Der Bund Naturschutz Schweinfurt fordert schon geraume Zeit einen Stopp, bis die technische Tauglichkeit des Funksystems nachgewiesen, die Finanzierung offen gelegt und die gesundheitliche Unbedenklichkeit von Digitalfunk-Sendern und-Endgeräten...
Düsseldorf (ots). Für viele Eltern ist das Babyphon nicht mehr wegzudenken. Es gibt ihnen das sichere Gefühl, immer mit einem Ohr beim Kind zu sein. Doch wie die aktuelle Analyse des Öko-Test-Magazins ''Jahrbuch Kleinkinder 2013'' ergab, erzeugen die meisten Babyphone zu viel ungesunden Elektrosmog. Dafür verantwortlich ist vor allem die DECT-Technologie, mit der die Signale übertragen werden...
Geht es doch darum, dass auf dem Revier ein weiterer Mobilfunkbetreiber eine Sendeanlage installiert, damit sind es dann schon drei, plus Behördenfunk...
Residents count 87 rooftop antennae, or base stations, dotted liberally across campus buildings in what may be the highest density of mobile phone antennae per head of population anywhere in Hong Kong.
Concerns over the antennae have escalated to the point where residents are questioning whether there is a link between cancer cases on the campus in recent years involving both teaching staff and students.
But Pesavento and Piazza hope also to answer eventually the bigger question: Is there an environmental cause to the disease outbreak?
''Raccoons are a good sentinel species to what s going on in our back yard,'' Piazza said. ''If they're getting cancers and living in our water sources and trash and back yards, then it s something to pay attention to.'' (And exposed to our wireless radiation).
These Jean Claude Morin in defense of electrosensitive
Having had the curiosity to learn more about electrosensitivity there ten years is a phenomenon directly related to his profession, electrician Jean-Claude Morin did not meet today hard at work to defend those who suffer.
Topics: City of Magog, Sherbrooke, Magog
''I do not lead a battle, but an awareness based on true events.'' This is one of the first sentences he launched at a press conference in Sherbrooke to protest against the installation of new smart meters. Alongside including the Magogoise Chantal Blais achieving electrosensitivity, Mr. Morin wanted to demystify the condition of these people by his skill and experience in this field.
''I remember, there are about a dozen years, I went to a lady to repair a power outage as I did on a regular basis in my work, says the main person. However, what struck me is that this person reminded me the next day to tell me that she regretted having called upon my services, since it felt better without electricity. His testimony was arrested me and this is when I decided to do some research on EHS, who was little known at that time.''
Over time, the electrician furthered his research by reading and went to meet these people ''allergic'' to electromagnetic fields to help find practical solutions, including a redesign of their residence. ''Only in Magog, I know a dozen people electro. There must be even more knowing that I do not know everyone and some dare not say out loud for fear of being called crazy. There are even those who are rejected by their family and friends so there is prejudice and ignorance. These people live in hell and they need help,'' he says.
To do his utmost to improve the lives of those people who experience pain virtually permanent, Jean-Claude Morin has developed strong ties that brought him much as a human being. ''It is extremely rewarding to put happiness into the lives of these people. It happened to me often to receive a check with a letter of thanks. This is not necessarily something usual in my job, but this is the kind of attention that makes you realize a lot of things,'' says the electrician thanking the City of Magog s decision to stop installation of new smart meters.
Even though she felt intense pain, even unbearable, due to the waves emitted by the equipment used by the media, Chantal Blais took the time to explain the usefulness of an RF detector.
Even though she was well aware of all the physical and mental ailments that should endure when leaving home, the Magogoise Chantal Blais once again took his courage in both hands, on January 16. Achieving electrosensitivity, she braved the pain to continue its mission to educate the public and politicians about the damage caused by electromagnetic fields, including those issued by the new smart meters.
Alongside Magog electrician, Jean-Claude Morin, as well as the representative of the group Estrie, Marc Robert Blais told with great emotion the plight facing it daily, like hundreds of other people Quebec. Testimony difficult to deliver its sad reality, but also due to the fact that the press conference was attended by a dozen members of the press, equipped for most technological equipment emitting waves. Devices that the resident must Magog, in normal times, avoid at all costs in order to get some relief from pain altogether everywhere.
''To reduce my pain, I had to leave my home in Magog that I shared with my mother 81 years I helped seven years, says Chantal Blais. I also left my fiance and my friends to take refuge in a small wooden hut in a valley of the Sutton area, where the presence of the waves is really minimal. This place is without electricity, with only an outhouse, a small kitchen sink with only cold water, a propane camping stove for cooking and a small fridge located about 50 feet from my cabin. This is the only place where I found my pain decreases.''
However, Ms. Blais can not remain in this isolated corner during the winter, which forced him to return to ground magogois last November. Unfortunately, all her pain recurred. ''I am concerned for my health tremendously in the coming months. They are inhuman suffering that are difficult to describe with words so they are unbearable. There are headaches, nausea, heart palpitations, sleep problems, fatigue, pervasive, difficulty breathing, skin problems, muscle aches and tremors. Sometimes I am not even able to walk and talk. I saw a nightmare,'' she says.
Knowing that there is no remedy against EHS, at least for now, Chantal Blais must accept that her fight is for the rest of his days. The only thing it requires is an understanding on the part of policy makers, who have the power to not make the situation worse than it already is. Which could lead to default by such municipalities are unmetered emitting radio frequencies.
Since otherwise, the hope of a better life is suddenly shattered. And hopeless, it is difficult to have the strength, energy and will to survive in this chaos.
''A friend of mine ehs has decided to end her suffering last summer. It is in her memory that I want to fight and barricade, because I wish with all my heart that no one alive live the same as us,'' she says with her voice trembling with emotion.
Such concerns were voiced at a meeting this week attended by hundreds of residents of The Villages, the booming retirement community northwest of Orlando.
''My plan on this all along is let s get through the whole 1.8 million customers, [then] go back and respectfully have a conversation with those customers [who refuse] about the meters, see how many more take them, and then come back to me with the real numbers and then we ll build a plan,'' he said.
Comment: Its hard to believe that an energy minister would admit that he is doing things backwards, failing to talk about the dangers before installation and just ignoring the costs and concerns of the public!
Already 8 million homes nationwide use smart meters and nearly 60 million could have one by 2020, including homes in Lincoln. While LES has the idea on the back burner for now.
But, LES isn t jumping on the bandwagon just yet. ''There need to be some maturities with the technology, such as cyber security and standards for the home area network.''
This is a very interesting video; I have known Silvia Wilson for many years and I have constantly tried to aid her, but, finally, she had to leave the UK and settle down in Green Bank, USA, instead. By doing so she clearly puts the UK authorities in an extreme 'hot spot' since the United Nations clearly states that it is a very strong violation of the UN human rights to force anyone with a functional impairment to leave their home or quit their job. And she even had to leave her own country...
Olle Johansson
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm
Wireless Refugees: 'Cell Phones, WiFi Making Us Sick'
First Coast News
The invisible electromagnetic radiation that these wireless devices emit are all around us, and most of us can t get enough. But a growing number of people are moving to Green Bank, West Virginia to get away from it. ''To come to Green Bank, it s...
Haven offers escape from electromagnetic radiation
Press Herald
This remote mountainous town is inside the U.S. National Radio Quiet Zone, a 13,000-square-mile area where most types of electromagnetic radiation on the radio spectrum (which includes radio and TV broadcasts, Wi-Fi networks, cell signals, Bluetooth...
The number of angry parents, mayors and other players in France keeps on increasing to the point where a group of representatives at the France National Assembly are presenting (January 31st) the first comprehensive legislation to protect the population against microwave radiation including the following:
-WiFi regulation replacing wireless routers by hard wired routers in all public schools, hospitals, libraries and other public areas? (I do not know about private businesses like cafes...)
-Lowering the power of cell phone towers signals as low as reasonably achievable (based on the ALARA Principle)
-A stricter regulation for the implementation of cell phone towers, with required construction permits, and transparence in the implementation and planning of an electro-magnetic cadaster
-The development and launching of an education campaign on the dangers of electro-magnetic radiation
-The recognition/acceptance of EHS (electro hyper sensitivity), defined as an intolerance to electro-magnetic fields
The legislation proposal is based both ON the Precautionary Principle and on the scientific research to date. As you know, the industry will always claim that the research is not conclusive, but independent researchers counter that they have proven beyond doubt that the increasing microwave radiation is going to lead to a major health crisis in the coming years.
It will be interesting how the Industry in France will fight it. ''Robin des Toits'' has a task force supporting the legislation and their website (in French) will keep their readers informed. It will create more awareness in the French public, even if it does not pass right away, because the young and not so young generation in France is like here, intensely glued to their wireless toys.
PS In the advent some parties decide to have WiFi free zones, it means that in cafes or libraries for example, clients could be given the option to connect through Ethernet cables. But the new tablets do not have a connection port. Apple and other manufacturers of wireless equipment are all designing with the belief that wireless cannot be reversed back to hard wiring. They maybe wrong!
Abhörsicher, störungsfrei, bessere Sprachqualität, das alles sollte der neue Digitalfunk sein. Doch es gibt Probleme, so große, dass Feuerwehren jetzt...
Steuert China auf eine "Unfruchtbarkeitskatastrophe" zu?
Die anhaltende Umwelt- und vor allem Luftverschmutzung in den Megacities gilt als einer der Hauptgründe für die wachsende Unfruchtbarkeit und die sinkende Qualität der Spermien...
Die Freiwillige Feuerwehr Niedernhausen funkt ab sofort wieder analog. Der Probebetrieb, mit dem seit Juni 2012 mit digitalen Handfunkgeräten an der Einsatzstelle kommuniziert wird, ist eingestellt worden. Bei einem Silvestereinsatz, bei dem zwei...
Der Vizepräsident des Dachverbandes Elektrosmog Schweiz und Liechtenstein aus St. Gallen machte sich mit Präsident Walter Lauener aus Wängi auf den Weg,...
This month, ten children were pulled from an Encinitas charter school by their parents. The location was the Innovations Centre, a Julian Charter School leasing space from the Encinitas Beach Chapel at 510 S. El Camino Real. The reason? 14 so-called ''stealth'' cell antennas were found to be on the property, hidden from view in the steeple of the church and incorporated into parking lot lighting.
It will also have the right to penalize the operator in case of non-compliance to the radio emission levels. ''If any one is found affected due to high exposure to EMR, the authority has the right to make service providers provide compensation to the affected persons,'' NTA officials said.
Diskutiert über den neuen Standort für den 40 Meter hohen Funkmast für den...Knapp an der Grenze zu Soyen auf Wasserburger Seite soll der Funkmast auf...
The European Environment Agency published a major report today to alert governments about the need to attend to early warning signs about technology health risks, including mobile phones.
Europe: Pay attention to early warning signs on technology health risks
MORE attention should be paid to early warnings that technology ranging from mobile phones to pesticides could be harmful to health and the environment, it was urged today.
Danger signals of the potential risks of different technologies often go unheeded or suppressed until they are causing death, illness or environmental destruction, according a new report from the European Environment Agency.
''Jederzeit und überall online, das hat seinen Preis. Die Elektrosmogbelastung hat enorm zugenommen. Elektrosensible Menschen halten es in Städten kaum noch aus, und ÄrztInnen warnen.''
So der Vorspann des Artikels von Bettina Dyttrich in der WOZ Nr.4 vom 24. Januar 2013.
Kaufen Sie diese WOZ-Ausgabe (die elektronische Version kommt erst Mitte März) und verbreiten Sie den Artikel weiter!
Es ist ein Türöffner, wie es sie selten gibt. Die andern Zeitungen haben nun die Wahl, nachzuziehen oder sich taub zu stellen. Argumente dagegen gibt es keine.
''Jederzeit und überall online, das hat seinen Preis. Die Elektrosmogbelastung hat enorm zugenommen. Elektrosensible Menschen halten es in Städten kaum noch aus, und ÄrztInnen warnen.'' So der Vorspann des Artikels von Bettina Dyttrich in der Schweizer Wochenzeitung WOZ Nr. 4 vom 24. Januar 2013.
...des Hauptausschusses beim Fichtelgebirgsverein (FGV), als sie erfuhren, dass auf dem Gipfel der Großen Kösseine ein neuer Sendemast gebaut werden soll...
Moosburg. Die drohende Inbetriebnahme des Telekom-Funkmasten in der Nähe eines Moosburger Kindergartens sorgt weiter für Aufregung: Von Seiten der Eltern...
Bernstein Liebhard LLP is currently investigating cell phone radiation lawsuits on behalf of individuals who developed brain cancer, allegedly due to long-term cell phone use...
Flynn, said many of the world s leading scientists now believe the energy created by electro-magnetic radiation (EMR) now poses the single-largest threat to human health in the 21st Century.
Kilpatrick is now convinced they are causing numerous ailments and complex illnesses that are now showing up in patients that she never had to deal with in the past. ''We are seeing more and more acute diseases, more chronic fatigue, more fibromyalgia?these things are not going away and they are getting worse.?
Two Naperville Mothers were arrested today in conjunction with the forced installation of wireless smart meters
NSMA President, Kim Bendis and Board Member, Jen Stahl were arrested today during a forced installation of wireless smart meters in Jen s home.
Details are still unknown but Kim was witnessing the event from Jen s property and was video taping. Three officers shoved her against a tree, pried her camera from her hands, and cuffed her. Both Jen and Kim were taken into police custody sometime in the 2:00 hour CST.
Stahl, who was released from custody about 4:30 p.m., said when she refused the smart meter, installers accompanied by police cut the bicycle lock she had placed on her fence and entered her backyard. She then stood in front of her electric meter and refused to move.
''It was forced on my house today,'' she said. ''It was really a violation. I violated something, but I have been violated too so I guess we are now in a society of violating one another.''
BC Hydro will remove barricades preventing Smart Meter installation
Opposition to the Smart Meters include Jim Smith, the president of coalition. He says he will do whatever it takes to keep the new meters off his home, including physically standing in front of workers. He has concerns of the...
January 24, 2013 (NAPERVILLE, Ill.) (WLS). They were arrested for interfering with the installation of so called Smart Meters at their homes. Thursday evening, one of the two Naperville women arrested is speaking out about their opposition to...
However, the arrest of NSMA President Kim Bendis and board member Jennifer Stahl as utility workers cut a chain locking a fence around Stahl s house so a wireless smart meter could be forcibly installed was just about as dumb a move as I have seen our municipality make in a very long time.
Utdraget kring elöverkänslighet
Publicerad: 2012-12-20
Three teachers at Tunaskolan in Luleå have become ill and developed various forms of hypersensitivity after wireless network installed and all students received a computer. Teachers Association believes that the employer has ignored concerns about electromagnetic radiation.
JAKARTA, Jan. 18 (UPI). Indonesia s state telecommunications company says it will install 100,000 WiFi hot spots at select schools across the country this year.
... and adverse health effects from electromagnetic fields such as power lines, ... ELF (extremely low frequency) and a set specific to electro-sensitivity...
The update contains new chapters and strong new scientific evidence about the dangers of electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure. If you read the information that has been provided in the BioInitiative Report by 19 scientists and 10 medical doctors, who...
Wahrscheinlicher ist, dass der provisorische Sendemast an der Bahnhofstraße 4 optimiert wird. Die Versuche der Telekom, die Mobilfunk-Versorgung der...
Bergen-Enkheimer wehren sich gegen die Installation einer Mobilfunkanlage auf ihrem Hausdach. Die Wohnungsgesellschaft Nassauische Heimstätte aber hat der Installation zugestimmt. Und die Bundesnetzagentur hat schon 2012 den Ort zur Installation...
Weißensee/Weimar (dpa/th). In Sichtweite einer der größten romanischen Burganlagen Deutschlands, der Runneburg in Weißensee (Kreis Sömmerda), darf kein 40 Meter hoher Sendemast gebaut werden. Das hat das Verwaltungsgericht Weimar entschieden. Die Deutsche Funkturm GmbH, ein Tochterunternehmen der Deutschen Telekom AG, habe keinen Anspruch auf eine Baugenehmigung...
Waging am See. Der Waginger Marktgemeinderat hat sich in seiner Sitzung am Donnerstag mit 14 zu 7 Stimmen dafür ausgesprochen, die von der Verwaltung...
''Seit Inbetriebnahme des neuen Funkmastes in Herrischried im September 2012 leiden viele Herrischrieder Bürger unter gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigungen,...
Als bundesweit erste Stadt will Remscheid eine Mobilfunkmast-Steuer einführen. Zwischen 2000 und 6000 Euro sollen Mobilfunknetzbetreiber pro Antennenmast im...
The World Health Organization International Agency for Cancer Research (IARC) designated ELF-EMF as a Group 2B (Possible) Carcinogen in 2001. This is the kind of exposure from power lines, battery switching in cell phone devices, laptop computers and appliances. The World Health Organization specifically reaffirmed it s finding that EMF is classifiable as a Group 2B Possible Human Carcinogen in 2006 in their Health Criteria Monograph #238.
World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Cancer Classifications:
Group 1 Known Human Carcinogen
Group 2A Probable Human Carcinogen
Group 2B Possible Human Carcinogen
Group 3 Insufficient Evidence
Group 4 Not A Carcinogen
In 2012, IARC determined that scientific evidence is sufficient now to classify radiofrequency radiation (non-ionizing) as a Group 2B Possible Human Carcinogen. This is the kind of exposure from cell and cordless phones, cell towers, WI-FI, wireless laptops, electronic baby monitors and wireless ?smart? utility meters.
So, what does this mean? According to the classification categories, it is again clear IARC did NOT find so little clear and consistent evidence to support a finding of ''Not A Carcinogen''. That would be the valid test that RFR is safe, as best public health experts can judge the evidence. Nor did IARC find that the evidence we have is just not sufficient yet to decide the question (to make a judgment). Rather, IARC found the evidence supports classification as a Possible (not Probable or Known Carcinogen) cancer-causing agent.
That is not a weak or reckless judgment made with few facts. It should be a strong warning to governments to reconsider their safety standards, particularly in light of the billions of people at potential health risk from new wireless technologies. That studies of cell and cordless phones and of wireless whole-body RFR exposures already make health impacts ?epidemiologically visible? (Sections 11 and 21).
Ärger, Verunsicherung und Kopfschütteln: An der Johannes-Grüter-Straße sind in der vergangenen Woche die seit 2005 installierten UMTS-Antennen gegen...
A row has erupted over plans to install nine mobile phone masts in a Kilburn church dubbed the ''cathedral of north London''. The masts will be placed in the tower of Grade I-listed St Augustine s. Churches are exempt from making normal applications for...
Die Telekom will auf einem ihrer Grundstücke in der Poststraße 4 einen seit langem stillgelegten Sendemast der alten Bundespost für ihre Zwecke nutzen...
In ihrer Analyse lässt die Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA) keinen Zweifel daran, dass der Mobilfunk in Zukunft weit mehr Frequenzen benötigt, als ihm derzeit zur Verfügung stehen. Die BNetzA verweist auf Zahlen der International Telecommunication Union...
Peter Schlegel, Dipl. Ing. ETH/SIA
Güeterstalstrasse 19
CH-8133 Esslingen
Tel. und Fax ++41 +44 9840039
Einladung zum 9. Nationalen Elektrosmog-Kongress, Samstag, 20. April 2013, 09.00-17.30 Uhr, Hotel Bern, Bern
Am 20. April 2013 findet in Bern der 9. Nationale Elektrosmog-Kongress statt. In der Beilage erhalten Sie den Flyer und die Zusammenfassungen der Referate. Ein Schwerpunktthema des diesjährigen Kongresses ist ''Zellveränderungen im Zusammenhang mit nichtionisierender Strahlung''. Ausgewiesene Experten aus Forschung und Praxis berichten über ihre aktuellen Arbeiten. 2011 stufte die WHO Mobilfunkstrahlung als ''möglicherweise krebserregend für den Menschen'' ein. Diese Entscheidung stützte sich hauptsächlich auf die Studien der Hardell-Gruppe. Professor Hardell wird am Kongress die Resultate seiner neuesten Studie präsentieren.
Am vergangenen Samstag fand in Bern der 9. Nationale Elektrosmog-Kongress statt.
170 Gäste aus der ganzen Schweiz, Deutschland, Österreich, Italien, Frankreich, Belgien und den Niederlanden konnten sich über die neuesten Erkenntnisse unabhängiger Wissenschaftler/Innen aus Brasilien, Schweden, Italien und der Schweiz informieren. Alles Weitere finden Sie auf
Hans-U. Jakob
Fachstelle Nichtionisierende Strahlung von
Flüehli 17
3150 Schwarzenburg
Annapolis utilities customers may have more options when it comes to smart meters at their homes and businesses thanks to a ruling by the Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC) on Monday. In a split decision, the PSC voted to require Baltimore Gas ...
The Public Utilities Commission of Nevada on Wednesday agreed to let local power utility NV Energy charge ratepayers to opt out of the company s smart-meter program. The commission also approved an analog meter as the alternative to smart meters, ...
Rosalinda s Filipino Kitchen is currently closed after an electrical fire broke out inside the restaurant. The fire, which broke out shortly before 1 p.m., originated from an electrical panel, where a BC Hydro smart meter was located.
A huge pulse repeat every 10 seconds interrupting WIFI, blue tooth and wireless internet.
Stay with your original analog meter. I am so p... . My recording studio clients and friends won t use my facility.
Is there someone with an original analog meter that can legally switch me back? I don t want their new analog alternative either.
My trust in power conglomerates is irretrievably lost after this Smart Meter s**t. This pulse is endlessly transmitted to every outlet and extension cord. It s nasty. Don t let them take your meter.
Attorney general says DTE Energy smart meter opt-out fees not justified
DTE Energy customers shouldn t have to pay $87 to have a smart meter taken off their home, Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette says. Customers should also be able to keep their analog meter, Schuette said in a written opinion.
In the statement filed this month by Schuette in response to ongoing state-level hearings on Detroit Edison s proposed opt-out program for its customers who don t want smart meters, Schuette said he didn t think fees the company had proposed customers pay were justified.
Rep. Tom McMillin of Rochester Hills introduced a bill Tuesday that would prohibit utilities from giving discounts to customers who install the meters. It would also limit the number of times the utility can read data from the smart meter each month.
When Southern California Edison installed a ''smart meter'' in December, my electric bill jumped to about $70. I called the solar panel company (REC) that installed my system and they told me that they were getting other calls from customers whose bills jumped up to three times when the smart meter was installed.
Andre Fauteux, Editor
La Maison du 21e siècle magazine
2955 Domaine-lac-Lucerne
Ste-Adèle (Qc) Canada J8B 3K9
450 228-1555
For the last 15 years we have seen, worldwide, a marked increase in illnesses such as cancers, cardiac illness, obesity, diabetes, asthma, allergies in children, short term memory problems and sleeplessness, to name but a few.
A very prominent Swedish professor in pediatrics, Hugo Lagercrantz, yesterday has publicly spoken out in a brilliant commentary in the Swedish Medical Association's journal ''Läkartidningen''. In his article he points to the fact that children spending time in front of computer screens, Ipads, etc., will fragmentize their life and that it can lead to concentration difficulties, decreased language development, impaired reading skills, as well as obesity.
His excellent article supports what I, and many others, already have written about, see among many e.g. Johansson O, ''Läsplatta, ja, men varför ingen förståelseplatta??'' (=''An e-reader, yes, but why not an e-understander??'', in Swedish), 18/4, 2012
Consider viewing this Boeing presentation of the wireless clouding, signal density environment inside airplane environments associated with WiFi, et alia.
With their measuring equipment + imaging technology, Boeing has successfully imaged what happens in many urban & indoor ''background wireless emissions'' settings that we have been measuring in Central Canada, especially where SMART meters + transmission lines + wireless communications + airport & military + ... + ... + ... compete for space, usually at above 2 meters height and above ground levels on level terrain, which I have already termed as ''cold plasma clouds'' of microwave emissions.
This is a very dynamic environment, as the Boeing documentation shows and models. I have observed that this multi-frequency, multi-sourced emission environment is capable of also engendering elaborate and disturbing electrostatic buildups that, if suddenly discharged, say by a moving object or individual, allow collapses of standing waves of considerable power density, liable to cause ''fire ball'' type of transformation, which can then lead to failures in equipment (perhaps such as the Boeing aircraft have been experiencing lately, especially in such humid environments as Boston airport & Japanese environments) of electronic and of surface materials. In some surveys that I have conducted, and even in our own headquarters, such equipment as fire alarms, entertainment appliances, have burst into flames or have simply failed..
Andrew Michrowski
Informant: Martin Weatherall
New evidence of cell phone health risks highlights the need for public health warnings
Sorge macht sich in Rattenkirchen breit: Dort soll ein Funkmast gebaut werden.Über das 30 Meter hohe Projekt wird am Mittwoch im Gemeinderat abgestimmt...
I have excellent news about our legal contract which we had been negotiating up until this week. Some of the plaintiffs did not want to sign on because although attorney s fees had been waived, the contract stated plaintiffs were responsible for court costs, which in a case like this could go into the hundreds of thousands with experts witnesses, etc. The law firm has now agreed to not only relieve plaintiffs of attorney fees but ALL fees and costs associated with this suit including expert witnesses, court filing costs, etc. The contract has been corrected, so this should no longer be a stumbling block with plaintiffs.
If anyone knows of anyone in SoCal Edison territory who has suffered health effects from smart meters or smart grid and would like to be included in this law suit, please have them get in touch with me asap.
Here is some recent coverage from our local news paper, The Topanga Messenger on the recent hearings in Los Angeles on smart meters...
PARENTS will demand answers when they attend a public meeting about plans for a mobile phone mast in Hay-on-Wye next week. As previously reported, O2 has secured planning permission to put a mast on land off Forest Road, not far from the site Powys...
The Spanish documentary ''SOS EHS Todos somos Electrosensibles'' (We are all electro-sensitive) is online in full now, with English subtitles. Click on the CC under the video to turn on the subtitles.
Around the world an increasing number of governments and authorities have banned or warned against the use of wifi in schools. Many experts, scientists and doctors are warning the public to take a precautionary approach. In this video we examine the facts...
Millionen Deutsche haben ein Handy. Tausende Solinger auch. Doch wer hat kein mobiles Telefon? Wo sind die Gegner von Smartphone und Handy? Die Redaktion will Ihre Meinung dazu wissen. Was haben Sie erlebt, wo ist Ihre Geschichte?
''Ich bin gar nicht so wichtig, dass mich jeder braucht, und wenn mich einer wirklich braucht, dann schafft er es, mich irgendwie zu erreichen. Klappt s nicht beim ersten Mal, dann rührt er sich schon wieder'', sagt FWG-Stadtrat Heinrich...
In der Bahn, im Restaurant und beim Sport wird getippt und gewischt. Viele legen ihr Smartphone kaum noch aus der Hand. Doch kaum jemand reinigt sein Handy. Kein Wunder, dass jede Menge Keime an den Dingern kleben. Eine Gefahr vor allem in der...
The mobile phone company Orange put up the 20-metre mast on a grass verge in Elvaston Lane in March, last year, using ''emergency'' planning rules. These allowed it to stay for six months without formal planning consent...The Orange phone mast which...
You have heard about concerns over smart meters that transmit intimate details of power consumption by radio waves, as well as the related dangers from the related dangers from the transmissions from cell phones. Now, it appears, American consumers also may have reason to worry about their water meters.
Most of Africa s around 2,000 languages have no word for cancer. The common perception in both developing and developed countries is that it s a disease of the wealthy world, where high-fat, processed-food diets, alcohol, smoking and sedentary lifestyles fuel tumor growth.
Yet Adu s is one of an estimated one million new cancer cases sub-Saharan Africa will see this year, a number predicted to double to 2 million a year in the next decade.
Digital revolution lights up Africa with maps, mobiles, money and markets (and cancer?)
Numerous social networks specifically for mobiles have sprung up, offering cheap or free communication for their users. Mxit and 2go from South Africa have 44m and 20m users respectively, the latter mostly in Nigeria.
A global report (BioInitiative) published on Sunday has turned the tables on cellular phone operators and even the civic body, who have been claiming that there is no ''conclusive evidence'' to prove the correlation between exposure to mobile tower radiation and health problems.
''Essentially, body processes can eventually be disabled by incessant external stresses (from system-wide electrophysiological interference) and lead to pervasive impairment of metabolic and reproductive functions,'' it adds.
Earlier, Santosh Kumar Rai, a member from Kurnad constituency, told the meeting that there were enough cases of cancer in Phajir and Kurnad villages. He said it was suspected that the radiation from cell-phone towers caused health problems. The member said the population of sparrows and crows was decreasing. This had been attributed to radiation from the cell phone towers.
The study concluded that ?the proportion of newly developing cancer cases was ... symptoms? (NSHS) reported by people close to cell phone towers are real.
More people are experiencing headaches, tinnitus, brain fog, ear pressures, sleep disorders, neurological symptoms, cardiac, and cancer risks, plus more. There are even mysterious hums that people hear.
Ein neuer Bericht der BioInitiative Working Group 2012 besagt, dass die Anzeichen für gesundheitliche Risiken, die von elektromagnetischen Feldern und...
Many so-called ''modern illnesses'' ranging from electromagnetic hypersensitivity to certain cancers and disorders of the immune system have been traced to cell phone use.
A lot of people will try to convince you that the negative health effects of Electromagnetic Radiation are simply a hoax or a fairy tale thought up by extremely paranoid people. Unfortunately, research is overwhelmingly proving that this is not the case at all.
Note the many unpleasant comments, which are obviously written by 'industry stooges' and ignorant people. Deborah has replied with reason and with good information. This is a good example of how to deal with 'unpleasant people' like these.
Hilary Clinton recently suffered from a blood clot behind the RIGHT ear. According to the picture below, she holds her cell phone on her RIGHT ear. Coincidence?
Pathophysiology. 2012 Dec 20.
pii: S0928-4680(12)00110-1.
doi: 10.1016/j.pathophys.2012.11.001.
[Epub ahead of print]
Lennart Hardell a, Michael Carlberg a, Kjell Hansson Mild b
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) at WHO evaluation of the carcinogenic effect of RF-EMF on humans took place during a 24?31 May 2011 meeting at Lyon in France. The Working Group consisted of 30 scientists and categorised the radiofrequency electromagnetic fields from mobile phones, and from other devices that emit similar non-ionising electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF), as Group 2B, i.e., a ?possible?, human carcinogen. The decision on mobile phones was based mainly on the Hardell group of studies from Sweden and the IARC Interphone study. We give an overview of current epidemiological evidence for an increased risk for brain tumours including a meta-analysis of the Hardell group and Interphone results for mobile phone use. Results for cordless phones are lacking in Interphone. The meta-analysis gave for glioma in the most exposed part of the brain, the temporal lobe, odds ratio (OR) = 1.71, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.04?2.81 in the ?10 years (>10 years in the Hardell group) latency group. Ipsilateral mobile phone use ?1640 h in total gave OR = 2.29, 95% CI = 1.56?3.37.
The results for meningioma were OR = 1.25, 95% CI = 0.31?4.98 and OR = 1.35, 95% CI = 0.81?2.23, respectively. Regarding acoustic neuroma ipsilateral mobile phone use in the latency group ?10 years gave OR = 1.81, 95% CI = 0.73?4.45. For ipsilateral cumulative use ?1640 h OR = 2.55, 95% CI = 1.50?4.40 was obtained. Also use of cordless phones increased the risk for glioma and acoustic neuroma in the Hardell group studies. Survival of patients with glioma was analysed in the Hardell group studies yielding in the >10 years latency period hazard ratio (HR) = 1.2, 95% CI = 1.002?1.5 for use of wireless phones. This increased HR was based on results for astrocytoma WHO grade IV (glioblastoma multiforme). Decreased HR was found for low-grade astrocytoma, WHO grades I?II, which might be caused by RF-EMF exposure leading to tumour-associated symptoms and earlier detection and surgery with better prognosis. Some studies show increasing incidence of brain tumours whereas other studies do not. It is concluded that one should be careful using incidence data to dismiss results in analytical epidemiology.
The IARC carcinogenic classification does not seem to have had any significant impact on governments? perceptions of their responsibilities to protect public health from this widespread source of radiation.
The pdf is named with a filename in English (different than what I named the file, it was: Shatalov-paper-MechanismEMF.pdf, so someone along the line must know English! So anyone with Russian connections or abilities, please dive in. I also attached Google Translate s stab at the Introduction and the final 2 paragraphs (probably not helpful!).
I see this note at the top of each past online Issue: ''A simultaneous English language translation of this journal is available from Pleiades Publishing, Inc. Distributed worldwide by Springer. Biophysics ISSN 0006-3509.'' But this is Issue 6, and so far the website only includes through Issue 5. It looks like when English Issue 6 is posted online, it would be listed here:
Mechanism of the biological impact of weak electromagnetic fields and in vitro effects of degassing of blood
[Article in Russian]
[No authors listed]
The physical validity of the mechanism proposed by the author is discussed. According to the theory a prolonged exposure to weak electromagnetic fields leads to an enlargement of the micro-bubbles and degassing of bioliquid. Degassing alters the physical and chemical properties of bioliquid that affect some medical and biological indicators. The following changes in some blood parameters during degassing in vitro were analyzed: a decrease in the glucose concentration, an abnormal activation of blood clotting, an increase in the rate of blood cell aggregation, a decrease in the effectiveness of aspirin as an inhibitor of platelet aggregation and the slowing of indirect anticoagulants. All of this evidences a possible correlation between the increasing electromagnetic pollution and the risk of cardiovascular disease.
PMID: 23272585 [PubMed - in process]
Publication Types
English Abstract
Danach möchte das Land NRW den Digitalfunk für Polizei, Feuerwehr, Rettungsdienste und Katastrophenschutz endgültig einführen. Eigentlich sollte der analoge...
A new report by the BioInitiative Working Group 2012 says that evidence for risks to health has substantially increased since 2007 from electromagnetic fields and wireless technologies (radiofrequency radiation). The Report reviews over 1800 new...
Since 2007 the BioInitiative Report has been the best single source of scientific information about harm and adverse health effects caused by exposure to electro magnetic radiation. A five-year update has now been completed and will be publicly launched on Monday January 7, 2013. The update contains new chapters and strong new scientific evidence about the dangers of EMF exposure.
I encourage you all to study the BioInitiative Report and make good use of all the information.
Please distribute the attached press release far and wide.
Good places to forward it may be: your local newspapers, radio and TV stations, doctors offices, hospitals, health clinics, schools, universities, Government departments and the public, who urgently need to learn about the dangers of wireless radiation.
Our thanks should go to all the scientists and everyone else whose efforts that have gone into producing and improving the BioInitiative Report.
BioInitiative 2012 Report Issues New Warnings on Wireless and EMF
A new report by the BioInitiative Working Group 2012 says that evidence for risks to health has substantially increased since 2007 from electromagnetic fields and wireless technologies (radiofrequency radiation). The Report reviews over 1800 new scientific studies. Cell phone users, parents-to-be, young children and pregnant women are at particular risk.
(When you dig through the very vast peer review-based scientific literature, you can not help to ask yourself, over and over again, when will the proofs be enough? How many more papers before health authorities, governments, presidents, kings, parliaments, queens, etc., will react...????)
Olle Johansson
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm
Persons who have become ill from wireless radiation from cell phones, smart meters and other wireless devices cannot enter libraries or medical facilities without getting ill. Some even suffer life threatening conditions. Wifi is being banned in many schools and libraires etc in Europe due to scientific research showing that children, the ill, pregnant women and over exposed men are particularly at risk.
I have created a petition to The United States Senate. Please sign this petition:
The European Union believes cell phone towers pose such health risks that it recommends that they be kept clear of schools. The Los Angeles Unified School District, the second largest in the country, has banned them...
Israel: ''The Education Ministry s dilemma, first installing WiFi, then measuring radiation.''-The lawsuit to the high court joins local organizations of parents, like the one Eden Fux is a member of, a parent of a 5th grade child in Tel Aviv, who is part of organizing against radiation emitting products in schools. ''Every peson will take the radiation to distance from his children. None will put the router on the desk where the child is playing, and none will put router in every room in the house, surely not in a room where the child is sitting for 6-7 hours. But the installation in school was done without our knowledge, in contrast to the guidelines and without logic. They don t consult with the parents and run with the technology, in contrast to the recommendations of international health organizations''. Fux also says that the people who come to measure radiation in the school said it s strange to put router in every classroom. ''We saw that there are 4 fold routers than what is needed. The WiFi phenomenon is not ancient, why do we need to learn the risks with in depth studies after 30 years?'' he says.
Dancing is associated with a joyous occasion unless it happens to be a cow doing it.
'Dancing cow' is a term describing an animal feeling the pain of stray current which causes it to step back and forth in an effort to break the circuit of electricity flowing through its body. It is associated with cows repeatedly kicking off milking equipment as well.
It is neither joyous for the cow or its owner for that matter, although the pain felt by the latter is best described as financial and/or emotional in nature. It is a situation that has grown increasingly common on dairy farms but only more recently brought into the open.
The suppression has been attributed to a combination of circumstances -from the utilities providing the electricity claiming there was no problem or at least not from their perspective to farmers themselves hiding the situation in much the manner of someone concealing a contagious disease.
''It is not the sort of things farmers want to talk about at the coffee shop,'' said Dr. Magda Havas, an associate professor of environmental and resource studies at Trent University in Peterborough.
She was one of a panel of speakers addressing the topic of stray current, often referred to as tingle/stray voltage or dirty electricity, at a public forum sponsored by the Perth County Federation of Agriculture recently in Listowel.
Also addressing the 100-plus people in attendance were three farmers whose lives and farm businesses had been severely affected by stray current causing a myriad of diseases to their livestock from breeding problems, to lameness, abortion and death itself.
Tavistock-area dairy farmer Mark Erb, a sixth generation farmer milking 100 cows, said loneliness best described how he felt in dealing with the debilitating effect of stray current in his barn: seven cows dying in the period of a week; 14 heifers dying over a two-week period with 41 eventually dying over several months.
''Laughing on the outside, crying on the inside,'' was the subtitle given to his talk referring to the effort of putting on a brave, stoic face to the surrounding farm community when the problem suddenly descended on his farm in July of 2008.
However the stress of trying unsuccessfully to correct the situation, with feed suppliers, veterinarians, electricians, as milk production and income dropped, took a toll on his health. To save his own life required open heart surgery in 2010.
''What is happening in the barn is happening in the house,'' said Erb of the stress on family relationships. Eventually he felt he had to talk openly about the associated problems, although with difficulty, even in the silent pauses taken at the meeting to regain composure.
Various people responded by saying the problem was caused by poor management until you eventually believed it yourself, said Erb. Through installation of filters and blockers to deflect or reroute the stray current, Erb did eventually begin to get the problem under control on his operation, although some breeding problems have persisted.
THE STRESS has not left entirely either as two neighbours within a mile and a half begin having similar problems with their livestock which they attributed to the action taken by Erb at his farm. He was accused of being the cause of the problem rather than a victim.
Stray current appears to have a fairly straightforward pattern made more complex by human attempts to deal with it. As explained by panel member Lorne Lantz: for every single electron of electrical current leaving the source via a conductor a single electron must be returned to the source. The job of returning the electron to its source is done by the neutral or fourth wire accompanying the three wires distributing electricity in a conventional three phase power grid.
The ever-increasing load demand on the outf low of electrons has resulted in inadequate controlled means of returning electrons to the source on the neutral side. As a result the electrons use the earth - whereever it can find the path of least resistance -as a means of returning to the source. Dr. Havas suggested the problem could be solved by simply installing a second neutral wire in the system operated in Ontario by Hydro One.
So far Hydro One has dealt with the problem by installing ground rods at every third hydro pole, connected to the neutral wire to facilitate completion of an uncontrolled electric pathway back to the source. ''Your home, shed and barns are being used as ground rods by the utility,'' said Lantz, a former dairy farmer in the Wellesley area whose trouble with stray current resulted in him taking a new career path as a consultant dealing with the associated problems. He has worked with farmers all across Ontario in identifying sources of stray current the term he prefers to use instead of stray voltage on their farms. 'Farmers are responsible for manure dumps but utilities dump current and no one says a word,'' said Lantz.
WHILE DR. Havas and Lantz suggested the grounding of neutral at every third pole is a quick, cheap fix by Hydro One that has only exacerbated the problem, John Kalich, manager of distribution planning for Hydro One at the Barrie headquarters says that's not so. His department is responsible for power quality and reliability. ''That is the way the system was designed from the beginning,'' said Kalich referring to when electricity was first brought to the province a century ago with the installation of four to six ground rods every kilometre. Kalich was invited to the meeting by organizers. He said he had considered participating as a speaker but felt he was ''outmanned'' and sensed an air of hostility in the room. ''They are fearmongers'' said Kalich of the message being presented by panel members. He suggested panel members were creating the impression that every farm in Ontario was being threatened with economic ruin because of stray current. ''That is obviously not the case.'' In reference to the three farmers who spoke at the meeting, he noted that their situations had been resolved over time. Hydro One has a guideline of steps to follow for customers suspecting they have a problem with stray current, beginning with an examination of their electrical system by a qualified electrician. While Kalich noted he had 17 electrical engineers under his supervision, Dr. Havas suggested that lawyers, not engineers, occupied top management positions for Hydro One. If action taken by Hydro One to correct the problem was successful it would then point blame for its financially damaging effects at Hydro One, leaving the utility open for legal action, so steps are not taken for corrective action, suggested Dr. Havas.
SO WHILE the physical element of electrical current is straightforward enough the argument as to who is responsible for controlling it, the human element, has many twists and turns. Even the terminology used to describe the problem, referred to as pollution, in the failed attempt by the province in 2006 to deal with it in the 'Ground Current Pollution Act', is vague and perhaps misleading. The private members bill died with the change of government. Then there are: the various means of measuring and/or quantifying the actual current on site; the wide range of frequencies more or less damaging; where to properly measure it, at the cow, on the transformer pole stack, in the yard; maximum acceptable limits for livestock and humans; etc. etc. etc. There may be future attempts to deal with the problem via legislation, but the farm population has the political power of a pen-light battery and is unlikely to create any sense of urgency around finding a solution, especially if it is an expensive one in a deficit-challenged province.
The Ontario Energy Board continues to monitor the situation after soliciting input from all parties involved. In the meantime it will continue to cost farmers affected hundred of thousands of dollars in lost production from livestock, said Dr. Havas. She added that it is often farmers who are the most successful managers, who have constructed modern livestock facilities, who experience stray current attracted to the steel used in newer buildings as well as the large liquid-filled cement manure holding tanks whose underground piping systems provide easy access to the building interior. Problems are more common on farms at the end of a distribution line or where the three phase distribution is split out to single phase feeder lines.
The political impetus to address the problem could yet come from the general population because stray current is also an increasing problem in urban metropolises, said Dr. Havas. Dogs walking over dampened steel man hole covers in New York have been electrocuted recently. Owners walking their dogs are being advised not to use metal leashes. The issue is so complex and difficult to understand the general public just looks the other way. But that could change if the health of pets is affected, said Dr. Havas adding the more important issue will be human health.
One area both Hydro One s Kalich and panelists could agree on is the demand put on the system by electrical equipment that didn t even exist when the distribution system was established. Large variable speed electric motors common on farms for such things as vacuum milking pumps or ventilation fans, while designed to save electricity by matching current to varying demand, emit higher volumes of stray current than conventional electric motors. There was agreement as well that wind turbines and invertors from solar panels, with installations popping up all across the rural landscape, are a potential source of stray current. This does not bode well in conjunction with a distribution system that was carried out as cheaply as possible in the first place to rural areas from cities because of a smaller customer base, said Dr. Havas.
Considering green electricity is being strongly promoted by the ruling Liberal government, farmers may face Hydro One and Queens Park in the deflecting of stray ground current and responsibility.
Source: BY BOB REID For Ontario Farmer
Section: Dairy Page: B10
Memo: The writer lives in Shakespeare
Note: Stray voltage is not known to many people and is very difficult to tetect and measure, yet it may be affecting the health of millions of people in North America due to a badly designed electrical grid system.
BC Smart Meters
We just got good news that BC Hydro has missed its deadline for the smart meter program and is extending it another year.
Thousands refuse smart meters; installation deadline extended by Rob Shaw, Times Colonist, December 27, 2012:
Of course they say it s due to labour shortage, NOT. They sent their Corix installers to Alberta a few weeks ago. And to material shortage, NOT. All the meter companies have a surplus due to the protests across North America.
We have more than 100,000 homes refusing meters according to Hydro which has not been honest about anything so I bet this number is much higher. A couple of months ago it was 250,000, but due to bullying, threats and lies some people did give in.
I believe if we stand firm and continue to refuse we can beat this illegal, dangerous program.
Two local interveners have asked the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) to suspend the proceedings until FortisBC has done all their research and included a wired in option in their business plan.
Since BC Hydro does not have an opt out option for smart meters this imposition restricts my ability to limit my exposure and protect my health. This is a violation of my right to be safe in my own home
''It is not hard to imagine that in the next few years, you go to a coffee shop, sit down in a chair, sign into a power zone, and charge your phone or laptop,'' said Richard Martin, editorial director for Pike, a market research group that focuses on smart-energy solutions. ''We predict this technology taking off in a similar fashion to how Wi-Fi got its start a decade or so ago.''
December 29, 2012 (San Diego). A federal lawsuit has been filed by Celeste Deborah Cooney, who alleges that radiation from a bank of smart meters left her unable to reside in her home. Defendants in the suit include the SDG&E, the State of California,...
Preventing Ground Current Electricity from entering your house on your plumbing
You may be suffering adverse health effects because of ground current electricity (carrying high frequency pollution) entering your home. This video may help you to solve the problem.
Daniel Ross, Truthout: Little is still known about the human health effects of stray electric currents. But at Desert Rose, a California community perched beside an electrical substation, residents are falling chronically ill, and experts believe that stray currents could be to blame...
Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Medical Journal recently reported a study conducted by the College of Medicine in King Saud University that showed prolonged usage of cell phones by participants was associated with a number of health problems. Those who were frequent users of their cell phones suffered more fatigue, headaches, dizziness, tension, and sleep disturbances than the less frequent users.
The Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation: There are strong reasons to believe that the consequences for the public health, and especially for the young generations, will be serious if the population and the society don t start to take urgent measures to broadly inform about the risks and take immediate steps to reduce the exposure.
This article (in italian), by Sabrina Giannini on ''Corriere della Sera'', a major newspaper in our Country.
She tells how the Ministry of Health just resigned, did not want to make any information campaign on the correct use of mobile phones, despite promises of Board of Health (Consiglio Superiore Sanità) in November 2011. So she has realized the spot ''never appeared'' on tv, using our decalogue.
We continue to put pressure on the Ministry also with letters of formal notice sent by people who had fallen ill (acoustic neuroma, in particular) due to mobile phones use.
At the moment we have many people in this condition who are starting lawsuits.
''The health risks associated with the use of electronics is a growing concern,'' says Ochillo Ayacko, Chairman of the Nuclear Electricity Development Project (NEDP) in Kenya s Ministry of Energy.