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Die Suche nach »bats« hat 18 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 1 bis 10.
Vertreibt der Sendemast die Fledermäuse?
Bayerischer Rundfunk Mitten im Donauwörther Stadtwald steht ein Digitalfunkmast. Dort leben besonders viele Fledermausarten. Ob die Tiere möglicherweise durch den Sendemast gestört werden,... ...
Starmail - 29. Okt, 06:09
Naturschutz: Feldstärke und Fledermäuse
Augsburger Allgemeine Die Rede ist vom Sendemast für digitalen Behördenfunk, der seit Kurzem im...Dazu wurde das elektromagnetische Feld um den Sendemast ermittelt, solange... http://www.aug sburger-allgemeine.de/dona uwoerth/Feldstaerke-und-Fl edermaeuse-id26450291.html Mehr... ...
Starmail - 30. Jul, 06:08
EMF-Omega-News 27. April 2013
Impacts of radio-frequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) from cell phone towers and wireless devices on biosystem and ecosystem http://www.buerg erwelle.de:8080/helma/twod ay/bwnews/stories/4789/ T here... ...
Starmail - 27. Apr, 09:25
Bees, Bats, and Smart Meters
http://www.youtube.com/wat ch?v=kI0JJgKkyzs (Note: do not completely cover smart meters) Joseph Informant: Martin Weatherall -------- Danc e of the Honey Bee Bill Moyers, Moyers & Company:... ...
Starmail - 7. Feb, 10:21
Telecom radiation: Is there a killer in the air?
Nine years ago when a cluster of cell phone towers were also installed in Pramod Kasliwasl s neighborhood, he couldn t have imagined what was in store for his family. As a result of lacking guidelines... ...
Starmail - 17. Aug, 08:53
Earth Day: A day without wireless
Wireless devices damage the environment in many different ways. Wireless devices are energy hogs. For instance, it takes three times as much energy to make a simple phone call on a cellphone compared... ...
Starmail - 7. Mai, 05:45
EMF-Omega-News 1. October 2011
Non-thermal Tera-Hz Affect Gene Expression http://www.buer gerwelle.de:8080/helma/two day/bwnews/stories/3203/ Cancer risk for mobile phones http://www.buergerw elle.de:8080/helma/twoday/ bwnews/stories/3207/ http: //www.buergerwelle.de:8080 /helma/twoday/bwnews/stori es/3215/ Biodiversity... ...
Starmail - 1. Okt, 08:09
Close call for bats as phone mast threatens flight path
Scotsman He said: 'There are widespread concerns in the area about this plot, since it seems that O2 currently have a mobile phone base station on the Granton Telephone Exchange and it is not clear why... ...
Starmail - 27. Sep, 14:42
Our frogs are dying
Opponents want city council to hang up on new cellphone towers in Peterborough Peterborough Examiner Council has endorsed sending a letter to Industry Canada ? the approval agency for cellphone towers... ...
Starmail - 20. Apr, 17:02
Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) Clashes with Honey Bees
Note - There is very important information in this research paper about how bees are badly harmed by EMR. Martin Weatherall Electromagnet ic Radiation (EMR) Clashes with Honey Bees Sainudeen Sahib.S Associate... ...
Starmail - 2. Apr, 05:28