Looming Health Crisis
Environmental Poisoning of Bees in Switzerland
The Swiss EMF advocacy group ARA is calling for beekeepers to file a criminal complaint against persons unknown for loss of bee colonies and an independent study measuring the values of EM emissions from mobile phones near hives at different times of the year and comparing results with loss of colonies.
Résumé of article in English:
Original article in French:
Radiation: Health official moves to HC seeking action against cell phone
Concerned over the residents' health due to the radiation from the mushrooming of illegal cell phone towers in residential areas, an official of the state health department has moved the high court seeking appropriate action against cellphone service providers and authorities concerned granting permission to install the towers recklessly.
Comment: What a contrast between this Indian Health official and those working for Health Canada.
Looking for EHS person in the US for an Interview
DTE 'smart meters' to become optional
PRESS RELEASE: July 9, 2012
The Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith agrees to present Russian Research on wireless technology to UK Chief Medical Officer
Research on the potential dangers surrounding the mobile phones/masts, wifi and wireless technology is to be presented to the UK Chief Medical Officer by Iain Duncan Smith, current Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and previously leader of the Conservative Party from September 2001 to October 2003. The Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith founded the Centre for Social Justice, an independent think tank not affiliated with the Conservative Party.
The Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith held an audience with the Forward Ladies group in Manchester on Thursday 5th July. He spoke about the introduction of the universal credit under the Government s welfare reforms, which will mean that people returning to work from benefits will continue to receive some state support. This will help to give families, especially young people and long term unemployed, the necessary skills, ambitions and values by focusing on the importance of work and hopefully lead towards less dependence on the state health and welfare system.
Eileen O'Connor, Director for the UK Radiation Research Trust charity raised concerns about the future for our children due to the ever increasing threats surrounding the electromagnetic field issue in connection with mobile phones/masts, wifi and wireless technology. O'Connor said, ''Future generations could be under threat due to exposure to wireless radiation which has now been given a 2b ''possibly human'' carcinogenic classification by the World Health Organization. Eileen O'Connor developed cancer and discovered that she was living in a cancer cluster surrounding a phone mast in her village of Wishaw and has since campaigned for over ten years to educate citizens and government officials, both at home and abroad, about the dangers of RF (microwave) radiation.
In addressing Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith, Ms. O'Connor added that ignoring this issue could lead to false economy and increase the burden on society s health and workforce due to illness and lack of productivity. Eileen is traveling to Russia in the near future and will be meeting with members of the Russian Radiation Committee. She encouraged Mr Iain Duncan Smith to listen to independent scientists such as members from the Russian Committee.
Mr Iain Duncan Smith responded saying he is aware of the debate surrounding this issue and believed the case to be unproven to date, but understands that children are more vulnerable to microwave signals and will absorb more radiation than an adult, and added he is understandably very concerned for children s health. He is also aware of a cancer cluster surrounding a phone mast in his own constituency and is therefore willing to present the Russian Research to the UK s Chief Medical Officer.
Eileen O'Connor will provide Mr. Ian Duncan Smith with research and information upon her return from Russia and will encourage the UK Government to engage with Independent scientists. The Russians have set the safety limits for RF (microwave) radiation at a small fraction of what is allowed in the United Kingdom. The Russian Radiation Committee has studied the biological effects of RF (microwave) radiation for longer than any other country, so there is much knowledge that can be gained by Ms. O'Connor's visit, and she is immensely appreciative of Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith s interest and looks forward to working with him in the future.
June 20, 2012
The Right Honourable Steven Harper, P.C., M.P.
Prime Minister of Canada
Langevin Block,
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A2
Dear Prime Minister:
With the utmost respect, I feel obliged to warn you that you are being badly advised on critical matters related to Canada s national electric power grid which, if not rectified, can have dire National Security consequences for our entire country.
I am a retired Canadian military officer, having been commissioned from the ranks. I spent almost 27 years? in a ''special'' branch of military communications, most of which involved highly sensitive radio communications, with deployments in both Radio Warfare and Electronic Warfare, the latter of which entailed a posting in National Defense Headquarters, in the Directorate of Electronic Warfare. While my technical knowledge is now dated, the principals of radio communications haven t changed, and the vulnerability of any ''wireless'' system is known by all military and major terrorist organizations around the world.
It is absolutely insane and sheer lunacy for Canada (or any country) to utilize a ''wireless'' meshed-grid system to manage and control our national electric power grid. A ''wireless'' system would expose Canada to unprecedented threats from a myriad of sources, e.g., national extremists, international terrorists, covert military action by foreign governments whose arsenals range from simple ''jammers'' to sophisticated electromagnetic pulse [EMP] attacks, solar storms and flares, electrical storms, cyber attacks, viruses, etc. Any of these threats could easily destroy any part, if not all, of Canada?s national power grid system! To be ''wireless'' is to be ''defenseless.''
On behalf of all Canadians, I urge you to stop this ''wireless'' lunacy and the project, immediately! On this and all such projects having national security implications, I think it should be imperative that the principals involved be directed to consult with and take direction from Canada s Intelligence community and/or Military leaders when it comes to selecting a safe and appropriate telecommunications technology to use. There are safe, proven technologies available on the market, but wireless is not one of them.
Yours sincerely,
James G. (Jerrry) Flynn
103-1910 Capistrano Drive
Kelowna, B.C., V1V 2S5
James G. (Jerry) Flynn
103-1910 Capistrano Drive
Kelowna, BC, V1V 2S5
July 3, 2012
Mr. Ron Cannan, MP
Kelowna-Lake Country
114-1835 Gordon Drive,
Kelowna, B.C.
Dear Mr. Cannan,
National Security: Wireless Electric Power Grid
As my federal representative, please convey my serious concerns to the Prime Minister that he is being very badly-advised on crucial matters impacting directly on Canada s National Security, i.e., our national electric power system. At this very moment electric utilities across Canada are racing to convert their electrical power installations from hard-wired to wireless meshed grid systems, the basis of which is the telecom industry's wireless ''smart meter.'' As you know, a smart meter contains two, separate microwave radio transmitter-receiver-antenna circuits: one for internal use; the other for meter-to-meter connectivity throughout the entire meshed grid network.
I am a retired Royal Canadian Navy/Canadian Armed Forces officer who was commissioned from the ranks. For 22 of my 26-plus years in the military, I was employed in a ''special'' branch of military radio communications, from which I gained considerable knowledge of and expertise in radio warfare (RW), electronic warfare (EW). Relevant to this subject, I spent two years as the Executive Officer (2-i/c) and Operations Officer of one of Canada s largest ''special'' radio stations. Following that, I was posted to National Defense Headquarters, for another two years, in the Directorate of Electronic Warfare (DEW) as Staff Officer EW, charged with supporting Canada s Land EW squadron in Kingston, ON.
Insofar as Canada s National Security is concerned, absolutely no technology is more vulnerable to attack than is a ''wireless'' one, as has been demonstrated recently by the ''Stuxnet'' ''Flame'' and ''Duqu'' cyber attacks, the first of which was featured recently on CBS News? 60 Minutes program and can be viewed at:
But wireless radio systems are equally vulnerable, perhaps even more so, to attacks from individual malcontents, terrorist organizations and rogue nations having some knowledge of RW/EW. One only has to Google ''HAARP'' (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project) to realize that the USA and Russia, and possibly others, have in their arsenals weapons of mass destruction capable of destroying another nation s critical infrastructure (electric power grid, transportation, communications, etc.) and vital agriculture and ecological systems simply by ''bouncing'' extraordinarily powerful radio frequency (RF) signals off the ionosphere at an appropriate angle to deflect the resultant energy ?bump? back down toward the desired location on Earth. A ''wireless'' meshed grid network could not withstand such an attack, meaning that the entire nation would be without any power whatsoever! Whereas, with a hard-wired fiber optic cable system, even if a large area or region of the national grid were demolished, the remainder of the country would still have power and be able to function. Canada would survive the attack.
Anyone with a basic understanding of radio communications knows that even simple ''Jamming'' of the grid s operating frequency(ies), at one or more geographic locations, would be very effective in disrupting the grid in the region(s) subjected to the jamming. Every military organization in the world and likely every major terrorist organization has an arsenal of RW weapons, only one of which would be a jamming capability.
Wireless radio systems are also very susceptible to nature s solar storms, solar flares, electrical storms, all of which can render useless terrestrial radio communications over large regions of the planet. It is known that NASA (North American Space Agency) has been predicting for some time that possibly as soon as this year, the Earth will enter an extremely turbulent period of solar storms that the scientists predict will have devastating effects on major regions of the planet.
Of all the communications technologies available today, there is only one to be utilized where matters of national security are concerned, hard-wired, fiber optic cable. While it is impossible to prevent an occasional, limited power outage and an occasional system failure from happening, fiber optic cable is far and away the safest, most prudent and reliable technology available today. Only the telecom industry would be so stupid as to recommend wireless products, which is exactly what they are doing with far too much success, unfortunately. But, like the tobacco industry before them, the telecom industry s only interest is for profit and return on investment. They don?t care at all about Canada s national security.
Respectfully yours,
James G. (Jerry) Flynn
Smart Meter Protest Michigan
''After the MPSC s recent report it s clear that legislation like mine or Rep. Opsommer s needs to become law,'' McMillin said. ''We must ensure Michigan citizens? rights are protected and that we don t allow monopoly utilities to impose on people untested technologies that are connected to security, health and privacy concerns.''
Informant: Martin Weatherall
Smart Meters: Correcting the Gross Misinformation
Quebec-based magazine La Maison du 21e siecle asked physician David O. Carpenter, former founding dean of the University at Albany (NY)?s School of Public Health, to comment on a letter published in the Montreal daily Le Devoir last May 24. This letter claimed wireless smart meters pose no risk to public health. Several international experts contributed to the following rebuttal.
Any physician or EMF/health expert wishing to endorse it can contact me at info@21esiecle.qc.ca
Please forward this url widely to those concerned:
Andre Fauteux, Publisher/Editor
La Maison du 21e siecle magazine
2955 Domaine-lac-Lucerne
Ste-Adele (Qc) Canada J8B 3K9
450 228-1555
Michigan PSC Orders All Utilities to Offer Smart Meter Opt Out
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