
Evidence of Electrosensitivity

Dr. Magda Havas shows the strong evidence for electrosensitivity and the health risks of electromagnetic exposure caused by electrical appliances and the spread of wireless technologies.
For more info: MagdaHavas.com



New ES web site from England

I discovered that I was ES some 8 years ago.

I have just set up a small blog where I talk about the issue with the aim of helping others in the same predicament.

The address of my blog is


News from New Zealand

The government?s response to the LG&E Report of 24 November 2009 is available from the link below. It is unbelievably arrogant and simply abysmal!

Where on earth did ?the government? get its advice? Where is the transparency and accountability? Who bears the costs of resulting harm- no doubt the communities who asked for more responsibly in the first place.

Whatever happened to listening to the communities who are affected?

The government?s response completely ignores the serious uncertainties in the NZS2772:1 1999 and that many European states have adopted a far more a precautionary approach with standards up to 1000 times more stringent than New Zealand. It ignored the warnings that are now widespread about unnecessary EMR exposures especially for children.

What influences have affected our government?s assessment of the risk of EMR and made them so different from the far more considered assessment of the EU, and many individual European states?

How did ?Big Brother? come to know more than the Select Committee members who listened to the people?

This is simply bizarre.


From: Pavan Sharma
Sent: Thursday, 18 February 2010 4:10 p.m.
Subject: Govt's response to cellphone tower report

Dear all,

Please find attached for your information a link to the Government's response to the Local Government and Environment Committee's recommendations on the cellphone tower petitions:


Kind regards

Pavan Sharma
Clerk of Committee
Local Government and Environment Committee
Select Committee Office
Room 10.10 Bowen House
DDI +64 4 817 9524

Also from New Zealand:

Have a look at our link,

Informant: Martin Weatherall


The Safest (and Most Dangerous) Cell Phones

Listen to interview with Dr. David Carpenter on KMJ's Morning News about EMFs



800 new cell towers expected. Are they safe?

BlueOregon (blog)

This should be especially true in the case of our children who are growing and developing at a rapid rate and yet are bombarded by electromagnetic radiation ...



Professor: Cell phone users are potentially "dialing up danger" WTEN

He is also a leading expert in the field of electromagnetic radiation, which is the energy emitted by cell phones. Dr. Carpenter claims there's a strong ...



It seems that electrosensivity, and later hyperelectrosensivity, were introduced by the WHO to make people responsible of this condition, instead of using microwave syndrome and radio frequency syndrome caused by environmental pollution.

In 1972, the NMRI published a report with 2311 referenced studies in the world, describing those syndromes. You can access it at: http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/AD750271

Biological Effects Attributed to Microwave and Radio Frequency Radiation

Since then, thousands of new studies have shown biological effects regarding ELF/EMF.

Philippe Hug
Chairman of ARA


Electromagnetic Fields Of Incubators Alter Newborns' Heart Rates's+and+muscular+dystrophy&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk

Informant: Iris Atzmon


Bürgerwelle News



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