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Die Suche nach »CCST« hat 5 Resultate geliefert.
Warning of Wi-Fi Danger - Smart Meter Can Violate Federal Safety Limits
Parents' fears over antennae at schools The equipment uses wi-fi internet signals using microwave radiation, similar to that used by mobile phones. http://www.swindonadvert iser.co.uk/news/8821674.Pa rents__fears_over_antennae _at_schools/ Robert BC TF... ...
Starmail - 20. Apr, 08:35
Health Impact of Radio Frequency from Smart Meters
Health Impact of Radio Frequency from Smart Meters http://groups.google.co m/group/mobilfunk_newslett er/t/cc2deb7a2ba3aac3 --- ----- Submission to CCST 'Report on Smart Meters' -----... ...
Starmail - 28. Jan, 13:45
Fallout Over Smart Meters Persists
Please feel free to add these news developments on wireless smart meters and the radiation they emit harming health: Calif. Agency Mulls 'Opt Out' or Wired Substitutes as Fallout Over Smart Meters Persists http://www.nytim es.com/gwire/2011/01/14/14 greenwire-calif-agency-mul ls-opt-out-or-wired-substi tute-96087.html Californ ia... ...
Starmail - 14. Feb, 06:01
2 women arrested at SmartMeter protest in Rohnert Park
Santa Rosa Press Democrat The women were in a group of about 15 people from EMF Safety Network, a Sebastopol-based group that has been vocal against the meters. ... http://www.pressdemocrat .com/article/20110111/NEWS /110119922?Title=2-women-a rrested-in-SmartMeter-prot est-in-Rohnert-Park- ---- ---- Video... ...
Starmail - 13. Jan, 08:01
Assessment of Radiofrequency Microwave Radiation Emissions from Smart Meters
Sage Reports Notice of Availability Sage Associates has published an on-line report titled Assessment of Radiofrequency Microwave Radiation Emissions from Smart Meters, dated January 1, 2011. Contact:... ...
Starmail - 12. Jan, 08:42