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Die Suche nach »1800 MHz« hat 6 Resultate geliefert.
Mobilfunkwirkung auf Nervenzellen: 1800 MHz hemmt Neuritenwachstum in eNSCs
https://groups.google.com/ forum/#!topic/mobilfunk_ne wsletter/kLG_xPLbpOk ht tp://www.buergerwelle.de:8 080/helma/twoday/bwnews/se arch?q=1800+MHz http://ome ga.twoday.net/search?q=180 0+MHz http://www.buergerwe lle.de:8080/helma/twoday/b wnews/search?q=Mobilfunkwi rkung http://omega.twoday. net/search?q=Mobilfunkwirk ung http://www.buergerwell e.de:8080/helma/twoday/bwn ews/search?q=Nervenzelle h ttp://omega.twoday.net/sea rch?q=Nervenzelle ...
Starmail - 13. Okt, 12:03
Gametogenesis, Embryonic and Post-Embryonic Development of Drosophila melanogaster, as a Model System for the Assessment of Radiation and Environmental Genotoxicity
Dimitris J. Panagopoulos, (2012): ''Gametogenesis, Embryonic and Post-Embryonic Development of Drosophila melanogaster, as a Model System for the Assessment of Radiation and Environmental Genotoxicity'',... ...
Starmail - 20. Sep, 16:30
Indien senkt Grenzwerte für Mobilfunk-Basisstationen
WIK Brief 85 02.08.2012 Ab September 2012 will Indien seine Grenzwerte für elektromagnetische Felder (EMF) von Mobilfunk-Basisstationen auf 1/10 der derzeit gültigen Werte absenken. Die erlaubte... ...
Starmail - 3. Aug, 08:45
CN Tower EdgeWalk: Thrill seekers may get more than they paid for
This is so crazy, but isn t it exactly why it s so 'normal' today?.... Iris Atzmon ----- Original Message ----- From: Magda Havas Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2011 5:24 AM Subject: Pick of the Week 26:... ...
Starmail - 27. Mai, 22:45
Testimony on Radio Frequency Radiation and Health
New Denver area citizens make submissions on microwaves to Ottawa committee. http://www.val leyvoice.ca:80/ HESA Testimony on Radio Frequency Radiation and Health Dear Members... ...
Starmail - 31. Mai, 08:14
1800 MHz-Strahlung erzeugt Schäden in der mtDNA
HLV Info 002 ElektrosmogReport 16. Jahrgang/Nr.1 Januar 2010 Auszüge: Mobilfunkforschung: 1800 MHz-Strahlung erzeugt Schäden in der mtDNA In dieser Arbeit wurden DNA-Schäden in... ...
Starmail - 12. Jan, 23:16