
BWCA cellphone tower lawsuit heads to trial

YouTube video 'Lament'

Excellent song and video about EMR dangers, by Nina Beety

Consultation on cell-phone towers delayed


E-Health in Canada is medical files on computer networks with WIFI

Here are some videos on youtube showing what they are using around patients....

Canadian Health Infoway

Bluetooth standard for e-health

Bluetooth chosen as Continua standard

BlueTooth: Fujitsu Stylistic st5112 Tablet PC slate epad

BlueTooth Gateway (gateway, just like in MESH Networks for Smart Meters )


Lucent is in on this too


Following is the press release which will be sent out on Sunday morning at 6:00 am eastern to media contacts across Canada. On Sunday afternoon at the Toronto Health Expo a statement will be presented accusing the current government of ignoring the recommendations of the Parliamentary Committee on Health (HESA) and, thereby, showing contempt for the Canadian public. It will include a report card for each party, with grades for support of our battle against Health Canada, Industry Canada and the telecommunication industry. Much of the grade is based on the various parties? recommendations for support (NDP and the Bloc Quebecois) or not (Liberal and Conservative) of the HESA recommendations which came from the hearings. You can read the recommendations in the HESA report of Dec. 2010, which will be on the website soon.

This is the first salvo in this political battle.

The statement and the report card will be available at the website on Sunday afternoon. Our new website is http://www.wirelessradiationsafety.com.

As you all know, we are a new group with a new website still being built. We have an amazing advisory board. Please make suggestions for what you would like included, how you want communciations to occur, how you would see the Council developing, etc. This is our national coalition, and it will take all of us to make the difference we all want.

Sharon Noble

Wireless Radiation Safety Council Gives Failing Grade to Harper Conservatives

Toronto - The Harper Conservatives took home an F for failing to protect childrens health, the Wireless Radiation Safety Council announced today.

The newly formed Council has graded all five federal parties from A to F, with the Conservatives receiving the worst grade.

'During the Conservatives tenure Canadas Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health tried to address the increasing problem of human exposure to microwave radiation from cell phones, cell towers and WiFi in schools,' announced Francois Therrien, a member of the Council. 'The Conservatives held a majority on that committee but they failed to act decisively to protect Canadians from this emerging public health disaster,' he said.

The Wireless Radiation Safety Council will reveal the report cards received by all federal parties this afternoon during a public lecture on 21st Century Education, the Hazards of a Wireless School.

Sunday April 10, 2pm

Metro Toronto Convention Centre
Lecture Hall 205
Contacts: Francois Therrien, Montreal, ftherrien(at)aei.com, (450)471-8371

Una St. Clair, Vancouver, una(at)citizensforsafetechnology.org (604)532-1863

Sharon Noble, Victoria, dsnoble(at)shaw.ca (250)478-7892


BWCA cellphone tower lawsuit heads to trial


Informant: Martin Weatherall


Are Bluetooth devices really safer than using a cell phone?



Bürgerwelle News



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