
Umstrittener Mobilfunk

Badische Zeitung

OFFENBURG. Eine Bürgerinitiative macht gegen den geplanten Standort eines Mobilfunkmasts mitten in der traditionsreichen Zell-Weierbacher Weinlage ''Abtsberg'' mobil. Der Landtagsabgeordnete Thomas Marwein (Grüne) hat gemeinsam mit einer Abordnung der Offenburger Grünen-Gemeinderatsfraktion gestern mit Anwohnern und betroffenen Winzern diskutiert...


Mobilfunkmast: E-Plus hält am Abtsberg fest

Badische Zeitung

OFFENBURG (BZ/hsl). Der Mobilfunkanbieter E-Plus hält weiter am Abtsberg als Standort für einen Mobilfunkmast fest. Nach massiven Protesten der...


Mehr zum Thema:


Magnetische Pulse stören Magnetsinn von Rotkehlchen


Info Alfred Tittmann


Der stumme Abschied der Singvögel

Schadstoffe, Monokulturen, Krankheitserreger, Wilderer, Jäger und, last but not least, Katzen bedrohen die Vogelwelt.


Mehr zum Thema:


Datenfälschungen von industriegesponserten Studien?


Info Alfred Tittmann


Lobbyisten an Schulen, protestieren Sie mit uns dagegen!

Lobbyismus macht auch vor dem Klassenzimmer nicht halt. In den letzten Jahren haben Lobbyisten Schülerinnen und Schüler als Ziel von Meinungsmache entdeckt. Sie erstellen Unterrichtsmaterialien, veranstalten Schulwettbewerbe oder bilden Lehrer fort. Mit einem offenen Brief an die Bildungsminister protestiert LobbyControl gegen diese Einflussnahme auf Kinder und Jugendliche.

Unterstützen Sie unseren Protestbrief mit Ihrer Unterschrift! http://www.lobbycontrol.de/schulaktion

Wir haben untersucht, mit welchen Methoden Lobbyisten Einfluss auf den Unterricht nehmen und welche Motive dahinter stecken. Das Ergebnis haben wir heute in unserem Diskussionspapier ''Lobbyismus an Schulen'' veröffentlicht. Es zeigt: Die Entwicklung ist alarmierend. Ganze Lerneinheiten werden von Unternehmen bereit gestellt; private Stiftungen sind an der Erarbeitung von offiziellen Schulbüchern beteiligt; einseitige ''Experten'' gestalten an Stelle des Lehrers einzelne Unterrichtsstunden. Und die Politik schweigt dazu oder fördert sogar zweifelhafte Kooperationen zwischen Schulen und Unternehmen.

Wir wollen den Lobbyismus an Schulen zurückdrängen. Helfen Sie uns:

1) Unterzeichnen Sie unseren offenen Protestbrief an die Bildungsminister und -ministerinnen der Länder: http://www.lobbycontrol.de/schulaktion

Wir fordern darin die Minster/innen auf, das Problem der Einflussnahme von Lobbyisten an Schulen anzugehen und Maßnahmen gegen Meinungsmache und Manipulation im Unterricht zu ergreifen.

2) Lesen und verbreiten Sie unser Diskussionspapier ''Lobbyismus an Schulen'':

Die Inhalte in Kürze lesen: http://www.lobbycontrol.de/?p=14845/

Als PDF kostenlos herunterladen: https://www.lobbycontrol.de/wp-content/uploads/Lobbyismus_an_Schulen.pdf

Als gedrucktes Exemplar kostenlos bestellen: http://www.lobbycontrol.de/?p=14822/

Den Lobbyismus wieder aus den Klassenzimmern zu drängen kann nur gelingen, wenn sich alle beteiligen. Seien Sie dabei! http://www.lobbycontrol.de/schulaktion

Ich bedanke mich für Ihre Unterstützung.

Felix Kamella

Info Alfred Tittmann

Electropathic Stress in Animals and Man

By Donald Hillman, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Michigan State University

Electropathic Stress in Animals and Man by omeganews


From Mast Sanity/Mast Network

More about the theme:


50 feet tall mobile phone masts can be erected anywhere under new assault on planning rules, councils warn


Fifty feet tall mobile phone masts can be ''built anywhere developers choose to put them'' and will return parts of the countryside to ''the wild west wirescapes of the 1960s and 70s'' under a new assault on planning rules, councils are warning.


More about the theme:


''Smart'' water meters installed, so where have the birds gone?



Smart Meter vs. Fruit Tree

I uploaded this short video over the weekend. It is quite a visual regarding the safety of smart meters:




Securing the Edges of the Smart Meter Network From Hacking

That s because the hundreds or thousands of smart meters that make up a neighborhood area network are open to threats that centralized systems may not catch, Galen Rasche, EPRI?s technical executive for industrial cybersecurity, said in an interview last week.


Informant: Martin Weatherall

More about the theme:


Health Canada admits Safety Code 6 guideline for microwave radiation is based ONLY on thermal effects



Based only on Thermal Effects

March 2, 2013. This is a follow-up to the article I wrote and posted on my website on February 20th entitled, ''Health Canada admits safety code 6 guidelines for microwave radiation is based only on thermal effects!''

Some of you know that I removed this article from my website for several days. The more I thought about removing it the more uncomfortable I felt and I realized I removed it for the wrong reasons.

Link to read more: http://www.magdahavas.com/follow-up-to-hearing-before-superior-court-of-quebec-re-rogers-and-chateauguay/

Magda Havas

Municipalities now must be notified every time a cell tower or antenna goes up

MONTREAL. More smartphones and tablet traffic on wireless networks means an increase in antennas and cellphone towers, and now municipalities will be consulted on where this digital infrastructure will go.

''Demand for data in Canada from mobile devices is growing at the rate of five per cent every single week.''



The people who let Canada down

Review of Safety Code 6: Potential Health Risks of Radiofrequency Fields from Wireless Telecommunications Devices

Abstract: At the request of Health Canada, the Royal Society of Canada has assembled this expert panel to conduct a review of Safety Code 6, which concerns the potential health risks of radiofrequency fields from wireless telecommunication devices.

Dr. Daniel Krewski, Chair - University of Ottawa
Dr. Brian Christie - University of Victoria
Dr. Richard Findlay - Health Protection Agency (UK)
Dr. Kenneth Foster - University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Louise Lemyre, FRSC - University of Ottawa
Dr. John Moulder - Medical College of Wisconsin
Dr. Frank Prato - Western University
Dr. Rianne Stam - National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (Bilthoven, the Netherlands)


How could they ignore all the biological effects caused by electro magnetic radiation?

Letter to the Royal Society of Canada

We plan to send the following letter [ http://groups.google.com/group/mobilfunk_newsletter/t/5ef37228c94214c6 ] to officials of the Royal Society of Canada concerning the recently announced expert panel charged with reviewing Health Canada s Safety Code 6. This letter will be copied to Health Canada, the Health minister and the Health critics from the other political parties.

(We will ensure that the formatting is improved after all the forwarding is done.)

Will you add your signature? If you would like to do so, please reply as soon as possible with your name as you would like it to appear, as well as your city, town or regional municipality and province.

If you are involved with any other ''safe technology'' groups you can distribute it to your members as well. Please forward their signatures as soon as possible. I hope to send a copy of the letter out by early Friday, but don t worry if your reply is late; we can send another copy out with added signatures next week sometime.

My email is: lorraine.penner(at)gmail.com


Victoria B.C.-School District 61 Ignoring Children s Safety


Is the Royal Society of Canada Deaf, Dumb, Stupid and Corrupt?

Letter to the RSC

I sent you a question and you ignored, regarding review of safety code 6.


The panelists I mentioned in the original email are not the only ones with conflict of interest. I added more info on the conflicts of interests at the bottom of the original email [Question on Safety Code 6 panel of experts
http://groups.google.com/group/omeganews/t/ea573590e60a9976?hl=de ].

If you think this email is not worth your attention I would like to know why.

People s lives are dependent on the reliability of your reports (in case you did not notice).

Again, I ask to receive a proper response.


Access To Information: The agreement between Health Canada and the Royal Society

July 10, 2013.

I have recently obtained an ATI document consisting of 153 pages regarding the agreement between Health Canada and the Royal Society of Canada to review Safety Code 6.

In such documents some of the information is blacked out. Despite this the ATI is quite revealing.

It reveals that Heath Canada recommended who should be on the panel (names were blacked out) and Health Canada provided the documents to be reviewed by the panel. How on earth is this 'independent'?

This process is deeply flawed. It makes a mockery of independent scholarly reviews. It demonstrates?at the best?that the RSC has been duped by Health Canada or?at the worst?that the RSC has colluded with HC. Neither are acceptable.

The read more visit: http://www.magdahavas.com/access-to-information-ati-document-reveals-rsc-expert-panel-review-is-far-from-independent/

Magda Havas

The world knows that Health Canada is NOT protecting Canadians against electromagnetic radiation


Another Huge Conflict of Interest: Royal Society review panel member Louise Lemrye


Informant: Martin Weatherall


Health Canada s admission the public is not protected from non-thermal effects of wireless



Canadian Medical Association exposes undeclosed conflict of interest with chairmam of a wireless safety panel


More on Daniel Krewski s conflict of Interest


Magda Havas on the Royal Society of Canada s 'Krewskigate' scandal


More about the theme:


Bürgerwelle News



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