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Die Suche nach »Federal Communications Commission« hat 41 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 1 bis 10.
Hundreds of birds dead during 5G experiment in The Hague, Netherlands
From: FREDERICK LEVENSTON Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2018 7:23 AM To: Andrew Michrowski Subject: Hundreds of birds dead during 5G experiment in The Hague, Netherlands -- Health & Wellness -- Sott.net... ...
Starmail - 16. Dez, 05:18
State court s reversal blocks proposed Unity cell tower
Tribune-Review Brobson said McCormick erred in concluding that the zoning hearing board improperly determined SBA Towers and Verizon had failed to demonstrate that the tower and antennas would comply... ...
Starmail - 20. Feb, 06:35
Researcher claims dire health risks from 4G/5G wireless antennas
FinancialNews.co.uk (blog) The FCC guidelines for microwave radiation consider only potential heating effects from the radiation, but not the electromagnetic effects, he said... http://www.financ ial-news.co.uk/42741/2017/ 08/researcher-claims-dire- health-risks-from-4g5g-wir eless/ -------- Dr.... ...
Starmail - 18. Aug, 09:40
A 5G Wireless Future: Will it give us a Smart Nation or contribute to an Unhealthy One?
https://groups.google.com/ forum/?hl=de#!topic/omegan ews/PWXm7i4AJ44 http://ww w.sccma-mcms.org/Portals/1 9/assets/docs/A%205G%20Wir eless%20Future%20Formatted %20PDF.pdf?ver=2017-03-23- 094719-157 More... ...
Starmail - 8. Mai, 08:34
Handy-Telefonate sollen auf US-Flügen weiter verboten bleiben
PC-Welt Im Jahr 1991 verbot die Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Handy-Telefonate in Flugzeugen im Luftraum über den USA. Die FCC ist in den... http://www.pcwelt. de/a/handy-telefonate-soll en-auf-us-fluegen-weiter-v erboten-bleiben,3446427 Quelle:... ...
Starmail - 12. Apr, 08:52
5G might replace Wired Internet and Cable
https://groups.google.com/ forum/?hl=de#!topic/omegan ews/y16Ox9AjWz0 -------- The Internet of Things Poses Human Health Risks: Scientists Question the Safety of Untested 5G Technology at International... ...
Starmail - 9. Mär, 21:55
On the 5G rollout in America from Tom Wheeler-industry lobbyist and FCC Director
http://omeganews.antville. org/stories/2245594/ Mo re about the theme: http://www.buerger welle.de:8080/helma/twoday /bwnews/search?q=5G http:/ /www.buergerwelle.de:8080/ helma/twoday/bwnews/search ?q=Federal+Communications+ Commission http://www.buer gerwelle.de:8080/helma/two day/bwnews/search?q=Tom+Wh eeler http://omega.twoday. net/stories/4136992/ http: //www.buergerwelle.de:8080 /helma/twoday/bwnews/searc h?q=lobbyists http://omega .twoday.net/search?q=lobby ists http://www.buergerwel le.de:8080/helma/twoday/bw news/search?q=lobbying htt p://omega.twoday.net/searc h?q=lobbying http://www.bu ergerwelle.de:8080/helma/t woday/bwnews/topics/Scanda l+-+Skandale+-+Lobby/ ...
Starmail - 7. Nov, 08:23
'Dirty Electricity' to be Tackled by FCC
O'Dwyer's PR News Homes, schools and workplaces are becoming increasingly contaminated with invisible micro-surges of dangerous radio-frequency radiation... http://www.o dwyerpr.com/story/public/7 333/2016-07-29/dirty-elect ricity-be-tackled-by-fcc.h tml More... ...
Starmail - 29. Jul, 22:12
Wi-Fi Health Advocates Face a Week of Fighting FCC
O'Dwyer's PR News It quotes the U.S. Dept. of Interior as saying: 'The electromagnetic radiation standards used by the FCC continue to be based on thermal heating,... http://www.od wyerpr.com/story/public/72 14/2016-07-11/wi-fi-health -advocates-face-week-fight ing-fcc.html -------- Wh eeling... ...
Starmail - 13. Jul, 06:07
EMF-Omega-News 4. July 2015
Are Wi-Fi Signals Making You Sick? http://www.buergerwe lle.de:8080/helma/twoday/b wnews/stories/6634/ How Radio Waves Make You Sicker http://www.buergerw elle.de:8080/helma/twoday/ bwnews/stories/6630/ June ... ...
Starmail - 4. Jul, 08:52