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Die Suche nach »pollinat« hat 24 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 1 bis 10.
Olfactory memory is enhanced in mice exposed to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields via Wnt/ß-catenin dependent modulation of subventricular zone neurogenesis
https://groups.google.com/ g/mobilfunk_newsletter/c/j JJOI4jW90U -------- Plea se, view the recent update video interview from the hands and brain of Christine Zipps, Zipps Media, USA. It concentrates around... ...
Starmail - 23. Apr, 07:13
Scientists say insects are dying off thanks to smartphones and Wifi
BGR Bees in particular have been having a rough time as of late thanks to pesticides and other chemicals in wide use today. Throw radiation from... https://bgr.com/2 020/09/21/cell-phone-radia tion-smartphones-insects/ -------- 5G... ...
Starmail - 5. Mär, 06:43
Butterflies and Hummingbirds Are Dying Off and Threatening Our Food Supply
Munchies_ Food by VICE The bad news continues to roll in, unfortunately, and it isn t just the bees that are dying. A new report from the United Nations warns that invertebrate... https://m unchies.vice.com/en/articl es/butterflies-and-humming birds-are-dying-off-and-th reatening-our-food-supply -------- Too... ...
Starmail - 3. Jun, 06:32
Are bees getting dementia?
CNN From pesticides to possible cell phone radiation, the causes of bee population decline are an ongoing debate. Now there s another thing the... http://edition.cnn .com/2015/06/06/us/aluminu m-bees-dementia-irpt/ --- ----- The... ...
Starmail - 9. Okt, 22:19
Honeybees' Mysterious Die-Off Appears to Worsen
New York Times Syndicate A prolonged and mysterious reduction in the population of the nation s honeybees, a trend worrisome both to beekeepers and farmers who depend on the insects to pollinate their... ...
Starmail - 4. Jun, 05:37
Rebecca Dickson: My bees are all dead
Boulder Daily Camera If the general public knew how many bees are dying each year, if they knew the enormity of the catastrophe unfolding among pollinators,... http://ww w.dailycamera.com/letters/ ci_27848483/rebecca-dickso n-my-bees-are-all-dead -- ------ What... ...
Starmail - 11. Apr, 09:05
What will happen if the bees vanish?
KSPR We need good, clean food, and so do our pollinators. If bees do not have enough to eat, we won t have enough to eat. Dying bees scream a message... http://www.ksp r.com/news/nationworld/Spi vak-What-will-happen-if-th e-bees-vanish/21051646_260 32526 -------- Disappear ing... ...
Starmail - 21. Mai, 06:10
Australian Honeybees Unable to Make Honey
Huffington Post 7.19 billion humans and 1.8 trillion honeybees are locked into the inexorable dance of life on Earth: If the bees die, we die... http://www.huffing tonpost.com/dr-reese-halte r/australian-honeybees-una ble-to-make-honey_b_467047 5.html --------... ...
Starmail - 26. Mär, 22:09
America is one bad winter away from a food disaster, thanks to dying bees
Forget the plight of the polar bear for a moment and consider the coming collapse of the $30 billion honey bee economy in the US. Since 2006 honey bees responsible for pollinating more than 100 crops,... ...
Starmail - 22. Nov, 16:22
More Wi-Fi, More Smart Phones, More Smart Meters, More Microwave Radiation, Many Less Bees
BAKERSFIELD, Calif. A mysterious malady that has been killing honeybees en masse for several years appears to have expanded drastically in the last year, commercial beekeepers say, wiping out 40 percent... ...
Starmail - 28. Mai, 22:16