
Pusan National University scientists reveal links between sperm quality and cell phone use


Things definitely are on the move! (For the French, original text, please, scroll down.)

Olle Johansson, associate professor


Contacts presse
Association Robin des Toits : Patrice Goyaud contact@robindestoits.org - 09 70 15 57 21

Cabinet Lexprecia : Me Arnaud Durand - contact@lexprecia.com - 01 75 432 432

Joint press release of January 27, 2022 from lexprecia and Robin roof

EHS-Linky VS Enedis case in cassation at the Bordeaux court : Enedis stops before the 3rd round.

Thirteen victims of the waves had obtained a decision ENEDIS had to clean up their electricity, at first instance1 and on appeal2.

ENEDIS had seized the Court of Cassation. But after analyzing the arguments of the victims – supported by the Robin des Toits association – the promoter of LINKY canceled his appeal3 to avoid rejection. His conviction is thus confirmed. For the Robin des Toits association: “We can only be delighted with this major step forward, which we hope will be a milestone. However, this is a stage victory, and we must obtain not only the depollution of EHS housing, but also the replacement of their improperly installed Linky meters with non-communicating meters. By extension, these measures should be applicable to any user, even non-EHS, who requests them. » Press release to download: cp_victimes_des_ondes_et_linky_enedis_declare_forfait_en_cassation.pdf cp-victimes-des-ondes-et-linky-enedis-declare-forfait-en-cassation.pdf (258.34 Ko)

+++++ommuniqué de presse conjoint du 27 janvier 2022 du cabinet lexprecia et de Robin des Toits
Affaire EHS-Linky VS Enedis en cassation au tribunal de Bordeaux: Enedis jette l'éponge avant le 3ème round.

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Treize victimes des ondes avaient obtenu la condamnation d’ENEDIS à dépolluer leur électricité, en première instance1 comme en appel2. ENEDIS en avait saisi la Cour de cassation. Mais après analyse de l’argumentaire des victimes – soutenues par l’association Robin des Toits – le promoteur du LINKY annule son recours3 pour éviter un rejet. Sa condamnation est ainsi confirmée.

Pour l’association Robin des Toits :
« Nous ne pouvons que nous réjouir de cette avancée majeure, laquelle nous l’espérons, fera date. Toutefois il s’agit d’une victoire d’étape, et nous devons obtenir non seulement la dépollution des logements d’EHS, mais aussi le remplacement de leurs compteurs Linky abusivement installés, par des compteurs non communicants. Par extension, ces mesures devraient être applicables à tout usager, même non EHS, qui en ferait la demande. »

Communiqué à télécharger:
cp_victimes_des_ondes_et_linky_enedis_declare_forfait_en_cassation.pdf cp-victimes-des-ondes-et-linky-enedis-declare-forfait-en-cassation.pdf

As usual, I have recently been part of a number of very interesting and rewarding interviews, Internet-based discussions, and regular symposia and conferences. To avoid flooding you, down below I have selected a recent one I feel may be of value to you, and even more importantly to newcomers in the field, or to your family members, other relatives, workmates, Facebook contacts, and many more. Please, share as widely as you can - and, if possible, ask them to contribute to our efforts*.

So, please, find enclosed a recent interview - published on January 26, 2022 - by Simone Mariam who works for the Italian blog MittDolcino (https://www.mittdolcino.com/), and with an Italian translation*.


MittDolcino deals with various topics such as politics, geopolitics, economics, scientific divulgation, philosophy and everything related to the freedom of information and speech, and is very popular. In 2020 they had over 40 million entries.

Among the prominent guest they have have interviewed you find Pepe Escobar, Brazilian journalist and political analyst from the AsianTimes, Strategic Culture; Toby Young, UK, former Vanity Fair writer; Sir John Redwood, Member of the British Parliament; Gianluigi Paragone, Senatore della Repubblica Italiana; Alastair Crooke, British diplomat; Glenn Loury, former Harvard Professor, now at Brown University; Francis Boyle, human rights lawyer and Professor of International Law at the University of Illinois, College of Law; Norman Fenton, British mathematician who is currently Professor of Risk Information Management at Queen Mary University of London; Olavo de Carvalho, Brazilian philosopher; Alain de Benoist, French philosopher; and Konstantin Kisin, co-host of "Triggernometry" and stand-up comedian.

(*N.B. Since I do not speak the language, I can not vouch for the Italian translation, only for my own words in English.)

(Please, if possible, support my, and my collaborators', work: https://honeywire.org/research , or https://www.emfsa.co.za/news/fundraiser-to-support-associate-professor-olle-johanssons-ongoing-research/ )

As always, I do not want to spam or clog your inbox with a lot of interviews, articles and other written documents, I know you all have well-filled electronic desks to take care of, but - please - allow me to still just send you a few of the most recent ones, starting with a trailer. My intention is just to make you aware that there is a constant on-going activity, in the media and elsewhere, some more strictly scientific, and some more along the lines of free thinking. Hopefully you can use these clips and documents to interest your car pool mates, your work pals, your neighbours, or your family and friends, that these issues are highly important.

Trailer - Safety Guidelines Issues: Claire Edwards with Olle Johansson, from May 23, 2021

(Full interview on: https://www.brighteon.com/d35b18a7-da4d-4ae7-a54c-36246347a96b )

Furthermore, please, find enclosed from Loving Life TV Community Channel - "Is 5G a bioweapon? Swedish Prof Olle Johansson’s ongoing research into EMFSA", from February 15, 2022

And "Docent i neurovetenskap är kritisk till mobilstrålning" ("Assistant professor in neuroscience is critical to mobile phone radiation", in Swedish), February 26, 2022


Also find enclosed my "Letter of support for the European Citizens' Initiative "Stop 5G" call"
(starting from tomorrow, March 1, you can sign this call yourself)

Please, share them widely, all over the world! (If you need even more material, I have a lot more, just ask me.)

When A Great Scientist Is Also Human... Top EMF Damage Expert Dr. Olle Johansson









Planetary Healing Club - Dr. Olle Johansson - Insider Interview 3/3/22


In case you have not seen it yet, I hereby wish to be sure that you have received information about the EUROPEAN CITIZENS' INITIATIVE launched some time ago, focused on reaching 1 million signatures by European citizens about 23 proposals to the European Parliament.

I attach a press release I have received from Giorgio Cinciripini in Italy, as well as a direct link, https://signstop5g.eu, received from Pernille Schriver in Denmark.

Also see my Letter of Support: https://signstop5g.eu/en/supporters/johansson

Olle Johansson, associate professor

More about the theme:


Bürgerwelle News



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