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Die Suche nach »CMP« hat 36 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 1 bis 10.
Bees, Butterflies And Wildlife: Research On Electromagnetic Fields And The Environment
https://ehtrust.org/scienc e/bees-butterflies-wildlif e-research-electromagnetic -fields-environment/ Cal l on the Wild? Environmentalists Livid Over Cellphone Plan for National Park https://www.theguard ian.com/environment/2017/j un/06/mount-rainier-nation al-park-cell-phone-service -plan?CMP=Share_AndroidApp _Gmail From... ...
Starmail - 18. Jun, 13:19
Hong Kong residents urge government to tighten rules on electromagnetic radiation
South China Morning Post Dozens of residents have called on the government to tighten regulations and standards for electromagnetic radiation, claiming to be adversely... http://www.s cmp.com/news/hong-kong/hea lth-environment/article/20 76255/hong-kong-residents- urge-government-tighten-ru les More... ...
Starmail - 5. Mär, 22:11
Woman voices concerns about phone masts after she developed severe skin rash
Hereford Times A WOMAN believes a severe rash which covered her upper body was caused by radiation from a mobile phone mast. Diana Hilary Boughton has... http://www.herefor dtimes.com/news/14372170.W oman_voices_concerns_about _phone_masts_after_she_dev eloped_severe_skin_rash/ -------- Welsh... ...
Starmail - 29. Mär, 16:10
Empörung über *Telekom*
merkur-online.de Seeshaup t: Die Seeshaupter sind verärgert: Die *Telekom* will einen Mobilfunkmasten unweit von Schule, Kindergarten und Kinderkrippe errichten... http://www.m erkur-online.de/lokales/we ilheim/seeshaupt/seeshaupt -empoerung-ueber-telekom-4 486698.html?cmp=defrss Q uelle:... ...
Starmail - 18. Jul, 07:59
Weil Eltern zu oft telefonierten: Handys in städtischen Kitas in Kassel tabu
HNA.de Dies wurde auf Wunsch der Kita-Leitungen eingeführt, da Eltern beim Bringen und Abholen ihrer Kinder immer häufiger ein Handy am Ohr hatten... http://www.hna. de/lokales/kassel/weil-elt ern-telefonierten-handys-s taedtischen-kitas-kassel-t abu-3596808.html?cmp=defrs s Anja... ...
Starmail - 29. Jan, 09:52
Power Lines and Health Risks
WABI Part One Her concerns centered around the reported links between electro-magnetic fields (EMF) coming from high voltage power lines and diseases such as childhood... http://wabi. tv/2013/11/18/debate-power -lines-health-risks-part-o ne/ Part... ...
Starmail - 2. Mär, 13:12
Lyme Disease s Staggering New Numbers
Is it really Lyme s disease or EHS? Or a mixture of both? Is it really Lyme s disease or EHS ?? http://www.newyorker.com /online/blogs/elements/201 3/08/an-update-from-the-fr ontline-of-the-lyme-wars.h tml Wi-Fi... ...
Starmail - 25. Aug, 05:21
Is Your Smart Meter Causing Brain Damage?
http://www.youtube.com/wat ch?v=dhF6C_pB22g From EMR-Updates -------- 'Sm art Meters are a community concern' The current FCC Maximum Permitted Exposure (MPE) limits are so high that they provide... ...
Starmail - 10. Sep, 08:50
Naperville resident starts White House petition
http://tinyurl.com/bbmqfeo Cell tower Petition, Hastings, Ontario This is rural area many people have bees and farms. This tower is suppose to stand 100 m away from a residential house. Most people... ...
Starmail - 13. Mär, 09:51
Mobile phone antennae removed from university over cancer risk fears
''If these antennae are perfectly safe, why are they taking some of them down all of a sudden? In the past few days, we have seen workmen dismantling some masts at the densest spots like the undergraduate... ...
Starmail - 10. Feb, 17:26