
Are cell phones safe to use?

Glowing Gadgets Fool Your Brain and Disrupts Your Circadian Rhythm.

More ways that modern electronic technology can harm your heath.



Hanging up on new cell tower

Health concerns over second structure




By David L. Wilner

Sometimes it helps people understand what you are talking about when you use an analogy to make your point. For example, let's look at the water system that supplies your home:

Water comes in through a pipe, and is distributed to various points in your building like the kitchen, laundry room, and bathroom. The water coming from the water company is clean (hopefully), and the water going out through the sewer system is dirty. So, you have a system that brings in clean water, and sends out the dirty stuff to a treatment plant. Now, what happens if your sewer system is clogged or the pipe breaks? Where does the dirty water go? Probably into your house and surrounding area. This is real pollution that you can smell and see, and definitely don't want.

Let's turn to electricity: When the electric grid was first developed, there was a distribution and return system that worked almost the same way. Clean energy was brought to your premises through the wires for consumption, and the used electricity was returned by the natural flow of electricity to the utility's substation where it was connected to a ground system. However, over time, as new technology appeared like computers, routers, wireless devices, etc., the return wires to the substation became overloaded, and the dirty electricity generated by the modern devices ended up traveling to the ground rod at your home. Just like the sewage, it floods the area in and around your home, but it doesn't smell and you can't see it.

Here's another analogy relating to SmartMeter Radio Frequency (RF) radiation: A homeowner who was complaining about loud noises coming from the school near his home appeared before the Novato City Council worried that if the school were allowed to expand, the noise would get worse. The school hired an expert to talk about noise levels in the neighborhood, and he stated that the additional noise that would be generated by more children and activities would be negligible. He explained that the City's noise ordinance provided that the method of determining the noise level involved taking existing noise peaks, and spreading them over a 24-hour period. By doing this, the average noise would not exceed what the ordinance allowed.

From a technical point of view, this means the noise level could be as high as 70 or 80 dB (really loud) at times, and that would be considered a serious nuisance. So, the averaging process, as far as the homeowner is concerned, is flawed. The same thing is true with the way the utility experts explain RF radiation from the SmartMeters. They average it out over 24 hours, and tell us it's not harmful, but if you look at the peak transmissions just as you would consider the maximum noise levels that could be reached at the nearby school yard, they would also be a problem. What happened to the homeowner who has a noise problem? He's trying to sell his house. What's going to happen to you if your SmartMeter radiates RF onto your property? That's definitely something to think about.


David L. Wilner
Wilner & Associates
P.O. Box 2340
Novato, CA 94948-2340
866-833-3200 (toll-free)

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Install A Smart Meter In Marin County, Go To Jail?

By Marc Handelman

WHEREAS, significant health questions have been raised concerning the increased electromagnetic frequency radiation (EMF) emitted by the wireless technology in SmartMeters, which will be in every house, apartment and business, ... WHEREAS, FCC safety standards do not exist for chronic long-term exposure to EMF or from multiple sources, and reported adverse health effects from electromagnetic pollution include sleep disorders, irritability, short term memory loss, ...


Will this Bunny be a Killer ?



Are cell phones safe to use?

Everything is fine until we have incontrovertible proof that it is not. Yes, we do not have an epidemic of brain tumors in countries that have used cell phones heavily for little more than a decade. But 10 years after cigarettes began to be heavily smoked, we also did not have an epidemic of lung cancer.


Informant: Martin Weatherall


Cell Phones - Towers - WI FI


From Mast Sanity/Mast Network


Health Concerns Over 'Smart' Electric Meters Gain Traction in Calif.

New York Times

Amid claims of malfunctioning meters, privacy issues and dubious economic value, health issues stemming from electromagnetic waves are the latest objection ...



Bürgerwelle News



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