
Californian Firefighters living under phone masts



Oakville Police and Firefighters at odds over cell antenna safety

It s become a sorry state of affairs when the police chief of Oakville decides to install cell towers on a firehall property to raise funds for their initiatives. Even though the International Association of Firefighters and the Oakville fire chief prohibit the use of Firehall property for commercial cell antennas because of concerns of health effects from the microwave radiation, this agreement was was ignored. In this video, the careless disregard of human health and shady back-room business deals with the telecom industry are presented.

What is so surprising and disappointing to the citizens of Oakville is that only a few months ago, the town of Oakville was a shining example for municipalities that wanted to establish strict rules for cell tower setbacks in residential areas. Now, it appears that even the government does not practice what they preach to their own citizens.

View the video from Oakville Town Council


Learn about the protest - 911 My Bronte Fire Station


Robert C

Firefighters Cell Phone Mast Report

Wifi Damages Sperm, Harms Health

WiFi Damages Sperm, Harms Health New Study Shows WiFi May Decrease Male ... the effects of radio frequency (RF) radiation from WiFi and other devices.


Health Letter to Parents

Do you realize that microwave radiation from cell phones and wireless technologies has been linked to sperm and DNA damage?


Lawmakers to Hold Hearing on Cell Phone Towers

State Rep. Karla Drenner hopes to introduce legislation banning the towers' construction due to radiation concerns.


Robert R

Canada muzzling its scientists

The Canadian government is accused of muzzling its scientists, but the government says it views science communication as a priority.



Teachers making Wi-Fi waves

Wireless sensitivity is like a peanut allergy you can t see. For the people who have it, it s hell.


Study to examine impact of radiation from cell phone towers

The Hindu

The study was commissioned against the backdrop of a previous study finding that the electromagnetic radiation from these communication towers affected bees very badly and reports of adverse effect on scavenger birds in certain parts of Orissa,...

''We are now worried that the radiation on a particular wavelength will have a deleterious effect on the avian population. This is what prompted the study.''


UK Mast Finder Site


Informant: Martin Weatherall


Firefighters Cannon Fodder In Cell Phone Tower Scandal



----- Original Message -----
From: Magda Havas
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2012 6:47 AM
Subject: Havas presentation about cellular antennas near a fire hall in Oakville, Canada

In March 2012, Professor Magda Havas of Trent University gave a one hour presentation to the citizens of Oakville Ontario Canada that demonstrated the amount of microwave emissions that are emitted by cell phone antenna. The audience in attendance were mostly members of the local community of Bronte that were concerned about 6 additional cell phone antenna that were placed on a tower beside their local fire station.

In this video you will be introduced to several cell antenna studies that show the microwave radiation that is emitted by these towers are harmful to human health. You will hear testimony of one person that lived right below a cluster of cell antenna that had been placed on her roof. Using radio frequency meters, Dr. Havas also demonstrated how wireless household appliances such as portable phones, WiFi base stations and DECT baby monitors broadcast constant microwave radiation that are similar in intensity a few hundred meters away from a large cell phone tower.

For links to read about the studies that were mentioned visit http://www.celltowerstudy.com

For information about the Bronte Fire Station protest visit http://www.mybronte.ca

For information about Dr. Magda Havas visit http://www.magdahavas.com

The program was produced by James Spalding for Burlington/Oakville TVCogeco and this segment is an excerpt from the original 2 hour program.


Informant: Iris Atzmon

More about the theme:


Bürgerwelle News



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