
Smart meter killed our bees

Three hives gone within 3 days of installation of smart meters

FYI--direct from the ranch

We had three bee hives that were healthy and had no other reason to leave- when bees are uncomfortable, threatened, or lack food sources, they leave. Now, a colony will leave individually, yet these hives, all on completely different areas of the property left with in three days of the installation of a PGE smart meter. We also called PGE and asked them not to install, and they did when we were off the property.

I have read reports on the smart meters and was not enrolled that they were/are safe and now have evidence that they effected our personal livelihood and lost three hives which equates to $250/hive loss, pollination loss to fruit tress (bees pollinate 80% of all fruits and vegetables) $5k+/-, and honey as a source of medicine and food $4k.

The math does not equate, the loss of pollination does not equate, and the rapid push of PGE to do this just because they may be at a financial loss- does not equate when it DOES in FACT harmfully effect our community, livelihoods, and food stuffs.

I have experienced this personally and documented it.

Thank you for listening and doing the right thing.

Susan Morin
Red Wolf Ranch

No Time To Waste

Since we received smart meters, my dog (yellow lab) died of heart failure and two neighbors' dogs - one developed a virulent cancer at 9 years old and died within 3 months of getting it, got sick about 8 months after the meters were installed. That meter is on their bedroom, as is mine. I surely am in terrible health since the meter went in, and so has my adult son been, till we figured that out and keep him away from it.

SB (California)

In a message dated 6/23/2011 9:56:22 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, xxxxxxxxx writes:

News from a friend in New York where Smart Meters have been deployed for two-three years: 'In the last 2-3 years, so many people are sick, and people have died. There have been several in their late 40s and 50s who have died of massive heart attacks in the last 2-3 years, and people whose cancer has reoccurred. I live in a small village, and this is a lot of people who are ill and have died. I am very suspicious why this is happening.'


Legal battle likely over Smart Meters

Times Record

By Seth Koenig, Times Record Staff

BATH - After meeting about Smart Meters behind closed doors Wednesday night, the Bath City Council did not rescind its ordinance restricting implementation of the wireless electrical meters in the city. ...


Smart meters present health risks


In July of this year, BC Hydro and Fortis will embark upon a $1 billion plus venture to replace every analog hydro meter in the province with a wireless smart electrical meter. For consumers of electricity, who face up to a 50 per cent increase in ...


Restore the Analog Meters!

Please take a minute to send this new online email letter to the California Public Utilities Commission. Its a simple, easy and quick way to send a unified message - restore the analog meters.


Please circulate and encourage others to send it!


Technocracy Endgame: Global Smart Grid

Planners are working on standards that will intergrate all of North America in a single unified Smart Grid system.



Mobile Phone Cancer Danger

Video from Australia.



Mast cells disrupt the gut-blood-brain barriers and contribute to autism


We know that Electromagnetism breaks the blood brain barrier. Electrosensitive people were found to have more mast cells in their skin when exposed to a TV on their backs. This was seen in skin samples, taken from their backs after exposure by Professor Olle Johansson. See mystery in the skin, by him.




Cellphone tower outrage in Papamoa

The Bay of Plenty Times

Mr Friar feared the tower could result in 'significant health issues' if fears that they contributed to cancer and other health problems were true. Mr Friar said he would have expected cellphone towers to be erected in areas with minimum potential for ...


Microwave Radiation Flyer

Microwave Radiation Flier


Article in Health Intelligence.

The ad next to it was our foundation?s first one. The next one will follow shortly.



National Broadband Plan

This document (376 pp) is quite remarkable as a marketing tool. I have glanced at it and plan to read it more carefully but I thought I would bring it to your attention.

There is a section on e-health, e-education, and much, much more! However, there is no mention that electromagnetic radiation may be harmful to human health or that it might affect wildlife.


Magda Havas

Informant: Martin Weatherall

More about the theme:


Bürgerwelle News



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