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Die Suche nach »tingling« hat 6 Resultate geliefert.
People living near phone masts 3 more times prone to cancer
Pulse Nigeria The human body, which consists of 70 per cent fluid, absorbs electromagnetic radiation. Besides cancer, people living near mobile phone base stations are at risk of headaches, memory loss,... ...
Starmail - 10. Jan, 22:18
Death due to smart meters
Hear a mother s explanation about student son s death due to Smart Meters. Mrs. Virginia Farver on Dr. Stan Monteith s Radio Liberty internet radio program: http://podcast.g cnlive.com/podcast/radio_l ib/0702141.mp3 John Th reatening... ...
Starmail - 18. Dez, 08:20
Military reports alarming breast cancer rates among troops
Asbury Park Press A slew of studies have linked breast cancer with men and women working as radio operators, electricians, telephone repair people and other jobs involving exposure to electromagnetic... ...
Starmail - 16. Jan, 18:19
Halt smart meter installation, says BC Green Party
CBC.ca Party Leader Jane Sterk said the meters that record energy use in homes and businesses would expose people to electromagnetic radiation, much like microwaves. She said the World Health Organization... ...
Starmail - 23. Sep, 05:59
Why are there so many complaints of vertigo from those living near cell phone towers?
allvoices It's coming to a place next to your home if you live near a phone company building or any other commercial building with a mobile phone mast or wireless... http://allvoi ces.com/contributed-news/6 175953-why-are-there-so-ma ny-complaints-of-vertigo-f rom-those-living-near-cell -phone-towers From... ...
Starmail - 8. Jul, 05:53
Wi-Fi in schools and health effects of microwave radiation
Meeting on Wireless Health Effects, Ottawa, Canada Informant: gotemf -------- Another misguided Government Plan $225 million gov't funds allocated to subsidize companies expanding high speed accessibility... ...
Starmail - 3. Jul, 08:43