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Die Suche nach »bumblebee« hat 14 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 1 bis 10.
EMF-Omega-News 27. Novembert 2021
Artificial EMG by WLAN-Exposure http://www.b uergerwelle.de:8080/helma/ twoday/bwnews/stories/2391 5/ While covid is the cage 5G technology is the lock that will entrap you in the future http://www.buergerw elle.de:8080/helma/twoday/ bwnews/stories/23913/ Ame rican... ...
Starmail - 27. Nov, 06:34
American bumblebee populations plummet 90 per cent
https://groups.google.com/ g/mobilfunk_newsletter/c/b W0_PGjbChU EMF & Your Health, The Bees, Satellites, Cancer, & Your smartphone More about the theme: http://www.buerger welle.de:8080/helma/twoday /bwnews/search?q=bees http ://omega.twoday.net/search ?q=bees http://www.buerger welle.de:8080/helma/twoday /bwnews/search?q=Johansson http://omega.twoday.net/s earch?q=Johansson ...
Starmail - 12. Dez, 07:43
Scientists say insects are dying off thanks to smartphones and Wifi
BGR Bees in particular have been having a rough time as of late thanks to pesticides and other chemicals in wide use today. Throw radiation from... https://bgr.com/2 020/09/21/cell-phone-radia tion-smartphones-insects/ -------- 5G... ...
Starmail - 5. Mär, 06:43
EMF-Omega-News 18. February 2017
Study on Cell Phone, EMF Dangers Ignored http://www.buerger welle.de:8080/helma/twoday /bwnews/stories/7820/ The World Health Organization (WHO) exposed for causing Worldwide Harm http://www.buergerwel le.de:8080/helma/twoday/bw news/stories/7817/ VOTE.. . ...
Starmail - 18. Feb, 08:40
The bumblebee, now an endangered species
Sauk Prairie Eagle Called Colony Collapse Disorder, worker bees fly off to die. With the absence of worker bees, the queen cannot survive and the entire colony dies... http://www.wiscne ws.com/saukprairieeagle/op inion/columnists/article_4 e69a97f-ed9f-5d8d-8c5d-e05 3f48be12d.html Australia n... ...
Starmail - 9. Feb, 07:36
Are bees getting dementia?
CNN From pesticides to possible cell phone radiation, the causes of bee population decline are an ongoing debate. Now there s another thing the... http://edition.cnn .com/2015/06/06/us/aluminu m-bees-dementia-irpt/ --- ----- The... ...
Starmail - 9. Okt, 22:19
EMF-Omega-News 23. February 2013
Cellphone research points to increased brain tumour risk http://www.buergerwel le.de:8080/helma/twoday/bw news/stories/4609/ Increa sing Melanoma: Too Many Skin Cell Damages or Too Few Repairs? http://www.buerge rwelle.de:8080/helma/twoda y/bwnews/stories/4612/ Pr ofessor... ...
Starmail - 23. Feb, 08:45
Detection and Learning of Floral Electric Fields by Bumblebees
Seriously, this is extremely important a finding! http://www.newsc ientist.com/article/dn2320 3-flowers-get-an-electrify ing-buzz-out-of-visiting-b ees.html http://www.sciencemag.or g/content/early/2013/02/20 /science.1230883 Olle... ...
Starmail - 5. Apr, 08:16
Colony collapse disorder continues to worry
3News NZ The film features bee keepers and experts from all over the world, including our South Island. New Zealand has been hit parasites like the varroa mite and diseases. Other theories about why bees... ...
Starmail - 27. Mai, 22:59
Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) Clashes with Honey Bees
Note - There is very important information in this research paper about how bees are badly harmed by EMR. Martin Weatherall Electromagnet ic Radiation (EMR) Clashes with Honey Bees Sainudeen Sahib.S Associate... ...
Starmail - 2. Apr, 05:28