
ILLEGAL TOWERS: 1 more sealed, 10 removed

New Delhi, March 18

Hindustan Times

The MCD continued sealing illegal mobile towers in various parts of the city today. In Karol Bagh, while one mobile tower was sealed, 10 towers were removed by cell phone operators. "We sealed one tower today. We will take action on two more towers in Karol Bagh," said D.V. Verma, deputy commissioner of Karol Bagh zone. There are 198 existing cell phone towers in Karol Bagh that have the requisite permission. Next week, the MCD will shift its focus to illegal cell phone towers in South Delhi.

Meanwhile, hearing a petition by Indus Towers, the Allahabad High Court fixed the next date for March 30, and ordered that no lease be cancelled or tower removed in pursuance of notices issued till March 30.


MCD begins sealing of unauthorized mobile phone towers

March 18 ?2010

The Municipal Council of Delhi (MCD) Thursday initiated the sealing of unauthorized mobile phone towers in Delhi with Karol Bagh being the first locality to be hit in the process. A look at the top news stories at 10:00 am IST on Mar. 18,?10.

For more news and analysis, log on to http://www.zeenews.com



Informant: gotemf


Action sought against 170 illegal mobile phone towers

Times of India

The civic body is not aware about the intensity of the electromagnetic radiation. Solanki told TOI, "I have put forth a demand before the standing committee ...



Handystrahlung: Einfluss auf Lebenszyklus von Hodenzellen

?Jugend forscht?


Also doch: Handystrahlung hat einen Einfluss auf den Lebenszyklus von Hodenzellen. Die Zwillinge Rebekka und Tamara Buck haben's bewiesen. ...



Handygefahr in der Hosentasche?


... Bis zum Bundeswettbewerb wollen sie die Handystrahlen noch genauer untersuchen. ...



Im Brutschrank piepen Handys


Zum Vergleich haben sie in einem separaten Brutschrank Hodengewebszellen ohne Handystrahlung herangezogen. Geschädigte Zellen könnten einen programmierten ...



«Jugend forscht»: Handystrahlen töten Hodenzellen

Nürnberger Zeitung

Männer, aufgepasst: Handystrahlen töten Hodenzellen. Das haben die beiden Zwillingsschwestern Tamara und Rebekka Buck herausgefunden. ...



Sonderpreis für junge Forscherinnen


Albstadt/Essen, 19.05.2010

Die Bucks sind auch auf Bundesebene top

Zum Vergleich wurden in einem separaten Brutschrank Hodengewebszellen ohne Handystrahlung herangezogen. Geschädigte Zellen könnten möglicherweise einen ...



Cell Tower in the Bell Tower

Church Cell Tower Meeting WXXA

"Cell phone towers should not be placed near schools, residents where children live. We don't know exactly what the level of the hazard is but we should ... See the news video -


Informant: Martin Weatherall


Letter to Maine Legislature Regarding Warning Label Bill

G. L. Carlo
The Science and Public Policy Institute
The Institute for Healthful Adaptation
Washington, D.C.

Letter to Maine Legislature Regarding Warning Label Bill


Cell phones: a danger to our children?


"This device emits electromagnetic radiation, exposure to which may cause brain cancer. Users, especially children and pregnant women, should keep this ...



Expert warning on increasing microwave exposures

Indirect proof of strong microwave background radiation


New Law May Slow Cell Phone Cancer Epidemic

Will Maine be the first to take legislative action against the long-term health threat posed by cell phones?



Final Vote 2010, The Children's Wireless Protection Act, Maine

Well it was decided by leadership that the minority report be presented for a final vote on the floor in Maine this past Fri. in Maine Results were...

House, 83-62 in favor of killing the bill
Senate, 20 -15 in favor of killing the bill.

In other words nothing passed. However, this is evidently a very close vote for a brand new issue that no one knew very much about except for the awareness that was raised via the hearings and local attention to the bill. The committee did write the CDC a letter asking that more info on this issue of cell phone radiation be linked to their website. Exact wording of the letter I do not have but will let you know once I do. So Maine will be the first state to mandate this from the CDC. But again, I don't have this letter yet.

The legislator who brought bill, Andrea Boland, is re-submitting it for the 2011 session. She just has to get re-elected in the interim. I would comment but being as this is a non profit, we are strictly prohibited from advocating for any political candidates.

During this time, we have been contacted by other states who see Maine as we do...a huge awareness raising event which only brought us closer to our eminent success in getting a warning label on cell phones.

We have received numerous requests to post the hearings on the website and will be doing so soon. Hopefully they will aide in your bringing this bill or others like it to your own state or country.

We are also currently moving forward with warning labels on cell phones at the federal level. A group of us will be in DC in the month of May for National Brain Tumor Awareness Week, (approx. May 4th - May 11th) lobbying Congress. There may be a language change in the bill due to our experience in Maine. I will send it out to you all once it is finalized, but ultimately it will be up to whichever legislator picks the bill up and authors it, to decide upon exact language of the bill.

Anyone who wants to help out in DC please let us know. We really could use the help even if you can't personally make it. Just you setting up meetings with your representatives for us to take while we are there would be enormously helpful. They respond to their constituents and that is what something like this is going to take. So please let us know if you can either join us in DC or if you can set up a meeting for us with your Congressman or Senator.

Thank you so much for your ongoing support. We need it now more than ever.



Maine "Cell Phone Health Warning"


Die erste Generation, die ununterbrochen der Mikrowellenstrahlung der Handys und Masten ausgesetzt ist

"Wer übernimmt hier die Verantwortung?"

Stuttgarter Wochenblatt

Diese Kinder sind die erste Generation, die von klein auf ununterbrochen der Mikrowellen - Strahlung der Handys und Masten ausgesetzt sind. ...



Dr. Moldan


Am 24. März kam dieser Film im SWR, den man sich hier anschauen kann?

Wahnsinn Handy

Aus: HLV Info 025


Bürgerwelle News



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