic fields that emanate from your cell phone and other wireless devices affect your ...
I just watched this video of Dr. Martin Blank of Columbia University explaining how the electromagnetic fields (EMF) that emanate from cell phones and other ...
Please accept the following as an editorial piece for the Free Press:
Communities worldwide are confronting the same issues that residents of Wildwood are facing: proliferation of cell towers (antennae). I would like to tell you my story about antennae on Triangle Mountain in Victoria.
Like most of you, until 6 years ago if someone had told me that cell antennae emit radiation that is dangerous, I wouldn't have believed it. But no longer. In 2002 my husband and I found a fabulous lot on top of this "mountain" overlooking the city and the Strait. There were 2 towers with 3 FM antennae about 100 meters away. Before buying it I asked Health Canada if there were any health concerns about living near these things and was assured there were none. BC's Health Department gave me the same assurance, so we bought and built a home there.
Now, six years later, I'm a believer.
Health Canada's Dr. McNamee assured me that Safety Code 6 (SC6) which sets the levels of radiation to which we can be exposed, is one of the world's best. Not so! In fact, it is one of the worst in the developed world. Many countries, even Russia and China, have limits 99% lower than ours. ( )
He told me that SC6 applies to all types of radiation, both thermal (like x-rays that heat) and non-thermal (like cell, FM and WiFi). Not so! SC6 duplicates those established by international agencies (ICNIRP and WHO) providing thermal, not non-thermal, guidelines set by the telecommunications industry, not by independent scientists. Dr. Don Maisch exposed this as part of his PhD thesis. ( )
Health Canada told me there was no scientific evidence of harm from non-thermal radiation like that from cell antennae. Not so! There are 1000s of studies going back decades when the US military discovered that this radiation could be used as weapons. A former US military scientist has released previously classified documents to Dr. Magda Havas. ( )
In March 1999 the Royal Society released "A Review of the Potential Health Risks of Radiofrequency Fields from Wireless Telecommunication Devices", commissioned by Health Canada. The review acknowledged that SC6 is inadequate for non-thermal protection. It said that studies prove this type of radiation causes biological effects such as blood brain barrier leakage, cell proliferation, and DNA damage.
As Dr. Olle Johansson of the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, warned in April 2010 at the HESA Parliamentary hearings in Ottawa, our bodies are exposed to many billions of times the radiation that occurs naturally, levels to which humans were not exposed until just the last 20 years or so.
But why would Health Canada mislead us about this? And why have some members of the Royal Society ignored the findings of their own 1999 Report? I did the research and discovered why. Just read my Petition 255 on the Auditor General of Canada's website. ( ). The documented evidence can be summarized simply: many of the scientists in and affiliated with Health Canada have become associated with the industry and are no longer unbiased. Just as with asbestos, lead and tobacco, corporations' money is influencing our health.
Since 2002, Industry Canada has allowed more than 40 more antennae to be installed near my home on Triangle Mountain, mostly cellular ones. No notification is required, even though we have a strong Consultation Policy because, according to Industry Canada's policies, no notice is required if an antenna is put on any existing structure: a tower, church, school, apt. building, etc. We have no right to complain because Industry Canada is following Health Canada's guidelines. A most convenient partnership!
Many of my neighbours are sick with cancers and neurological problems. Parents are especially concerned because children are most vulnerable. Some people have moved but, as more people learn about the dangers of living near antennae, homes are hard to sell. Also, as more cell transmitters are being erected it is becoming virtually impossible to avoid living near them.
We can get no help from provincial health authorities because Health Canada continues to assure them there is no evidence of harm so long as SC6 is followed. Unfortunately, as the documented evidence shows, Health Canada is treating this wireless revolution the same way it treated tobacco.
Do you own research.
Sharon Noble
Victoria, BC V9C 3V5
Warren Brodey M.D. Blog on Radiation and Biofields
By Warren Brodey M.D.
Dodge, CH. 1969. Clinical and Hygienic Aspects of Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields: A Review of the Soviet and Eastern European Literature. Biological Effects and Health Implications of Microwave Radiation, Symposium Proceedings, ...
The energy of electromagnetic radiation is a direct function of its frequency. The high energy, high frequency waves that can penetrate solids to various depths cause damage by separating molecules into electrically charged pieces, ..... The fact sheets cover such topics as basic radiation facts, acute radiation sickness (ARS), dirty bombs, effects of radiation on health, possible effects of radiation on unborn children, and protective measures in the case of a nuclear ...
Members of Slaid Hill in Bloom Committee were worried that the group's gardens at Wigton Moor would be ruined if a 50ft-high mobile phone mast was sited ...
A Chapel Allerton councillor has spoken out against plans by a communications giant to erect a new mobile phone mast in the heart of a residential area in North East Leeds. Mohammed Rafique has criticised the latest planning application from ...
Politicans round-up: Bramley Baths, Garforth leisure and Little London phone mast
The Guardian
Labour Hyde Park and Woodhouse councillor Gerry Harper has found that a pre-planning application has been submitted to Leeds council by the Telefonica O2 mobile phone company to place a new mast on Carlton Gate, where plans are in their final stages to ...
Eine Untersuchung hat ergeben, dass die hohe Abstrahlleistung eines Mobiltelefons in Produktionsumgebungen zu Schäden an den zu testenden elektronischen Baugruppen führen kann. Abhilfe schafft ein von Digitaltest entwickelter Warnmechanismus: Der in das Testsystem integrierte »Telefon-Tracker« warnt, sobald er Strahlung aufspürt und trägt so dazu bei, sowohl unmittelbare Schädigungen als auch später auftretende Ausfälle aufgrund von Vorschäden durch Handystrahlung zu vermeiden. ...
'Sie sprechen von Fälschung, die nicht stattfand, um leugnen zu können, was ist?
Versuch der Vernichtung wissenschaftlicher Mobilfunkdaten an der Medizinischen Universität Wien endgültig gescheitert
Berlin, 17. Januar 2011 - Mitte 2007 informiert Prof. Alexander Lerchl, Biologe an der privaten Jacobs University Bremen und Mitglied der Strahlenschutzkommission im Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, den Rektor der Medizinischen Universität Wien, Prof. Wolfgang Schütz, über einen schwer wiegenden Verdacht: Die Ergebnisse zweier in der Abteilung Arbeitsmedizin seiner Universität entstandenen Publikationen seien mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit gefälscht. Diese Nachricht wird von zahlreichen nationalen und internationalen Medien, allen voran Der Spiegel, aufgenommen und über die ganze Welt verbreitet. In der Dokumentation auf unserer Website ( ) wird über die darauf hin angestrengten Versuche berichtet, die Wiener Ergebnisse, die auf ein krebsverursachendes Potenzial der Mobilfunkstrahlung hinweisen, wieder aus der wissenschaftlichen Literatur zu entfernen. Zwei Wissenschaftler in bedeutenden gesellschaftlichen Positionen, denen der Dank der Mobilfunkindustrie sicher sein dürfte, haben sich dabei besonders hervorgetan. Dass sie die Interessen der Allgemeinheit denen der Mobilfunkindustrie hintangesetzt haben, nehmen sie ? wie es scheint ? billigend in Kauf.
In der von Pandora ? Stiftung für unabhängige Forschung erstellten Dokumentation werden die zur Vernichtung wissenschaftlicher Daten ergriffenen Maßnahmen des Wiener Rektors offengelegt, die dieser freilich als seinen persönlichen Einsatz für die Wahrheit in der Wissenschaft verstanden wissen will. Über Prof. Lerchls Aktivitäten, mit denen er die Intrigen des Rektors noch in den Schatten stellt, wird in einer weiteren Dokumentation berichtet werden. Wie hier gezeigt wird, haben sich der zur Aufklärung des Falles eingesetzte Rat für Wissenschaftsethik der Medizinischen Universität Wien und später die zusätzlich damit betraute österreichische Agentur für Wissenschaftliche Integrität sehr schwer getan, als sie vor der Frage standen, ob sie der Wahrheit in der Wissenschaft uneingeschränkt die Ehre geben sollten. Um unangenehmen Entscheidungen mit weitreichenden Folgen, die unvermeidbar gewesen wären, die Grundlage zu entziehen, ließen sie sich stattdessen auf einen Kompromiss ein. Beide Kommissionen haben unabhängig von einander festgestellt, dass es keinerlei Beweis dafür gibt, dass die verdächtigte Arbeitsgruppe ihre Daten gefälscht hat. Beide haben aber auch keinen Zweifel daran gelassen, dass sie die wissenschaftliche Wertigkeit der Wiener Ergebnisse als gering erachten. Mit der Überschreitung ihres Auftrags und ihrer Kompetenz haben sie so dafür gesorgt, dass die zwei Drahtzieher des Skandals und die wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen, denen sie vorstehen, in ihrem Ansehen nicht zu sehr Schaden nehmen.
Auch wenn es der Mobilfunkindustrie mit ihrer Methode des ?war gaming? , die sie schon in den neunziger Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts in den USA mit Erfolg angewandt hat, gelungen sein sollte, die Wiener Forschungsergebnisse durch Verleumdung für viele Menschen zu entwerten, ist dieser Sieg inzwischen bedeutungslos geworden. Denn in der Zwischenzeit liegen ? wie in der Dokumentation gezeigt ? mehrere Publikationen vor, deren Ergebnisse mit den in Wien erhaltenen übereinstimmen. Die epidemiologische Forschung liefert darüber hinaus zunehmend Belege dafür, dass die in Wien und anderswo beobachtete Schädigung des Genoms menschlicher Zellen sehr wohl zur Entstehung bösartiger Tumoren beitragen kann. Noch im Januar 2011 werden die Ergebnisse einer epidemiologischen Studie aus Israel publiziert, die zeigen, dass die Häufigkeit von Krebs der Ohrspeicheldrüse, die der Mobilfunkstrahlung nachweislich mit am stärksten ausgesetzt ist, sich seit 1970 vervierfacht hat, wobei der stärkste Anstieg in die Zeit nach 2001 fällt. Bleibt abzuwarten, wie die Mobilfunkindustrie und ihre Freunde aus der Wissenschaft darauf reagieren werden.
Prof. Dr. Franz Adlkofer & Prof. Dr. Karl Richter
Stiftungsrat der Pandora ? Stiftung für unabhängige Forschung
Treuhänder: Andreas Kaffka
Birkenwerderstraße 27 b
OT Bergfelde
16562 Hohen Neuendorf
Vodafone and O2 are hoping to build a shared mast at the site beside Bishopbriggs Academy, Dunbartonshire, to increase 3G coverage for mobile phones in the ...
A DECISION to pull the plug on a mobile phone mast in Bishopbriggs has been overturned. East Dunbartonshire Council s planning board rejected an application by Vodafone to locate a 14.8m mast on the corner of Angus Avenue and Wester Cleddens Road,...
New mast will tower above Kirkintilloch despite concerns
Kirkintilloch Herald
A NEW mobile phone mast has been given the green light, despite 183 letters of objection from worried householders. At last week s meeting of East Dunbartonshire Council s planning board it was agreed to approve an application from Vodafone to build a...
----- Original Message -----
From: Dr Magda Havas
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 6:42 AM
Subject: Havas Report on Smart Meters submitted to CCST October 2010
For distribution:
In October 2010, I was invited to submit a report to CCST on Smart Meters as part of a "Technical Response Team." The report I submitted is attached or can be found at:
I was informed that the none of the submissions was going to be appended to the final document, nor was any going to be made available. It would be useful to know how many of the other submissions support the final conclusions and recommendations of CCST.
A comment to The California Council on Science and Technology's recent report on wireless smart meters
Please, find enclosed a comment sent to Lora Lee Martin at The California Council on Science and Technology regarding it's recent report (?Health Impacts of Radio Frequency from Smart Meters?) on wireless smart meters.
Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm
The Royal Institute of Technology
100 44 Stockholm
In vielen Städten und Gemeinden sollen schon bald hohe Funkmasten die Landschaft überragen. Mit dem sogenannten Tetra-Funk soll ein einheitliches digitales ...
18.01.11 - EICHENZELL - Die GRÜNEN bemängeln den unzureichenden Ausbau des Glasfasernetzes im Landkreis Fulda. Zurzeit versuchten die Gemeinden, individuelle Wege mit unterschiedlichen technischen Ansätzen zu finden. Ob dies zukunftsweisend ist dürfe bezweifelt werden. ?Die Glasfasertechnik ist Grundvoraussetzung für einen zukunftsorientierten Zugang zum Informations- und Medienplattform Internet,? so der Vorstandssprecher Helmut Schönberger. ...
Billions of bees are dying off to create a threat to our entire food chain. Bees don't just make honey, they are a giant, humble workforce, pollinating 90 ...
Honeybee populations are mysteriously dying off in Europe and elsewhere. On 24 January, EU agriculture ministers discussed this alarming phenomenon on the ...
Einstein was right: Honey bee collapse threatens global food security
Yet the bees are dying ? or being killed ? at a disturbing pace. The story of "colony collapse disorder" (CCD) is already well-known to readers of The Daily ...
It is definitely one or more spheres of human activities which are causing the dying out of the bee, which is one of the oldest of insects on our planet.
Dank direkter Vernetzung würden außerdem gerade in Gebieten mit höherer Bevölkerungsdichte weniger Mobilfunkmasten ausreichen ? die kürzeren Signalwege ...
Informationsveranstaltung am Mittwoch in Kirchberg/Jagst
In Kirchberg/Jagst, in Rot am See und in vielen anderen Städten und Gemeinden Hohenlohes, sollen Tetrafunk-Mobilfunksender der Behörden und Organsiationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben (BOS) in Betrieb genommen werden. ...
... "Sie lügen" und "Sie sind von der Mobilfunkindustrie bezahlt" gipfelte. "Wie erklären Sie sich die rapide Zunahme von elektrosensiblen Menschen? ...
?We evolved in a complex EMF (electromagnetic field) environment with an ... for detecting high-frequency radiation in your home or work environment, ...
Eine israelische Studie zeigt, dass Handys möglicherweise nicht ganz so harmlos sind wie lange gedacht. Unter den Vieltelefonierern nimmt ein seltener Krebs zu. ...
Dass die Mainzer Epidemiologin Frau Prof. Maria Blettner der Studie skeptisch gegenübersteht verwundert keineswegs ? sie ist seit langem als Verharmloserin bezüglich der möglichen Mobilfunkgefährdung bekannt. Sie profitiert entsprechend ihrer ?Loyalität? zu den Auftraggebern letztendlich auch bezüglich der diversen Studienvergaben.
Bemerkenswert war auch ihr Statement bezüglich der von ihrem Institut durchgeführten Kikk-Studie 2007, ?Kinderkrebs in der Nähe von Atomkraftwerken?, in welcher letztendlich eine erhöhte Krebserkrankung auch seitens der Strahlenschutzkommission SSK bestätigt wurde.
Auch wenn sie ihre Erhebung als solche nicht bestritten hat, so gab es für sie keine wissenschaftliche Bestätigung der von ihr selbst festgestellten erhöhten Werte für Kinder unter 5 Jahre ? der Tenor: es müsse weiterhin geforscht werden! In der Presse und im Internet wurde hierüber ausführlich berichtet ? auch der HLV hat dies getan. Der Diskurs findet auch seinen Niederschlag in der sogenannten Interphone-Studie, wo sie mit ihrem Kollegen Dr. Schütz ebenfalls einen Wirbel skurillen der Seriosität verursacht hat.
Im EMF Monitor Nr. 5 Oktober 2006 wurde von Dr. Peter Neitzke im Artikel ?Geld für Forschung ? Forschung für Geld? eine sehr bemerkenswerte Dokumentation erstellt.
U.a. heißt es dort in der Interpretation: ?Industrienahe Wissenschaftler produzieren nicht nur Ergebnisse, die oft anders als die unabhängiger Forscher eher im Sinne ihrer Geldgeber ausfallen, sie sitzen auch zahlreich in vielen Gremien, in denen Bewertungen des wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisstandes und Grenzwertvorschläge erarbeitet werden [?]
Der HLV schließt sich jedenfalls bezüglich der warnenden Hinweise daher eher der nicht industriegefälligen Verbindungen an, sondern vielmehr der unabhängigen präventiven Empfehlungen, wie seitens des Elektroexperten des BUND Herrn Bernd Rainer Müller ausgesprochen werden. (s. FR-Artikel)
(Die markierende Herausstellung erfolgte durch die HLV Redaktion)
Grenzwerte tragen nicht zum Schutz von Menschen bei
Maine PUC to seek flexibility in installation of smart meters: The decision gives hope to those who believe the wireless devices put in by CMP pose a health hazard.
Ignition Risk "Could Lead to Another San Bruno"
San Francisco- A former employee of Wellington Energy, a company under contract with PG&E to install 10 million wireless 'smart' meters throughout California, has decided to go public today with allegations that he believes the company is risking public safety by installing meters that pose a fire risk and failing to train meter technicians adequately. The former employee- who has opted to keep his identity secret- worked for Wellington Energy for four months in 2010. During that time, he observed practices that- in his opinion- could result in one of the new meters producing an "arc" and igniting a gas leak. At the time of the fatal explosion in September, the City of San Bruno was fully installed with the new meters. Questions to the CPUC and PG&E about what precautions were taken before installing the new wireless meters (that have the potential to produce sparks) in close proximity to natural gas equipment have so far gone unanswered.
In an exclusive interview with StopSmartMeters.Org, the Wellington Whistleblower (WW) told of numerous instances where he heard managers tell his co-workers, "you could have burned that goddamned house down." The former Wellington employee reports that if installation is carried out incorrectly, the meters can create an arc, or electrical current between two wires. Such an arc has the potential to ignite any gas leak that may be present in the area.
WW also describes a workplace increasingly under pressure between managers who have to meet high installation targets, and the general public, who are increasingly resistant to allowing the meters. Aside from being linked with a number of health symptoms such as sleeplessness, tinnitus, headaches, and nausea, 'smart' meters are also implicated in billing inaccuracies, breaches in privacy, and a whole host of electronic interference issues. According to WW, "Most residents who had looked into the issue on their own did not want the meters installed. We were dealing with an increasingly resistant public. Forcing these meters on people makes the job really difficult and stressful. A few of my colleagues reported that the police were called on them multiple times."
Having installed hundreds of meters in Santa Cruz County, WW conveyed the potential safety threat to this area: "I do feel that Scotts Valley, Boulder Creek, Ben Lomond, Corralitos, to name a few should be informed enough to prepare for what could realistically turn into another San Bruno....I hope we can get regulators to pay attention on this as I believe there is a real chance of more people getting hurt if nothing is done."
Twenty-six CA governments are now calling for a moratorium, a ban, or are opposing Smart Meters: the City and County of San Francisco, Mendocino County, Santa Cruz County, Marin County, the cities of Belvedere, Berkeley, Bolinas, Camp Meeker, Capitola, Cotati, Fairfax, Monte Sereno, Morro Bay, Novato, Piedmont, Richmond, Rio Dell, Ross, San Anselmo, San Clemente, San Rafael, Santa Cruz, Sausalito, Scotts Valley, Sebastopol and Watsonville. In addition three cities in the State of Maine have passed resolutions calling for a moratorium on Smart Meters.
Nonetheless, Sandi Maurer of the Sebastopol-based EMF Safety Network an anti-SmartMeter group, backs both proposals. ?I am hoping they go for both; ...
Konstanz ? Mobilfunkbetreiber haben kein Recht, das Innere von Wohnräumen einer Dauerbestrahlung auszusetzen, davon geht Bernd I. Budzinski aus.
Der ehemalige Richter am Verwaltungsgericht Freiburg hält die Praxis für ?illegal?. Er betrachtet sie als Verstoß gegen Freiheits- und Selbstbestimmungsrechte. ...
OBJECTERS have toasted the 11th hour withdrawal of a bid to install a mobile phone mast. Chesterfield Borough Council was expected to refuse consent for the ...
Am Mittwoch trafen sich die Mitglieder des Arbeitskreises Risiko Mobilfunk, um das Thema TETRA (Digitaler Behördenfunk) zu diskutieren. Fritz Nauen, Sprecher des Arbeitskreises, sieht darin eine neue ?Bedrohung auf dem Feld ...
LÜCKLEMBERG Die Zahlen und Fakten über "Elektrosmog", die Reinhard Wegener von der IG "Vorsicht-Hochspannung Do-Süd" am Donnerstag vorstellte, sind beinahe so erschreckend wie die gesundheitlichen Folgen, die den Anwohnern von Hochspannungsleitungen drohen. ...
Wie berichtet, wollen Mobilfunkanbieter an drei bereits bestehenden Standorten im Stadtgebiet neue GSM- und UMTS-Anlagen installieren und darüber hinaus ...
Die Römer sind im Fall von Buchenbergs Bürgermeister Toni Barth die Verantwortlichen des Mobilfunk-Riesen O2, die vor geraumer Zeit planten, einen Handymast ...
Bald wird er also kommen, der Digitalfunk für Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben (BOS). Sehnsüchtig erwartet ihn aber kaum einer, so scheint es. Außer die Sicherheitsbehörden selbst vielleicht. Kritikpunkte gibt es einige: Die Technik sei veraltet und gefährde die Gesundheit, bemängeln viele. Die Staatsregierung wiederum wollte die Standorte aus Sicherheitsgründen zunächst nicht preisgeben, scheint nun aber kompromissbereit. ...
... Vorsitzender der Bürgerinitiative (BI) Wolfratshausen zum Schutz vor Elektrosmog. Viel zu großzügige Strahlungs-Grenzwerte, von der Industrie gekaufte ...
In 2000 the parish council agreed to introduce a new policy of objecting to mobile phone masts installed within 200 metres of educational buildings or 100 ...
Vodafone and O2 win planning permission for new masts in Watford
Watford Observer
By Michael Pickard
Two mobile phone companies have won permission to install a mast directly outside a car showroom, despite fears it could have an adverse effect on the business. Telefonica O2 Ltd and Vodafone submitted plans for the 17.1m high mast...
Residents looking out on their Rickmansworth street may soon find the view dominated by a 12.5 metre high mobile telephone mast. A proposal for the telegraph pole, its six antennas, and equipment cabinets in Highfield Way was discussed...
"This Time it's Grandmothers Who Don't Want Their Grandchildren Exposed to Constant RF from Smart Meters"
This morning in Rohnert Park, Wellington Energy, PG&E's subcontractor who installs Smart Meters all over the Bay Area, was blocked from leaving their deployment yard by about two dozen angry grandmothers, dads, and just ordinary citizens who are outraged by PG&E's stonewalling their legitimate health and safety concerns about Smart Meter RF.
The Rohnert Park police arrested Deborah Tavares of Sebastopol and Ilona Gallo of Novato around 8am this morning for blocking the trucks carrying the Smart Meters ready for forced deployment.
"People are becoming increasingly angry about their civil liberties being rolled over as the CPUC and PG&E continue to stonewall people's concerns and requests for a Moratorium. Not only is the CPUC clearly a neutered reglulatory agency, but it is actually enabling PG&E to treat it's customers with chronic disdain. They recently advertised that disdain by arrogantly declaring that they will 'ignore' Marin County's Smart Meter Ordinance." said Katharina Sandizell, one of the mothers arrested December 29th in West Marin.
"I am a grandmother of four grandchildren and the mother of two children and I am seeing the radiation effects already, headaches and tinnitus as well as children's behavioral problems. Of great concern is also the loss of privacy and civil liberties that this rollout signifies. I am a native born Californian and I have been married for 39 years and I have never been arrested. I became horrified by this whole Smart Meter roll-out a number of months ago in terms of the loss of freedom and the radiation that it entails." said Deborah Tavares of Sebastopol.
24 independent local governments have demanded a halt to the Smart Meter program. Marin County (unincorporated areas), Santa Cruz County (unincorporated areas), Watsonville, and Fairfax have all passed one year Emergency Ordinances banning the meters.
Report Admits that Smart Meter Radiation "Continues to be of Concern"
San Francisco- A coalition of health and environmental advocates opposing radiation-emitting 'smart' meters today questioned the recommendations of a report released yesterday, calling the installation of 10 million wireless meters throughout California "a giant experiment on the population." The California Council on Science and Technology (CCST) released a draft of their Smart Meter report yesterday- a response to Assemblymember Jared Huffman?s (D-San Rafael) request and question, "Are the FCC Safety Standards adequate to protect people from harm?"
The CCST report answers that the FCC safety standards are adequate for thermal impacts yet non-thermal impacts from radiation emitting devices like Smart Meters is still unknown. Despite this uncertainty, the report inexplicably gives the green light for continued installation.
Cindy Sage of Sage Associates, a professional environmental consultant who last week released a study showing that 'smart' meters likely exceed already high FCC limits on human exposure to microwaves, said "Installing millions of RF transmitters in peoples' homes when we already have substantial scientific evidence about the risks of chronic, low-level RF is a risk not worth taking. Especially without any discussion, or disclosure to the public about trade-offs made without their knowledge or
The CCST study found that radiation from a 'Smart' Meter is forty times as high as a wireless wifi router, contradicting PG&E?s previous claim that the meters emit a minute fraction of the radiation of common household devices.
"Comparing wireless meters to other wireless devices that are voluntary, and which many people choose not to use is not a fair comparison to government-mandated meters that expose people in their homes 24 hours a day." Sage says.
Stop Smart Meters!, the EMF Safety Network, and other groups opposing 'smart' meters continue to receive reports from hundreds of people experiencing health impacts after the wireless meters are installed, including sleep problems, headaches, tinnitus and nausea. The California Public Utilities Commission has received over 2000 complaints of health impacts. The CCST report failed to interview anyone reporting health symptoms, and neglected to cite peer-reviewed findings of non-thermal biological damage from low level RF emissions.
"The costs for having guessed wrong is likely to have enormous economic and public health consequences for Californians for decades to come," Sage concludes.
If you have had a reaction to smart meters
(or if you wish to comment), this committee should know about it. Deadline is January 31st for comments. Please forward to others.
Magda Havas
Dear Dr. Havas, As promised I want to let you know that we just posted on our website the CCST report on Health Impacts of Radio Frequency from Smart Meters. The report was requested by California State Assembly Members Huffman and Monning. You'll find a copy of their press release also posted there. All is posted at . We will be taking public comment via that site throughout January.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you again very much for your input and advice.
Best regards,
Lora Lee
Lora Lee Martin, MBA Director, Sacramento Office Director, Science & Technology Policy Fellowships California Council on Science & Technology
916/538-4454 Direct
916/492-0996 Office
*CCST is a nonpartisan, impartial, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation established via Assembly Concurrent Resolution (ACR 162) in 1988 by a unanimous vote of the California Legislature. It is designed to offer expert advice to the state government and to recommend solutions to science and technology-related policy issues.
Some ideas to consider about fighting against smart meters
'Die Zerstörung der Natur durch Elektrosmog' (2007), die als erstes Heft der Reihe erschienen ist, bezog die Frage der Wirkung elektromagnetischer Felder ...
Wissen die werdenden Mütter, dass der Mutterleib ihr Kindchen vor der Handystrahlung gar nicht schützt? Lernen die Kinder in der Schule, dass Genschäden ...
... würden dieselbe Strahlungsmenge abkriegen, wie wenn sie sich direkt 60 Meter neben großen Sendemasten von Mobilfunkern befinden würden, heißt es in dem ...
USA: Krebserregende Stromzähler sollen nun abgeschafft werden
Der große Kritikpunkt ist aber die sehr hohe Strahlenmenge, diese ist so hoch, als wenn man 60 Meter neben einem großen Mobilfunkmasten leben würde. ...
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Cell Phone Use and Salivary...