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Die Suche nach »pandemic« hat 14 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 1 bis 10.
ICD code for EMF injury
https://groups.google.com/ forum/#!topic/mobilfunk_ne wsletter/21hjDz0eFVQ ---- ---- Unprecedented, pandemic corruption, unquenchable greed and reckless ignorance of EMFs poses an existential threat to... ...
Starmail - 6. Aug, 05:27
Why are cell phone towers particularly dangerous?
http://thewatchers.adorrae li.com/2013/06/24/new-stud y-links-over-7-000-cancer- deaths-to-cell-phone-tower -radiation-exposures/ http://www.naturalnews.c om/040905_cell_phone_tower s_radiation_cancer.html... ...
Starmail - 13. Okt, 22:08
EMF-Omega-News 23. February 2013
Cellphone research points to increased brain tumour risk http://www.buergerwel le.de:8080/helma/twoday/bw news/stories/4609/ Increa sing Melanoma: Too Many Skin Cell Damages or Too Few Repairs? http://www.buerge rwelle.de:8080/helma/twoda y/bwnews/stories/4612/ Pr ofessor... ...
Starmail - 23. Feb, 08:45
Are 4G/LTE Mobile Internet and WiFi, Causing the Largest Pandemic Ever?
''Meanwhile in the practices of doctors and other physicians there is a continuous increase in the number of people with chronic and seemingly inexplainable complaints. From measurements using new medical... ...
Starmail - 2. Sep, 23:39
Mobile phone cancer connection
http://www.euronews.net/20 11/12/13/mobile-phone-canc er-connection/ The Potential Impact of Mobile Phone Use on Trends in Brain and CNS Tumors It is too early to predict future rates of brain cancer,... ...
Starmail - 28. Dez, 08:58
The Potential Impact of Mobile Phone Use on Trends in Brain and CNS Tumors
The Potential Impact of Mobile Phone Use on Trends in Brain and CNS Tumors(function() { var scribd = document.createElement("sc ript"); scribd.type = "text/javascript"; scribd.async = true; scribd.src =... ...
Starmail - 25. Dez, 14:20
Will the Government Save us from another Industrial Disaster?
http://www.youthkiawaaz.co m/2010/06/will-the-governm ent-save-us-from-another-i ndustrial-disaster/ Submitted by David Campaigners Reporting that Brain Tumor Pandemic a Possibility with Mobile Phone... ...
Starmail - 19. Jun, 05:29
Risk of Brain Cancer from Cell Phone Use Underestimated by At Least 25% in Interphone Study
Risk of Brain Cancer From Cell Phone Use Underestimated by at Least 25% in Inter Phone Study Re-evaluation of the Interphone Study: Applications of a Correction Factor Re-Evaluation... ...
Starmail - 21. Jun, 06:23
8 to kill the bill for warning label in Maine
This email is going to be a little long. I apologize in advance. I wanted to give you an update on Maine. It's not over yet, but here is what's happened thus far... We BLEW THEM AWAY at the hearings in... ...
Starmail - 12. Mär, 08:43
Our homeland and our world has been invaded
Throughout the history of invasion, men have fought and died and sacrificed themselves to preserve the sanctity of their homelands and the security of their families. For without security, everything is... ...
Starmail - 4. Mär, 05:07