
Charter contest on cellphone antennas

Paris: Robin Roof goes to justice to contests the charter on cellphone antennas

December 10, 2012 at 15:30


Robin Roof, association who has been denouncing a potential health risk in exposure to electromagnetic waves, said to have filed a lawsuit Monday in order to rediscuss the new charter on mobile linking the city of Paris and the major telecom operators.

Robin Roofs, which action has been confirmed to AFP by the Registry of the Administrative Tribunal of Paris, believes that this Charter should have been discussed during a consultation in each of the twenty Parisian district councils prior to its adoption by the Council of Paris on 16 October.

This charter, which downgrads the maximum level of exposure to electromagnetic waves in the capital, will enable the deployment of mobile infrastructure fourth generation (4G).

Robin Roofs, requesting the annulment of the adoption on 16 October, intends to denounce ''the way the mayor mocks Parisiennes and Parisiens into believing that it protects them when it gives more space on the roofs for Paris deployment of 4G,'' told AFP spokesman Etienne ashtray, confirming information site Bakchich.info.

They particularly regret the fact that the charter fixed to 7 volts per meter maximum threshold of exposure for this new technology, and not 0.6 V / m threshold, according to the association, is the ''threshold of sanitary precautions, because, below which it has never seen any harmful effects to health.''

End of 2011, the roofs of Paris had 2,353 antennas.

The new charter mobile phone decreases by about 20% the maximum exposure in relation to the charter of 2003.

Ex computer consultant for the French telcos not happy now because he has a cell tower near his house


A resident of Ducey complains he has health problems, due, according to him, to the electromagnetic fields emitted by the antenna located on the bell tower of the church of his town. ''It broadcasts 37 Hertz gigas. This corresponds to the frequency used by a satellite! Except that a satellite is 9,500 km from the earth ...''

Inhabitant in Ducey since March 2009, he has a diploma DEA in Applied Mathematics-Computer. This person was technical director of a start-up then consultant in computer both at SFR, Bouygues Orange. ''I know what I am talking about''....



The Boss Belgacom (Belgium) cuts Wi-fi to his floor and limits the use of mobile phones!

Edit Robin Roofs: The spokesman Belgacom (Belgium operator), while trying to minimize the reality of scientific recognition of the danger of cell phone, confirms the assertion in the press Bellens the director, who has stopped the Wi-fi on the 27t level of his office and limits the use of mobile phones, he calls dangerous because it recalls the position of the WHO, namely the classification ''2B'' (''possibly carcinogenic'') waves mobile phones.

The European Parliament is going to hear Innocente Marcolini. Victim of a brain tumor due to the intensive use of his cellphone, he wants to convince Brussels to legislate on the dangers of cell phone waves



Some interesting facts regarding EMF and the human brain

From the film 'Resonance' at time 55:10.

''When the brain is stimulated it consumes glucose in the same way a car consumes fuel

-EMF frequencies activate the brain and increase its glucose consumption

-Human brain has a metabolic reaction in the presence of microwaves from a mobile phone. This reaction occurs well below the legal EMF limits. Something that many claimed was impossible''.

Resonance-Beings of Frequency



Informant: Martin Weatherall


The head of Belgium s largest cellphone company bans WI-FI from his offices and tells kids cellphones are dangerous


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