Immer mehr wird Mobilfunk zum multimedialen Alleskönner: Fotografieren, Videoaufzeichnungen oder das Aufrufen von Web-Seiten - nichts ist mehr unmöglich für ...
WORRIED residents fear their health will be at risk if plans for an upgraded mobile phone mast are given the goahead. Plans to improve the 15m-high O2 mast ...
The future doesn t look bright for Maida Vale ahead of phone mast plans
Maida Vale residents are preparing themselves for battle once again after proposals for a mobile phone mast near a tranquil green spot were re-submitted ? eight months after they were rejected...
I live in the northern plains, Jamestown, North Dakota. Up to a year ago I was living 60 miles south of Jamestown in Ellendale, North Dakota.
About 4 or 5 years ago, probably 4 years, I noticed a definite decline in the mosquito population. I ride a bicycle and in summer like to ride at night to avoid the heat. In June I am picking cat tails. They do spray for mosquitoes in Ellendale, but not outside of the city limits, and I could not imagine what was disrupting the life cycle of the mosquito. Everyone I mentioned this to thought I was crazy to be concerned about fewer mosquitoes.
About two years ago I noticed a decline in all insects in Ellendale, and this summer in Jamestown the decline is very noticeable.
Tonight I found an article on your site dated March 19, 2008, by emfrefugee(at) emfrefugee(at) blames the decline in insect populations to the use of microwaves. After thinking about this for a while I remembered that 4 or 5 years ago there was an explosion of microwave towers in the area from Ellendale to Aberdeen, South Dakota. Aberdeen is the nearest town to Ellendale and where I did all my shopping. The distance is 40 miles.
This is not good science, but it is an indication to me that emfrefugee(at) is right and widespread microwave use is the villain. It's also further proof that there is no hope for the planet.
Thanks for that 2008 article. I will be a regular reader.
Thema war der Funkturm für Digitalfunk, der auf dem Galgenberg gebaut werden soll. Die Vertreter des Landes betonten einmal mehr die Notwendigkeit der ...
Ein Mobilfunk-Spezialist hat angekündigt auf der Hacker-Konferenz Def Con die Handy-Gespräche der Teilnehmer abzufangen. Der Hacker Chris Paget will mit ...
Being elected mayor will afford him the opportunity to better educate citizens about the dangers they face from electric and electromagnetic emissions, ...
Studies finding no health effects are predominantly industry funded. A report by Hallberg and ... A number of studies show that electromagnetic radiation, ...
Please support Simon Densleys petition on the UK Gov "Your Freedom" website.
Restore people's and council's right to turn down phone masts on health grounds.
Please register your support for this great proposal to bring back local control over phone masts. It only takes a minute - you have to register before you can vote but it's very quick.
So far only 12 people have voted and a few negative ratings are pulling down the score.
Der Grund ist ein Mobilfunkmast, der in diesem Jahr im Wohngebiet errichtet wurde. Mittlerweile sind die Fronten zwischen der Stadt Erlangen und der ...
... der Stadtratssitzung gestern am frühen Abend ein Großteil jener Eltersdorfer Bürger die schon in ihrem Ortsteil gegen den Funkmast auf die Straße gehen. ...
Die Bürgerinitiative "Lilienthal-stoppt-Tetra-Strahlen" lädt zu einer Informationsveranstaltung am 3. August 2010 um 18.30 Uhr im Borgfelder Landhaus in Lilienthal ein.
An diesem Abend sollen die Risiken der BOS-TETRA Mikrowellenstrahlung für Polizeibeamte, Rettungsdienstmitarbeiter, Feuerwehr und sonstige Rettungsdienste und für die Anwohner in der Nähe der Funkanlagen ausführlich diskutiert werden.
Zu der Veranstaltung sind auch Mitglieder der Projektgruppe "Digitalfunk BOS Niedersachsen" aus Hannover eingeladen.
Die BI benötigt unbedingt Unterstützung von allen, die die Einführung dieser Funktechnologie kritisch sehen. Es wird ein spannender und informationsreicher Abend werden.
Eine Veranstaltung, die uns alle weitere wichtige Informationen geben wird.
Diese Information bitte an alle interessierten weiterleiten.
Projektgruppe sieht keinen alternativen Standort für Funkturm
Ihrem Ziel, eine Standort-Alternative für den aufgestellten TETRA-Funkturm in der Edisonstraße zu finden, setzte die Projektgruppe Digitalfunk Niedersachsen ...
In Lilienthal (Nähe Bremen, LK Osterholz) wird ein Sendemast für das BOS TETRA Mikrowellenfunksystem aufgebaut. Diese Baumaßnahme wurde 2 Jahre lang von der Politik verheimlicht. Nach bekannt werden der Baumaßnahme hat sich spontan eine Gruppe von Bürgern zusammengetan um gegen den Neubau zu protestieren.
Diese Bürger sind junge Familien mit Kindern, die gerade erst mit sehr hohen Investitionen sich ein neues zu Hause geschaffen haben. Jetzt liegt ihr neues Wohnhaus ca. 400 m von dem Funkturm entfernt.
Kurz nach dem die Baumaßnahme bekannt wurde, hineinplatzend in die Bemühungen der BI zur Verlegung des Standortes, wurde der Betonmast bereits aufgebaut. In einem Gespräch bei der zuständigen Projektgruppe Niedersachsen in Hannover wurde den Anwohnern noch eine mögliche Verlegung des Standortes suggeriert. Die Bürger sollten die Politiker um eine Eingabe beim zuständigen Innenminister in Hannover bitten.
Der örtliche Bürgermeister (Bündnis 90 Die Grünen) machte sich daraufhin für einen Baustopp und eine evtl. Verlegung des Standortes beim Innenministerium stark. Er war es aber auch, der 2 Jahre vorher einen entsprechenden Antrag an die Gemeinde, ohne Suche nach einem alternativen Standort, genehmigte.
Am 3. August war nun eine öffentliche Informationsveranstaltung in Lilienthal. Anwesen waren neben den politischen Parteien auch drei Mitglieder der Projektgruppe Digitalfunk Niedersachsen. Sie sollten über evtl. Alternativstandorte und die Risiken der TETRA Mikrowellenstrahlung Auskunft geben.
Es war eine erschreckende Veranstaltung. Die Projektgruppe Digitalfunk in Niedersachsen, hier insbesondere der stellv. Projektleiter Axel Behnke, hat in einer unvorstellbaren Arroganz und Überheblichkeit die Forderung der Bürgerinitiative zur Verlegung des Standortes abgelehnt.
Er machte deutlich, dass die Kosten einer Verlegung des Sendemastes außerhalb der Wohngebiete aus Kostengründen nicht in Frage kommt. Die Gesundheit der Menschen, die in unmittelbarer Nähe des Turmes leben müssen war dabei in keiner Weise von Bedeutung.
Die Politiker auf der Veranstaltung haben die Gelegenheit zur Selbstdarstellung genutzt. Keiner will vor 2 Jahren dem Projekt seine Zustimmung gegeben haben, sie haben sich aber auch niemals Gedanken gemacht um einen alternativen Standort außerhalb der Wohnbebauung gemacht. Heute sagen sie der BI vollmundig ihre Unterstützung zu.
Das Ergebnis: Seit dem 4. August wird an dem Turm weiter gearbeitet. Es werden Tatsachen geschaffen.
Die betroffenen Bürger in Lilienthal sind entsetzt über die Missachtung Ihrer Sorgen und Bedenken.
Bitte unterstützt die BI mit Leserbriefen in den entsprechenden Pressorganen.
Peter Mehring Baubiologe, 1. Vors. BEO e.V.
27729 Vollersode
Die Arbeiten am zweiten Sendemast auf der Laubenheimer Höhe laufen, wie der erste soll auch er 60 Meter hoch werden. Er wird dann unter anderem für den ...
My PhD dissertation, "The Procrustean Approach Setting Exposure Standards for Telecommunications Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation", is now available as a free download on the website of the International EMF Alliance. . Click on the publications box at the top.
This is an examination of the manipulation of telecommunications standards by political, military, and industrial vested interests at the expense of public health protection. It was written in order to be an important reference document for all those who are working towards the establishment of biologically relevant exposure standards.
Ms Smith said there was still uncertainty about the environmental and health effects of electromagnetic energy emissions from devices such as mobile phones ...
Bereits drei Mal ist ein Grundbesitzer in Salzburg-Parsch mit der Aufstellung eines Funkmasten gescheitert. Jetzt startete er einen neuen Versuch und erntet ...
Die Bürgerinitiative gegen den Funkmast hatte in den vergangenen Wochen wiederholt auf Bautätigkeiten hingewiesen. Diese galten aber bislang der Herrichtung ...
There is much evidence that the ICNIRP guidelines are not adequate for determining the health risk of mobile phones, masts or other wireless technology . ...
The parents want to sue Reykjavik Energy following a test which revealed their house has much higher than recommended electromagnetic charge readings. ...
The Ombudsman asks for a law that would limit radiations
The Andalucian Ombudsman, José Chamizo, has claimed the Andalusian developing a regional rules to regulate and limit electromagnetic radiation from electric plants for the harmful effects they may have on the health of people.
Europa Press. Seville - Tuesday, July 20, 2010 - Updated at 00:00 pm
Informant: Iris Atzmon
Setting Exposure Standards for Telecommunications Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation
Electromagnetic Sensitivity is said to cause symptoms similar to a hangover, along with more serious health complications and the City Council was today ...
Betreff: Drumcarrow dab
Von: Arthur Jarrett
Datum: Sun, 25 Jul 2010 17:37:58 +0100
From Catherine
Planning application for Dab radio relay at Drumcarrow Craig, a difficult one to contest. Needs 5 objectors to get it to full Committee, rather than an approval by the Planning Dept.
There's a new law in the city by the bay that requires cell phone sellers to show the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of electromagnetic radiation for each ...
One of the last refuges from electromagnetic traffic in New York is about to be overrun. The city's 277 subway stations will get wireless and cellular phone ...
This research brings new knowledge on the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on human health. EMF levels from Wi-Fi devices are much lower than those ...
The link below is to a Radio Canada International story. At the web page you will find a button that says 'listen', you can then listen to a very interesting recording of Dr. Magda Havas being interviewed about the dangers of cell phones.
Traduction (français > anglais) Quick Google translator Afficher en écriture latine
The precautionary principle applies to antennas
On July 23, 2010
by Celia Fontaine
Risks & Health, Politics & Society, Public Health, Electromagnetic waves
The State Council, in a ruling dated July 19, ruled that the precautionary principle is applicable to phone masts.
This is an interesting decision in the eyes of Arnaud Gosse, lawyer of the environment because it allows the precautionary principle to apply even without specific legislation or regulation.
Involved in this case, the installation of a telephone relay tower in June 2006 in the town of Amboise (Indre-et-Loire), challenged by an association of local residents due to potential health risks. On appeal, the State Council considers that the precautionary principle applies even without text to planning law, and therefore permission to install a tower that had been challenged. "Certainly, in this case, the State Council held that evidence of a violation of the precautionary principle is not reported but is still quite a thunderclap? "Arnaud is kid on his blog on July 21.
This decision ends the case "Bouygues Telecom [1], in which the Council of State considered, on behalf of the independence of the laws that the precautionary principle was not applicable to a declaration of work. Indeed, at the time, the charter of the environment and its famous Article 5 [2] defining the precautionary principle was not yet in force. The precautionary principle was applicable only to the planning documents of legal value and not to individual decisions (permit, statement of work ...).
In its ruling of July 19, the High Court said "it is not clear from the evidence that, in the state of scientific knowledge about the risks entailed for the public's exposure to electromagnetic fields emitted by antennas of mobile phone base, the mayor of the town of Amboise has tainted his decision a manifest error of assessment under the provisions of Article 5 of the Environmental Charter." This means, says Arnaud Gosse, in this case the proof of the principle of precaution was not reported.
Déharbe For David, a lawyer specializing in public law and environmental law, "The principle of independence of the laws Planning and Environment has suffered a further decline. He said that decision announces exceeded constitutional principle of independence of the laws when the environment is at issue. If he also concedes that we now consider that the precautionary principle is directly enforceable without legislation or regulatory "it remains our view a textual nature of constitutional principle, no confusion, we are not witnessing a general principle of law in the sense understood by the Administrative Court.
Attention should be paid to the decision that "the applicant associations, but also - by implication - the operators and the public will have to contribute and encourage the production of scientific knowledge on the subject," according to Arnaud Gosse.
The use of the precautionary principle also continue to raise many problems of interpretation. The ratio of Gest and MEPs Alain Philippe Tourtelier submitted July 16, 2010, assesses the scope of this principle. It establishes a clear distinction between "care" and "prevention". It reiterates its determination to defend a principle, "as affirmed in the Charter of the Environment, should be interpreted as a principle of action, fully compatible with the idea of progress and duty to research."
Cemagref, in a press release dated July 16, welcomes the report and testified for his part that this principle "has stimulated more research and advanced knowledge of risks. He has contributed extensively to find preventive solutions to identified damage to ecosystems and populations with the use of the environmental policies of governments.
Das Handy macht uns zu Sklaven der Erreichbarkeit - am Abend, am Wochenende, im Urlaub. Die Telekom erklärt diese Zeiten jetzt für Blackberry-frei: ...
40 Tage ohne Internet und Handy: "Ich spürte ständig ein Phantomvibrieren"
Financial Times Deutschland
Buchautor Christoph Koch hat 40 Tage auf Handy und Internet verzichtet - und gehört damit zu einer neuen Bewegung von Onlineskeptikern von Nina Jauker FTD ...
Innenminister warnt Bundesregierung vor Einsatz von BlackBerrys
Thomas de Maizère sieht einen dramatischen Anstieg von Angriffen insbesondere gegen Regierungsnetze. Vor diesem Hintergrund sei es besser, auf die Nutzung von BlackBerry zu verzichten.
Sinatra said he is treating a few patients for electro-sensitivity symptoms, and spoke with one woman recently who said her head hurts whenever she talks on ...
... that cell phone towers are the dominating source of electromagnetic radiation in environment and this could lead to diseases in plants and animals. ...
SOUTHSIDE residents have welcomed a decision by An Bord Pleanála to refuse planning permission for a mobile phone mast at the grounds of a local football ...
Baltmannsweiler (rok) - ...Dafür habe man nun einen Funkmast für alle Betreiber. Die Strahlenwerte an den Häusern lägen 'unter dem, was sich Bürger selbst mit W-Lan zumuten'...
An appeal has been lodged against refusal of planning permission for six mobile phone antennas. Sunderland Council blocked an application by Telefonica O2 ...
In Großbritannien würden Polizisten gegen die Technik klagen, in Italien habe ein Polizist, der einen Gehirntumor erlitten habe, Anspruch auf Schadensersatz ...
A world-renowned expert on the impact of electromagnetic fields and microwave radiation has warned of the potential health consequences after a huge mast ...
In einem offenen Brief an den Bürgermeister und den Gemeinderat machen sie unmissverständlich klar: 'Der Funkmast im Hugenberg ist keine Alternative. ...
Israeli Health Ministry - Prof Sadezky helped formulate warning/ recommnedations regarding wireless phones, not to put the base of DECT in bedrooms, children rooms and places where staying long time like work place To keep the phone further from the head To consider wired phone over wireless To note it's the same radiation type like cellular to put the phone on the base when not in use otherwise it emits radiation all the time.
Digitalfunk: Zaun soll vor Kritik schützen? Offener Brief von Roman Schmitt aus Kirchberg/Jagst-Hornberg an die Redaktion des Haller Tagblatts (Datum: 20. Juli 2010). ...
Vor zehn Jahren begann der Boom in der Mobilfunkindustrie. Heute hat fast jeder ein Handy, damals begann der Antennenwald zu sprießen, mussten doch die ...
From: Blakelevit
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 8:18 PM
Subject: Re. Dr. Olle Johansson
Below is a letter on behalf of Olle Johansson. Feel free to circulate and use as a model for your own letters. There is at least one letter circulating for people to communally sign but it's important for people to write individually too. This may be especially true for the scientists among us. He can use an outpouring of support right now as the pressure in the opposite direction appears to be getting stronger.
Blake Levitt
July 20, 2010
Harriet Wallberg-Henriksson, Rektor
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm, Sweden
Staffan Cullheim
Chairman, Department of Neuroscience,
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm, Sweden
Re: Associate Professor Olle Johansson
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm, Sweden
Dear Rektor Wallberg-Henriksson,
It has come to the attention of many in the EMF science community that Dr. Olle Johansson is having difficulty maintaining proper laboratory & office space when other uses take precedence over his professional requirements. Several months ago, the head of the Department of Neuroscience, Dr. Staffan Cullheim, asked Dr. Johansson to vacate his office and laboratory so that an animal containment area of some sort could locate there. Dr. Johansson refused and although there were other spaces available in that building, such a use was never commenced. Now Dr. Cullheim has asked Dr. Johansson to vacate again, this time for an imaging facility when there are still other suitable and empty spaces available elsewhere in that building, we have been told. This latest request is also being made at a time when Dr. Johansson is recovering from surgery.
Clearly this sort of mobile office mayhem makes it difficult for other scientists to know if Dr. Johansson will be able to carry out replication of studies done elsewhere, as well as to continue his own very important work. Surely everyone must be aware of how difficult it is to repeatedly move professional quarters around. After a while, one begins to wonder if these requests are motivated by something more personal.
Sometimes it is helpful for people in top leadership positions at world-renowned institutions such as Karolinska to hear from people outside of their immediate working circles -- hence my taking the liberty to address you. I am an American medical & science journalist, former New York Times writer, author of Electromagnetic Fields, A Consumer's Guide to the Issues? (Harcourt Brace, 1996 first edition; iUniverse 2007 second edition), a book which won an award of excellence from the American Medical Writers Association. I am also the editor of Cell Towers, Wireless Convenience? or Environmental Hazard? Proceedings of the "Cell Towers Forum," State of the Science, State of the Law, (Safe Goods/New Century Publishing, 2000). That book is a compendium of papers presented at an environmental forum and contains the presentations of government officials from three American federal regulatory agencies; three world-renowned research scientists; several physicists and RF engineers; and several attorneys and land-use regulators. I have been an invited speaker at numerous forums, including at the Royal College of Physicians, London, UK, in 2000 where I had the good fortune to meet Dr. Johansson and to discuss his work for the first time. At that conference, I believe he presented his seminal research on changes in skin mast cells with EMF/RF exposures.
Over the years, I have followed Dr. Johansson's important professional contribution to what must be the most contentious area of science & public health policy today -- that of the health and environmental effects of nonionizing radiation. This is a critically important subject with over 4 billion cell phone users now and all of the wireless infrastructure needed to make those technologies function. The human race has never been exposed to this form of radiation before, with its odd signaling characteristics, at such intensities, and with long, chronic exposures. We are in the throes of a massive global experiment with no end in sight, and little cautionary intelligence being brought to bear.
As a science writer for over 25 years with a focus on biophysics, it has become second nature to recognize what does or does not constitute credible work, and how very easy it is to slant studies toward the outcome that a funding source desires. In America, over a 10+ year period in the late 1980's and 1990's, 4-to-5 independent bioelectromagnetics research facilities closed when the telecom industry gradually refused to fund any labs that found results not beneficial to them. In time, the industry refused to fund independent researchers who would not sign confidentiality clauses regarding their findings, plus they insisted on final edit for all papers published. Some papers with adverse findings never saw the light of day. The industry refused to publish after researchers objected to altering their interpretations to suit industry aims. It was the wholesale gutting of American bioelectromagnetics research at a time when government funding was also drying up. Today, there is only one such independent lab still in existence at the University of Washington, headed by Dr. Henry Lai. Dr. Lai prevailed because he refused to tolerate industry bullying, and because the president of the university understood how important Dr. Lai's work is. Most other bioelectromagnetics researchers here have been forced to close their labs, go on to other work, or retire. Where those labs were housed under a university or government umbrella, other uses were quickly found for their space -- the same scenario that Dr. Johansson seems to be facing.
Today more than ever, with so much at stake from increasing exposures to telecommunications technologies, the relative handful of experienced, independent researchers who still exist need consistent support and protection. Billions of dollars in industry profits depend on a clean-bill-of-health being given to them. Whether that assumption is accurate is very much in question -- and always has been. These exposures have been known to be problematic to humans and other species since the early 1950's. Yet safety issues have never been resolved. What is not in question is that there are very few researchers with the expertise to gather reliable, useful data. Dr. Johansson is one of those few and his work should be promoted and made easier, not more difficult and dispiriting.
Dr. Johansson is highly respected in the international bioelectromagnetics community. He often asks the toughest questions and follows through with plausible data. He has conducted many groundbreaking studies on the effects of low-level, chronic EMF/RF exposures. These include, as you likely know, changes in the skin's mast cells in people who have electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), which was the first work to find physiological differences in that segment of the population, thereby providing a mechanism for this perplexing functional disorder that now afflicts millions of people worldwide. Dr. Johansson was also the first to find a direct parallel between the introduction of FM radio transmission -- an energetic environmental exposure that did not exist prior to the 1940's -- and the rise in melanoma rates. No one had looked for that association before, presuming that the steady rise in melanoma rates was due to sun exposure, despite the obvious paradox that most melanomas occur on parts of the body not exposed to sunlight. These are only two examples. There are many others. And then there are the many seminal papers published in prestigious peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Johansson has also spoken at numerous forums and professional conferences, and is among the few professionals to make himself available to people suffering damage from EMF/RF exposures. He also makes himself available to the global press as an educator. The Karolinska Institute could not have a better representative than Dr. Johansson of its historic mission to create cutting edge research and apply it to useful, intelligent public policy.
It is my understanding that Dr. Johansson was preparing to replicate some of the work of Dr. Magda Havas at Trent University in Canada but cannot guarantee that now. It does little good for scientists to concentrate on pressing controversial areas, with all the inherent professional risks entailed, if they only experience marginalization for their sincere efforts. Replication is the lifeblood of science. In bioelectromagnetics, more so than other disciplines, the stakes are unusually high. Only certain labs know how to do this work. Only certain researchers know what to look for, how to design studies, how to really replicate rather than intentionally skew the original work, how to measure and control for any number of real-life variables/problems/biases. The timing of exposures and dosimetry problems alone can be staggering. In fact, most of the parameters that determine outcomes in bioelectromagnetics do not affect other areas of science. There just aren't enough Dr. Johansson's available to help the world accurately sort this out and for Dr. Johansson to have his lab and office minimized for any reason goes against the heart of Karolinska's mission.
It is my sincere hope that you will find a satisfactory resolution within your hallowed walls so that he may continue his significant research. At a moment in history such as this, with a potential emerging health crisis, Dr. Johansson should be given more lab space, not less. His expertise is rare and most needed. Dr. Johansson's contribution has been critical to international efforts to understand this urgent area of science. Hopefully he will be able to continue under the best of circumstances and not experience the worst, as happened to scientists in America.
Today there is very little research on EMF/RF in America, while there is increased interest and funding in Europe and elsewhere. At one time, America was the leader in this but no longer. Much of that is due to industry influence here on our political system. Dr. Johansson has a significant role to play, not just for Karolinska, but for all of us.
Thank you for the opportunity to address you on this matter.
Ms. B. Blake Levitt
355 Lake Rd.
New Preston, CT 06777 USA
From: Magda Havas
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 9:55 PM
Subject: President Harriet Wallberg-Henriksson RE: Dr. Olle Johansson
For Distribution with Dr. Blank's permission:
Magda Havas
Harriet Wallberg-Henriksson, Rektor Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm, Sweden
c/c: Staffan Cullheim Chairman, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm, Sweden
Re: Associate Professor Olle Johansson The Experimental Dermatology Unit Department of Neuroscience Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm, Sweden
Dear Rektor Wallberg-Henriksson,
I am writing to you as past president of the Bioelectromagnetics Society to tell you how distressed I am to learn that Dr. Olle Johansson has been asked by his Chairman to move out of his lab at the Karolinska Institute. I feel that I should let you know that Dr. Johansson is internationally known for his research in bioelectromagnetics, and that his research program on electrohypersensitivity is unique and highly regarded by his peers. Dr. Johansson was one of the invited contributors to the 2007 online Bioinitiative Report, as well as to the 2009 update in the journal Pathophysiology that I edited.
I feel I should also let you know that support for bioelectromagnetics research has suffered recently, because there are many who prefer not to learn about biological and health effects of electromagnetic radiation. As a result, there are very few labs doing research in this area, and Dr. Johansson's is one of the few. I realize that changes in space allocation are occasionally necessary in active research institutions, but they should be avoided when there appear to be other alternatives regarding space utilization. Dr. Johansson's unique research program on electrohypersensitivity would be dealt a serious blow if the move were to take place. It should be obvious that because of the political issue, the move would also be a blow to the reputation of the Karolinska Institute since it will be seen as eliminating a research program with important health implications.
I urge you to reevaluate your decision, and change the current plans to enable Dr. Johansson's vital research program to continue.
Sincerely yours,
Martin Blank Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons
You must be notified that after appearing as witness-invitees at your Committee, HESA, on April 27 & 29, attesting to the grave dangers to public health and wildlife under Health Canada's (so-called) Safety Code 6, regarding exposure to radiation (from cell phone base stations, wifi, etc.), two of these international eminences in their field have been subject to outrageous academic persecution. It is thus that their "whistleblowing" before an august governmental forum such as your own, has displeased industry and abettors so much, that these scientists have now been excluded from their offices, unable to pursue their groundbreaking work as before, depended on by colleagues and very many people around the world.
Dr. Olle Johansson of the Karolinska Institute and Dr. Dimitris Panagopoulos of the University of Athens, both engaged in pathbreaking work for many years, some of which has been shared with you at HESA & is thus now on this highest of public records, have their positions in jeopardy after their testimony before you.
Their contact emails are and .
You should also be aware that all four international witnesses, including these two, who graciously accepted HESA Committee invitations to testify, have also suffered similarly in the past for their brave and honest reporting of scientific findings, at odds with what the industry and its abettors put forth. I assume it was clearly noticed by all HESA MPs, that at hearings questioning Department of Health standards, only a single witness appeared to speak for that Department, the rest industry-connected (a point raised by Dr. Johansson on the 29th). That should speak for itself. Louder still should speak this further persecution of honourable capable researchers after bravely speaking out before you.
Will you enquire further directly and ask what you can do to reverse this travesty?
Daryl Vernon
York Centre
416 631 1495
Send a message - Sveriges Kungahus write or email to the King of Sweden about the treatment of Olle Johansson.
About prof. Harriet Wallberg-Henriksson, President of the Karolinska Institute
Please, read this Nature paper about my President, prof. Harriet Wallberg-Henriksson, to give you more facts about the current affairs at my workplace:
I have always been very proud to work at the Karolinska Institute; today I am sad to read about her behaviour. Unfortunately, as you all know, I have not seen a better side of her...
(Personally, regarding my lab. and office space, I have no new information. My boss, prof. Staffan Cullheim, refuses to answer my questions. Maybe it is time to rather contact the editorial office of Nature to get them...?)
THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your support!!
Olle Johansson, assoc. prof. The Experimental Dermatology Unit Department of Neuroscience Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm Sweden
Professor The Royal Institute of Technology
100 44 Stockholm Sweden
(Note - re the story yesterday's from Victoria, Australia about smart meters) - "a government official there told me the newspaper had got it wrong and there had never been a moratorium on the meters themselves, but only on the time-of-use tariff".
However, an example of the plan being shelved for economic reasons is Maryland:
Residents express concern over SmartMeter radiation
His concerns about cell phones are the same concerns he has about SmartMeters -- namely, he's worried that the electromagnetic radiation emitted by these ...
While the PUC study does not address any perceived health risks related to electromagnetic frequencies emitted by the meters ? the main concern expressed ...
Für Vieltelefonierer ist das Risiko an Tinnitus zu erkranken, doppelt so hoch, ... Immer wieder taucht auch Mobilfunk als möglicher Auslöser auf: "In den ...
Eine neue Bürgerinitiative (BI) Greimharting/Ratzinger Höhe wendet sich gegen einen geplanten Sendemast des Behördenfunks "Tetra" auf der Ratzinger Höhe. ...
'Wenn es defintiv zu keinem Standort für einen Tetra-Funkmasten im Bereich der Ratzinger Höhe kommt, haben wir ein Sicherheitsproblem', sagte Gerhard Eck, ...
Rimsting - Zu einer Diskussionsrunde zum Thema Digitalfunk hatte MdL Klaus Stöttner geladen. Auch Staatsminister Eck nahm an dem Austausch mit den Bürgern und Behörden teil. Lange Zeit wird nun schon hitzig diskutiert, ob die Einführung eines ...
Ins gleiche Horn bläst übrigens die Bürgerinitiative Greimharting/Ratzinger Höhe bei Rimsting, seitdem bekannt wurde, dass auf der Ratzinger Höhe ein neuer Funkmast entstehen soll. Zum Hintergrund: Bis dato kommunizieren Behörden und Organisationen ...
Yet, in fact, the white pole is actually a cleverly disguised high-tech mobile phone mast which O2 has installed over the past week to boost its coverage in ...
Es gab einem Kläger Recht, der auf Grund seines Jobs Vieltelefonierer war und sich in Folge dessen ein Gehirntumor bildete. Der Arbeitgeber muss nun nicht ...
From: bertmbartsch
Subject: smart meters due to be put on your home in july- how to fight it!!
Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 08:57:39 -0700
Dear West Marin Neighbor,
You are receiving this alert as part of a new organizing strategy in West Marin, where local organizations and individuals are collaborating to call the attention of our community to urgent issues that effect our health, environment & local sustainability. We encourage you to forward this widely to your network- we need help in getting the word out as soon as possible. Thank you for participating in local democracy.
West Marin Alert - Look out for Smart Meters!
Did you know that PG&E plans to install ?Smart Meters? on every home and business in Marin County and throughout their California territory?
These wireless devices will replace your current electric meters and will allow PG&E to track and control your gas & electricity usage without having a meter-reader come to your home. Millions of these devices have already been installed in California, and consumer complaints are pouring in to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and to the media. The CPUC is currently conducting an investigation as a result of these complaints. At this time, customers are being told by PG&E that they cannot opt out of having ?smart meters? installed.
Why should we be concerned?
* Increased electromagnetic radiation (EMR) emitted by these meters from every house, apartment & business will add a massive additional layer of man-made EMR to our environment that will pulse radiation every minute throughout the day and night; utility poles, buildings, and telephone poles will also be transmitting EMR as repeaters for the ?smart meters?; EMR will infiltrate all other home wiring.
* No FCC safety standards exist for chronic long-term exposure to EMR or from multiple sources.
* Adverse health effects from electromagnetic pollution include sleep disorders, irritability, short term memory loss, headaches, anxiety, nausea, DNA breaks, abnormal cell growth, cancer, premature aging, etc.
* Untested technology; international scientists, environmental agencies, advocacy groups and doctors are calling for the use of the precautionary principle for wireless technologies that are already causing illness in many people.
* Skyrocketing utility bills - sometimes 2 to 3 times higher than before the ?smart meters? were installed, even for vacant homes.
* Fire hazards and risk of electrical shock.
* Waste of our money - $2 billion is being spent on ?smart meters? in our area of California.
* Loss of thousands of jobs - at a time when job creation should be a top priority.
* The undemocratic process that has been used by PG&E in pursuing this new technology, telling people that they have absolutely no choice in the matter.
KPFA radio commentators Layna Berman and Dr. Jeffry Fawcett of lay out the case against PG&E's attempted mass installation of wireless so-called 'smart' meters throughout its service area.
They debunk the bio-effects denialists who refuse to look at the massive scientific evidence showing that exposure to wireless radiation is hazardous. Their presentation of the technological, economic, biological and political context for the national 'smart grid' plan and the part 'smart' meters play in it is given visual emphasis with the live, simultaneous 'graphic recording' of cartoonist Brian Narelle of
They lay out specific actions YOU can take to protect your home and neighborhood from PG&E's electro-smog assault on public health and democratic choice.
From: Dr Magda Havas
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2010 8:13 PM
Subject: Danish illness associated with GSM mobile-phones
For distribution:
From: Henrik Eiriksson
I thought you might find the attached doc interesting. It's a one-page collection of graphs pulled from the Danish statistics showing strange spikes in illness at the same time GSM mobile phones went into commerce in Denmark.
Noting that concerns about electromagnetic radiation have centered on brain tumors, he said, "I believe that all of the studies done to look into this are ...
Feldkirchen-Westerham - Kann ein im Bereich Aschbach geplanter, 30 bis 40 Meter hoher Sendemast für die digitale anstelle der analogen Funkübertragung...
Feldkirchen-Westerham - Nach wie vor heftig umstritten ist in der Gemeinde die Einführung des Tetra-Funks. Pro und Contra wurden jetzt bei einem runden Tisch im Rathaus diskutiert. Zwei Standorte, die für einen Funkmasten in Frage kämen: Direkt an ...
Wir wollen Sie über aktuelle Entwicklungen in Bayern in Kenntnis setzen.
Stellungnahme zu den Aussagen der Projektgruppe DigiNet des Bayer. Ministeriums des Innern zu den Risiken des BOS-Behördenfunks und der Mobilfunktechnologie
Die Projektgruppe DigiNet des bayerischen Innenministeriums führt zu den Protesten der Bürgerinitiativen und Gemeinden gegen den Ausbau des TETRA-Funks im Bayerischen Landwirtschaftlichem Wochenblatt vom 24.06.2011 aus:
'Behauptungen einer gesundheitlichen Bedenklichkeit der Tetra-Technologie entbehren anerkannten wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen'...'Im Ergebnis sind auf Basis der bisherigen Forschungsergebnisse keine Studien bekannt, die nach anerkannten wissenschaftlichen Kriterien eine gesundheitliche Gefährdung aufzeigen.'
DigiNet arbeitet dabei mit einseitigen Behauptungen, die nicht dem tatsächlichen Stand der Forschung entsprechen. Sie stützt sich auf von Industrieinteressen geprägten Interpretationen, die einen Großteil der unabhängigen Forschungsergebnisse ausklammern.
Dies weist Diagnose-Funk e.V. in einer Stellungnahme nach.
Nur wenige hundert Meter vom favorisierten Sendemast-Standort auf dem Aschbacher Berg berichtete die Initiative 'Bürgergruppe-Aschbach-Tetra' über die aktuelle Entwicklung. Dem bayernweiten Aufruf, per Gemeinderatsbeschluss Sender solange abzulehnen,...
A court-ordered study has found that electromagnetic waves beamed by Vatican Radio leave residents living near the station's antennas at a higher risk of ...
Report suggests radiation from Vatican Radio increases cancer risk
Catholic News Service
... suggest there is a link between exposure to electromagnetic radiation from the radio's broadcasting towers and an increased risk of developing cancer. ...
... number of deaths from cancer among families living near the aerials just north of the Italian capital can be attributed to electromagnetic radiation. ...
Vom Sendemast des katholischen Kirchensenders Radio Vatikan verursachter Elektrosmog ist für einen Anstieg von Krebserkrankungen bei Kindern in den ...
Krebserkrankungen wegen Elektrosmog durch Radio Vatikan
Kleine Zeitung
Der vom Sendemast des katholischen Kirchensenders Radio Vatikan verursachte Elektrosmog sorgt für Aufregung in Rom. Laut manchen Experten könnte dieser für ...
Ein Studie hatte bestätigt, dass der durch die Masten verursachte Elektrosmog für einen Anstieg von Krebserkrankungen bei Kindern in den Gemeinden nördlich ...
Brazilian study cancer associated with radiation from cellular antennas
The electromagnetic radiation emitted by transmitting antennas cell phone is linked to the occurrence of some types of cancer, according to a study by Brazilian researchers.
The study established a direct link between cancer deaths in Belo Horizonte, the third largest city, with the antennae of the mobile telephone network, reported in Science Hoje site, the news portal of the Brazilian Society for Progress Science (Sociedad Brasileña para el Progreso de la Ciencia.)
The research was conducted by scientists at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil's southeastern state whose capital is Belo Horizonte.
The results give a warning in a country where, according to the latest data available, at least one person have a cell phone in 82 percent of the residences.
According to the engineer Adilza Condessa Dode, UFMG researcher and coordinator of the study, repeated exposure to cell phone users to electromagnetic radiation transmitted by the device and the antennas is not as safe as indicated by other research.
According to the study, more than 80 percent of people who die in Belo Horizonte by specific types of cancer live less than 500 meters away from the 300 identified cell phone antennas in the city.
According to the research, between 1996 and 2006 died in Belo Horizonte a total of 4924 victims of cancer types that may be caused by electromagnetic radiation, such as tumors in the prostate, breast, lung, kidneys and liver.
After finding on the map nearly 300 points antennas of cellular phone networks in the city, the researcher found that 80 percent of those victims lived within 500 meters away from one of these premises.
According to estimates quoted by the researcher, the level of local radiation in excess of 300 GHz antennas considered maximum under Brazilian law of 2009.
"These levels are already high and dangerous to human health. In the closer you live on an antenna, the greater the contact with the electromagnetic field," said Dode.
The researcher claims that the antennas of the devices themselves are also dangerous.
"The power emitted by the cell is continuous and exacerbated by the position of the antennas that are directed toward the user's brain," he said.
The engineer said that the legislation sets emission limits for electromagnetic radiation is not due to health criteria but to industrial, economic and technological.
Dode cited countries such as Switzerland and Italy, with more restrictive laws, and suggested that each Brazilian municipality set limits as it deems appropriate.
"This is a precaution. I think we will succeed only with social mobilization. 'Wait a change in the law," he said.
While the legislation does not guarantee the health of the population, the engineer suggested that the user just use the phones for emergency calls and that gives more preference to text messages to the talks.
Also recommended the use of cellular headset to keep the unit away from the body, and to ban the use of mobiles by children and in places such as schools and hospitals. (Xinhua)
Yes, Vogue, the fashion magazine runs a good (!) story on moblie phones and health. on page 130 Vouge July, with the picture of Marion Cotillard on the front, seems to me the american Vogue. There it is noted that Devra Davis is about to publish a book in September, called "Disconnect: The truth about cell phone radiation, what the industry has done to hide it, and how to protect your family". The first page of the article looks like this:
From: Henrik
Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2010 9:49 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Brazilian study associates cancer with antennas
More on the Brazilian study. The news bulletin on the University website: Following is a link to a google translation from Portuguese (spoken in Brazil) to English: link.
A study led by researchers in Israel suggests that exposure to household low-frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) may increase risk of breast cancer and ...
'Die Handystrahlung ist weitaus schlimmer als andere Arten', sagt Krankenhaus-Chefin Katja Bittner. Noch bedenklicher seien alte Schnurlostelefone. ...
ERLANGEN - Dass die gesetzlichen Grenzwerte nicht eingehalten werden, daran zweifelt in Eltersdorf eigentlich niemand, weil sie, wie viele Mobilfunkgegner ...
... Messungen in Eltersdorf vor. Der heftige Protest der Eltersdorfer Bürger gegen den neuen Mobilfunkmast mitten im Ort hat die Stadt nun veranlasst, ...
Der keinesfalls unumstrittene Experte hat sich nach jahrelanger, treuer Begleitung und Unterstützung der Informationsveranstaltungen der Mobilfunkindustrie ...
Cell Phone Use and Salivary...