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Die Suche nach »CCD« hat 37 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 1 bis 10.
Opponents of the mobile phone antenna in Termer church tower before the Federal Court
https://groups.google.com/ g/mobilfunk_newsletter/c/f 74KJfe8zaY Telecoms company told phone mast must be removed https://groups.google.com /g/mobilfunk_newsletter/c/ QOyccDZAkoI -------- Pho ne mast protesters... ...
Starmail - 12. Aug, 14:19
'Godspot': Freies WLAN in der Christuskirche
Straubinger Tagblatt 'Godspot', ursprünglich ein Service der Evangelischen Kirche Berlin-Brandenburg, hat nunmehr auch in Bayern den Segen von oben erhalten, mit der Folge, dass in Kirchen, Gemeindehäusern... ...
Starmail - 22. Mär, 14:42
Is electromagnetism one of the causes of colony collapse disorder?
https://groups.google.com/ forum/#!topic/mobilfunk_ne wsletter/NkGdTZt6g2M ---- ---- Electrifying Images Of WiFi Signals Show The Invisible World Of EMF Bombardment Collective Evolution Do you ever... ...
Starmail - 1. Apr, 23:02
PNM s 'smart' meter proposal meets resistance
Santa Fe New Mexican Many at the hearing discussed how electromagnetic radiation used for smart meters and cellphones can harm people on the cellular level and spoke... http://www.santa fenewmexican.com/news/loca l_news/pnm-s-smart-meter-p roposal-meets-resistance/a rticle_3b349588-528c-5d58- b108-8a5b95ccdadc.html More... ...
Starmail - 28. Feb, 10:33
The bumblebee, now an endangered species
Sauk Prairie Eagle Called Colony Collapse Disorder, worker bees fly off to die. With the absence of worker bees, the queen cannot survive and the entire colony dies... http://www.wiscne ws.com/saukprairieeagle/op inion/columnists/article_4 e69a97f-ed9f-5d8d-8c5d-e05 3f48be12d.html Australia n... ...
Starmail - 9. Feb, 07:36
Miami s Community Newspapers ... scientific studies associate bee-colony collapse disorder in beehives due to Radio Frequency/Electromagnetic Radiation (RF/EMR) and detrimental ... http://communitynewsp apers.com/kendall-gazette/ stop-cell-tower-horse-coun try-miami/ More... ...
Starmail - 29. Sep, 22:23
Honeybees' Mysterious Die-Off Appears to Worsen
New York Times Syndicate A prolonged and mysterious reduction in the population of the nation s honeybees, a trend worrisome both to beekeepers and farmers who depend on the insects to pollinate their... ...
Starmail - 4. Jun, 05:37
What will happen if the bees vanish?
KSPR We need good, clean food, and so do our pollinators. If bees do not have enough to eat, we won t have enough to eat. Dying bees scream a message... http://www.ksp r.com/news/nationworld/Spi vak-What-will-happen-if-th e-bees-vanish/21051646_260 32526 -------- Disappear ing... ...
Starmail - 21. Mai, 06:10
iPads for Newborns? Marketing Tablets for Babies 'Horrifies' Parents, Experts
http://www.commondreams.or g/headline/2013/12/24-4 - ------- Exposed: Widespread, Systemic Conflicts of Interests in Health Canada s *Expert Panel* http://tinyurl.com /l7yph94 Sources for this article... ...
Starmail - 4. Jan, 10:50
Non-thermal effects in spin chemistry
https://groups.google.com/ forum/#!topic/mobilfunk_ne wsletter/-MfTzxQ7WHQ ---- ---- Non thermal effects of EMFs In Canada as in many countries, CBC TV and other mainstream media claim no such effects... ...
Starmail - 24. Aug, 09:03