
Birds, Bees, Fish, Crabs Dying: Are We Really Prepared For A Monumental Disaster?



Dear friends, South Asia Mail Bees are dying off worldwide and our entire food chain is in peril. Scientists blame toxic pesticides and four European governments have already banned them ...



Turkey's mass killing birds

Translated for you.


Vesti.Ru, January 10, 2011, 16:33

In Turkey, there was a case of an unexplained mass deaths of birds. Dead starlings found residents of the county Karacabey in Bursa province. On the road were dozens of carcasses of birds. Promptly reported the incident to local authorities launched an investigation of the incident. Experts are currently conducting the necessary tests. However, while they failed to establish the cause of death of starlings. According to ITAR-TASS news agency, according to one version, the flock of birds could crash a few heavy-duty trucks, marching one after another. On the unexplained mass death of birds, the world's media began reporting on New Years Eve, when about 4 thousands of blackbirds fell dead near the small town Biib in Arkansas. Later, similar cases occurred in Louisiana and Kentucky. Also, incidents of mass deaths of birds have been recorded in Canada, Sweden and Italy.

Weather Radar Shows Something

At the scene of mass bird deaths


Migratory Songbirds Dying Needlessly at Communications Towers

National Audubon Society

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimates that millions of migratory songbirds - including species listed under the Endangered Species Act - die each year by colliding with communication towers. In other cases, the lighting used by towers causes the birds to become disoriented and they collapse from exhaustion after flying in circles.


Please submit your comments.

Mass Death of Birds and Fish: Is There a Cover Up?
Posted By Dr. Mercola | January 25 2011



Informant: Martin Weatherall


Who Cares if Honey Bees Are Dying?


But the fact is that bees are still dying in shocking numbers...



Mass death of birds

There are also at least two possible reasons of the mass death of the birds. The first reason is a microwave radar. Microwave radiation from the powerful radar, even at a distance of several tens of meters can significantly heat air.

Why now is it happened? Because in many places the air is now much colder than usual. In this case, the birds are forced to seek a warmer place to stay warm and get food.

Birds fly to heat, but unfortunately, the microwave radiation kills them immediately or within a short period of time.

Another reason is microwave radiation from 4G-networks. Start of using of the 4G-networks coincides with the numerous cases of the mass deaths of the birds. How can this be? Typically, an antenna of the base station (2G, 3G, 4G) radiates power less than 20 Watt. Usually such radiated power can not be the cause of the mass death of the birds, even if they are sitting on the antenna. And many years of using 2G-and 3G-networks confirm this. I suppose that broadband microwave radiation from new 4G-frequency ranges can cause resonance inside the body of the bird. It means that microwave energy increases many times and very quickly inside the body of the bird. The result of the impact of microwave resonance from 4G-radiation is similar to the result of the impact of microwave radiation from radar. The difference is that the radar usually radiates very powerfully. Therefore for the radar, is not necessary in creation of the resonance inside the body of the bird. I would like to be wrong. But the birds have often been found with such internal injuries, which microwave radiation produces.

Georgiy Ostroumov, Ph.D. (microwaves)

Will new wireless technologies be safe to use?


Nature: God's 'Unlimited Broadcasting Station'


... a 200-head herd of cows in Wisconsin dropped dead overnight; millions of trees in England are being destroyed by disease; bee colonies are dying. ...



Bird numbers plummet to record low in county

Cambridge News

We have seen species increase, not decrease ? over the last 10 years our numbers of ... Farmland birds need seed in the winter, insects in summer and a safe ...



Bürgerwelle News



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