Diese sollen mit diesen Frequenzen das Breitbandnetz für Mobilfunk bundesweit ... beim Hessischen Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst angemeldet. ...
Study reveals changes in brain activity in proximity of cellphone antennas
High Tech Lounge
The study, conducted by the National Institutes of Health and Brookhaven National Laboratory, did not aim to estimate potential negative effects due to electromagnetic radiation, according to researchers. They scanned users' brains when cellphones were ...
'This study shows that the human brain is sensitive to electromagnetic radiation coming out of cell phones,' study author Nora Volkow told The Wall Street Journal. ... Like a similar study backed by ...
Disturbing NIH Study Reveals Cellphone Use And Change In Brain Activity
From the New York Times article on 2/23: 'The study is important because it documents that the human brain is sensitive to the electromagnetic radiation that is emitted by cellphones,' Dr. Volkow said. 'It also highlights the importance of doing ...
'The human brain is sensitive to the electromagnetic radiation that is emitted from cell phones,' Nora Volkow told Science News. Volkow, who worked on a study that found the connection with brain activity, is a researcher and doctor at the National ...
This activity signifies brain cell reactions due to the electromagnetic field emitted by the phone in those regions. Study Author, Nora Volkow, MD, MD, of the National Institutes of Health said the study results prove that the human brain is sensitive ...
They wrote in an urgent letter that upgrading infrastructure to introduce fourth-generation cellular phones is liable to increase the use of such technologies and increase the public's exposure to cellular electromagnetic radiation. ...
Wi-fi to be in all local public schools by fall despite criticism
Peterborough Examiner
That news was delivered to the trustees of the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board Thursday night in a report that outlines how the wi-fi project will be installed
Mr. Allred: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Some residents of my constituency have raised concerns about the safety of Wi-Fi in schools. To the Minister of Education: has your department investigated the safety of the use of Wi-Fi networks in the school environment?
Zugleich stellt der Sender klar, dass sich seine Anlagen bei Santa Maria di Galeria strikt an die Auflagen Italiens sowie an internationale Empfehlungen für Höchstgrenzen von Elektrosmog hielten. Das Urteil stehe im Widerspruch zu einer früheren ...
Sharma is part of an eight-member inter-ministerial committee formed in September 2010 to examine scientific data available on the effects of electromagnetic radiation exposure from cell phone towers and handsets on human beings and the environment. ...
36 Prozent der Frauen und 26 Prozent der Männer geben zu, dass ihnen das Wissen um die möglichen Auswirkungen von Elektrosmog einiges Unbehagen bereitet. Und diese Angst kann sogar so groß sein, dass in ihren Haushalten im Alltag weitgehend auf ...
'The Education Department has tried to conceal the dangers of this move by saying testing revealed the electromagnetic field strength is .26 per cent of the recommended limit for the community. ?What the department failed to disclose is that there are ...
Information released by phone companies T Mobile, 3UK, Orange, O2 and Vodafone reveal masts have been put up in a range of locations including pubs, churches, the hospital and even a school. And yet new applications are being...
PLANS to put up a phone mast in Colchester have been thrown out because of its proposed location. Vodafone and Telefonica O2 wanted to install the mast and cabinet on a grass verge, close to the junction of Welshwood Park Road and...
A RESIDENT has admitted campaigners are on 'a hiding to nothing' in their efforts to stop a phone mast being built. Members of Colchester Council s planning committee are expected to allow telecommunications giants Vodafone and O2 to place the mast and...
(oh) Im November des vergangenen Jahres haben die Mitglieder das Bausenats das gemeindliche Einvernehmen für einen 53 Meter hohen Sendemasten zwischen Sandweg und Reinprechting für den Digitalfunk verweigert. Reinprechtinger Bürger haben nun in der ...
'This study shows that the human brain is sensitive to electromagnetic radiation coming out of cellphones," said Nora Volkow, an author on the study published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association. "That is something we need to ...
... outside phone shop Vodafone this week to voice his anger at the company's determination to erect a 40ft mast in Twerton. Vodafone and O2 have been seeking a site in the area for the past 18 months, arguing that coverage for customers wanting mobile ...
'I hoped that the inspector would have looked more favourably and come down on the side of local residents. Unfortunately he has not, so now we will be left with a mobile phone mast that nobody wants apart from the operator.'...
MOBILE phone masts will cause serious health problems for children at nurseries next to the proposed site, protesters have claimed. Nearly 300 people have signed petitions against the building of two giant phone masts in Newhall. ...
The news comes just months after residents hailed a victory when both an application for a mast in Fairfield Crescent and another near Newhall Social Club, in High Street, were refused by council planners. The mobile phone giants have submitted ...
TWO mobile phone giants have suffered a blow after being
refused permission to build phone masts in Midway and Newhall. A councillor
has welcomed news that Telefonica Vodafone and 02 has been refused
permission to build a 41ft (12.8m)...
PLANS to erect a raft of mobile phone masts on the roof of a Hampstead pub have been withdrawn ? after neighbours told the landlord they were worried about possible health issues. The owners of The Flask, on the corner of Flask Walk, ...
Electromagnetic radiation (EMR), such as measured from smart meters, has been associated in many scientific studies with negative health effects. Yet, BC Hydro (a Canada based electrical utility), has decided to install a WIMAX (Worldwide...
'I would like to see more research done on this whole thing for future generations, because we live in this strange phase where everyone is getting electromagnetic waves to the head and it can have dire consequences.' A highly anticipated reported on ...
Health concerns in the US are creating a backlash against smart meters, which measure electrical usage in homes. Storm clouds are gathering over the booming domestic-energy monitoring sector in the US as concern grows that ...
München. Anstelle der ursprünglich vorgesehenen rund 770 Millionen werden Aufbau, Betrieb und Unterhalt des Digitalfunknetzes bis 2021 voraussichtlich 900 Millionen Euro kosten. Innenstaatsekretär Gerhard Eck (CSU) nannte die neue Zahl am Mittwoch im ...
Doch zuvor muss erst noch die notwendige Infrastruktur geschaffen werden: Funkmasten und Sendeanlagen. Bis Ende 2012 sollen deren Bau und Installation ...
Und dies müssen die Verantwortlichen des Digitalfunk-Projekts sowie die zuständigen Politiker auf Landesebene ernst nehmen. Sorgenvolle Bürger lassen sich nicht beruhigen, indem man ihnen neue Funkmasten vor die Tür stellt und ihnen sagt: Alles halb so...
Beim einheitlichen Dgitalfunk gibt es Ärger: Die Standort-Entscheidungen für die Sendemasten und die Kosten dafür stehen in der Kritik. von Uli Bachmeier Bald soll es einen gemeinsamen Funk geben für Polizei, Feuerwehr, Bergwacht und Rettungsdienste. ...
Neuer Digitalfunk der Polizei wird wieder abgeschaltet
Die Münchner Polizei hat den neuen Digitalfunk erst zweieinhalb Monate im Programm. Nun wird er wieder eingestellt. Es gäbe nur Probleme, klagen die Beamten ...
Strauch ignoriert Beschlüsse der Stadtverordnetenversammlung
'Langsam aber sicher verlieren wir die Geduld! Warum setzt Bürgermeister Walter Strauch, das vom Steinauer Stadtparlament parteiübergreifend im Juni 2009 beschlossen Mobilfunkkonzept nicht um?' fragt Frau Helga Henschke, bei der letzten Sitzung der Bürgerinitiative 'Bürger für mobilfunksenderfreie Wohngebiete in Steinau'.
In den letzten Wochen seien Mitten in Steinau wieder neue Antennen errichtet worden, ohne dass eine Prüfung stattgefunden habe. Will Herr Strauch das Konzept solange hinauszögern, bis die Mobilfunkbetreiber fertig aufgerüstet haben? Nicht nur auf der Leimenheeg sei der zweite UMTS-Sender dazugeschaltet worden, auch im Industriegebiet sei ein neuer Sender aufgerichtet worden. Dagegen sei in Schlüchtern der UMTS-Sender von e-plus auf Grund des Widerspruchs der Stadt noch nicht eingeschaltet worden!' berichtete die Vorsitzende Renate Schuch.
Obwohl ein Beschluss der Stadtverordneten von Steinau vom Dezember vorläge, der besage, dass keine neuen Sendemasten errichtet werden sollten, bevor nicht endlich das Mobilfunkkonzept erstellt worden sei! betont Frau Schuch.
Wenn man bedenke, dass der interfraktionelle Beschluss für dieses Konzept im Juni 2009 erfolgte, und jetzt im Februar 2011 noch nicht umgesetzt sei, erhebt sich für die Bürger, die das Prinzip der Gesundheitsvorsorge umgesetzt sehen möchten, der Verdacht, dass den Mobilfunkbetreibern Zeit zugestanden werde, schnell noch Fakten zu schaffen, die aber leider nicht der Gesundheitsvorsorge dienlich seien. Der Bayrische Verwaltungsgerichtshof habe diesbezüglich ein wichtiges Urteil gesprochen! Schon in dem ersten Satz der Erläuterung werde darauf eingegangen, dass Mobilfunkanlagen aus Gründen des vorbeugenden Gesundheitsschutzes sowie der Gestaltung des Ortsbildes aus allen Wohngebieten ausgeschlossen werden. Die Gefährdung durch die von Mobilfunkstationen herrührenden Strahlenbelastung sei nicht dem Bereich der rechtlich irrelevanten Immissionsbefürchtungen, sondern dem vorsorgerelevanten Risikoniveau zuzuordnen.
Das zeige doch, dass ein Umdenken in den entscheidenden Gremien erfolge!
Unter diesem Aspekt sei auch die Meldung aus München zu verstehen, wenn dort nach nur zweieinhalb Monaten nach seiner Einführung der neue digitale Polizeifunk (TETRA) wegen zu großer Probleme schon wieder abgeschaltet wurde, konnte Herr Joachim Zier berichten.
Durch das Beispiel von 'Stuttgart 21' werde deutlich, dass der Bürger eine ehrliche und transparentere Politik fordere. Die Anwesenden des Treffens sähen aber keine Ehrlichkeit im Handeln des Magistrats, wenn 'kurz vor Torschluss' Entschlüsse gefasst würden, die Entscheidungen der Stadtverordneten widersprechen.
gez. Renate Schuch (Vorsitzende)
Ärger über neue Sendemasten
Fuldaer Zeitung
...Dieser lege fest, dass keine neuen Sendemasten errichtet werden sollen, bevor das Konzept vorliege. Im Gegensatz dazu sei in Schlüchtern ein UMTS-Sender von e-plus wegen des Widerspruchs der Stadt noch nicht eingeschaltet worden, erklärt Renate Schuch. ...
Bürgerinitiative vermisst in Steinau das vielgepriesene 'Miteinander'
Die Bürger für mobilfunksenderfreie Wohngebiete trafen sich zu ihrer Jahreshauptversammlung in der Gaststätte 'Grüner Baum' . Nachdem nun die Gelder für das Mobilfunkkonzept bereitstünden und der Auftrag an das EMF- Institutbereits letztes Jahr vergeben worden sei, stand die Frage für die Anwesenden im Vordergrund, warum die Stadt bis heute nicht in der Lage sei, innerhalb von 3 Monaten dem EMF-Institut dringend benötigte Daten zu liefern. Außerdem fragte man sich, warum ein neuer Mobilfunkmast mittlerweile errichtet worden sei, obwohl man seitens der Stadt damit warten wollte bis das Konzept fertig sei. In der Regel dauere die Fertigstellung eines Mobilfunkkonzeptes ca. 1 Monat nach Auftragvergabe, wie Bürgermeister Walter Strauch der Initiative gegenüber mitteilte.
Hinzu käme, dass man sich im Bergwinkel für eine teurere und störanfälligere Technik für das schnelle DSL per Funkübertragung entschieden hätte. Gäbe es im Main-Kinzig-Kreis doch Gemeinden ? unter anderem auch SPD geführte -, die viel günstiger per Kabel ihren interessierten Bürgern eine schnelle Verbindung anbieten könnten, statt wie die Gemeinden Sinntal, Schlüchtern und Steinau, die über einen kreiseigenen 'Versorgungsservice mit OR-Network zusammen' dies in Zukunft tun wollen.
Es wurde eine neue Informationsbroschüre über die erheblichen gesundheitlichen Risiken durch die Nutzung von WLAN-Netzen im privaten Bereich, in Schulen sowie am Arbeitsplatz, vorgestellt. Da heutige Medien kaum eine kritische Information transportierten, gebe dieser Ratgeber 'Vorsicht WLAN!' aus industrieunabhängiger Forschung dem Leser wichtige Erkenntnisse. Selbst die Bundesregierung empfehle kabelgebundene Lösungen für Internet ?Zugänge.
Wie schon im Jahr 2000 Dr. Neil Cherry, Lincoln Universität, Neuseeland, in seiner umfassenden Dokumentation für die Regierung feststellte, könnte ? wenn alle Städte unter anderem auf Glasfaserkabel umsteigen würden ? die Belastung der Bevölkerung auf ein Minimum reduziert werden!
Einen Vergleich griffen die Anwesenden noch auf: Jahrzehntelang wurden Warnungen bezüglich der Atomstrahlung in 'den Wind geschlagen' ? Und wie reagiere man jetzt?
Bürgerinitative kritisiert neuen Mobilfunkmast
Fuldaer Zeitung
Zudem verwundere es, warum mittlerweile ein neuer Mobilfunkmast errichtet wurde, obwohl man seitens der Stadt warten wollte, bis das Konzept fertig sei. ...
Bürgerinitiative zu Mobilfunk: 'Handys und WLAN in Klassenzimmern verbieten'
Osthessen News
06.06.11 - Steinau - Anlässlich eines Treffens der Bürger für mobilfunksenderfreie Wohngebiete in Steinau wurden Informationen von anderen Bürgerinitiativen, anderen Ländern und der neueste EU-Beschluss an die Mitglieder weitergegeben. ...
BI enttäuscht und verärgert über Montage von UMTS-Antennen
Fuldaer Zeitung
...August die Firma E-Plus-Alcatel drei UMTS-Antennen am unteren Mast in der Alten Hohenzeller Straße montiert hat. 'Wir sind enttäuscht und verärgert', sagt Christiane Euler, Vorsitzende der 300 Mitglieder starken Initiative: 'Seit Mai des vergangenen...
Der Regierungsrat entscheidet gegen den Gemeinderat und bewilligt eine Mobilfunkantenne. Die Telekomfirma Orange freuts, Naturarzt Marc Antoine Viatte hat ...
... Auf Widerstand stoßen die Pläne des Freistaats, für den neuen Behörden-Digitalfunk einen 43 Meter hohen Sendemasten bei Aichet in der Gemeinde Hofkirchen zu ...
Die Gemeindevertretung Gerswalde war aufgerufen, einen geeigneten Standort für einen knapp 60 Meter hohen Sendemast im Bereich der Ortschaft Groß Fredenwalde zu finden, der dort im Zuge der deutschlandweiten Einführung des digitalen Funks für Behörden...
In Templin sei der Digitalfunk dagegen längst bei der Polizeiwache ohne öffentliches Aufheben installiert worden. Beim Groß Fredenwalder Stammtisch in der ...
Handys wirken sich laut Studie offenbar auf Gehirnaktivität aus
China Internet Information Center
In einer vorläufigen Studie fanden Forscher heraus, dass die 50-minütige Nutzung eines Handys mit einem erhöhten Glukosestoffwechsel im Gehirn, einem Indikator für Gehirnaktivität, zusammenhängt, und zwar an der Stelle, die am nahesten zur ...
Dass Handystrahlung den Glukose-Stoffwechsel im menschlichen Gehirn beeinflusst, haben jetzt Forscher von den National Institutes of Health (NIH) in den USA beobachtet (JAMA 2011; 305: 808). 47 Studienteilnehmer erhielten für 50 Minuten an beide Ohren ...
Der Antrag der Firma Vodafone, die Mobilfunk-Sendeanlage am Marktschorgaster ASV-Sportplatz umzubauen und mit der LTE-Technologie (Long Term Evolution - schnelles Internet per Vodafone Mobilfunknetz) aufzurüsten, ist Daniela Scholz ein Dorn...
Für Brigitte Müller ist es ein kleiner Trost, dass der Funkmast außerhalb der Ortschaft gebaut wird. ''Hoffentlich schadet er der Gesundheit der Menschen...
I would like to share with you this interview to Adamantia Fragopoulou of the Department of Biology and Biophysics at the University of Athens (Greece), and member of the Seletun group.
Francesca Romana Orlando
Vice President of AMICA
Associazione Malattie da Intossicazione Cronica e/o Ambientale
(Association for Environmental and Chronic Toxic Injury)
P.O. Box 3131
00121 Rome - Italy http://www.infoamica.it
Early Research on the Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation: 1940-1960
February 20, 2011. Thirty years ago, James Kinn with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Elliot Postow with Naval Medical R&D Command compiled a list of 3627 publications on the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation from 1 to 100 GHz. This 574 page document has been scanned and converted into a searchable pdf document. The references in this document are listed by title and author.
The early research on biological effects of microwave radiation between 1940-1960 is reviewed by Cook and colleagues.
Cook, H.J., N.H. Steneck, A.J. Vander, and G.L. Kane. 1980. Early Research on the Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation: 1940-1960. Annals of Science 37:323-351.
Die Interessengemeinschaft Mobilfunkmoratorium Brienz lud zu einem Orientierungsabend über das ein, was im Allgemeinen als «Elektrosmog» bezeichnet wird. Sie startet eine Petition, mit der die Reduktion der Strahlenbelastung im Siedlungsgebiet Brienz ...
Strasser-Affäre beschäftigt nun auch die Staatsspitze
Im Fokus der Anfrage stehen zwei Großaufträge der 'Ära Strasser' -'Digitalfunk BOS-Austria' und 'Biometrische Reisepässe und Ausweise in Scheckkartenformat'...
Und oberstes Ziel ist, dass das Sammelsurium von Handymasten auf dem Hochhausdach der Gotthilf-Vöhringer-Schule verschwindet. Und dass die Gemeinde ihre ...
In der Weststadt formiert sich Protest gegen den geplanten 30-Meter-Funkmasten
Schwäbische Zeitung
Sie können nicht nachvollziehen, warum der Funkmast ausgerechnet mitten in einem Wohngebiet und in der Nähe von Kindergärten und Schulen errichtet werden soll. Sollte der Mast tatsächlich gebaut werden, befürchten sie gesundheitliche Belastungen für ...
The study was meant to examine how the brain reacts to electromagnetic fields caused by wireless phone signals. Volkow said she was surprised that the weak electromagnetic radiation from cellphones could affect brain activity, but she said the findings ...
Radiation from cellphone antenna boosts brain activity, study finds
Los Angeles Times
The study suggests electromagnetic radiation from the antenna may be altering the way we think and behave. The findings may spark new concerns about the health effects of cellphone use. Researchers found that cellphones' electromagnetic energy exerts...
'The study is important because it documents that the human brain is sensitive to the electromagnetic radiation that is emitted by cellphones,' Dr. Volkow said. 'It also highlights the importance of doing studies to address the question of whether...
Cell Phone Use Linked To Brain Cell Activity Changes
The study was designed to look into the way the brain reacts to electromagnetic fields caused by wireless phone signals. Researchers discovered the metabolism of glucose, which signals brain activity, increases in the brains of people exposed to cell ...
And now a brand-new study from the National Institutes of Health reports that the electromagnetic radiation that's given off by a cell phone antenna triggers an increase of brain glucose in the area of the head that's closest to where the cell phone is ...
am 19.2.2011 um 18.00 wurde im '3sat' unter 'schweizweit' von hyperelektrosensiblen Menschen berichtet, die unter Symptomen wie Kopfschmerzen, chronische Müdigkeit, Schwindelgefühl und Verbrennungen leiden. Sie können sich nur unter einer Verhüllung aus Abschirmstoff aus Frankreich in Gebieten mit Mobilfunkstrahlung bewegen. Ohne diese Verhüllung können sie nur in einem Funkloch leben. Das sind ein Bauernhof in Soubey und Crest in der Drome. Die offizielle Ausweisung von weißen Zonen, d.h. größeren mobilfunkfreien Gebieten ist auch in der Schweiz noch nicht gelungen!
Elektrosensibel: Wenn elektromagnetische Wellen Schmerzen verursachen
Die Hyperelektrosensibilität wird nicht von allen Leuten ernst genommen. Auch wenn reale Symptome wie Verbrennungen oder Kopfschmerzen bestätigt werden, verneinen gewisse Experten einen Zusammenhang mit elektromagnetischen Feldern. Elektrosensible aber kämpfen um Anerkennung ihrer Krankheit.
Da das OVG Münster den Bebauungsplan somit nicht für unwirksam erklärt hat, bleibt der Ausschluss von Mobilfunksendeanlagen im Bereich des Hochhauses ...
Electromagnetic Pulse Radiation. From the early-to mid-1980s, hundreds of employees were continually exposed to high doses of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) radiation while working for the Boeing Corporation. In 1985, one employee was diagnosed with a rare leukemia. After filing a workers? compensation claim, the man uncovered documents showing that Boeing had been using its workers to test the effects of EMP for the Defense Department. In June 1988, he filed a $7 million class action suit against Boeing and other companies. In August 1990, Boeing settled, paying over $500,000 to the man and his family (who established a foundation dedicated to funding EMP education and litigation), as well as funding medical exams and monitoring for workers. After the suit, Boeing minimized employee EMP radiation exposure, implemented an employee health-monitoring program and warned employees of possible dangers during medical examinations. 'Safeguarding Employee Health,' Trial Lawyers Doing Public Justice (August 1991), citing Strom v. Boeing, No. 88-2-10752-1 (King County Super. Ct., Wash., settlement August 15, 1990); Conklin, Ellis, 'His Last Ounce Of Courage,' Seattle Post-Intelligencer, September 6, 1990; Greenwald, Judy, 'Boeing settles radiation experiment suit,' Business Insurance, August 27, 1990.
Britain could face widespread power blackouts and be left without critical communication signals for long periods of time, after the earth is hit by a once-in-a-generation ?space storm?, Nasa has warned.
The solar flares from the 13 and 15 February 2011 certainly show their repercussions on Earth. The magnetic storm yesterday morning (17 Feb) (PST) was still classified as 'stormy,' which translates into fluctuations between 100 nT and 300 nT. The storm started to wane already in the afternoon, we are down to active now, that is, below 100 nT. Today it is still active. Quiet times return when we will reach 30 nT again.
Mind you, most people in Western countries tend to sleep on major magnetic storms each night, anywhere between 1,000 nT to 100,000 nT (this is in addition to the natural background geomagnetic field just like the natural fluctuations mentioned above), in the form of heavily magnetized box spring mattresses.
If you do not believe me, take an oil-filled compass and check whether it shows due north across your entire bed or whether the needle dances around. A deviation of about 10° translates into roughly 5,000 nT.
Wochenblatt.de Und jetzt bekommt er auch noch kräftig Rückenwind für seinen Feldzug gegen den Digitalfunk. Denn die Münchner Polizei hat in der vergangenen Woche bekannt gegeben, dass sie das Experiment BOS-Digitalfunk (BOS steht für Behörden und Organisationen mit ...
Mithilfe der sogenannten Seitenkanalanalyse konnten die Wissenschafter RFID-Chipkarten klonen. Wissenschaftler der Ruhr-Universität Bochum knackten den Sicherheitsmechanismus von RFID-Chipkarten (Radio Frequency Identification) vom Typ DESFire MF3ICD40...
Dazu werden Standorte für Sendemasten in Scheuerfeld und Alsdorf gesucht. In Alsdorf, so erläuterte am Freitag Ortsbürgermeister Paul Schwan dem Gemeinderat, suche die Telekom einen Aufstellplatz mitten im Ort und fragt, ob die Gemeinde geeignete ...
OXFORD residents have hit out at plans for a 12.5-metre mobile phone mast near their homes. Vodafone and O2 have jointly applied to build the mast on green land in Crabtree Road, Botley. Parish councillors last month voted unanimously ...
And what about electromagnetic radiation? The concerns of Stokes and his neighbors in Preserve at Broad Creek west of Annapolis were overruled by county officials, and a 100-foot tower was built at the nearby Girl Scout camp on Riva Road...
BURY North MP David Nuttall is demanding that controversial proposals for a 12.5 metre mobile phone mast in Ainsworth Road undergo the full rigorous planning process. He has spoken out after being approached by angry residents of Bidston Close who are ...
In December 2010, Matt Parker, a British mathematician, tabulated the number of mobile phone masts in each county across the United Kingdom and then matched it with the number of live births in the same counties. He discovered that the correlation was ...
During a meeting last Thursday in which they joined six other local governments who have passed laws criminalizing the installation of wireless 'smart' meters, the Capitola City Council discovered that the wireless 'smart' meters that CA utilities are...
By Sam Smith - Arrow Lakes News By 2012, every residential and commercial customer of BC Hydro in the province will be using a ?smart meter? to calculate their water usage. But this new brand of technology has some residents worried. ...
Nina Beety, Monterey County, spent $4100 on a newspaper ad to protest Smart Meters. She's a hero for the people-If anyone would like to send a contribution her way please send to:
He is so against smart meters that he did something drastic. He put up 32 cages over their existing gas and electric meters so that PG&E can't get access to ...
Electromagnetic radiation (EMR), such as measured from so-called smart meters, has been associated in many scientific studies with negative health effects (?Gulf Islands pilot for BC Hydro Wireless project,? Feb. 9 Driftwood). ...
Von Berlin aus sei vorgegeben, dass die bayernweite Liste der geplanten 950 Standorte unter Verschluss gehalten wird, berichtete Wolfgang Zacher, der Digitalfunk-Fachmann im bayerischen Innenministerium. Das Digitalfunknetz soll nach längeren ...
München - Der Aufbau des Digitalfunks für Polizei und Rettungskräfte im Freistaat wird teurer als bislang angenommen. Innenstaatssekretär Gerhard Eck legte am Dienstag im Ministerrat einen Zwischenbericht vor und präsentierte eine neue Kostenschätzung. ...
Pannen beim digitalen Polizeifunk Retter ohne Verbindung
Schließlich wurde entschieden, den erweiterten Probebetrieb für den Digitalfunk in München auszusetzen. Jetzt wird wieder analog gefunkt. Die Einführung der neuen Technik war von Anfang an recht problembehaftet: Rund um die Finanzierung des ...
FREIE WÄHLER zu: Innenminister verweigert Informationen über BOS-Sendeanlagen
Fahn: 'Standorte von Behördenfunk- Sendeanlagen offenlegen!'
München (ls). Dr. Hans Jürgen Fahn, umweltpolitischer Sprecher der FREIE WÄHLER Landtagsfraktion, ist verärgert über die Antwort auf seine Anfrage, wo genau Standorte für Sendeanlagen des Behörden-Digitalfunks in den einzelnen Bezirken und Landkreisen Bayerns geplant sind. Das Bayerische Innenministerium habe ihm lediglich die Anzahl der Sendeanlagen in den jeweiligen Städten und Landkreisen bekanntgegeben - die genaue Lage verschweige das Ministerium hingegen bewusst.
?Innenminister Herrmann versteckt sich mit fadenscheinigen Argumenten hinter den Vorga-ben der Bundesanstalt für den BOS-Digitalfunk und verteidigt die Geheimhaltung von über 900 Standorten von Sendeanlagen in Bayern, statt sich in Berlin für eine Lockerung der Geheimhaltung einzusetzen. Damit handelt Herrmann gegen sein eigenes vollmundiges Versprechen, den Ausbau des Behördenfunknetzes transparent und mit größtmöglicher Beteiligung von Kommunen und Bürgern voranzutreiben. So eine Desinformations-Politik erzürnt vor allem Bürgerinitiativen, die wegen gesundheitlicher Bedenken frühzeitig von geplanten Standorten erfahren möchten, sagte Fahn dazu.
?Der Innenminister hat bereits in der Vergangenheit Fehler beim Erwerb von geeigne-ten Grundstücken eingestanden, die bei den Bürgern für großes Misstrauen gesorgt haben, und jetzt wird ohne Rücksicht so weitergemacht wie bisher. Die schlechten Erfahrungen der Vergangenheit haben gezeigt, dass von der beauftragten Firma Telent zuerst Fakten geschaffen wurden, bevor umsichtige Kommunen und Bürger Vorsor-gemaßnahmen einleiten konnten. Bisher ist nicht bekannt, dass nachträglich eine einzige Standortentscheidung wegen Protesten rückgängig gemacht wurde. Diese Strategie nach Gutsherrenart will das Bayerische Innenministerium offenbar trotz erheblicher Wider-stände weiter durchziehen?, so Fahn abschließend.
A group of international scientists has published a report calling for"greatly reduced exposure limits" for electromagnetic radiation from telecommunications and power line technologies, while similar concerns were being raised by a committee formed by India's government to study similar matters. First, the scientific journal Reviews on Environmental Health published a statement from the "Selectun Scientific Panel," which says the "global population is at risk, that the currently accepted measure of radiation risk, the SAR, is inadequate, and that there is abundant evidence biological effects are occurring at exposures 'many orders of magnitude' below existing public safety standards." In the "Selectun Scientific Statement," the scientists said governments should take "decisive action now to protect biological function as well as the health of future generations." "Current U.S. and ICNIRP [International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection] standards for radiofrequency and microwave radiation from wireless technologies are entirely inadequate," said Olle Johansson, who chaired the Selectun Scientific Panel. "They never were intended to address the kind of exposures from wireless devices that now affect over 4 billion people." Elihu Richter, a retired professor of occupational and environmental medicine at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, added, "We are already seeing increases in health problems such as cancer and neurobehavioral impairments, even though these wireless technologies are fairly new in the last decades or so for the general public. This finding suggests that the exposures are already too high to protect people from health harm." Separately, an interministerial committee formed by India's ministry of communications and information technology to study the potential risks caused by mobile devices and wireless towers also raised concerns about health risks and recommended that mobile phones not adhering to standard SAR levels be banned. According to news reports out of India, the panel also recommended other measures, such as not installing wireless towers near residential areas, schools, playgrounds, and hospitals.
From Greece:
Change the limits for exposure to electromagnetic radiation, say scientists
Energy Ecology Environment:
The Electromagnetic Biology Laboratory, Department of Biology, University of Athens issued a press release on scientific studies point to the need to reduce exposure limits to electromagnetic radiation.
As stated in the notice, seven researchers from 5 countries, including Greece (Yuri Grigoriev, Olle Johansson, Lloyd Morgan, Elihu Richter, Cindy Sage, Adamantia Frangopoulou, Lukas Margaritis) are sounding the alarm about an urgent need to reduce the exposure limits electromagnetic radiation, based on recent results of scientific studies. The researchers recommend specific exposure limits for various frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum used by wireless technology, and magnetic fields super-low frequency generated from the distribution and consumption of electricity.
This scientific statement has been published in international journal Reviews on Environmental Health (2010; 25: 307-317).
The study found that the combined effect of mobile phones, wireless phones, mobile phone antenna systems, radio and television stations broadcast system WI-FI and blue tooth wireless Internet devices baby monitors and a number of other wireless devices, putting billions people around the world on a daily risk of neurological and behavioral effects until risk of developing cancer, neurological diseases and reproductive and developmental problems.
Also, the current limits have been proposed 13 years ago, in 1998 the "International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation» (ICNIRP) for electromagnetic radiation from wireless technologies are completely inadequate. Never been to take account of wireless devices that influence everyday now over 4 billion people.
These safety limits are unaware of the developing fetus and young children, the elderly, who are hypersensitive to radiation or immunodeficiency, the most affected as most vulnerable to radiation.
A significant number of analytical studies and thoroughly discussed in this publication has demonstrated biological effects of radiation intensities at hundreds of times lower than current levels.
The assessment of the degree of risk of radiation known as the "Specific Absorption Rate» SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) is considered as insufficient to predict biological responses in the effect of radiation on cells and tissues associated with changes in memory, behavior, reproduction, immune system, the disruption of sleep, causing frustration and fatigue, and the creation of brain tumors after more than a decade of use.
The Committee recommends that governments and the World Organization to set lower than current limits public exposure, but also professionally exposed to radiation.
Similarly, all manner of companies involved in manufacturing wireless devices and communication required to find solutions with reduced population exposure to radiation.
As the most vulnerable groups identified as pregnant women and children of all ages who need to avoid using any kind of wireless devices and should be avoided indirect exposure to such radiations.
More generally, scientists are against the use of wireless networks, mobile phones etc indoors in schools, and even premises.
Suggested, finally, the intensification of scientific research in such a complex and multifaceted public health issue, such as the effects of non-ionizing radiation, in order to clarify the mechanisms of action compared with the emission of radiation modes (modulation, prolonged or intermittent exposure, multiple exposures to different frequencies, etc.).
...additional versions of our latest debate article.
(For our English-speaking friends, this is just to keep you informed about their mere existence.)
Johansson O, Gullbrandsson A, Dämvik M, Hallberg Ö, Hellberg K, Lindkvist L, ?Strålningen ger oss hjärnskador? (=?Brain damage from radiation?, in Swedish), Affärer 3/2 2011
Johansson O, Gullbrandsson A, Dämvik M, Hallberg Ö, Hellberg K, Lindkvist L, ?Strålningen ger oss hjärnskador? (=?Brain damage from radiation?, in Swedish), Tandvårdsskadeförbundet 7/2 2011
Johansson O, Gullbrandsson A, Dämvik M, Hallberg Ö, Hellberg K, Lindkvist L, ?Blindbocksleken med vår hälsa måste stoppas? (=?The blind man's bluff game with our health must be stopped?, in Swedish), Teknikdebatt.se 18/2, 2011
Il prof. Olle Johansson sulle disabilità ambientali From: infoamica | December 03, 2010 | 156 views 3 dicembre 2010. Giornata Internazionale delle Persone con Disabilità: disuguaglianza e discriminazioni intollerabili per chi è affetto da disabilità ambientali e funzionali. Ricorre oggi la Giornata Internazionale delle Persone con Disabilità, promossa dalle Nazioni Unite. I dati indicano che circa il 10% della popolazione mondiale, pari a 650 milioni di persone, ha una disabilità e l'80% dei disabili (più di 400 milioni di persone) vive nei paesi poveri. La disabilità, però, colpisce in modo sempre maggiore anche nei paesi sviluppati dove la popolazione è esposta a sostanze tossiche e campi elettromagnetici spesso incontrollati e dannosi anche quando sono sotto la soglia di sicurezza indicata dagli standard internazionali. In Italia sono particolarmente vulnerabili coloro affetti da cosiddette "disabilità ambientali", cioè condizioni che risentono direttamente di questo tipo di esposizioni, come le persone affette Elettrosensibilità o da Sensibilità Chimica Multipla (MCS) perché si tratta di patologie non ancora pienamente inquadrate come vere e proprie malattie, anche se nel caso della MCS questo non è vero in altri paesi, visto che la MCS è riconosciuta dalla Codice Internazionale delle Malattie dell'OMS in molti paesi, tra cui Germania e Austria. Queste malattie, almeno nelle prime fasi, non sempre comportano un danno organico misurabile, ma determinano una incapacità a vivere in un determinato ambiente. Almeno nel nostro Paese è molto difficile che vengano applicate per queste condizioni le leggi per la tutela del posto di lavoro o che vengano adottati protocolli ospedalieri speciali. Tra le patologie che comportano "disabilità ambientali" si annoverano anche il favismo, per l'intolleranza alle minime tracce di legumi nell'ambiente, o l'autismo, l'emicrania, e l'epilessia che comporano reazioni per rumori (iperacusia) o luci forti (fotosensibilità). Anche il Lupus Eritomatosus può essere considerata una disabilità ambientale, perché spesso comporta reazioni dermatologiche molto serie per l'esposizione ai raggi del sole o a certi raggi ultravioletti delle lampadine fluorescenti, oggi molto di moda per il risparmio energetico. Chi reagisce a specifici fattori ambientali, indipendentemente dalla causa (tossica, come nel caso della MCS) o genetica (nel caso del favismo o dell'epilessia), ha difficoltà enormi nel far riconoscere la propria condizione e le proprie esigenze di vivere pienamente la vita sociale e lavorativa. Il prof. Johansson riferisce che l'Elettrosensibiltà, per esempio, è riconosciuta pienamente come "invalidità funzionale" dalla Svezia sin dal 2000. Questo si traduce, per esempio, in un aiuto economico per affrontare le spese necessarie a schermare la casa dai campi elettromagnetici. Questo riconoscimento vuole mettere in pratica i principi di non discriminazione e di uguaglianza promossi dalla Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite sui Diritti delle Persone con Disabilità che anche l'Italia ha firmato il 30 marzo 2007. Per avere il DVD completo del Convegno visita il link: http://www.infoamica.it/articolo.asp?a=3&sa=0&art...
Now our recent debate article has appeared in two more publications!/Nu har vår senaste debattartikel dykt upp på ytterligare två ställen!
Johansson O, Gullbrandsson A, Dämvik M, Hallberg Ö, Hellberg K, Lindkvist L, ?Sanningens ord!? Strålning ger oss hjärnskador! Ohälsan ökar i takt med strålningen!? (=?Words of truth!? Brain damage from radiation! Ill health increases with radiation!?, in Swedish), Nya AnnonsX:et [sid. 2] 23/2 2011
Johansson O, Gullbrandsson A, Dämvik M, Hallberg Ö, Hellberg K, Lindkvist L, ?Försiktighetsprincipen har satts ur spel? (=?The precautionary principle has been eliminated?, in Swedish), Norran 24/2 2011
Dämvik M, Johansson O, Gullbrandsson A, Hellberg K, Lindkvist L, ?Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten vilseleder, (=?The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority misleads?, in Swedish), Arbetarbladet 22/2 2011
Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm
The Royal Institute of Technology
100 44 Stockholm
Africa: Scientist Warn of Cellphone Health Risks
This is according to a panel of influential scientists, which believes that much stricter safety measures are needed to protect people from being harmed by electromagnetic radiation from devices including cellphones, cellphone towers, powerlines and ...
Scientific Panel Argues for a New Approach to Protecting the Public from Electromagnetic Fields
Lourdes Salvador
March 04, 2011
After three days of intensive discussion, a scientific panel is arguing for a new approach to protecting the global public from electromagnetic fields (EMF). ...
Dundee, Scotland replaces wired lease lines with WiMAX network
June 9, 2009 at 10:49 AM by Esme Vos
The city of Dundee, Scotland has replaced 100 wired leased lines to public buldings with a point to multipoint WiMAX (wireless) network. These buildings include libraries, public schools, sports centers and council buildings.
Is there a link between these two stories?
Is the microwave radiation harming these young persons?
Martin Weatherall
Trends in Nonionizing Electromagnetic Radiation Bioeffects .... (1977)
...electromagnetic (EM) fields was selectively reviewed. It was concluded that the mechanisms by which EM fields exert their biological effects are becoming belter .... programs in radiation health and safety. DODGE, GLASEB. EXPOSURE STAI ...
Bei Bürgermeister Axel Bangert sprühten am Samstag die Funken: «Den neuen, 250 000 Euro teuren Digitalfunk braucht kein Mensch», ließ er gehörig Dampf ab. ...
A British study funded by both the government and the mobile phone industry concluded ... between cell phones and cancer although it could not be ruled out.
In Breitenbach im elsässischen Münstertal gibt es heftigen Streit über den Mobilfunk. Als der Dokumentarfilmer Jean Hêches, erklärter Mobilfunkgegner, ...
Horst Christlieb aus Salzgitter, Sprecher der Bürgerinitiative 'Elektrosmog macht krank - Starkstromfreileitungen unter die Erde", nannte das Ergebnis ...
?We are very concerned about radiation from the mobile phone masts as they are so close to nurseries and primary schools.? Olivia Coffey, of Richmond Park ...
Plight of the honey bee sends shivers around globe
Brisbane Times
Yet the bees are dying - or being killed - at a disturbing pace. The crisis of ''colony collapse disorder'' has been treated as a niche concern until now, ...
York County presentation highlights concern for bee population
York Daily Record
By AMY MARCHIANO York, PA - The dead bees were stuck to the individual frames of the hive after dying recently. "This is a sign that this hive starved to ...
Save the Great British Bee! Why the mysterious disappearance of billions of bees could mean us losing a third of the food we eat
Daily Mail
The cotton plant that provides so much of what we wear also relies on bee pollination. But bees are now in danger of dying out. In the winter of 2008, ...
Yet over the past few years, they have been dying in unusually large numbers ... "It would take a lot of work for people to do the work that bees do for us. ...
Declining bee population 'problem' affecting us all
Coshocton Tribune
We, as a society, really do need to understand how important honeybees are to our sustained food production. Bees have been dying and disappearing during ...
Honeybees, Human Burns and Sustainable Development
This has repercussions beyond the burn unit - bees pollinate 80% of fruits and ... on the Eastern coast of the United States bats are dying of a mysterious ...
Birds do it, fleas do it but when bees do it, it is worth some $200 billion to the world economy. That's why scientists are seeking a way to stem mass...
As a result, the populations of birds and bees are diminishing in great numbers. They are either dying of starvation, heat stroke or, perhaps, have migrated ...
UN report says world's food stocks at risk as bee colonies dying out
The Australian
The report was ordered in response to the sudden disappearance of bees in many parts of the world. It says that the loss of nature's most important plant pollinators could undermine efforts to feed the world's growing population.
Im Ergebnis dieser Veranstaltung wurde die ?Bürgerinitiative Behördenfunk - Markt Erlbach? gegründet. Wir wollen die Bürgerinnen und Bürger ernst nehmen und ...
She said some people seem to be ?electro-sensitive,? and are affected more than others by the use of wireless technology such as cell phones and other ...
Health concerns about the smart meters focus on the phenomenon known as "electromagnetic hypersensitivity," in which people claim that radiation from cell ...
Thanks so much. I literally have the biggest migraine right now, I want this meter off my house! I have had headaches since the first day as well as my husband. I have worked nonstop for the past month, writing long letters to state rep, senator, attorney general, congress, with scientific studies of harm with such chronic exposure. I am petitioning door to door, at schools, and grocery stores, signs and flyers everywhere. If there isn't some positive news next week, I'm having a lawsuit. I have been the only one around here who knows anything about thow these meters work and the dangers, so I started informing people and everyone is disturbed over it. I have a hand written petition as well, and now have started this one,
Thanks for all of your work, its a sick world out there!
2 State Agencies Challenge CL&P 'smart meter' Plan
istockAnalyst.com (press release)
10--State Attorney General George Jepsen and officials at Connecticut Light & Power Co. are sparring over a plan to bring so-called "smart meters" to the ...
This Wed. 16th February and Speak to the new CPUC Thurs. 24th
If we want to STOP SMART METERS, we're going to have to RAISE OUR VOICES! Please spread the word widely to your contacts. If you can't travel to San Francisco on Wednesday, consider holding a protest at a Public Utilities Commission near where you live and contacting the media.
Wed. Feb 16: PROTEST in front of CPUC offices at 505 Van Ness (at McAllister) in San Francisco. 12 Noon until about 1:30-2, or as long as you can stay. Bring signs, bring friends, wear red or bright color. Goal is 100+ people this time, so fill those buses, trains, ferries, and carpools!
Thurs. Feb 24: SPEAK at CPUC MEETING (in the open time right after the 9:30 a.m. start). 505 Van Ness. Two new commissioners will be seated, so this opportunity is critical! It is especially important for commissioners to hear from electrically sensitive people and others adversely affected by SmartMeters. Arrive before 9:30 to complete a sign-up card in the foyer. Goal is 30+++ people. Two minute maximum speaking time --likely reduced to one minute with 30 or more speakers. Let's be sure they hear from all of us!
Capitola in Santa Cruz County is the latest local government- as of last night- to criminalize 'smart' meter installations to protect public health and safety. See: http://www.mercurynews.com/breaking-news/ci_17356134 That makes twenty-six CA local governments who have demanded a moratorium and seven who have criminalized smart meter installations. Has your local government passed an ordinance yet?
Connecticut Attorney General Urges Regulators to Reject CL&P's Smart Meter Plan
Transmission and Distribution Worlds plan to replace existing electric meters with advanced technology would be expensive and would not save enough electricity for its 1.2 million customers ...
"The pilot results showed no beneficial impact on total energy usage," Jepsen said. "And, the savings that were seen in the pilot were limited to certain types of customers and would be far outweighed by the cost of installing the new meter systems," he said.
She writes: Smart Meters expose all of us to dangerous microwave like EMF/RF frequency on a continuous basis, that among other things can disrupt the brain, ...
The new miniaturized antennas eliminate the need for the big bulky mobile masts that currently dot the landscape. The new hatbox-sized units can be mounted ...
New 'lightRadio cube' could spell the end for ugly mobile phone masts
Ugly mobile phone masts that blight the landscape could soon become a thing of the past, for scientists have developed tiny cubes which you can hold in your ...
Der Agenda-Arbeitskreis Mobilfunk übt herbe Kritik am Runden Tisch Mobilfunk. Auch die Stadt bekam ihr Fett ab: Sie missbrauche den Runden Tisch zulasten ...
Proteste und Diskussionen hatten vor zehn Jahren den Bau des Mobilfunkmastes in der Sielenbacher Maria-Birnbaum-Straße begleitet. Nun möchte der Betreiber, ...
The article recommends that lower limits be established for electromagnetic fields and wireless exposures, based on scientific studies reporting health ...
I received a letter from Ms. White on February 1st, 2011 which stated that Dr. Arlene King, Chief Medical Officer of Health for the Province of Ontario, issued a statement on September 16th, 2010, stating that WIFI presents no serious health risks. I believe she is referring to the OAHPP report. It seems to be on the basis of this report alone that you have decided to implement wireless technology.
I would like to remind Ms. Pitters that I emailed her twice in November asking to discuss this report, as there is much to critique in it. In particular, it seems that the effects of wifi have been compared to cellphone use, which is odd, considering that cellphones are used a few minutes a day, while wifi is broadcasting all the time. There is a big difference between an occasional exposure and a constant exposure. There are a number of other serious concerns with this report, which does not in any way justify a conclusion that there are no serious health risks. In fact, the report states in its own conclusions:
"Research on potential health effects from exposure to RF energy is an active field of investigation. Not surprisingly there is inconsistency and in some cases conflict between the results of individual studies. Given this inconsistency, it is possible to select the results of individual research studies in support of a variety of opinions; which may range from no risk of health effects on the one hand, to a clear need to reduce current exposure limits on the other. For this reason, up-to-date reviews of literature which follow a weight of evidence approach are far more useful for informing debate and sound policy making than reliance on individual studies."
The "weight of evidence" approach has itself been criticized as being unscientific. (Professor Jerry Phillips recently spoke to CBC about this - listen to: http://www.cbc.ca/thesundayedition/shows/2011/01/30/egypt-protests---cellphone-radiation---ken-nordine/#socialcomments . The interview is in the last half of the second hour.) It is far too easy for people to cherry-pick their studies, and for industry to manipulate data. There are, however, plenty of good studies showing harm.
I have sent links to quite a bit of information to Ms. Pitters, but now have the impression that it was not considered. To impose such a questionable technology on the people in your care without doing your own research seems to me rather negligent. You may very well have ignored "the best advice possible".
But this is not just about serious health risks, it is also about serious discomforts, such as those suffered by my father. I know dozens of people who have suffered such discomforts; healthy, robust adults and children with no other cause for their symptoms. How can you possibly say that no frail or cognitively impaired seniors will be adversely affected by wifi?
It is irresponsible in the extreme to go ahead with wifi installation based on such a poor quality report. At the very least, you should have available long-term studies of the effects of constant exposure to wireless radiation on the cognitively impaired and frail elderly. It is morally wrong to use the residents of long-term care homes as research subjects without their knowledge or consent.
I will re-iterate the questions which must be answered in regards to wireless technology deployment:
1.How do you intend to ascertain which residents, many of whom are non-verbal or inarticulate, are suffering from wifi-related effects?
2. How will you tell the difference between a progression of underlying disease and the effects of the wireless radiation?
3. Will a comprehensive health survey of all staff and residents be undertaken before and after the wifi is activated?
4. Will all volunteers and private care givers be informed of the health risks of wifi and be fully informed of the radiation they will be receiving?
5. When residents show signs of electrosensitivity, how will they be protected from the wireless radiation, which goes through doors, ceilings and floors?
6. Will pregnant staff be granted a fully paid leave of absence for the duration of their pregnancy, to protect unborn children from the risks of radiation exposure?
There are more studies and more reports being published on this issue every week. What would make it clear enough to you that it is harmful, at which point you would immediately dismantle the wireless technology? This will happen eventually, and it would be better not to waste taxpayers' money on this experiment in the first place.
These questions will not go away. Ms. Pitters has declined to answer them, so I will ask Ms. White to do so. Someone has to take responsibility here.
Es wäre untertrieben zu behaupten, dass Mobilfunkantennen unbeliebt sind: Für viele stellen sie aufgrund der hochfrequenten Strahlung einen gesundheitlichen ...
Schrumpfen Mobilfunkmasten auf nahezu Handygrösse?
CEO Ben Verwaayen meint dazu in einem Statement: "lightRadio wird das Ende von Basisstationen und Mobilfunkmasten wie wir sie heute kennen einläuten. ...
Frauenneuharting - Wer zu lange zögert, wird vor vollendete Tatsachen gestellt. Das soll der Gemeinde Frauenneuharting nicht noch einmal passieren. Deshalb wurde jetzt ein Leitfaden Mobilfunk verabschiedet. Es geht um Mitsprache. ...
I have the distinct and great pleasure of announcing the first non-thermal language warning label in the world, putting non-thermal effects from cell phones on the table, has been officially filed in the state of Oregon today. The beauty of the non-thermal language is it opens the door to the whole entire issue of non-thermal effects to EVERYTHING...not just cell phones! People are now going to be asking, what is non-thermal? Why should this be on my cell phone? The issue of non-thermal, as we all know is the issue of health effects.
Attached is a press release and below is a link to an Oregon News Show on the bill.
I would like to also thank David Morrison and Wirelesswatchblog.com for all his relentless hard work and devotion to this serious health issue in the state of Oregon.
As reported by the Herald Sun on January 4, the Coalition is reviewing the rollout of the smart meters. There are fears families will be charged $900 each ...
http://www.wifiinschools.org.uk have put together a document for UK schools entitled 'Wireless technologies and young people - A resource for schools', January 2011. It may be useful for anyone wanting to raise the issue of wireless technology safety with schools. It is available on the http://www.wifiinschools.org.uk home page.
It contains current guidance from the UK Department of Health and NHS Direct, resources for discussing mobile phone safety with young people, international advice, frequently asked questions, suggestions for best practice in educational settings and extracts from research studies. Please feel free to pass on to Schools, Parent Teacher Associations and Governing Bodies.
Oregon Senate Bill 679 as presently introduced in the 76th Oregon Legislative Assembly, 2011 Regular Session.
The following summary is not prepared by the sponsors of the measure and is not a part of the body thereof subject to consideration by the Legislative Assembly. It is an editor's brief statement of the essential features of the measure as introduced.
Prohibits retailer from selling, leasing, offering for sale or lease or otherwise distributing cellular telephone unless cellular telephone and packaging bear specific label.
Makes violation unlawful trade practice.
Becomes operative July 1, 2012.
Electric fields are integral to the functioning of a living brain
Caltech neurobiologists show that there is far more to brain communications and activity that simplitic synapse activity.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dr Magda Havas
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 3:04 AM
Subject: Wi-Fi focus
For distribution:
I'm very concerned about this "scientific" group headed by someone in law enforcement rather than science (David Brazter) making statements that may not be based on up-to-date science.
Magda Havas
p.s. Feel free to respond to this CBC radio interview as this group claiming to be "scientific" is simply repeating the WHO and Health Canada rhetoric with no expertise, so they are misrepresenting themselves as experts in this field.
Wi-Fi focus of ?On The Island? hosted by Gregor Craigie on CBC
... Greater Victoria School District's Wi-Fi Committee Details ... have all determined there is no credible evidence of adverse health effects from Wi-Fi. ...
Pregnant women should not use cellphones because electromagnetic radiation from them could harm their unborn babies. This was the warning issued last week ...
Other recommendations included that schools use wired connections as wireless connections cause "pervasive and prolonged electromagnetic exposures for ...
----- Original Message -----
From: Cindy Sage
To: Iris Atzmon
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: Comment posted: Hillary Clinton- not a good MAMA
Comment Posted:
This is an indefensible idea. Maternal use of a cell phone during pregnancy is reported to cause altered fetal brain development that results in negative learning and behavioral problems in the child by the time the child reaches primary school age (Divan et al., 2008). The Seletun Scientific Statement (Reviews on Environmental Health, 2010) and the BioInitiative Report (2007) both warn against the use of cell phones by pregnant women and children. No mother who is pregnant, or who is close to children should be using a cell phone, let alone for the dubious reasons given here (for health reasons). Malignant brain tumors and acoustic neuromas are significantly elevated with ipsilateral use of cell and cordless phones at only 10 years and longer latency (a doubling of risk). Clinton should know better, and should back away from this very ill-advised plan.
Cindy Sage
Sage Associates
''EMF Protection: Are You Clear On The Dangers And What To Do About Them''
Das Mobilfunk-Unternehmen 02 legt seine Pläne, auf einem Privatgrundstück an der Straße von Schönbrunn zum Hohen Kreuz einen Sendemast zu errichten, ...
The Knesset will advance a law regarding the presentation of the radiation level on the mobile phone and a warning when there is low reception. Prof Sadezky presented data on cell phones and driving, in Russia the phone use was banned, in 21 states in the US young people's use during driving is banned, in Swizterland, France and England it is banned as well. There is a concern that cell phones damage health, she said in the Knesset, it is needed to be careful even if the relationship on cause and effect were not proven yet. She said that in the case of cell phones, the cost of precautionary principle is minor and so there is no reason not to implement it. In 2007, she presented, there were in Israel 245,000 12-15 year old youth with cell phones, they are especially sensitive and there is a need for guidelines for them. Increased risk of 34% of parotid gland tumor in the Interphone, she presented a review of several studies [including Hardell's], which showed that within several years there is no excess of risk but even a protective effect of the phone, after 10 years the risk increased 1.3 fold (acoustic neuroma) 1.1 fold (benign meningioma), risk of glioma on the same side 1.9 fold, acoustic neruroma on the same side 1.6 and 1.3 for meninglioma on the same side where the phone is held.
However, EU-funded neuroscientists have uncovered strong evidence that neurons also communicate with each other through weak electric fields, a finding that ...
Speakers at a seminar stressed the need for increasing mass awareness about negative impact of electromagnetic pollution among children in their normal, ...
Zürich - Ständiges Handy-Geklingel und laute Gespräche gingen einer Pendlerin in der Schweiz gehörig auf die Nerven. Doch die Frau wusste sich zu helfen. ...
... D2 GmbH will auf dem Turm der Stadtkirche St. Petri in Augustusburg eine Mobilfunkstation mit hohen Übertragungsraten nach UMTS-Standard errichten...
Mit dabei ist ein Vertreter der Bürgerinitiative Achertal Angesichts einer zunehmenden Bestrahlung durch Mobilfunksendeanlagen wollen sich die Initiatoren ...
Die Bürgerinitiative "Funkmast Achertal" besteht bereits seit Juli 2009 und ist ... Sie opponiert gegen die Aufstellung eines Tetra-Funkmastes für Polizei, ...
Nahe Schwabegg soll bald ein Mast für den deutschlandweiten Behördenfunk aufgestellt werden. Darüber hatte ein Planer kürzlich den Stadtrat informiert. ...
Wie berichtet, prüft das Türkheimer Rathaus derzeit die Möglichkeiten, den Funkmast, der für die Errichtung des digitalen Behördenfunknetzes notwendig ist, ...
Funkmast für Behördennetz sorgt weiterhin für Wirbel
Augsburger Allgemeine
Bei den dazugehörigen BOS-Funkmasten gehen die Meinungen allerdings auseinander ? so befürchten manche Türkheimer eine Gesundheitsbelastung durch die ...
Digitaler Behördenfunk: Christine Kamm kommt zur Ortsbesichtigung nach Schwabegg
... Der Bau der Sendeanlagen für den digitalen Behördenfunk bleibt ein umstrittenes Thema. Auch in Schwabegg recht sich Unmut. Dort soll etwa ca. 500m südwe...
Schwabegger Initiative schlägt alternative Antennenstandorte vor
Auf große Resonanz traf der Ortstermin an der Schloßberstraße in Schwabegg, zu der eine Initiative um Roland Jauernik aufgerufen hatte. Mit im Gepäck hatten die rund achtzig Schwabegger Schilder, auf denen sie vor der Strahlenbelastung durch den Funkturm für den neuen digitalen Behördenfunk warnten...
Behördenfunk: Damit man auch im Landtag Bescheid weiß
Schwabegg/München Der Protest der Schwabegger ist jetzt auch in München angekommen. Bürger aus dem Ort wehren sich gegen den geplanten Standort für den Behördenfunkmast unweit der Dorfgrenze. Knapp 400 Bürger hatten sich daher in eine entsprechende Unterschriftenliste eingetragen. Die Verantwortlichen der Initiative um Organisator Robert Mayr haben diese nun in München an Vertreter des Bayerischen Landtags übergeben. ...
Nun wollen Anwohner und andere Mobilfunkkritiker zumindest verhindern, dass solche Fehler künftig noch einmal begangen werden und haben die IG Mobilfunk ...
CONTROVERSIAL plans to erect a 20ft mobile phone mast in Bellsmyre have been met with anger from residents. Mobile phone giant Vodafone is seeking approval ...
Opponents of plans for a 60-foot mobile phone mast near Dundee's largest primary school are urging people to lodge objections to the planning application...
Anger at phone mast project near Forthill Primary School
Scotland Courier
'That radiation is produced from mobile phone masts is not in doubt, it is the level of radiation that's safe which is debatable. No one knows for sure what...
Councillors reject advice and turn down mobile phone mast near Forthill Primary School
Scotland Courier
The mobile phone giants had sought permission to construct a 17.5m mast just beyond the south-eastern boundary of Forthill Primary School. Mr Wallace, who is a locally elected member, put forward his belief that the applicants chose the small parcel of ...
Forthill Primary School parents' mobile phone mast attracts over 130 names
Scotland Courier
More than 130 people have signed an online petition protesting plans for a mobile phone mast close to Forthill Primary School in Broughty Ferry. Vodafone and O2 have said their chosen site in the grounds of Forthill Sports Club is the best available...
A petition has been launched after two telephone companies applied to build a 15m mast near a primary school in Broughty Ferry. A campaign has been launched to fight plans for a mobile phone mast close to a Dundee primary school...
Durch die immer stärker werdende Verbreitung von Smartphones könnten bald die ersten Mobilfunkanbieter tief in die roten Zahlen rutschen oder sogar Pleite...
Planned phone mast to be just feet from Thorpe St Andrew home
Norwich Evening News
O2 spokesman James Stephenson it was ?very unusual? that Ms Aitkin has not been contacted by the mobile phone company. He said they were very keen to speak ...
Families living close to the Fiveways pub in West Earlham are being urged to give their views on plans to instal a mobile phone mast outside their local barely a week after campaigners fought off a scheme nearby. ...
Campaigners celebrate after application for 3G phone mast in Thorpe St Andrew is turned down
Norwich Evening News
Telefonica UK had applied for a 17.5m 3G antenna to supply the O2 and Vodafone mobile phone networks to be erected on land to the north of the Oaklands Hotel, in Yarmouth Road. But 125 letters of objection were received from surrounding residents,...
International Scientists Recommend Global Governments Adopt New Exposure Guidelines for Electromagnetic Radiation - Pointing to Biological Hazards and Risks to the Genetic Code from Unchecked Proliferation of Wireless Technologies
International Scientists Recommend Global Governments Adopt New Exposure ...
Business Wire (press release) ... exposure limits for electromagnetic radiation from power line and telecommunications technologies, including cell phones and wireless technologies. ...
Dramatically lower new EMF/RF guidelines from an international panel of scientists who made their assessments on the basis of biological and health effects reported in the scientific literature.
Cell Phone Use and Salivary...