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Die Suche nach »epidemiologi« hat 62 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 1 bis 10.
Juhi Chawla writes to CM of Maharashtra, expresses concern over 5G mobile technology
Free Press Journal The actress-cum-movie producer has written a letter to Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, cautioning against the health hazards due to EMF (electromagnetic) radiation from... ...
Starmail - 26. Feb, 06:29
Residents protest against 4-G mobile tower, authority denies allegations
Free Press Journal The relationship between biological effects and electromagnetic exposure has been widely recognised from Epidemiological and experimental... http://fr eepressjournal.in/resident s-protest-against-4-g-mobi le-tower-authority-denies- allegations/ More... ...
Starmail - 15. Jun, 14:13
iPads for Newborns? Marketing Tablets for Babies 'Horrifies' Parents, Experts
http://www.commondreams.or g/headline/2013/12/24-4 - ------- Exposed: Widespread, Systemic Conflicts of Interests in Health Canada s *Expert Panel* http://tinyurl.com /l7yph94 Sources for this article... ...
Starmail - 4. Jan, 10:50
Non-thermal effects in spin chemistry
https://groups.google.com/ forum/#!topic/mobilfunk_ne wsletter/-MfTzxQ7WHQ ---- ---- Non thermal effects of EMFs In Canada as in many countries, CBC TV and other mainstream media claim no such effects... ...
Starmail - 24. Aug, 09:03
Another Industry Crony at the FCC?
FCC Waves Rules for TETRA Following years of lobbying by industry groups and companies including Sepura, the FCC Wednesday cleared the way for the sale of TETRA in the U.S. by waiving part of the rules... ...
Starmail - 18. Jul, 22:25
What does the WHO IARC Classifications of ELF-EMF and RFR as Group 2B Possible Human Carcinogens Mean?
The World Health Organization International Agency for Cancer Research (IARC) designated ELF-EMF as a Group 2B (Possible) Carcinogen in 2001. This is the kind of exposure from power lines, battery switching... ...
Starmail - 6. Mär, 09:29
Use of mobile phones and cordless phones is associated with increased risk for glioma and acoustic neuroma
Pathophysiology. 2012 Dec 20. pii: S0928-4680(12)00110-1. doi : 10.1016/j.pathophys.2012.1 1.001. [Epub ahead of print] Lennart Hardell a, Michael Carlberg a, Kjell Hansson Mild b Abstract The International... ...
Starmail - 4. Jan, 09:41
Ostia: Thirty suspected cases of leukemia among children and adolescents
Things definitely are heating up in Italy: Ostia, thirty suspected cases of leukemia among children and adolescents http://roma.c orriere.it/roma/notizie/cr onaca/12_ottobre_17/ostia- trenta-bimbi-malati-leucem ia-2112296421826.shtml RO ME.... ...
Starmail - 25. Feb, 09:30
Zunahme schwerer Baumschäden im Strahlungsfeld von Mobilfunksendeanlagen
Ein Beitrag der Ärzteinitiative Bamberger Appell http://www.bamberg er-onlinezeitung.de/2012/0 6/28/zunahme-schwerer-baum schaden-im-strahlungsfeld- von-mobilfunksendeanlagen- 2/ Nachricht von Renate... ...
Starmail - 14. Jul, 13:01
FCC to Finally Review Cell Phone Standards
Environmental Working Group http://www.commondr eams.org/newswire/2012/06/ 15-8 -------- FCC considers whether to study cellphone radiation http://www.wash ingtonpost.com/business/ec onomy/fcc-considers-whethe r-to-study-cellphone-radia tion/2012/06/15/gJQA6XzpfV _story.html... ...
Starmail - 9. Aug, 09:01