
Parents blame children's health problems on schools' Wi-Fi technology



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Wanna Know About Radiation?

For distribution:

This is an excellent website . . . recommended by Una St. Clair.

Magda Havas

This website is absolutely fantastic - by kids for kids - it needs wide distribution. By the way, these are South Surrey/White Rock kids - way to go!

http://www.radiationeducation.com/ - Pass it on!

Una St.Clair-Moniz
Executive Director Citizens for Safe Technology Society http://www.citizensforsafetechnology.org

Empowering the public to protect children and youth from unsafe wireless technologies.

Informant: Iris Atzmon


Wi-Fi Technology Blamed For Children?s Health Problems At School


Health risks associated with Wi-Fi

On Saturday morning Citizens for Safe Technology held a meeting in White Rock BC for parents, teachers and community members. The meeting was an information session on the health risks associated with Wi-Fi and wireless technologies.

After the meeting, I was approached by a woman who wanted to turn the Wi-Fi off in her apartment - I agreed to help her out. When I had a look at her wireless router, I recognized at as the TELUS branded 2WIRE combination modem/wireless router that TELUS has been supplying for a few years.

Here is what I found:

- My electrosmog detector clearly indicated that the Wi-Fi was on, given the audio signature of the "Wi-Fi beacon" that I heard.

- The WLAN or Wi-Fi indicator light was OFF which would lead you to believe that Wi-Fi was indeed turned off

- Logging on to the router showed that Wi-Fi was indeed ON

- Turning the Wi-Fi on or off had no effect on the Wi-Fi indicator light

Last night, I stopped off to see my kids at their mother's place to say goodnight. I was curious about their mother's 2WIRE router in her office so I logged on and to my surprise found that the Wi-Fi had somehow been turned on. Again I found:

- The Wi-Fi indicator light was OFF when Wi-Fi was on

- Turning the Wi-Fi on or off had no effect on the Wi-Fi indicator light

I turned the Wi-Fi off, called TELUS and reached some nice lady in the Phillipines who I explained the situation to.

My son has had broken sleep for months - my daughter also has not been sleeping as well.

I am starting to wonder if TELUS is turning on these Wi-Fi routers remotely. What is also disturbing is that there was no wireless security on the router, meaning anyone within range could log on and use the Internet connection and potentially compromise any of the computers in the house.

Another member of Citizens for Safe Technology experienced this situation and was extremely ill for months as she sat near the Wi-Fi router in her office thinking that it was off. Ditto for her mother, who had TELUS TV installed and was assured there was no Wi-Fi technology involved - this woman became extremely ill only to start recovering when she moved out of her condo. It was discovered after the fact that the TELUS TV components indeed have wireless technology inside them.

I found a wired (non-Wi-Fi) router on the website of a computer store I frequent - I'm going to buy it and pull out the wireless router at my former wife's place.

This is the model: http://www.dlink.ca/products/?pid=478

Given what we know about Wi-Fi, this is truly a dangerous situation - people who are sensitive believing that their Wi-Fi is turned off when it is on. To add insult to injury, Shaw Cable in British Columbia is now pushing their wireless routers, most likely to compete with TELUS.

Where this will end, God only knows...


Informant: Martin Weatherall


Ontario Parents Group Charges That School WiFi is Making Children Sick


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