Der Fällander Gemeinderat bleibt dabei: bevor er in Sachen Mobilfunkantennen eine Zonenänderung vornimmt, muss ein rechtskräftiges Urteil in Sachen Standortplanung für Mobilfunkanlagen vorliegen....
München. Der kleinste deutsche Mobilfunk-Betreiber O2 will Daten über die Aufenthaltsorte seiner Kunden für die Marktforschung aufarbeiten lassen. Datenschützer äußern bereits erhebliche Bedenken. Wann das Projekt starten soll, ist offen....
Verkauf von Handy-Bewegungsdaten: Big-Brother-Shopping mit O2
Verkauf von Handy-Bewegungsdaten: Big-Brother-Shopping mit O2. Eigentlich wollte der Mobilfunkanbieter O2 unbeschwert seinen Börsenstart feiern. Doch nun hat er eine Datenschutzdebatte am Hals. Der geplante Ausverkauf sensibler Handy-Daten geht...
Datenschutzbeauftragter Schaar warnt vor Handel mit Handy-Daten
Ostthüringer Zeitung
Der Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz, Peter Schaar , hat vor einer Verletzung der Privatsphäre durch Mobilfunkanbieter gewarnt. ''Die Bildung von Bewegungsprofilen dürfte in der Zukunft immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnen'', sagte Schaar der...
O2-Mobiltelefone: Regierung erklärt Handel mit Bewegungsdaten für verboten
Der Mobilfunkanbieter O2 möchte die Bewegungsdaten seiner Kunden für Werbezwecke nutzen. Dies allerdings hält das Wirtschaftsministerium für gesetzeswidrig. Der Mobilfunkanbieter O2 darf in Deutschland die Bewegungsdaten seiner Kunden nicht zum...
Eine erste Software, welche die Bewegungsdaten der Mobilfunk-Kunden aggregiert, analysiert und mit persönlichen Angaben wie Alter und Geschlecht verknüpft, existiert bereits. ''Smart Steps'' nennt die Telefónica-Tochter O2 diese Innovation...
Nach heftiger Kritik von Datenschützern und Politikern hat der zum spanischen Telekomriesen Telefónica gehörige deutsche Mobilfunkanbieter O2 angekündigt, die Bewegungsdaten seiner Kunden hierzulande nicht zu vermarkten. Wirklich? Ein Brief von...
Beim Menschen sollen bereits Schlafstörungen, Kopfschmerzen und Erschöpfungszustände beobachtet worden sein, die durch Elektrosmog hervorgerufen worden sind...
Fachlich kompetent moderiert wurde der so kurzweilige wie informative Abend von Marianne Günther (BI Mobilfunk Hof). ''Bei LTE (siehe Info-Kasten) handelt es sich um eine Mobilfunktechnologie mit noch höherer Leistung als UMTS und extrem hohen...
Ursache für Kopfschmerzen: Oberster Betriebsarzt warnt vor dem ''Handy-Nacken''
FOCUS Online
Dr. Wolfgang Panter, Präsident des Verbandes deutscher Betriebs-und Werksärzte sagte der ''Bild''-Zeitung am Montag: ''Immer häufiger klagen Arbeitnehmer über starke Kopf-und Nackenschmerzen. In vielen Fällen sind moderne Telefone der Auslöser...
Immer mehr Arbeitnehmer in Deutschland klagen über starke Kopf-und Nackenschmerzen! Jetzt warnt der Verband deutscher Betriebs- und Werksärzte (VDBW) vor dem ''Handy-Nacken''. Schmerzauslöser in vielen Fällen: moderne Mobilfunkgeräte...
Die Kreistagsfraktion von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen macht sich für die Anliegen elektrosensibler Menschen stark. Im Landkreis Fulda hat sich seit längerem eine...
Gefahr Mobilfunk? Grüne: ''Leiden elektrosensibler Menschen ernst nehmen''
Osthessen News
''Ihre Symptome sind unterschiedlich und von daher nicht immer sofort auf Elektrosmog zurückzuführen. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen unterstützten jedoch...
After years of medication, he now says he s affected by electromagnetic hypersensitivity, a nervous system reaction to wireless radiation from cellphones, internet and other technologies. ''My wife said that I had turned into this old, frail man...
Junge Autofahrer sind am Steuer oft unkonzentriert. Laut einer Studie des Allianz Zentrums für Technik lassen sich 18- bis 24-Jährige weitaus häufiger ablenken als Fahrer anderer Altersgruppen. Jeder zweite von ihnen (56 %) telefoniert während der...
(article in Spanish with an English translation below)
Electromagnetic Radiation
By Chellis Glendinningm Journalist Guest, 24/10/2012
Not surprisingly, the Authority for the Supervision and Regulation of Telecommunications and Transport has said a few days ago that the electromagnetic emissions such as those from antennas, iPhones, Wi-Fi, flash drives, etc. they have no biological effect.
In countries with more technological development that Bolivia is a very long tradition of statements like that. Forked Tongues companies and governments already told us before atomic radiation, asbestos, pesticides, hormones, lead, plastics, etc. are harmless to the health of living beings. And in this case is no different.
The argument is always that there are not enough scientific research. Even after Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, the U.S. government was still saying that nuclear radiation is not harmful! On electromagnetic radiation, multiple investigations, many of them made by companies in the industry, for military organizations, government, universities and independent researchers showing that radiation have adverse effects on human health. Data that, apparently, the ATT could not find on Google.
What is truly amazing is that the World Health Organization (WHO) has second thoughts about it. In 2011 electromagnetic radiation classified in category 2B class for cancer.
But there is another twist in the story: In 2002 Gro Harlem Brundtland, a medical doctor, former prime minister of Norway and then above the head of the WHO, said that the phones were banned in offices in Genoa. Personally, she felt sick if a cell was four feet away from her. But information about the health of the head of the health organization, published March 9, 2002 in Dagbladet, was ignored by every newspaper in the world and five months after Brundtland be leaving his position as the head of the WHO.
She is the victim of electromagnetic radiation hypersensitivity (EHS). It is dangerous for everyone, but some people may feel it immediately. According to the Commission for Electromagnetic Safety, the overall incidence of EHS has grown in recent years. Says researcher Dr. Magda Havas of Trent University in Canada than in countries where these technologies have been around longer than in Bolivia, 34 percent of the population has EHS, 3 percent severely. With the advent of 4G technologies such as satellite coverage in the U.S. and their own personal devices with Wi-Fi system, my personal observation is that more people are falling to the EHS and without a healthy place to live, most are committing suicide. And as science journalist says the New York Times, Blake Levitt, the story of today produces statistics tomorrow.
According to Havas and her partner Dr. Olle Johansson of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, EHS symptoms may include mental confusion, memory loss, dizziness, headache, nausea, ringing in the ears, heart arrhythmias, chest pressure, muscle and joint pain, hair loss, hearing loss, vision loss, impaired immune system, inflammation, anxiety, depression and insomnia. Later may develop cancers, heart attacks, leukemia, broken genes, birth defects and more.
Sadly, we can expect the arrival of medical problems such as proliferating more and more sources of radiation here in Bolivia. There are personal things that a family can do, such as installing cable internet, turn off your Wi-Fi when not using the connection and use old equipment. But in the end the solution will come when people demand to live in a healthy world.
The author is a psychologist and writer
Radiaciones electromagnéticas
Por Chellis Glendinning, Periodista Invitado, 24/10/2012
From Joani Hollebone at the radio programme ''Character Driven'' from October 22. Please, listen to it!
Waging am See. Ob sich die Waginger Ansicht in Sachen BOS-Digitalfunkmasten nicht vielleicht doch gewandelt habe? So formulierte Bürgermeister Herbert Häusl die Anfrage der Regierung von Oberbayern, die es in der jüngsten Gemeinderatssitzung zu beantworten gab. Die Waginger Antwort war kurz, bündig und einstimmig: Der Rat verweigert weiterhin das gemeindliche Einvernehmen zur Errichtung eines BOS-Digitalfunkmastens...
Auf dem Acker gegenüber dem Feuerwehrgerätehaus etwa 300 Meter Luftlinie entfernt wird ein mindestens 30 Meter hoher Funkmast errichtet, zunächst für drei Monate als Provisorium.
Diese wollte erreichen, dass noch einmal Alternativen zum geplanten Funkmast-Standort auf dem Gandorfer Berg detaillierter geprüft werden. Das hielten die Abgeordneten nicht für notwendig, sie gingen konform mit der Haltung des Innenministeriums...
Magda Havas talks about the dangers of cell phones, cordless phones, wifis, routers, wireless technology, power lines and how they correlate with diseases.
Physician group adds weight to warnings of Wi-Fi in schools
OTTAWA. Schools should not install wireless Internet systems because the technology is linked to learning disabilities, headaches and immune system deficiencies, according to an international association of physicians.
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine, which is holding a conference on the brain and nervous system this week in Florida, says safer alternatives should be used instead of Wi-Fi.
A group of San Marino parents are pressing school board members to remove cell towers located behind San Marino High School and between Valentine Elementary and Huntington Middle schools, saying the facilities could be exposing children to harmful levels of radiation.
Dr. Klinghardt believes one of the factors that has led to increased Borrelia virulence is the dramatic increase in electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and microwave radiation from cell phones and towers, wireless Internet, power lines, household electrical wiring, etc. Reduction of exposure to these fields is a key part of his Lyme treatment protocol, which I ll be discussing shortly.
One of the reasons blood tests are so unreliable as indicators of Lyme infection is that the spirochete has found a way to infect your white blood cells. Lab tests rely on the normal function of these cells to produce the antibodies they measure.
Note: The linked video is an excellent documentary which I highly recommend that you watch. It is another example (of most) of the medical community failing seriously ill patients. There seems to be an attitude very similar to that of treating electro-hypersensitivity patients. It is only available to watch for a limited time.
You should also consider the fact that the incidence and severity of Lyme Disease has increased at the same time that worldwide wireless radiation exposure has increased. If you suffer from EHS, you should be tested for Lyme Disease.
Martin Weatherall
3 day workshop
For those of you who need a break and would like to learn about health related issues including EMFs visit the link below and learn more. Hockley Valley Resort in Orangeville, Ontario is the site for a 3 day workshop with speakers and classes on different subjects.
Sheena Symington has a workshop (Saturday Oct 27, 2-3 pm) on measuring EMR, power quality, etc. and Magda Havas is talking about electrosmog and electrosensitivity (Sunday Oct 28, 2-3 pm).
If anyone needs to know: Hockley Valley Resort does have WiFi. I phoned to ask, and the event organizers there assured me they are interested in educating themselves by attending Magda s and Sheena s scheduled sessions. Maybe it would be helpful for the organizers to hear from other people who would love to attend for the entire weekend but cannot because of the WiFi.
Barb Payne
Ontario: MPP Randy Hillier s on-line petition re. Lyme Disease
He is trying to get at least 200 signatures to take to the Ontario Legislature. Please sign and share.
This has profound ramifications for everyone here and abroad.
An attacker could also use the project files to study a customer?s operations for vulnerabilities in order to design further attacks on critical infrastructure systems. Or they could use Telvent?s remote access into customer networks to infiltrate customer control systems.
CBC News has confirmed a recent cyber-attack successfully breached a Calgary-based supplier of control systems for electrical power grids, municipal water systems, public transit operations, and most of Canada s major oil and gas pipelines.
Sources say the incident was serious enough to spark action from Canada s spy service, the RCMP, military intelligence, and the federal government?s special cyber response agency
Consumers can opt-out of Hydro-Québec s smart-meter program at a price
Hydro-Québec customers who wish to opt-out of the smart-meter program have to notify the utility in writing, pay $137 to have a mechanical meter installed and pay a monthly fee of $17 to cover the cost of meter-reading.
Ein reger Austausch von Argumenten bezüglich des BOS-Tetra-Digitalfunks (Funksystem für Behörden mit Sicherheitsaufgaben) bestimmte den größten Teil der...
Effects of picotesla flux electromagnetic fields on dopaminergic transmission in Tourette s syndrome
These findings demonstrate that picotesla flux EMFs applied extracerebrally may influence nigrostriatal DA transmission at pre- and postsynaptic DA D2 receptor sites.
ROME. High voltage pylons. Pesticides. Presence of heavy metals in the water. Are the possible environmental factors that could have caused thirty suspected cases of leukemia among children and adolescents living in Ostia North and South in 2007-2009. An alarming situation, which convinced the investigating judge Maddalena Cipriani to provide epidemiological advice to ascertain whether those areas are dangerous to the health of children, as reported by the association ''Minerva Pelti.''....
Olle Johansson, professor
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm
Pylon and radiation review ?omits key studies?
*This document is just an opinion. But there is a lack of quality, and superficial spin in the introduction. It appears to be selective in that it has omitted very well respected research, for example in Switzerland, linking an increase in Alzheimer s to people living close to high-voltage lines.*
The British Journal of Cancer and the CCRG have issues a misleading and in our view irresponsible press release stating that overhead powerlines don t raise the leukaemia risk in children. This is not supported by the paper they publish tomorrow and we explain why. There is a phone number on our Press Release for professional reporters to contact Alasdair Philips at Powerwatch today and tomorrow for comment/interviews.
'Don t build schools or homes near pylons', warn experts
Mrs Gasken's brother died of leukaemia aged 18 months shortly after their mother died of kidney failure. Their father died of heart failure ten years ago and Mrs Gasken has suffered two miscarriages.
*It s a strong possibility that the lines caused my miscarriages,* she said. *It is very frightening. I have suffered depression too and it wouldn t surprise me if that is linked.*
Wifi in Schools, is it a risk to our children s health?
Professor Olle Johansson, Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe and Dr Isaac Jamieson will give short illustrated talks followed by an open discussion of this important topic...
Das Oberste Kassationsgericht urteilte, dass ein gutartiger Gehirntumor bei einem italienischen Geschäftsmann durch die tägliche stundenlange Verwendung seines Handys verursacht wurde. Dafür müsse der mittlerweile behinderte Mann eine...
Italiens höchstes Gericht hat eine möglicherweise richtungsweisende Entscheidung zur Gesundheitsbelastung durch Mobiltelefone gefällt. Das Oberste Kassationsgericht urteilte, dass ein gutartiger Gehirntumor bei einem italienischen Geschäftsmann durch...
Bakgatla s rejection of cellphone towers close to schools and near homes may have not been off the mark after a landmark court ruling in Italy on Thursday confirmed mobile phones can cause brain tumours...
British medical physicist Malcom Sperrin s suggestion that ''Great caution is needed before we jump to conclusions about mobile phones and brain tumours'' is odd. Respected bodies like the World Health Organization have already determined that cellphone use is possibly carcinogenic.
With over 6 billion cellphone users worldwide, surely the best way to exercise ''great caution'' would be to implement a widescale public education campaign about the potential health risks of cellphone use and ways to minimize those risks.
...''This decision is likely to set the stage for other determinations in other nations,'' she said.
Such a warning was scheduled to take effect in San Francisco in October 2011. Under a city ordinance, the first of its kind in the nation, retailers would be required to give each cell phone buyer a fact sheet including the World Health Organization s ''possibly carcinogenic'' categorization...
Ein düsteres Bild der Mobilfunkbranche hat der neue T-Mobile-Chef Andreas Bierwirth bei seiner Antrittspressekonferenz gezeichnet. ''Ich sehe nur, dass die Branche hier kaputt ist. (...) Die Nachfrage wächst, aber es bleibt uns nichts übrig'', so der...
She suffers from sensitivity to electromagnetic waves, the invisible waves given off by almost everything electric, in particular, those emitted by communication towers that are popping up across Canada. Chalmers, who lives near Grand Bend on Lake...
Bürger sorgen sich wegen einer eben errichteten Mobilfunk-Antenne in der Konstanzer Altstadt. Sie muss aber wieder entfernt werden, heißt es bei der Stadtverwaltung...
Mobilfunkantenne muss runter von Konstanzer Altstadtdach
Die Mobilfunkantenne über den Dächern der Konstanzer Altstadt muss weg. Die Anlage eines Mobilfunkbetreibers, dessen Namen die Stadt aus Datenschutzgründen...
The condition, caused by electromagnetic fields from mobile phones, computers and phone masts, can lead to a range of symptoms, from headaches to heart palpitations. It is not recognised as a medical diagnosis in the UK, but is in Sweden. Telecoms...
In May 2011 the World Health Organization classified radio frequency electromagnetic fields (inclusive of cell towers) possibly carcinogenic to humans based upon studies showing an increased risk of lethal brain cancer associated with wireless phone use...
Machen die Strahlen des Funkmastes auf dem Riesenbühl in Herrischried krank? Die Verunsicherung innerhalb der Gemeinde ist inzwischen jedenfalls so groß, dass Bürgermeister Christof Berger das Thema in der Gemeinderatssitzung am Montag zur...
HERRISCHRIED. Gibt es in der Bevölkerung gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigungen, die mit Auswirkungen des neu errichteten Mobilfunksenders auf dem Riesenbühl in Verbindung gebracht werden können? Dieser Frage will sich der Herrischrieder...
Die Obermillstätter geben den Kampf gegen einen geplanten Handymast nicht auf. Erster Etappensieg ist, dass der Mobilfunkanbieter A 1 vom ursprünglichen...
Vier Rekurse gegen die gemeinsame Mobilfunkantenne von Swisscom, Orange und Sunrise im Wiesendanger Kirchturm sind nach wie vor beim Baurekursgericht des...
Das Reizthema Mobilfunk bietet wieder kommunalpolitischen Gesprächsstoff in Hof. Nach mehreren Monaten (Mobil-)Funkstille flammte die Diskussion jetzt im Bauausschuss des Hofer Stadtrats neu auf. Auslöser dafür war ein Antrag der FAB-Fraktion auf ein...
''A survey conducted by Italian consumers association Condacons, conducted on Frecciarossa trains from Trenitalia and high-speed NTV trains, claims that Wi-Fi connections on trains represent a threat to the health of passengers. Exposure to magnetic and electromagnetic waves on Italian trains equipped with the internet system 'exceeds the limits set by law'. Electromagnetic waves detected on Frecciarossa exceeded the limit by 588 percent and on the Italo trains the situation is even worse, with an excess of 6,800 percent. Condacons has subsequently presented a complaint to prosecutors in Milan, Turin, Bologna, Florence and Rome.''
Please, listen to this Swedish neuroscientist appearing on the CBC radio, British Columbia, Canada:
Monday October 15, 2012
School wifi
Turn on. Tune in and better plug in too. A top Swedish scientist adds his voice to those warning against the use of wi fi devices in Victoria schools. We hear from him.
Manx Radio Leaflets have been distributed around Peel, highlighting the Manx Telecom masts, if allowed, could be less than 100 metres from a nursery and within half a mile of Peel Clothworkers school. It asks: do you want a mobile phone mast near your school and...
Siegsdorf. Die Gemeinde wird weiter gegen den Bau eines Sendemastes zur Errichtung einer Basisstation für den Digitalfunk BOS auf dem Wolfsberg klagen. Das beschloss der Gemeinderat nach ausführlicher Debatte in seiner letzten Sitzung. Die Gemeinde hatte sich gegen den Bau der Basisstation ausgesprochen, weil, wie es hieß, »gesundheitliche Gefahren nicht auszuschließen sind«.
Siegsdorf. Nach ausführlicher Debatte beschloss der Siegsdorfer Gemeinderat in seiner jüngsten Sitzung, die Klage gegen den Bau eines Sendemastes für eine Basisstation des BOS-Digitalfunks auf dem Wolfsberg weiterzuführen. Die Gemeinde hatte sich...
Please, see this study by Oshima et al.: The Suicidal Feelings, Self-Injury, and Mobile Phone Use After Lights Out in Adolescents. J. Pediatr. Psychol. (2012) 37 (9):1023-1030. doi: 10.1093/jpepsy/jss072
VADODARA. Even as Union government has rolled out new norms to reduce impact of cellphone radiation on people, a new study has revealed that the increasing electromagnetic wave energy (EMWE) pollution is adversely impacting even plant issues...
Die Kundin: ''Ich will aber kein WLAN!''
Die Verkäuferin: ''Dann empfehle ich Ihnen Powerline! Das läuft über Ihr Stromnetz, das strahlt nicht.'' Falsch!
Vielleicht weiß es die Verkaufsperson wirklich nicht besser, aber Powerline strahlt auch, und wie! Zwar arbeitet die Datenübertragung über die Stromleitungen, Powerline, PLC oder dLAN genannt, tatsächlich nicht mit Strahlung wie der Mobilfunk aller Art, der von Antennen abgestrahlt wird. Aber bei PLC fällt Strahlung als unerwünschtes Nebenprodukt an. Beim Betrieb von PLC wird die gesamte Elektroinstallation des Hauses zu einer einzigen, weitverzweigten Sendeantenne für Kurzwellenstrahlung. Denn PLC ist hochfrequent.
Immer häufiger statten Eltern ihre Kinder bereits bei der Einschulung mit einem Handy aus. Mobiltelefone gehören zum Alltag sehr vieler Kinder und Jugendlichen in Deutschland. Besonders für Jugendliche ist das Handy von zentraler Bedeutung...
Handys müssen im Unterricht in Langener Schulen aus bleiben
Mobiltelefon ersetzt den Spickzettel. Mitten im Unterricht oder, schlimmer noch, in eine Klassenarbeit hinein der schrille Handy-Klingelton, das soll es an Langener Schulen nicht geben. An allen...
Lehrer schlagen Alarm: Immer mehr Schüler schummeln mit dem Smartphone
Sie würden in Sekundenschnelle mit dem Handy unterm Tisch die Antworten auf eine Frage des Lehrers bei Google suchen. Das sei eine nicht akzeptable Ungerechtigkeit gegenüber Mitschülern, die nicht schummelten. 80 Prozent der Schüler hätten ihr...
OTTAWA. Schools should not install wireless Internet systems because the technology is linked to learning disabilities, headaches and immune system deficiencies, according to an international association of physicians...
Ex-''Take-That''-Sänger Robbie Williams hat keine Probleme mit nervigen Fan-Anrufen, fehlendem Netz oder einem zu schwachem Akku: Der Neu-Daddy besitzt seit sechs Jahren kein Handy mehr. Der 38-Jährige verriet jetzt der Zeitschrift ''Gala'', dass er...
Die Zerkwitzer, aufgebracht wegen des kaum angekündigten Baus eines Funkmastes im Ort, nutzten am Mittwochabend die Gelegenheit, zumindest Fragen an die Stadtverwaltung loszuwerden. Dazu gehörten Fragen nach der Festlegung des Standortes,...
Die amerikanische Umweltschutzorganisation Ecology Center hat gemeinsam mit Technologieexperten von eine Studie über die Giftstoffe in Mobiltelefonen erarbeitet. Gestern wurden die Ergebnisse veröffentlicht, bei denen die neueren Geräte...
French researchers have just shown that Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) does notably modify blood and grain physiology in ES people, and that the impact on those biological markers rises and falls with intensity of the exposure. ''We do know with certainty that Electrohypersensitivity is not psychosomatic", tells us Oncologist Pr. Belpomme
Doctor explains dangers of radiation exposure to Wi-Fi
The chairman of the Environmental Committee of the Medical College, Andrei Tchernitchin, referred to the so-called ''allergy'' to Wi-Fi, as explained by electrosensitivity wireless networks and affects one in 1,000 people.
In Tele13 we tell you about this phenomenon with various ailments like symptoms such as headache and fatigue.
There are two towers operating located atop his building. The Seths who reside on the building s top floor are amongst the worst impacted. Their kids suffer from frequent health hazards that include headaches and sleeplessness. Attempts to set up a new tower in a nearby building were stalled by the residents recently
Now, complaints on mobile phone tower radiation put on fast track
While the TERM cell inspected three sites in a week, the new system is expected to have staff testing 20 sites in a day, and improve the existing radiation monitoring mechanism. There will be five monitoring teams that will ensure that every citizen complaint is addressed within 10 days.
Mumbai gets complaint handling system for mobile radiations
Mumbai, Oct 4 (IBNS). A complaint handling system for Electro Magnetic Field (EMF) Radiation from Mobile Towers operational in Mumbai Telecom Circle was opened in Mumbai on Thursday. Milind Deora, Minister of State of Communication & IT,...
The Minister of State, Communication & IT, Milind Deora, has opened a complaint phone line for electromagnetic field radiation from mobile towers in the Mumbai telecom circle. Stringent new EMF radiation standards took effect in India on 1 Septembers...
Here are some very alarming news from Austria. But given all the data on EMFs' deteriorating effect on the immune system, maybe the headline below rather should read:
Fast food and clean homes...or blame for allergy increase
The following is a quick summary of another twenty one papers that have come out over the last few months related to effects of electromagnetic radiation.
The aim is for ministers of employment and social affairs to reach agreement on a proposal for a directive which would protect workers from excessive exposure to electromagnetic fields. Finland has played a major role in preparing the proposal, which...
More than ten years after work began, the EU is finally establishing rules on the exposure of workers to electromagnetic fields. On 4 October, the Employment and Social Policy Council adopted a general approach on a draft directive setting minimum...
EPSCO Council to take place in Luxembourg under Cyprus EU Presidency
Famagusta Gazette
Regarding the proposal on the EU Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) Directive on the protection of workers to the risks arising from exposure to the electromagnetic fields, the objective is for the EPSCO Ministers to reach to a general approach, which is an...
''When a Tetra mast was switched on in Dursley in Gloucestershire people there complained of migraines, sleeplessness, nosebleeds and being ?shocked awake? up to 15 times a night. At a school in Littlehampton, Sussex, 11 children had to be sent home on the day that a nearby Tetra mast went live. The children suffered dizziness and, like the residents of Dursley, severe headaches and nosebleeds. (Interestingly, the local community did not know the mast had been switched on, so the children s reactions could not have been psychosomatic.) At Drumcarrow Hill in Fife a Tetra transmitter has been in operation since the late 1990s. Only about 200 people live around the mast, but there have been at least seven recent cases of cancer and five cases of motor neurone disease (MND) diagnosed in the area over the past five years. (Normally, no more than two people to every 100,000 is diagnosed with MND per year.)''
''MND is a particularly nasty and fatal degenerative disease. Last year Dr Neil Cherry, former associate professor of environmental health at Lincoln University, died from it, convinced he had contracted MND as a consequence of his long exposure to low-frequency radiation, the potential health hazards of which he researched. Cherry s work suggests that low-level radiation, and Tetra, could also cause heart and blood problems, interference with bone marrow and tumours.''
A slew of studies have linked breast cancer with men and women working as radio operators, electricians, telephone repair people and other jobs involving exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Chemicals. Army enlisted women younger than under 35...
If you think breast cancer is just something for your grandmother, mom and aunts to worry about, think again. Not only is breast cancer striking relatively young military women at alarming rates, but male service members, veterans and their dependents are at risk, as well.
More evidence of wireless radiation causing cancer?
Harmed by Military Wireless Radiation.
The hurt continues with the installation of a smart meter.
I don t know what signal it is, but I suffer extreme EHS, and subsequent illnesses from the RFR whether it s EMR or EMF. My ears are always ringing now, and hardly get any peace. I use to judge the tinnitus, which varies in zinging, or screeching or humming at different levels. I used a scale of ten-out-of-ten, but now since the introduction of the EM1000 meter and there appears to be an increased usage of Wi Fi in our retirement village. I now judge the scale of thirty-out-of-ten, which indicates the extreme level that I am suffering. At the same time, I experience extreme heating, burning, tingling sensations all over my body, and much more severe on the exposed parts. I suffer all the symptoms of EHS.
I worked in the Army Communications Network for 21 years, and worked amongst the most dangerous HF, VHF, EHF, and UFH transmitters known to man. While serving in Vietnam during the war (1968/69) I suffered extreme symptoms of ES, which were put down to the war environment. When I arrived home at the end of my tour (1969), my health began to suffer, and didn t become extreme until the introduction of mobile phones and towers (late 1990s; and now the DECT phones and Wi Fi communications and hotspots fad has made my life a misery.
In October 1970, eight months after my return from Vietnam I was hospitalised with a an extreme form of encephamyolitis, but I now believe that it was caused from the transmitter that I was working on during an Army exercise. And during the last ten years of my service, I encountered unusual phenomena causing heart palpitations and semi-blackouts of becoming giddy for no apparent reason.
After I retired from the Army in 1980, my symptoms continued and I had further hospitalisations for ENT surgery to remove excessive tissue build-up (1984 & 1994), peritonitis and nearly died (2003), removal of 25mm tumour from my pancreas and was hospitalised for 53 days (2004), prostrate operation, hip replacement, and multiple heart bypass operation.
I believe that all of these illnesses were of an insidious nature and not from living a bad or unhealthy life, but from the environment that I worked within the Army working with 100w to 1kw HF transmitters and microwave EHF and UHF equipment and devices.
After retirement from the Army I lived in areas surrounded by high-tension power lines and transformers directly outside of our home or close by.
Here we are in 2012, and I have watched all my mates die from all forms of cancers, which no doubt was from their radiated life within EMR and EMF environment of the Army Communications Network.
Two of my mates are now at the end of their life from leukaemia and failing hearts. Two other mates have died in the last four weeks of similar health problems, and I can account for at least 100 deaths of my Army mates of similar illnesses over the past two decades.
From my own research into the figures of the consistency of similar deaths of Army Corps of Signals members of 28% compared to civilians working in the same environment, or other Corps of the Army of 8%.
I believe the man-pack wireless sets caused many forms of cancer masses on the lungs of those signallers who carried them on their backs. I have a mass on my left lung.
Since the installation of the EM1000 by our energy company soon after having solar panels installed upon our roof, my health deteriorated even further. The energy company claimed that the new power metre they placed into our power box wasn t a SMART metre. 18 months later my health has deteriorated from severe to extreme, and I assume that there is a form of Power Line Communications that is feeding back into the house wiring and possible increasing the DE frequencies into the house wiring.
Last summer strange phenomena began in our bedroom when the ceiling fan was turned ?ON?. On the hour of the hour or half-hour I would hear Morse code emitting out of the ceiling fan. It was readable Morse code, but didn t make any sense, as it was a jumble of letter, figures, and symbols. I contacted the energy company they said that it was an electricity control signal that they transmitted down the power lines, and the sound could be removed by connecting a filter to the ceiling fan or power distribution board of our home.
I believe that the energy company is covering up the SMART metre usage, even though PLC seems to be so.
I realise that all digital meters are electronic, but I believe the energy company is calling them such to wave away any SMART metre controversy. If the EM1000 is using microcontroller chip that has a low clock frequencies of 1 MHz or less (even down to less than 100 kHz) to minimise power use, then that could be a reason why I am not getting a reading on my metres. I also use an ED65 Electrosmog (Cornet) metre with the Trifield.
Since, the EM1000 has been installed I haven t seen anyone reading the metres manually.
Thank you for reading my letter.
George Parker
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, Smart Meters & EMR, The Health Crisis Of Our Time
An excellent video detailing the harm that is being caused by wireless radiation.
Do the research, learn about Wi-Fi effects, Santa Fe New Mexican
Ideally, first, I d research what scientists find about Wi-Fi's health and environmental effects. I d talk with people who d had it installed and people who d opted to...
It is about 5 minutes long and explains the ins and outs of the technology very well as well as incorporating the health warning contained in the Swisscom patent.
Calgary study launched on cellphone tower placement
Ald. Richard Pootmans has attended meetings in his ward, where people say they are angry to find out a cell tower is going up in their neighbourhood.
''To me, that s not fair, and I think that we should have the ability to provide a bit more certainty to residents and taxpayers in the city,'' said Pootmans.
He wants the city to examine pre-approved cell tower sites in proposed communities.
At such close range to a wireless smart meter, all of a sudden, some people cannot sleep, some people develop constant headaches, and others feel dizzy.
Complaint Handling System for EMF Radiation launched in Mumbai
Earlier reports had revealed that beginning September 1, this year, rigorous checks would be implemented on the electromagnetic radiation emitted by mobile phones. Now, as a part of a set of precautionary guidelines the government has issued for mobile...
Complaint system launched for radiation from towers
Hindu Business Line
The EMF exposure limit has been lowered to one-tenth of the exposure limit standards prevalent in 90 per cent of the countries with effect from September 1. India now has one of the most stringent EMF exposure norms in the world as Specific Absorption ...
Zunahme des Elektrosmogs durch Behördenfunk und Ausbau des LTE-Internetnetzes befürchtet: Kundgebung in München
MVPO Mecklenburg Vorpommern News
Berlin/München/MVPO. Der Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND) hat vor dem von den Bundesländern geplanten weiteren Ausbau des Behördenfunks...
Cell Phone Use and Salivary...