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Die Suche nach »Moratorium« hat 68 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 1 bis 10.
EMF-Omega-News 5. November 2022
Commission challenges wireless radiation safety limits; calls for moratorium on further rollout of 5G http://www.buergerwelle .de:8080/helma/twoday/bwne ws/stories/23984/ RADIATI ON COURT CASE AGAINST BELGIUM... ...
Starmail - 5. Nov, 08:57
Commission challenges wireless radiation safety limits; calls for moratorium on further rollout of 5G
https://groups.google.com/ g/mobilfunk_newsletter/c/h wXjTKW028Y More about the theme: http://www.buerger welle.de:8080/helma/twoday /bwnews/search?q=wireless http://omega.twoday.net/se arch?q=wireless http://www .buergerwelle.de:8080/helm a/twoday/bwnews/search?q=r adiation http://omega.twod ay.net/search?q=radiation http://www.buergerwelle.de :8080/helma/twoday/bwnews/ search?q=5G http://www.bue rgerwelle.de:8080/helma/tw oday/bwnews/search?q=safet y+limit http://omega.twoda y.net/search?q=safety+limi t http://www.buergerwelle. de:8080/helma/twoday/bwnew s/search?q=Joel+Moskowitz http://omega.twoday.net/se arch?q=Joel+Moskowitz ...
Starmail - 18. Okt, 21:53
Unterstützung für Mobilfunkgegner ist groß in Bussnang
St. Galler Tagblatt Gibt es Kälberblindheit durch Mobilfunk? Wirkt sich 5G auf das biologische System aus? Diese und weitere Fragen wurden am privat organisierten... https:// www.tagblatt.ch/ostschweiz /kreuzlingen/unterstuetzun g-fuer-mobilfunkgegner-ist -gross-in-bussnang-ld.1185 343 Aktion... ...
Starmail - 22. Jan, 21:48
Phone mast plans in Dudley lead to safety fears
Hereford Times HEALTH fears over a 20 metre phone mast which will allow access to 5G networks in Dudley are not grounds to refuse planning permission,... https://ww w.herefordtimes.com/news/r egional/18070072.phone-mas t-plans-dudley-lead-safety -fears/ -------- Swiss.. . ...
Starmail - 26. Nov, 05:30
Protest gegen 5 G in weißen Arztkitteln
Stuttgarter Nachrichten ...gebe es mittlerweile viele wissenschaftlich fundierte Hinweise auf die krebsfördernde Wirkung der Strahlen. Der 5-G-Mobilfunk dürfe erst ausgebaut... https://www. stuttgarter-nachrichten.de /inhalt.demo-am-staatsmini sterium-in-stuttgart-prote st-gegen-5-g-in-weissen-ar ztkitteln.f964401b-85f9-49 15-a236-4f3177597300.html Arzt... ...
Starmail - 21. Sep, 08:51
Man-made non-thermal radiation, people are forced to be the proverbial 'Boiling Frog'
https://groups.google.com/ forum/#!topic/mobilfunk_ne wsletter/61vhCMEh-Kc Dea r Executive Committee and Senior Management Members, Here is some additional disturbing news which North America?s mainstream... ...
Starmail - 22. Apr, 22:30
California Gov. Jerry Brown vetoes bill easing permits on cell phone towers (5G)
https://groups.google.com/ forum/#!topic/mobilfunk_ne wsletter/pANBAqFkrVU ---- ---- Veto of small cell expansion bill gets warm reception in West Marin Point Reyes Light In a win for West Marin activists... ...
Starmail - 3. Nov, 14:22
Handy-Antennen bewegen Muri noch immer
Der Bund Das vom Volk vor zehn Jahren beschlossene Moratorium für Handy-Antennen in Muri ist abgelaufen. Das Thema hält die Gemeindepolitik aber immer... http://www.derbu nd.ch/bern/region/HandyAnt ennen-bewegen-Muri-noch-im mer/story/20386923 Mehr ... ...
Starmail - 15. Jul, 05:56
EMF-Omega-News 14. December 2013
Overproduction of free radical species in embryonal cells exposed to low intensity radiofrequency radiation http://www.buerg erwelle.de:8080/helma/twod ay/bwnews/stories/5337/ C ancer Clusters Around Cell... ...
Starmail - 14. Dez, 09:11
Committee endorses temporary cell tower moratorium in Guelph
Guelph Mercury GUELPH. A city committee voted unanimously Monday to enact a moratorium on building cell towers in the city, while Canada awaits a review of guidelines that govern exposure to electromagnetic... ...
Starmail - 13. Dez, 22:23