
Wake-up call for Scandinavia and the whole world

We have a new petition against 'smart' meters. If you don t already know about them, you will soon, no matter where you are on earth. They are like mini cell towers, only attached right on your home and can be involuntary in many places around the world. This lethal roll out in the face of the recent IARC class 2 b classification of electromagnetic fields as a possible human carcinogen is a disgrace, shameful and UNACCEPTABLE. You can sign this petition no matter what state or country you are in. If you live in another country, I can send you the signatures from your country after a month or so. Just ask me to do so.


We also have a 'tell a friend' follow up where you can send the petition to others on your list and a donate link as this petition costs us money since it is specifically targeted by zip code and delivered in real time to our reps, the white house, etc. So please pass it on and please donate what you can to help us pay for this petition.

This week I had the privilege of being interviewed again on The Power Hour with Joyce Riley. This time it was myself and Prof. Olle Johansson from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden who is currently being discriminated against because of his non industry stance on cell non ionizing radiation and heath effects.

I have also posted the interviews from last month as it gives some background on things and this month I was focused primarily on actions that the public can take to protect themselves from smart meters, but last months interview may give a little more info on smart meters themselves. Olle Johansson is brilliant and I want to thank our fantastic host Joyce Riley for giving this issue a platform from which the non industry POV on this issue can be heard.

May 25th, 2011 Sophia Smallstorm and myself (towards middle of first link and for full hour on 2nd link)

Part 1 http://archives2011.gcnlive.com/Archives2011/may11/PowerHour/0525112.mp3
Part 2 http://archives2011.gcnlive.com/Archives2011/may11/PowerHour/0525113.mp3

June 22nd interview, myself and Prof. Olle Johansson

Hour 2 http://archives2011.gcnlive.com/Archives2011/jun11/PowerHour/0622112.mp3

Hour 3 http://archives2011.gcnlive.com/Archives2011/jun11/PowerHour/0622113.mp3

And finally, documentary filmmaker and journalist Julius Morten has made multiple videos on Dr. Olle Johansson and Monica Nilsson, another investigative journalist on this issue. I have not watched them all but what I have seen is well worth your time.

35 interview videos with Olle Johansson from May 2008 to October 2010:

The Playlist is here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?p=PL434FAFD70A66A05F

Download the document 'Wake upcall for Scandinavia and the whole world':

Wake upcall for Scandinavia and the whole world


Videos with journalist Mona Nilsson in 2008 and 2010 too:


I know there's a lot of content in this email. But the issue is rail roading right over us all if we do not do something about it, so the more material you have to educate yourself, the better off we all are.

Thank you for your time and attention,



Very important reading:

50+ EMF Safety Tips & Insights

by Camilla Rees, MBA, Founder www.ElectromagneticHealth.org and
Campaign for Radiation Free Schools (Facebook); Co-author with Magda Havas, PhD of 'Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side of the Wireless Revolution'. Co-founder International EMF Alliance.


Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm


The Royal Institute of Technology
100 44 Stockholm

More about the theme:


Bürgerwelle News



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