
Are 4G/LTE Mobile Internet and WiFi, Causing the Largest Pandemic Ever?

''Meanwhile in the practices of doctors and other physicians there is a continuous increase in the number of people with chronic and seemingly inexplainable complaints. From measurements using new medical devices, blood measures or saliva examinations it appears that the cause in 2012 in one out of three patients is radiation overload. Unfortunately this fact is not widely realized by the medical profession.

In 2002 about one in 30 patients were radiation stressed. In the meantime that has become one in three. Amoung 300 patients with chronic complaints, research showed that in 138 cases the major cause was radiation. Shocking news. Since the large scale introduction of 3G and Wi-Fi/hotspots the problem has become considerablely larger. We should be asking ourselves what will happen after the introduction of the fourth generation 4G/LTE mobile network.''

''In experiments where plankton has been exposed to WIFI and/or 3G/4G radiation the plankton dies or is deformed within several days. With WIFI it takes about 96 hours, with 3G about 72 hours and with 4G it occurs within 48 hours. What is it then doing with our cells?''



Late lessons from early warnings: the precautionary principle 1896-2000

The report is based on case studies. The authors of the case studies, all experts in their particular field of environmental, occupational and consumer hazards, were asked to identify the dates of early warnings, to analyse how this information was used, or not used, in reducing hazards, and to describe the resulting costs, benefits and lessons



German Priest Tortured to Suicide by 4G Wireless Radiation

Such shocking acts of desperation touch loved ones, relatives, friends and neighbors, but from the perspective of political leaders and the operators ?disappears? the suffering on a diabolical way from the surface of this world and the business can continue as usual! They are secured by this senseless official limits that demonstrably are not protecting us...



The priest Haeublein is dead. He (born in August 1957) committed suicide in February 2013 because of the torture by 4G (LTE).

The priest Haeublein moved from Southern Germany, Bavaria, to the North, at the seaside, as he suffered too much from the exposure in Oberammergau (sleeplessness, pains, at last he lived in the forest). He had a good time in his new environment, until July 2012. Then 4G started and he felt intolerable symptoms, burning sensations of his skin, noise in his head, vibration of the whole body. He felt that he was unable to think and to do his normal intellectual and spiritual activities.

Our powerlessness was hard to bear for us. Shielding did not help sufficiently. How desperate must he have been, to see no possibility of finding relief. How much courage is needed to commit such a desperate action? After the courage to continue his life and his pain was taken away from him.

We are shocked and sad and feel with his partner and friends. He wished that the symptoms of 4G were brought to the public to stop this last inhuman insanity. In accordance with his partner and his friends, this should be done without any aggressive overexaggeration. We, his friends, were asked if it is good to inform people about such a suicide. Because some people might be moved to follow his example. However, in the view of politicians and mobile phone operators the suffering ''disappears'' in such a diabolic way from the surface of this world and business can go on as usually. The absurd limits that do not protect us, this is proven, they are securing the business! The priest did not end his own life voluntarily. He did not have a choice, it was left only a single way of escape from the intolerable torture.

Depressed and concerned,

Christine Aschermann


3G mobile phone radiation affects brain function and causes several neurological disorders


Informant: Martin Weatherall


Nationwide Violations of FCC Radiation Limits at Wireless Antenna Sites


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Bürgerwelle News



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