
Cell Towers Could Pose Threat to Children

State Rep. Says Cell Towers Could Pose Threat to Children

Months after groups of parents organized to protest a DeKalb County School System plan to put cell phone towers on a number of school sites across the county, Rep. Karla Drenner, District 86, has come out in the last week against the proposal between the school system and T-Mobile, breathing new life into the controversial issue.


What Congress Knew 10 Years Ago

Electromagnetic Fields featuring Dr. Ted Litovitz. This presentation was given to Congressional members about 10 years ago by The Council on Wireless Technology Impacts.



Former Toronto, Winnipeg fullback Warren Hudson succumbs to brain cancer

Hudson, who was named the top Canadian in the 1990 Grey Cup, died Thursday of brain cancer. He was 49.



Radio Interview with Dr. Magda Havas

The dangers of Wi Fi


Smart Meters Health, Privacy and Cybersecurity Issues

''Chronic exposure to wireless radiofrequency radiation is a preventable environmental hazard that is sufficiently well documented to warrant immediate preventative public health action.'' ''Exposure to levels of radio frequency RF (3KHz-300GHz) and...



Injured by EMFs?

If you have been injured by the radiation emissions from AMR or ''smart'' wireless utility meters (or any other wireless device, including wi-fi, cell towers, cell phones, DECT phones), please tell the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


Complete the form, print out and mail to:

U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Document Mail Center-WO66-G609
10903 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002

This is the information that was e-mailed to me when I inquired about the form:

''The accidental radiation occurrence (ARO) report form to which you refer is submitted (as instructed on the form, itself) to the CDRH Document Control group, where it is scanned into the incoming correspondence database and then forwarded, electronically, to the operating Division within CDRH responsible for regulating the manufacture, distribution, and installation of the device that is involved in the reported accidental radiation occurrence. The report is then assigned for evaluation to a staff reviewer familiar with the device in question. Following the review, the staffer prepares a response letter in which his/her evaluation (review and interpretation) of the report is provided, along with a request for additional information (if necessary), referral to State authorities (if applicable), or referral to the responsible device manufacturer (if appropriate).''

Michele Hertz

Ottawa school board s Wi-Fi plan scares parents

The west Ottawa parents say they could pull their children from the school if the board continues with the Wi-Fi plan and switch to home schooling.



Councillors reject advice by turning down plan for mobile phone masts at Dudhope Bowling Club



66% of the population suffer from Nomophobia the fear of being without their phone



Arizona Smart Meters

Dear Arizonans for Safer Utility Infrastructure and other Interested Parties,

Now, at long last, it is Arizona s turn to consider statewide policies on smart meters, joining other states who have already done so, including California, Maine, Michigan, Illinois, Maryland, Vermont, Nevada, etc.

The attachment document was sent today by the Arizona Corporation Commission, to announce there a meter workshop will be held on March 23, 2012 from 9:30 am to 12:30 am in Phoenix.

I urge you to consider submitting any informational or opinion based material to the open docket set up to receive citizen concerns about smart meters located on the AZCC website http://www.azcc.gov .
The open docket, e-Docket Number: E-00000C-11-0328, can be added to until the AZCC votes on this issue, I was told.

If you are able to attend the workshop in person and testify as to your concerns, that would be ideal. Numbers count and yor voices are needed now! Call Shaylin Bernal at the AZCC to make advance arrangements to testify by phone: 602 542-3931

I have asked for an advance copy of the proposed policies, since the customers need to read it in advance in order to participate meaningfully in the proceedings. Customers are stakeholders and I understand that the utility and governmet stakeholders have already seen it. At the fall hearing when these porposed policies were under discussion, health and privacy were the primary concerns raised but, as you all know by now, consumer cost, fire safety and cybersecurity are also related metering issues.


Elizaeth A. Kelley, MNA
Co-Coordinator, Arizonans for Safer Utility Infrastructure

BC Smart Meter Meeting

Hello, just to remind, there will not be a meeting at church this weekend, as the meeting will in a sense be the protest out front of the Kamloops Full Gospel Church on Tranquille beside the Fire Hall.

THIS IS ON SUNDAY THE 26th at 10AM-12 (maybe longer depending)

Also we will now be meeting, starting the 3rd march at Desert Gardens on Seymour still same time 1pm on SATURDAYS.

If people want to canvas the neighbourhood around the cell tower, please let me know if you want to or if you have what streets you want to do or have done as we come closer to that day. We will be working on a flyer but if you want to go before this gets out, please do so.

I cannot say enough the importance of your attendance to this event, this tower will be a collector hub for ALL smart meter signals at least on North Shore, cell signals back and forth etc. We really need to show the Fire Department they are supported and the neighbourhood as well that we are out there and there are people who they can contact and know this Tower is bad news.

This will be, and must be, a group effort an hour or 2 of your time will go a long way, press has said they will attend also, so please help us make this our biggest event yet! Ask a friend or two to come out with you also

Brian Thiesen
Interior Smart Meter Awareness
Kamloops Chapter

Smart Meter Wars: Sheriff Wowak Recall Update

A Sheriff is not expected to cherry pick laws or interpret health science. Yet Santa Cruz County Sheriff Phil Wowak has done both, subverting the democratic will of the people, arresting peaceful protesters while actively facilitating PG&E s unlawful installation at the cost of our health, privacy and safety.



Public knows more about smart meters than PG&E


Informant: Martin Weatherall


Reps To Investigate Service Providers Over Location Of Antenna

Leadership Newspapers

''This indiscriminate location of base stations will lead to environmental hazards through electromagnetic pollution as a result of radiation. The radiation from the base stations could lead to high frequency electromagnetic fields influence on cell...


More about the theme:


Bürgerwelle News



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