
Wi-Fi foe sues neighbor for using electronics: Man says electromagnetic sensitivity has forced him to live in his car


Arthur Firstenberg, who has actively opposed the proliferation of wireless ... Firstenberg and Monribot, who have homes only 25 feet apart in a west-side ...



NM man stressed by neighbor's electronics

NewsWest9.com AP - January 8, 2010 11:55 AM ET

SANTA FE, NM (AP) - A New Mexico man who says he suffers from electromagnetic sensitivity is suing his next-door neighbor ...



Suit: Neighbor's electronics cause illness


Arthur Firstenberg filed a lawsuit Monday in Santa Fe District Court alleging ... Firstenberg wrote in an affidavit that Montribot "agreed to phase out the ...


Suit: Neighbor's electronics cause illness

Times of the Internet

A New Mexico man's lawsuit against his neighbor claims her refusal to switch off her cellphone makes him ill due to electromagnetic sensitivity. ...



Bloke sued for not switching off his WiFi


Arthur Firstenberg claims he was made homeless by his heartless neighbour who ... Firstenberg claims that he's been forced to live in his car because of his ...



Santa Fe man demands half a mill for being near iPhone

Arthur Firstenberg is suing his neighbour for $530,000 for refusing to switch off her iPhone, claiming that the electromagnetic fields generated are destroying his health...



Sante Fe Man Sues Neighbor over Radio Waves

Wi-Fi Networking News

Electrosensitivity, or a claim that exposure to electromagnetic radiation causes illness, has been shown in dozens of controlled studies ...



Man sues neighbour for charging her iPhone


Arthur Firstenberg says the electromagnetic fields from the device are destroying ... Firstenberg has also campaigned against wifi in public buildings and ...



Electromagnetic sensitivity leaves a man homeless

Daily World Buzz

You can leave a response or trackback to this entry Arthur Firstenberg, a resident of Santa Fe, New Mexico has been claiming that his neighbor Raphaela ...



Santa Fe Residents Allege City's Wi-Fi Affecting Their "Electromagnetic Allergies"


They allege the city's Access Points (AP) irritated their "electromagnetic allergies." In their legal effort to ban the signals, the group is using the ...



Man Sues Neighbor for Having Wifi, claims ?electromagnetic allergies?.

The Next Web

... recently attempted to get all public Wi-Fi hotspots in the city banned by arguing that the APs irritated their supposed ?electromagnetic allergies. ...



Wi-Fi "sensitivity" draws lawsuit from next-door neighbor

Yahoo! Tech

Arthur Firstenberg is suing one Raphaela Monribot, saying that her use of Wi-Fi causes him so ... Firstenberg is not just upset about Monribot's computer, ...



Arthur Firstenberg Sues Neighbour Over Electromagnetic Allergies

NowPublic by Yuliya Talmazan | January 13, 2010 at 04:27 pm

Arthur Firstenberg of Santa Fe, New Mexico is suing his neighbour for refusing to turn off her wireless ...



Man sues over "electromagnetic allergies"

Kansas City Star (blog)

In Santa Fe, a man who says he has "electromagnetic allergies" is suing his next-door neighbor because she has a wi-fi network and uses things like a ...



NM Man Sues Neighbor over Electronics Use

Electronic House

But that's what New Mexican Arthur Firstenberg is doing, alleging pain and suffering in a lawsuit against his neighbor because those on-24/7 electronics are ...



Electromagnetic Sensitivity


... claim the wireless internet waves aggravate their ?electromagnetic allergies. ... they are classifying their ?allergy? or ?sensitivity? as a disability ...



WiFi Suit: Arthur Firstenberg Sues Neighbor For Using Electronics

Yahoo! News

According to the Santa Fe Reporter, Arthur Firstenberg, the plaintiff, has been sleeping at friends' homes or in his car to avoid the electromagnetic waves ...



Man Claims to Have Electromagnetic Sensitivity, Sues Neighbour

... ShortNews.com

New Mexico: Arthur Firstenberg is suing his neighbour Raphaela Monribot over her use of electronics. He claims that he is electromagnetically sensitive and ...



Man claims to have wireless allergy

WiredPRNews.com (press release)

A Santa Fe man is reportedly suing his neighbor for allegedly contributing to his ?electromagnetic allergy? symptoms. Santa Fe (WiredPRNews.com) ? A Santa ...



Wi-Fi anxiety: Man sues neighbor to shut off electronics

Los Angeles Times

By Michael Haederle

Arthur Firstenberg, who says he is hypersensitive to certain frequencies of electromagnetic radiation, saw the house at the end of a ...



The wi-fi backlash begins: Man sues to shut off neighbor's signal

True/Slant From the Chicago Tribune (by way of the LA Times):

Arthur Firstenberg, who says he is hypersensitive to certain frequencies of electromagnetic radiation, ...



----- Original Message -----
From: Magda Havas
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 9:56 PM
Subject: ABC reports on Electrosensitivity

Excellent video about Sarah Dacre and article about Arthur Firstenberg. Please distribute.


Man Sues Neighbor Over Bad Vibes, Says She Must Turn Off Electronics

For your info a new campaign is being planned now by Arthur Firstenberg, who became an EHS during his medical studies and sued his neighbour for Wi-Fi, the lawsuit was published in the media. Arthur published a journal called "No place to hide" from 1997- 2002 about non ionizing radiation risks. The journal had a lot of original data that could not be found in any other source.
He also wrote a book on the subject. He is sending now letters to more than 2500 people who contacted him during the years (the mailing alone cost him $2000) in an effort to gather people from North America for a new campaign he calls "one of the most important environmental movements of our time...to help create a safer, saner future" with an organization the public can plug into, representing sufficient number of people to influence the policy in the U.S - something like a Sierra Club for EMFs.

He does not use a computer so he cannot send an email. Arthur created a board of ten members of different regions in the U.S with variety of expertise, they help with education and advocay for radiation-clean environment and support for disabled individuals. They want to set up regional chapters throughout North America and create an umbrella group. Since many of the contacts are disabled with little/no income, they won't turn anyone away for lack of money, but they need substantial funds.

They offer for membership - info, access to other members in the same region (voluntary, they don't release personal info to anyone without permission info), referrals to experts, support. Two of the members created the website http://www.cellphonetaskforce.org they have a database searchable by region, with lists of doctors, lawyers and other professionals who are interested or receptive to the issue to varying degrees. He writes that he has an excellent lawyer and a secretary, they work only part time because of lack of budget.

The board wants to put out a newsletter and they look for a volunteer.

Donations will be tax-free

For more info please contact
Cellular Phone Task Force
Post Office Box 6216
Santa Fe, NM 87502
(505) 471-0129

Informant: Iris Atzmon


Bürgerwelle News



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