Neue Studie belegt: Drei Prozent der Kinder werden im Internet oder auf dem Handy beleidigt. Sie erleben das ''oft'' oder ''sehr oft''. Sechs Prozent der 10 000 befragten Kinder gaben beim LBS-Barometer...
Unabhängige wissenschaftliche Erhebung ist dringend zu fordern
Die dokumentierten Schadbilder sind in jedem Falle geeignet, die strenge Forderung nach einer von unabhängigen Fachleuten durchzuführenden wissenschaftlichen, detaillierten differentialdiagnostischen Schadenserhebung und Standortuntersuchung für jeden Einzelfall zu rechtfertigen.
Diese Forderung kann auch nicht, wie schon einmal, nämlich bei der beginnenden Diskussion zum Waldsterben, mit Verweisen auf andere Ursachen relativiert werden. Wetterextreme (z.B. Trockenjahre, Spätfröste), problematische Standortfaktoren (gestörter Bodenwasser- und Bodenlufthaushalt, Eintrag div. Schadstoffe über Boden und Luft), Schadorganismen und durch Außeneinwirkung verursachte Stamm- und Wurzelschäden vermögen, selbst wenn sie beteiligt sein sollten, die Erscheinung vieler der hier angeführten Schadbilder nicht erschöpfend zu erklären.
Die räumliche Verteilung der Schädigungsbereiche innerhalb der jeweiligen Baumkronen lässt nur die Annahme zu, dass zumindest zusätzliche direkte, d. h. unmittelbar auf die physiologisch reagible Blatt- und Rindenzone einwirkende abiotische Faktoren vorliegen. Die vielfach aufgezeigte Beziehung der raumgeometrischen Form der Schäden im Kronenbereich zu den Positionen von Mobilfunkantennen in deren Umgebung begründet die These, dass die Schädigung mit resultanten Effekten der Einfalls- und Dämpfungsverhältnisse (Schattierung, Beugung, Reflektion, Interferenz etc.) der von dort ausgehenden Hochfrequenzstrahlung zusammenhängt. Die rein geometrische Verteilung der Schäden innerhalb der Baumkronen mit teilweise scharfen Grenzlinien schließt systemische Pathologien aus, denn es ist kein Zusammenhang mit den biologisch bedingten morphologischen (Kronenaufbau) und physiologischen (Gefäße) Verhältnissen erkennbar.
Wer ernsthaft die Verpflichtung zur Gesundheits- und Umweltvorsorge vertritt, kann die sehr dringende Notwendigkeit einer systematischen wissenschaftlichen unabhängigen Untersuchung nicht verneinen, zumal die Bilder nicht alleine stehen, siehe z. B. .
In den Niederlanden wird dem Verdacht von Baumfachleuten seit 2004 nachgegangen.
Ein wissenschaftliches Symposium 2011 befasste sich u.a. mit der Frage, ob die seit einigen Jahren auftretende stark zunehmende Verbreitung von Rinden- und Stammbeulen im Zusammenhang mit Mobilfunkstrahlung steht. Im Kommentar zu dem Video über das Symposium ''Unknown tree damage by electromagnetic radiation'' wird angemerkt:
''Currently, trees growing in urban environments in many different countries are suffering from mal-formations of unknown origin. About 35% of all broadleaf trees is affected. Research has shown that dead cells occur at the outer layers of the tree trunk. Many believe that the ever increasing electromagnetic fields are the cause of these new tree deseases. There are different studies that proof that this field has negative influence on trees. More investigation is needed on this topic.'' Weitergehende Informationen sind zu finden unter .
Die Videopräsentation Pecha Kucha Treedamage unter . Hier ist eine Landkarte mit der räumlichen Verteilung der Mobilfunksender im Verhältnis zu geschädigten bzw. gesunden Bäumen zu sehen; siehe Karte Netherlands 2010, bei Laufzeit 3:00 Minuten.
Im Ansatz steht diese Darstellung in der Tradition ökologischer Studien, die wegweisend wurden für die Aufklärung ökologisch-zivilisatorischer Risiken, wie z. B. von Snow zur Epidemiologie der Cholera im 19. sowie von Sternglass zu radioaktiver Niedrigstrahlung im 20. Jahrhundert.
Es ist höchste Zeit für einen deutlichen Impuls aus der Zivilgesellschaft, dass diesen Hinweisen gefolgt und der Sache auf den Grund gegangen wird.
Parliament s social affairs permanent committee is inviting suggestions, comments or complaints from members of the public, even anonymously, about electromagnetic radiation caused by cellular telephony antennae. The subject is being treated at a...
MOBILE phone operators will not be able to build a new mast in land in Ilkeston because it would spoil the look of a street.The decision was made by Erewash borough councillors after they visited the...
The influence of electromagnetic waves on sperm motility. Journal für Urologie und Urogynäkologie 19: 19-22. Semen analysis for 13 male volunteers who carried a cell phone on the belt and actively used it for 5 days. Compared to a period of cell phone...
In a meeting held earlier this week, the Social Affairs Committee resumed its debate on the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation emitted by mobile phones...
Anwohner fordern Alternativstandort für den Frankenberger BOS-Funkturm
Freie Presse
Der Streit um den Tetra-Behördenfunk-Mast, dessen Weiterbau seit Ende 2011 am 400 Meter hinter dem Grenzweg gelegenen Standort ruht, bekommt nun eine...
Morgellons Disease: Another new disease that has only appeared since the widespread use of wireless technologies!
Morgellons Disease: A Chemical and Light Microscopic Study
Marianne J. Middelveen1, Elizabeth H. Rasmussen2, Douglas G. Kahn3 and Raphael B. Stricker1*
1International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society, Bethesda, MD
2College of Health Sciences, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
3Department of Pathology, Olive View: UCLA Medical Center, Sylmar, California
*Corresponding author: Raphael B. Stricker, MD
450 Sutter Street, Suite 1504
San Francisco, CA 94108, USA
Tel: (415)399-1035
Fax: (415) 399-1057
Received January 27, 2012; Accepted March 12, 2012; Published March 16, 2012
Citation: Middelveen MJ, Rasmussen EH, Kahn DG, Stricker RB (2012) Morgellons Disease: A Chemical and Light Microscopic Study. J Clin Exp Dermatol Res 3:140. doi:10.4172/2155-9554.1000140
Morgellons disease is an emerging multisystem illness characterized by unexplained dermopathy and unusual skin associated filament production. Despite evidence demonstrating that an infectious process is involved and that lesions are not self-inflicted, many medical practitioners continue to claim that this illness is delusional. We present relevant clinical observations combined with chemical and light microscopic studies of material collected from three patients with Morgellons disease. Our study demonstrates that Morgellons disease is not delusional and that skin lesions with unusual fibers are not self-inflicted or psychogenic. We provide chemical, light microscopic and immunohistological evidence that filaments associated with this condition originate from human epithelial cells, supporting the hypothesis that the fibers are composed of keratin and are products of keratinocytes.
Please note that many people in San Diego who are opting out of (refusing) smart meters, are finding that the replacements are also digital, although non-transmitting. It s important that people realize that if they get a nontransmitting digital smart meter replacement installed, that it will still be buzzing constantly through their home s electric circuitry, perhaps in order to get readings from the new smart grid appliances.Here are two related reports from a woman in San Diego regarding the effects that her smart meter had on her life. These effects can still manifest for those who opt out and get digital replacement meters instead of analog:
On Monday my Smart Meter was taken off and an analog meter put on. I did not watch the process?I wasn?t contacted by SDGE ? they just came and did it. The online form gets you a much faster response than the phone call you can optionally make (see link and phone number below). I had a feeling the replacement had been done because my electric-oven clock wanted to be reset on Monday night and so did another electric clock in the house. That night I slept like a log from 8:30 p.m. (was very tired) straight through to 7 a.m. A most wonderful, restful sleep!
On Tuesday I went outside to look at my meter, which was indeed an analog meter, with 5 little dials and the letters ABB on the face (see picture above). There is an AB1 meter (see picture at bottom of email), supposedly analog, which evidently is part RF and gives off frequencies, so don t let them put this one on your house. On Tuesday I woke up in the middle of the night and noticed that my bed was not vibrating as it had for the past year. This was not my imagination ? for a whole year, starting at about the time they put a Smart Meter on my house, my bed had been pulsing during the night, a very low mechanical vibration that I could only feel at night when all was quiet. Someone had suggested it might be from the SmartMeter, the bedsprings were picking up a pulse. I didn t know the cause of this nighttime vibration, except to think it might be that or some kind of GWEN (ground wave) transmission, or military testing ? how could I possibly find out?
Not so smart
Regina Leader-Post
As reported in your newspaper, ''smart meters'' are coming to Saskatchewan. Your readers might be interested...
On June 20, 2012, our Venice, CA neighborhood won a West Los Angeles Planning Commission appeal against the approval of an AT&T cell tower installation in the midst of our homes.
I wanted to thank you for your wonderful site ( ), especially the Defeated Cell Towers page, which gave me the hope that if our community could band together, we actually had a chance.
Would it be possible for our story to be posted for others to see? How would we go about it?
Maria Shen
Woman wants city to nix its Wi-Fi
Christel Martin says health impacts keep her from some public areas.
Just wanted to make contact with fellow parents fighting Wi-Fi in schools. Trying to catch up with all my emails. Busy week with our appeal before the Board of Education here in school district SD #62 (Sooke,Vancouver Island). The district has already started the installation of commercial Wi-Fi networks in all the schools here. No consultation with parents whatsoever. We have 5 children (2 are my own) that have medical notes re EHS or other conditions that we are asking accommodation for. Magda was so generous to help us out by providing a verbal submission via speaker phone. Her knowledge on the subject is profound. We can only hope trustees were truly listening and understanding the magnitude of this harmful pollution in schools.The cornerstone of our appeal is the Canadian Human Rights Commission report on Environmental Sensitivities that includes EHS. I have included my dissection I have put together for quick reference of portions that specifically pertain to electromagnetic fields. You may have done this yourself already. The Board has up to 45 days to make a decision re our appeal.
We are in the midst of planning a big media event around it with interviews and a rally outside the School District office and will keep you posted with any developments. Please keep us in the loop re any actions taking place where you are also.
Parents are starting to organize their efforts for a national effort re Wi-Fi in schools. We have now started a data base/registry for parents to assist with this. All we need is: parent?s name, email address and the School District their child(ren) belong to. This info can be sent to Please share widely.
Together we will see children protected!
Tammy Jeske
Victoria, BC
(250) 478-9881
Here is the BCCPAC. Wi-Fi resolutions that passed along with the OH&S regulations pertaining to 2B carcinogens or greater in the work place. Please forward my personal info on to anyone legit working on Wi-Fi in schools. We have started a data base/registry for parents if you know any who would like to join us to coordinate efforts in schools across Canada. All we need is: parents name, email address and the School District. This info can be sent to
BCCPAC Resolution #17: Parent Choice Regarding Exposure to EMF Emissions
''BCCPAC calls on each Board of Education to have one public school at each education level (elementary, middle, secondary) that is free of Wi-Fi, cordless phones and cell phones. This school will only be equipped with wired computers and wired telephones for personal, educational and administrative purposes''.
5.57 (1) ''If a substance identified as any of the following is present in the workplace, the employer must replace it, if practicable, with a material which reduces the risk to workers: (a) ACGIH A1 or A2, or IARC 1, 2A or 2B carcinogen''.
A COMMUNITY is celebrating after plans for a 45ft phone mast near two primary schools and homes were put on hold. ... There is only 4 adults in this photo and a bunch of kids that will in the next few years be getting a mobile phone. The adults really...
Familienministerin Kristina Schröder jongliert Handy und Babyfon, führt dienstliche Telefonate aber vor der Wohnungstür. Sie fordert: Die Privatzeit muss so gut...
Smartphone und Tablet-Computer machen uns das Leben leichter und zugleich komplizierter: Frank Plasberg diskutiert über das digitale Leben in ständiger Erreichbarkeit...
Die Herstellung von Smartphones verursacht mit 60 Prozent die größten Umweltauswirkungen
Ob Energiebedarf oder Treibhausgasemissionen, die Herstellung von Smartphones verursacht mit 60 Prozent die größten Umweltauswirkungen auf ihrem Lebensweg.
Der Umbau eines Mobilfunkmastes in Altenhasungen sorgt für Diskussionen. Die Deutsche Telekom möchte den ... Ärger um Mobilfunkmast in Altenhasungen...
Danach geht es wieder um den Behördenfunk mit Alcatel-Chef und ... Eine weitere Sitzung behandelt die Unstimmigkeiten rund um die Behördenfunk-Vergabe...
Mit 20 zu 0 Stimmen hat Waging den geplanten Tetrafunkmasten bei Oberleiten eine Absage erteilt. Bürgermeister Häusl: Vorgehen des Freistaats ''nicht...
PLANNING permission for a proposed mobile 'phone mast near the junction of Forthill Road and Balgillo Road, Broughty Ferry, was unanimously refused on...
... being normalized as part of the electrical services provided by MECO, ... and are being installed even as people are developing ''electro-sensitivity...
Federal Judge Allows Full Discovery in Naperville Smart Meter Case
Great news from Naperville! Monday the federal judged allowed for full discovery. What this means is that if we can join forces (experts, affidavits, resources etc.) we could help pave the way for real analog opt-outs throughout the US and abroad.
I will be reaching out to you in the near future to ask for your help consolidating data in the areas of health, security, privacy, safety (i.e. fires), etc.
Thank you for all your support!
See Following:
Docket Text:
MINUTE entry before Honorable John Z. Lee:Status hearing held. Status hearing set for 8/16/2012 at 9:15 a.m. Rule 26 (a) (1) and written discovery requests are to be exchanged by 7/6/2012. Fact discovery deadline is 11/30/2012. Expert discovery to close 1/15/2013. Response to plaintiff's motion to supplement the record [39] is due by 6/25/12; no reply brief to be filed. Motion hearing date of 6/21/12 at 9:15 a.m. is stricken. Mailed notice(ca, )
Woman wants city to nix its Wi-FI
Martin fears getting ''sick for days'' with heart palpitations, dizziness and headaches if she s exposed to electromagnetic fields for too long and is now demanding...
Electromagnetic radiation or the radiowaves also affect the ventricular organ, a key sensitive organ that can affect a musician s ability to hear the finer nuances ...
Tetra-Funk: Strahlungsfelder laut Schorpp gefährlich
Der promovierte Physiker Volker Schorpp hält gesetzlich garantierte strahlungsfreie Zonen für immens wichtig. Nicht nur als Zufluchtsorte für Menschen, sondern auch im Sinne der Wissenschaft, denn ein Erforschen der natürlichen Elektromagnetfelder sei kaum noch möglich.
Es komme nicht auf die Strahlungsstärke an, sondern auf das Strahlungsfeld, in dem sich unterschiedlichste Wellen treffen. Bereits gering veränderte Strahlungseinflüsse beeinträchtigten die Zellteilung. Gefährlich könne die Vielzahl der ineinandergreifenden Felder sein, vom W-Lan bis zum Handy. Bisher seien diese auch noch nicht wirklich erforscht.
Tetra-Funk: Bürgerinitiative regt Nachdenken in ganz Lützelbach an
...Es referierten Richard Georgi, Projektleiter Digitalfunk BOS (Behörden und Organisation mit Sicherheitsaufgaben) Hessen, und Diplom-Physiker Volker Schorpp vom Verein PulsSchlag Mobilfunk-Bürgerforum im Großraum Karlsruhe. Der Bürgerinitiative gelang es, mit der Informationsveranstaltung aus ihrem Funken einen Flächenbrand zu entfachen.
Echo online
26. Mai 2012
Macht der Tetrafunk Menschen krank?
Experten referieren in Haingrund über Tetrafunk
Gefährlich oder nicht? Ob der Tetrafunk den menschlichen Organismus negativ beeinflusst, versuchten Referenten in Haingrund zu klären. Allerdings vertraten sie gegensätzliche Meinungen. [?]
? Für den zweiten Referenten, den Physiker Volker Schorpp, reichen derartige Argumentationen nicht aus, um den digitalen Dauerfunkbetrieb zu rechtfertigen.
?''Die Grenzwerte sind nicht in der Lage, die Biologie und die Physik abzubilden'', ohnehin seien diese von der Mobilfunkindustrie der Politik auferlegt worden. Und weiter: ''Tetra hat leider Einfluss auf die Herz- und Hirnfrequenz.'' Für den Karlsruher ist es kein Zufall, dass die Anzahl der Kinder mit Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Syndrom (ADS) seit 1990 mit dem Ausbau der Mobilfunknetze korreliert.[?]
ADHS-Diagnose für jeden fünften männlichen Schüler auf der Highschool
Immer mehr Kinder und Jugendliche werden mit ADHS in den USA diagnostziert und medikamentös behandelt, nach den Kriterien des neuen DSM-5 wird die Zahl weiter ansteigen.
... another planning application has been submitted to install a telephone mast at ... for a mobile mast to be shared by Vodafone and Telefonica (O2) was refused...
Plans for mast at Davenport Green refused for second time
Plans to install a telephone mast at Davenport Green, have been refused by Cheshire East Council (CEC) for the second time this year. The first application for a mobile mast off the verge on Knutsford Road, opposite Church Road, to be shared by...
Der Vorsitzender der US Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Julius Genachowski, reichte am Freitag einen Vorschlag zur Untersuchung der Strahlung von...
But, while Rev McFarlane conceded that everyone wants to use a mobile phone, and that phone masts are an inevitability, he is questioning why it has to go...
Gateshead Council s head of development and public protection, Anneliese Hutchinson said: ''Mobile phone masts are obviously an important part of the...
These symptoms are now labelled Electro-magnetic Hyper-sensitivity, or ''EMS''. "Health-care practitioners need to better understand EMS so they can help...
After debating this subject for a decade, the Government of Chile has just passed the ''Ley de Torres'' or the Towers Act. It has been reported that the law, approved by a large majority of members of the Chilean Congress, 1) strictly limits the power of antennas, 2) reduces urban impact of towers through ?infrastructure sharing?, 3) opens up a process for citizen participation in the approval or denial process for new towers at the local level, effectively requiring prior permission, and terms, from local residents prior to receiving municipal permits; 4) allows property owners to request a reassessment of tax valuation for properties, and for communities, where towers are located, to receive compensation from telecom providers in the form of improvement to neighborhood public spaces (described in one article as an amount representing approximately 30% of tower installation costs); and 5) has a retroactive component in that it establishes mitigation measures in areas that are saturated with antennas, including those close to homes or institutions, such as kindergartens, health centers or schools. The Act has been signed into law by President Pinera and takes effect this week. Chile s Minister of Transportation and Telecommunications Pedro Pablo Errazuriz stated, ''?in addition to protecting the urban landscape and the goodwill of the neighborhoods, the new law takes care of the most important: the health of people in a precautionary manner as recommended by the World Health Organization, setting strict limits on the powers of the antennas. Chile is setting standards in this regard.'' We will follow up with more details as we learn them.
Riesige Datenspeicher: Wie Ihr Smartphone Sie überwacht und ausspioniert
Welt Online
Denn die Verbindungsdaten zu ihrem Abruf der Stauinfos wurden fein säuberlich von ihrem Mobilfunkanbieter gespeichert. Und der hält sie vielfach länger vor, als es gesetzlich notwendig wäre. Auf Anfrage wiegeln die Netzbetreiber ab: Die Daten seien zur...
Im vergangenen Jahr haben laut einem Zeitungsbericht US-Mobilfunkbetreiber insgesamt rund 1,3 Millionen Mal Daten, SMS-Nachrichten und Aufenthaltsorte von Handy-Besitzern weitergegeben...
Berliner Datenschützer beanstandet Rasterung von Handy-Daten
Heise Newsticker
Erst vergangene Woche kamen neue Zahlen auf den Tisch: Demnach sammelte die Polizei zwischen 2009 und Juli 2012 allein in 302 von 1109 Fällen über 6,5 Millionen Datensätze von Handy-Nutzern. Mehr als 5000 mal wurde bei den näher belegten...
2012 The U.S. Health Freedom Congress
Schaumburg, IL, June 14, 2012
Submitted by
Whereas electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell phones, cellular antennas, wireless devices, wireless computer equipment, DECT portable phones, wireless ?smart boards? in schools, wireless utility ?smart meters?, etc., have been shown in numerous well documented peer-reviewed studies to lead to biological disregulation, impaired cognitive function, reduced fertility, damaged DNA and increased incidence of acute and chronic conditions, including cancers, heart irregularities, difficulty sleeping, joint pain, dizziness, tinnitus and stress; and
Whereas the risk from electromagnetic fields involves the low frequency ELF fields (electric and magnetic fields), intermediate frequencies (dirty electricity) and high frequencies (radiofrequency (RF), including microwaves as emitted by cell phone and consumer wireless technologies), and both ELF and RF fields have been separately classified by the World Health Organization s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as Class 2B ?Possible Carcinogens? and have been the subject of numerous resolutions warning of the risks from international scientists, physicians, psychologists and government agencies; and
Be it acknowledged that:
Important Landlord and Tenant Board Hearing regarding cell phone antennas on top of Toronto apartment building and ill health of the top floor tenants.
You may be aware of Veronica Ciandre s case in Toronto at the Landlord & Tenant Board (LTB). It has been covered nationwide via youtube, public presentations, and mainstream media over the years, including on CBC Radio One.
The case started between Veronica and her landlord regarding the topfloor apartment she and her daughter had to leave after experiencing serious adverse health effects after commercial radiofrequency antennas were installed on the roof above their heads. However, Bell Mobility made a request to the LTB that Bell be added as a party in this case, and the LTB granted that request. Hearing begins on Monday June 18th at 9:30am and continues daily for four days (June 18, 19, 20, 21). Normally, LTB hearings last a few hours and not days as in this case.
As it stands today, Veronica will be representing herself with her witnesses and without a lawyer. This is not a trivial matter. For the LTB to allow Bell as a party to the case, to set aside four full days, and to invite expert and non-expert witness testimony is most unusual. And for Veronica to not have legal representation places her at a distinct disadvantage. I was at the last hearing; two Bell lawyers were there and it seemed apparent that Bell aspired to running the show (so to speak).
This is definitely a ''Veronica and Goliath'' battle playing out, not on a battlefield but in a Landlord & Tenant Board Hearing. Please share this information with others and attend if you can.
The hearing is open to the public.
Attend whenever you can during the four-day period.
Notify your email lists, colleagues, friends, and family and encourage them to attend and to notify others.
Contact several media outlets and alert them that they should be covering this Veronica vs. Goliath history-making hearing.
Email, phone, word-of-mouth, social media ? whatever you can do.
Landlord & Tenant Board
79 St. Clair Avenue East, Suite 212, Toronto
Room B
9:30am start
June 18, 19, 20, 21
Depending how many attend, the Room Number might change. So if it seems crowded, please don t leave; also, if you don t find the hearing in Room B, do ask staff where the new room is.
Please share this information.
Informant: Martin Weatherall
Pub owners pull the plug on plan for phone mast
Burton Mail
PROTESTORS against plans for a mobile phone mast near their homes are ... stop telecoms giant Telefonica UK erecting the 49ft (15m) mast on land owned by...
The last line is ''However, no studies have yet produced evidence that it can cause cancer.''
Really? What about the following evidence:
We have evidence that cell phone use is associated with cancer (even in the flawed INTERPHONE study).
We have evidence that microwave radiation causes DNA breaks in rat brains and in sperm.
We have evidence that 2.4 GHz (used in some cordless phones and Wi-Fi) causes primary tumours in rats (U.S. Air Force Study 1992)
We have evidence that this radiation increases the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, enabling potentially toxic chemicals to enter the brain.
We have evidence that it is associated with an increase in the enzyme ornithine decarboxylase that is linked to cancer.
We have evidence that it increases free radicals that can cause cancer.
We have evidence that it increases stress proteins and compromises the immune system.
Indeed, we have epidemiological studies, in vivo studies, and in vitro studies (the three key types of scientific evidence) that microwave radiation below FCC guidelines is associated with AND causes cancer and that the mechanisms involve some combination of free radical production, increased membrane permeability, DNA fragmentation and a compromised immune system.
We also have evidence that some reporters (see below) do not read the science and make statements that are scientifically incorrect.
Magda Havas
FCC Calls for Cell Phone Safety Review
Fowler Tribune
The whole issue of electromagnetic health was the focus of a resolution passed ... Advocates for electromagnetic safety say Congress needs to actively oversee...
GAO: FCC should reassess its advice on cell phone radio frequency limits
The Government Accountability Office is advising the FCC to reconsider its standards regarding acceptable levels of radio-frequency energy that cell phone users can be exposed to. Questions about whether smartphones and the radio-frequency energy they emit can cause health problems in users were the impetus for an investigation by the Government Accountability Office. What it found was that the Federal Communications Commission s current RF guidance doesn t reflect the latest research and that testing requirements may not identify the possible maximum exposure in some use cases...
The study was carried out by Korea Communications Commission who said that is was the highest radiation amount that has been measured from a smartphone since 2009. Of course prolonged exposure to harmful electromagnetic waves can be the cause of...
Die Mobilfunkantenne in der Bismarckstraße ist seit der Errichtung im Jahr 2006 umstritten, ein Gutachten kommt nun zu dem Ergebnis dass die Strahlung zu...
New proposals are being put forward which would see radical changes to the way the Island s telecoms companies can apply to install mobile phone masts...
SPD, Grüne und Gewerkschaften fordern neue Regeln gegen die ständige Erreichbarkeit von Arbeitnehmern über Handy und Computer. Der DGB-Vorsitzende Michael Sommer sagte der ''Bild''-Zeitung (Mittwochausgabe): ''Ich fordere die Bundesregierung auf,...
Informationsflut und ständige Erreichbarkeit: Den Dauerstress hält das Gehirn kaum aus
FOCUS Online
Smartphones ermöglichen rund um die Uhr Infos und Kontakt zur ganzen Welt. Die ständige Erreichbarkeit stresst Arbeitnehmer. Schlimmer noch: Die Informationsflut kann krank machen und das Gehirn verändern...
Schließlich sucht Abel Mobilfunk im Auftrag der Telent GmbH Standorte für den Behördenfunk. Die Telent GmbH wiederum ist vom bayerischen Innenministerium...
(dpa/lby). Die immer neuen Kostensteigerungen beim Aufbau des Digitalfunknetzes für Polizei und Rettungsdienste beschäftigen auch den Bayerischen Obersten Rechnungshof (ORH)...
... have backed plans for a 60ft phone mast near a new housing estate in Halesowen despite objections from residents. Fifteen letters have been sent to Dudley Council urging refusal of the plan for a mast in Banners Lane for
2G and 3G mobile providers.,,
Phone mast approved in Halesowen despite objections
Halesowen News
THE siting of a 60ft phone mast near a new housing estate in Halesowen has ... the plan for a mast on an industrial estate in Banners Lane for 2G and 3G mobile...
''Die heutige Präsentation des sogenannten Wissenschaftlichen Beirats Funk (WBF) über Forschungen zum Thema Mobilfunk und Gesundheit des letzten Jahres setzt...
So severe is Hannah Metcalfe s sensitivity to electromagnetic waves that her...The pregnant mother-of-one suffers from electrosensitivity which gives her...
She lives a rural life in the countryside where mobiles are banned
Daily Mail
So severe is Hannah Metcalfe s sensitivity to electromagnetic waves that her husband has to run errands in town in case she is exposed. The pregnant mother-of-one suffers from electrosensitivity which gives her splitting headaches, stomach cramps,...
Tech-free life of the mum who is allergic to wi-fi
The Sun
... 34, can t go to places with wi-fi, use her iPad or even make a call on her mobile because of a poorly-understood condition called electrosensitivity...
Hannah Metcalfe, who lives near Canterbury, Kent, becomes very ill when she comes into contact with electromagnetic rays. She suffers from symptoms such as...
A study (Bellieni CV et al, Arch Environ Occup Health, 2012) has found that the power supply of a laptop used by a pregnant woman close to her body creates electric current densities in the fetus 182% to 263% higher than ICNIRP 6-minute heating limits, and 71% to 483% higher for the mother. The magnetic values of 1-8-6.0 microTesla are also very high, and considerably above the TCO and MPR II limits, the best known industry standards.
André Fauteux, éditeur??
Magazine La Maison du 21e siècle??
Tél./Téléc.: 450 228-1555
Numéro d'essai gratuit : http://?
Im Sommer 2000 war die Aufstellung eines neuen, höheren Sendemasten durch Mannesmann D 2 auf dem Mauracher Berg heftig diskutiert und letztlich abgelehnt worden. Zwölf Jahre später wächst nun neben dem alten Sendemast ein neuer in die Höhe,...
Nachdem die Firma Mannesmann im Mai 2000 einen Bauantrag für einen 27,7 Meter hohen Mobilfunkmast vorgelegt hatte und diesen im August wieder zurückzog,...
Die AFN-Sendemasten auf dem Frankfurter Riedberg rufen besorgte Eltern auf den Plan. Sie fürchten langfristige gesundheitliche Auswirkungen der Strahlung. Mit Kupfergewebe wollen sich manche davor schützen. Die AFN-Sendemasten auf...
LAUSANNE, VD. Das Bundesgericht hat erstmals eine kommunale Standortplanung für Mobilfunkantennen abgesegnet. Betroffen ist die Berner Gemeinde Urtenen-Schönbühl, deren Kaskaden-Modell für eine möglichst geringe Belastung von Wohnzonen auch andernorts Schule machen könnte...
FEARS have been raised over plans for a mobile phone power base station only metres from a children s nursery in Henley. Vodafone and Telefonica O2 UK want to offer 3G coverage in the town by installing a mast at the far end of the station s long-stay...
Protests grow over 18m phone mast by children s nursery
Henley Standard
COUNCILLORS have reiterated their concerns about a mobile phone power base station which may be installed metres from a children s nursery in Henley. Vodafone and Telefonica O2 UK want to offer 3G coverage in the town by installing a mast at the far...
PERMISSION has been granted for a mobile phone mast and power base station to be installed near a children s nursery and overlooking a Henley beauty spot. South Oxfordshire District Council has approved an application by Vodafone and Telefónica O2...
A Council of Europe (CoE) resolution last year called on all member states, Malta included, to ''take all reasonable measures to reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields, especially to radio frequencies from mobile phones, and particularly the exposure...
Dafna Tachover is an attorney in Israel and NY and has MBA. 3 years ago she started suffering from EHS after years of massive use of wireless/cellular technology. Currently she is working to ensure basic human rights for people who got injured by EMR and to increase awareness to the adverse health effects of EMR.
André Fauteux, éditeur
Magazine La Maison du 21e siècle
Tél./Téléc. : 450 228-1555
This weekend an article was published about me and EHS (a condition caused by wireless radaiation) in the weekend issue of the leading Israeli paper, in its most important section.
Following is a link to the article in my blog (EHS Fight Back).
Wer an Schlafstörungen oder einem Tinnitus leidet, sollte die Notbremse ziehen, mitunter sind ... Hier insbesondere Mobilfunk und WLAN. Sie schreiben...
Residents in Bentilee have fought various proposals for phone masts on and around Beverley Drive over the last few years. The latest plan is for a 12.5 metre phone mast on the pavement of Beverley Drive, fronting Twigg Street. Mobile phone companies O2...
A PETITION lodged by a Rutherglen councillor and two former councillors on the health issues of mobile phone masts has gained weight with the Scottish Parliament s Petitions Committee. The committee has expressed concern about the lack of an up-to-date ...
A mobile phone company has been accused of exploiting a planning loop hole to erect an ''enormous'' mast in a residential street. The 22.5m mast and generator will be installed in the car park of Grenfell Housing Association in Milner Road,...
TEACHERS and residents have voiced their opposition to a bid to build a phone mast near three schools and a nursery. Vodafone and Telefonica want to site a 12.5m-tall mast on the junction of Lexden Road and Sanders Avenue, Colchester...
Phone mast plans near three Colchester schools set to be approved
Essex County Standard
A phone mast was put up not far from here, all the local people were complaining of headaches and feeling radiation waves if they were near the mast. They complained to the Mobile Phone company, who in response to the complaints, stated that they were...
Cell Phone Use and Salivary...