
Belgium Scientists warn against hotspots

----- Original Message -----

From: Sylvie
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2010 2:31 PM
Subject: Belgium Scientists warn against hotspots

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29 oct. 2010
The News
DIRK MUSSCHOOT www.beperkdestraling.org

Scientists warn against hotspots



Stefaan Van Gool,''oncologist KUL

Scientists from Europe and the U.S. in an open letter asking five Flemish cities and one municipality to stop their (plans for) wireless networks. This allows Internet surfers on the street. "Millions of people are involuntarily exposed to radiation which we impact on the human body knowledge is sufficient," said Professor Stefaan Van Gool (KU Leuven), the open letter to cities such as Ghent, Leuven, Hasselt, Brugge, Blankenberge and the municipality of Maasmechelen along fielded. "Until we know exactly what the implications are for humans, animals and plants, we should be very reluctant. The cities to install such networks without fully realizing clue. Moreover, they push the people here a decision in the throat. Like it or not: who is in town to drink a pint, will be located in the radiation field of such hotspots are. "Scientists argue that delineate areas where people who wish to surf wirelessly. Stefaan Van Gool oncologist at the KU Leuven years has been specializing in the problems of radiation from mobile and other networks. Together with Professor Olle Johansson of the Swedish Karolinska Institutet and the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, he wrote an open letter to policymakers in our country. That letter was signed by twenty scientists from Europe and the U.S.. Many of them are renowned professor at institutions such as Martin Blank (Columbia University, New York), Andrew Goldsworthy (Imperial College London) and Eileen O'Connor (EM Radiation Research Trust, Ireland). "We, the people constantly fait accompli," says Professor Van Gool. "After the unbridled growth of the GSM network, people now began to organize i-cities. Ghent, Brugge, Blankenberge, Hasselt, Maasmechelen and Leuven offer wireless networks or have plans in that direction, so that everyone on the street can surf." " Such decisions run counter to the precautionary principle that says that so long as we do not know exactly what the consequences to humans, animals and plants, should be very cautious, 'says Goolsby. "They install such networks without fully realizing clue. Moreover, they push the people here a decision by the throat. Like it or not: who Graslei in Ghent on a beer to drink, the radiation field in the midst of such a hotspot down. Everyone wants that? Whom a home wireless network, choose that. On the beach in Blankenberge you do not choose: it's just there. "

Artificial demand

Goold wonders why municipalities in this case so the cart of the telecommunications industry tensioned. "First the GSM networks are expanded and enhanced so that you had received the deepest basement. Now you need on the streets of Leuven football scores on your laptop and you can receive on the beach in Blankenberge your mails for future reference. Whose needs are really met here, do you? "Scientists argue that delineate areas where people can surf wirelessly. "Stick a sticker on the window of a cafe that has a wireless network, and you know you can go there or that you do better stay away." A small survey shows that the six municipalities are not ready for their plans to icities set. It'll look forward to the coming months and years, other Flemish cities will offer wireless Internet. "They dig constantly ignore the warnings," says Professor Van Gool. "It is very unwise. I hope we are wrong, but later when it is established conclusively that harmful effects of all those rays, who will then be held accountable? "Oncologist Stefaan Van Gool of the KU Leuven for years specialized in the problems of radiation from mobile and other networks. Together with Professor Olle Johansson of the Swedish Karolinska Institutet and the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, he wrote an open letter to policymakers in our country. That letter was signed by twenty scientists from Europe and the U.S.. Many of them are renowned professor at institutions such as Martin Blank (Columbia University, New York), Andrew Goldsworthy (Imperial College London) and Eileen O'Connor (EM Radiation Research Trust, Ireland). "We, the people constantly fait accompli," says Professor Van Gool. "After the unbridled growth of the GSM network, people now began to organize i-cities. Ghent, Brugge, Blankenberge, Hasselt, Maasmechelen and Leuven offer wireless networks or have plans in that direction, so that everyone on the street can surf. "" Such decisions run counter to the precautionary principle that says that so long as we do not know exactly what the consequences to humans, animals and plants, should be very cautious, 'says Goolsby. "They install such networks without fully realizing clue. Moreover, they push the people here a decision by the throat. Like it or not: who Graslei in Ghent on a beer to drink, the radiation field in the midst of such a hotspot down. Everyone wants that? Whom a home wireless network, choose that. On the beach in Blankenberge you do not choose: it's just there. "

Artificial demand

Goold wonders why municipalities in this case so the cart of the telecommunications industry tensioned. "First the GSM networks are expanded and enhanced so that you had received the deepest basement. Now you need on the streets of Leuven football scores on your laptop and you can receive on the beach in Blankenberge your mails for future reference. Whose needs are really met here, do you? "Scientists argue that delineate areas where people can surf wirelessly. "Stick a sticker on the window of a cafe that has a wireless network, and you know you can go there or that you do better stay away." A small survey shows that the six municipalities are not ready for their plans to icities set. It'll look forward to the coming months and years, other Flemish cities will offer wireless Internet. "They dig constantly ignore the warnings," says Professor Van Gool. "It is very unwise. I hope we are wrong, but later when it is established conclusively that harmful effects of radiation all those, who will then be held responsible? "


29 oct. 2010
Het Nieuwsblad

Informant: Iris Atzmon


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