
Developping hypersensitivity to environmental influences

Julie Genser and Julie Laffin talk about re|shelter, their new non-profit Planet Thrive

People who develop chemical Developping hypersensitivity to environmental influencesity might also develop a hypersensitivity to other environmental influences, such as electromagnetic fields (EMFs), ...



Are you familiar with the ARTAC website?

http://www.artac.info/ ARTAC syndrome d?intolérance aux champs électromagnétique

A French institute for cancer research with Environmental Medicine as its foundation.

Interestingly enough this institute pays attention to EHS and is trying to develop diagnostic EHS criteria, according to my Swedish sources. Not much written in English yet on the website.

Anna Jonsson

Below is a translation from the ARTAC website:

Thursday, January 29, 2009

'The syndrome describes ARTAC intolerance to electromagnetic fields

Professor Belpomme has indeed received in consultation at the European Hospital Georges Pompidou in many patients suffer called electro-hypersensitive (EHS) in recent months. These are real patients with severely disabling symptoms related to EMC, which make life impossible ...

In the continuity of Appeal of Paris and its various recommendations, ARTAC research has focused on the study of health effects, particularly carcinogens, chemical pollution. But the patients remain at the heart of his struggle. However, chemical pollution is now accompanied by electromagnetic pollution.

We had suspected for several years the carcinogenic role of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from reading the various scientific studies, including those of Professor Lennart Hardell, who was invited to attend the 2nd Conference of the Paris Appeal to UNESCO in 2006, and with whom we have established a scientific collaboration.

There are indeed two types of cancers where the role of EMF is demonstrated: acute leukemia occurring among subjects living within 200 meters of a power line and tumors of the brain in subjects who used a mobile phone at least one hour per day for over ten years.

In the first case, the causal link is strongly suggested due to a "dose effect" demonstrated by a meta-analysis of several epidemiological studies: more distance from the power line, the greater the risk of leukemia decreases. But it is still above normal at least 600 meters.

In the second case, the associative link was much more difficult to identify, given the long latency period (the exhibition spans over ten years).

However, toxicological and biological data as outlined in the report of international consensus "BioInitiative" provide additional indirect evidence of a possible causal link. This is also what we suggested in two articles written in collaboration with Lennart Hardell.

Today, we must go further and go beyond oncology.

Professor Belpomme has indeed received in consultation at the European Hospital Georges Pompidou in many patients suffer called electro-hypersensitive (EHS) in recent months. These are real patients with severely disabling symptoms related to EMC, which make life impossible, frequently resulting in job loss, the overriding need to protect themselves from EMC - ubiquitous in our environment - and often change their place Residential or transform into a true "Faraday cage", without counting the societal problems of any kind that entails.

Focus on patients:

On behalf of the Hippocratic oath ARTAC therefore initiated an urgent research in these patients by setting up a working group including several doctors and consultants in radiation physics. This resulted in the clinical description of a syndrome of intolerance to electromagnetic fields (SICEM) and exploring different avenues for the diagnosis of this syndrome.

The scientific work of ARTAC beginning to be recognized by the public authorities of our country, following the growing scientific reputation ARTAC at European level.

Dr. Philippe Irigaray, Research Coordinator of ARTAC, was heard by January 6, 2009 AFSSET about links between cancer and environment, and Prof. Belpomme will be on January 28 next EMC.


The ARTAC more than ever need your support to ensure the independence of its research!


Source: http://www.contaminations-chimiques.info/?2009/01/23/525-lartac-decrit-le-syndrome-dintolerance-aux-champs-electromagnetiques-sicem

Informant: Martin Weatherall


ARTAC (the Association for Research and Treatments against Cancer) has established diagnostic criteria for EHS



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