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Die Suche nach »Kawartha« hat 12 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 1 bis 10.
Wireless Networks dangerous for students?
http://groups.google.com/g roup/mobilfunk_newsletter/ t/e6d9a6118dd96ffa NEW WARNINGS about Wi-Fi in Schools Kawartha Safe Technology Initiative info(at)kawarthasafetechno logy.org Newsletter: http://us2.campaign-archiv e2.com/?u=2a6c8c3f416d2744 992608329&id=09534ba398&e= 975658197c... ...
Starmail - 29. Apr, 08:56
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity
Washington Times WASHINGTON, January 3, 2012 In our every day life we are continuously, 24/7, exposed to a variety of electromagnetic fields. This is a very ubiquitous pollutant in our environment. We... ...
Starmail - 14. Jan, 22:36
Wi-Fi health hazard for students
This is a very important video which explains the dangers that school children face from Wi Fi. Please forward this to parents: http://www.youtube.com/w atch?v=hwmafKoUMEk&mid=516 6 Camilla More... ...
Starmail - 4. Jun, 05:46
Clinical and biological description of the electromagnetic field intolerance syndrome (EMFIS)
Presentation of Prof. Dominique Belpomme at 8th National Congress on Electrosmog, Berne, 2011 Prof. Belpomme is Professor of Clinical Oncology, University Paris-Descartes. He practices medical Oncology... ...
Starmail - 31. Aug, 08:04
Who Will Switch The Microwave Off
From: Magda Havas Letter to the Editor, Peterborough Examiner, published June 6, 2011 We don t tolerate bullying in the schoolyard so why do we tolerate it in the school board? Teachers who are questioning... ...
Starmail - 14. Sep, 08:30
The dangers of Wi-Fi are real
God Speed for Wi Fi http://www.express.co.uk /posts/view/246714/God-spe ed-for-wi-fiGod-speed-for- wi-fi Mosques rent space for cellphone towers http://www.upi.com /Odd_News/2011/05/26/Water cooler-Stories/UPI-1713130 6405800/... ...
Starmail - 27. Mai, 22:50
Patriot Action Network: STOP SMART METERS
California is in full battle over smart meters. 41 communities have said, Stop installing them! It is embarrassing that the Left is fighting, ... http://www.patriotact ionnetwork.com/profiles/bl ogs/stop-smart-meters Sm art... ...
Starmail - 20. Mai, 22:18
Significant Oversight (Error or Omission) Reported in Safety Code 6
Letter to the Minister of Health Attached, is an important letter, challenging Health Canada safety standards and describing how Wi Fi can harm children. It was sent to the Canadian Minister of Health.... ...
Starmail - 11. Mär, 05:38
WiFi in Schools-a Ticking Time Bomb
Swisscom mobile phone base-station English version of a video showing a Google-Earth visualized measurement of a future Swisscom mobile phone base-station location (Bubikon, Swiss). http://microondes.wordpr ess.com/video/video-englis h/... ...
Starmail - 27. Feb, 17:24
Welcome to Planet Irth: A Grim Fairy Tale
Here is a gift to all of you who are concerned about electrosmog. It is a short (8:40 minutes youtube video) of a narrated fairy tale about planet irth, sensitives, electrosmog, and electrosmogitis and... ...
Starmail - 24. Dez, 06:17