
The effort to legislate a warning label on cell phones in Maine

Progress is being made in the effort to legislate a warning label on cell phones in the state of Maine. The letter below was sent this morning by Representative Andrea Boland (D-Sanford) to members of the Health and Human Services Committee who will take this up in vote within the coming days. It presents compromise language that has been the result of input from various parties, including the cell phone industry, intended to earn HHS Committee votes in her direction. Once passed out of committee, the measure will be put before the full legislature.

This is the furthest any legislation has gone to protect users of cell phones anywhere in the world.

Dr. George L. Carlo
The Science and Public Policy Institute
The Institute for Healthful Adaptation
Washington, D.C.

----- Original Message -----

From: Andrea Boland
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 3:19 AM
Subject: Cellphone Proposal

Dear Friends on HHS:

We've listened to scientists and researchers, activists from far and near, doctors on both sides, industry, legislators and the public, and scanned manuals and the brochure presented by Dr. Dora Mills.

Now it's time to turn to what is just and helpful for Maine people. We understand that several committee members would like to do something to help mitigate the possible risk of cellphone emissions, especially to our young people, but are uncomfortable with the focus on brain cancer and the graphic of the child's brain.

Putting together all the information that has been presented, together with input from committee members and cellphone manuals, to find expressions of what all parties seem to agree, we come up with a number of points.

Here's what we have:

The safety of cellphones cannot be guaranteed;

Cellphones have not been proven safe;

There is doubt about cellphone safety;

There are substantial Independent scientific studies that link cellphone use to health risks, including brain cancer, reproductive health, and mental function;

Cellphone use may be harmful to your health;

Children and teens are most at risk; (see brochure Dr. Dora Mills provided with her testimony, "Children and young people under 16"

Manufacturers have the responsibility for assuring their products are safe (the basis for our consumer product safety laws; the reason why Toyota is under scrutiny at congressional hearings);

Other policy bodies in other countries have taken action;

The federal government has not acted to protect us;

We have the obligation, as state legislators, to look out for our people;

People are intelligent and have the right to know;

Cellphones should not be held against the head or body;

Best practice is to keep away from the head and body;

People should make informed choices.

A warning label is a customary way to inform (we even have warning labels on organic apple juice).

Given these points, a warning label might abbreviate the main ones, e.g:

Cellphones have not been proven safe;
Children and teens most vulnerable,
Keep away from head and body.

These are truthful statements that summarize the points not in conflict, so there should be no problem sharing them with our citizens. This is fair to them and allows everyone to make informed decisions about their health.

A graphic that conveys the message may be just the profile of a head with a phone, showing the radiation field. Committee members may have other graphics in mind to alert non-readers and children in an eye-catching way.

I look forward to working with you on Tuesday.



Progress is being made in the effort to legislate a warning label on cell phones in the state of Maine under LD 1706, The Children's Wireless Protection Act. The letter below was sent this morning by Representative Andrea Boland (D-Sanford) to members of the Health and Human Services Committee who will take this up in vote on Tues. March 9th. It presents compromise language that has been the result of input from various parties, including the cell phone industry, intended to earn HHS Committee votes in her direction. Once passed out of committee, the measure will be put before the full legislature.

This is the furthest any legislation has gone to protect users of cell phones anywhere in the world.

Attached are the HHS committee members phone numbers and email addresses if you'd like to contact them for comment.

Liz Barris


Joseph Brannigan ? D Chair
Business ? 207-874-1080 H ? 207-772-6047

Lisa Marrache ? D

Peter Mills ? R
Courtney ? assistant law firm


Anne Perry ? D Chair

Patricia Jones ? D
207-512-5102 h 242-2565 c

Mark Eves ? D
207-676-1001 h, 850-0516 o

Mathew Peterson ? D
207-776-8051 cell

Linda Sanborn ? D
207-839-4664 h, 939-2879 c

Peter Stuckey ? D

Sarah Lewin ? R
207-439-0354 She will make her decision after the hearings. Does not want to meet prior.

James Campbell ? R
207 793-2396, 287-1440 Will be in state capitol Mon. We should check in with Jan Clark and he will try and find us.

Henry Joy ? R
207-463-2507 h, 287-1440 o He got materials is looking at it. May want to meet after hearings.

Meredith Strang Burgess - R
207-829-6264, h, 831-5227 c

Donald Soctomah ? Passamaquoddy Tribe. He is still reading up on the issue. May want a meeting after the hearings. Gave him my cell #.


Bürgerwelle News



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