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Die Suche nach »mobile phone base« hat 218 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 1 bis 10.
Neurosurgeon warns patients and parents about wireless radiation dangers
https://groups.google.com/ g/mobilfunk_newsletter/c/C dKu8jGtOZM -------- Pare nts concerned over proposed cell phone tower in Tampa YouTube More than 400 peope signed a petition against a 200-foot... ...
Starmail - 25. Apr, 14:36
The Effects of Radio Frequency Radiation Exposure on Free Radical-Related Cellular Processes
https://drive.google.com/f ile/d/1IphXqR-7NIxq1P-Xd7b m37Wz5GJPDZza/view Plan for 5G phone mast near Tunbridge Wells school met with wall of objections https://groups .google.com/g/mobilfunk_ne wsletter/c/RFIvt1KfXk4 B ishop's... ...
Starmail - 3. Jun, 13:38
Bradford: Wyke 5G phone mast plan refused for listed church
BBC A 5G phone mast will not be allowed to be built on a 176-year-old Grade II-listed church in West Yorkshire due to concerns it could harm its... https://www.bbc.co m/news/uk-england-leeds-61 337616 -------- Plan... ...
Starmail - 17. Nov, 22:04
Pusan National University scientists reveal links between sperm quality and cell phone use
https://groups.google.com/ g/mobilfunk_newsletter/c/C 2vzyQCQ29I Things definitely are on the move! (For the French, original text, please, scroll down.) Olle Johansson, associate professor https://www.rob indestoits.org/Communique- de-presse-conjoint-du-27-j anvier-2022-du-cabinet-lex precia-et-de-Robin-des-Toi ts_a3111.html Contacts... ...
Starmail - 7. Apr, 15:23
Controversial Douglas phone mast plans scrapped
BBC A decision to allow controversial plans for a phone mast in a conservation area in the Isle of Man's capital has been overturned at appeal... https://www.bbc .com/news/world-europe-isl e-of-man-60054841 ------- - EE... ...
Starmail - 19. Mär, 08:10
Controversial mobile phone mast blocked by Blackpool planners
Blackpool Gazette Campaigners have won their fight to prevent a mobile phone mast being put up in a conservation area... https://www.black poolgazette.co.uk/news/pol itics/controversial-mobile -phone-mast-blocked-by-bla ckpool-planners-3384172 - ------- Opposition... ...
Starmail - 12. Mär, 10:40
Is Wireless Radiation Really Harmful To Humans?
with Prof. Dr. Olle Johansson https://youtu .be/s0AVCGd8BEg She writes the following as a background description: "In this podcast episode, I am joined by Swedish Professor DR. OLLE JOHANSSON, former... ...
Starmail - 28. Aug, 08:38
Residents slam mast 'monstrosity' erected overnight on Counthill Road
Oldham Chronicle Taller mobile phone masts are now allowed without full planning permission as part of efforts to boost 5G coverage across the country. New base... https://www.oldha m-chronicle.co.uk/news-fea tures/139/main-news/138723 /residents-slam-mast-monst rosity-erected-overnight-o n-counthill-road Glen... ...
Starmail - 5. Feb, 13:42
A mobile phone mast was relocated due to local concerns about school cancer cases
Full Fact A mobile phone mast (or tower) is a freestanding structure with a base station mounted to it. Base stations are radio transmitters with antennas, which... https://fullfact .org/online/5G-tower-schoo l-cancer/ --------... ...
Starmail - 7. Okt, 15:37
People living near phone masts 3 more times prone to cancer
Pulse Nigeria The human body, which consists of 70 per cent fluid, absorbs electromagnetic radiation. Besides cancer, people living near mobile phone base stations are at risk of headaches, memory loss,... ...
Starmail - 10. Jan, 22:18