
Brain Tumor Victims on Cell Phone Safety

Keith Phillips, Pianist And Brain Tumor Victim

by envonc9


Spot the cell tower

A new game to play while driving cross-country might as well be, 'Spot the Cell Phone Tower.' After all, in the past 10 years, the number of towers in the US has doubled from 125000 in 2001 to more than 250000 sites

'Right now, we are finding one of the major uses of wireless is sitting on the couch at 7 p.m. at night to play on an iPad or an iPhone.'


EMF Conference

This 2-day Summit on October 5 & 6 at Capitol Hill United Methodist Church in Washington DC and hosted by the Center for Safer Wireless will focus on updates in wireless safety research and developments, educating lawmakers on our concerns, and working together to protect those most vulnerable to microwave radiation.

The cost to attend is $85.00 which includes lunch on Wednesday afternoon.

There is a terrific line-up of speakers featuring Dr. Martin Blank of Columbia University, Dr. Devra Davis of the Environmental Health Trust, Dr. Stephen Sinatra of the Heart MD Institute, Orlean Koehle of the Eagle Forum of California, Joshua Hart of Stop Smart Meters!, Janet Newton of the EMR Policy Institute, Elizabeth Kelley of the Electromagnetic Safety Alliance, and Felicia Trujillo, ND. Speakers will cover topics such as the biological effects of EMF, EMF effects on the heart, cell phones, smart meters, and wireless safety standards.

On the second day, there will be an opportunity to learn tips on meetings with Congressional representatives. Later, you will attend meetings with your Congressional representatives to explain your story and your concerns with wireless technology.

The more people who attend, the greater impact we can have.

If you can t travel, you can participate virtually on-line real time. You can ask questions just like someone in the room. During break-out sessions, you will be able to enter a meeting room to discuss a topic of choice to you. The cost to attend virtually is only $35.

Sponsors of the Summit include: American Association for Cell Phone Safety, American Coalition Against Smart Meters, Arizonans for Safer Utility Infrastructure, California Brain Tumor Association, Center for Electrsomog Prevention, Citizens Against Unsafe Emissions, Victoria, BC, Doctors for Safe Schools, Electromagnetic Safety Alliance, Electromagnetichealth.org, EMF Safety Network, EMRstop.org, Maryland Residents Against Smart Meters, Moms of Merrick, Naperville Smart Meter Awareness, Re shelter, Smart Meter Safety Coalition, Sante Fe Doctors WARN, The Galileo Project, The People s Initiative Foundation, Wireless-Precaution, and Wireless Radiation Safety Council.

There are also exhibiting opportunities. If you are interested in exhbiting, please contact me at choch(at)centerforsaferwireless.org.

Christine Hoch

Informant: Martin Weatherall


Exploding Cell Phones


Cell Phones use radio waves in order to make calls. While making these calls cell phones emit a small amount of electromagnetic radiation...



----- Original Message -----
From: amirb
To: Iris Atzmon
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: Repacholi Interviewed

Please note that I post several comments on these videos. I also asked several EHS persons to do so as well, some of them did. All the comments were deleted by the operator of the channel, and now it is not possible to post any more comments. They still did not block the voting for the video, so please ask your readers to post a bad voting to the video ('don't like').


On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 1:44 PM, Iris Atzmon:

Note he says it s not ethical to design a study on children, but as we know - he thinks it s ethical to expose them without a study, since there are 'no health effects'.

----- Original Message -----
From Alasdair Philips
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2011 9:39 PM
Subject: Rowley and Repacholi 2011

Mobile & Health Interviews Pt. 1 Jack Rowley & Michael Repacholi

Mobile & Health Interviews Pt. 2 Jack Rowley & Michael Repacholi

Mobile & Health Interviews Pt. 3 Jack Rowley & Michael Repacholi



Mobile World Live

into You Tube for more wonderful reasuring videos.

Be good, Do good!



Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: two sides of the same coin?


Informant: Isis Feral


BC Hydro Touches Off Firestorm with Mandatory Smart Meters


The devices broadcast low level electromagnetic waves in pulses throughout the day. While on average the amount of radiation is small, each microburst of information sent to the nearest cell tower can emit a much higher peak of energy...


More about the theme:


Bürgerwelle News



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