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Die Suche nach »flagpole« hat 10 Resultate geliefert.
Phone mast on church is up the pole
Evening Standard Mobile phone bosses are under fire over plans to disguise one of their communications antennae as a church roof flagpole. Vodafone is asking Richmond council to let it put up the mast... ...
Starmail - 19. Okt, 08:40
Parent Suing Portland, Oregon Public School System in District Court
Portland, OR ? June 19, 2011 ? A parent of a child in a Portland Public School is suing PPS, for installing a wi fi infrastructure throughout the school system. Citing breach of 14th Amendment right to... ...
Starmail - 1. Jul, 08:55
Cell Phones, Microwaves And The Human Health Threat
http://tinyurl.com/kflcary http://www.buergerwell e.de:8080/helma/twoday/bwn ews/search?q=electric+fiel d http://omega.twoday.net/ search?q=electric+field ht tp://www.buergerwelle.de:8 080/helma/twoday/bwnews/se arch?q=microwaves... ...
Starmail - 22. Aug, 09:10
Cell phones as bad as x-rays
How your cell phone came to be Arizona Daily Star Cell phone transmitter antennas, many no larger than stereo speakers, can be mounted in church steeples, on trees and flagpoles and on top of tall buildings... ...
Starmail - 25. Jan, 06:02
Cedar Lake flag tower debate heats up
Gary Post Tribune Residents are concerned about the potential health risks that may be associated with the electromagnetic radiation emitted from cellular towers, he said. ... http://www.post-trib.com /news/lake/2960410,clflagp ole1212.article http:// www.buergerwelle.de:8080/h elma/twoday/bwnews/search? q=electromagnetic+radiatio n http://omega.twoday.net/ search?q=electromagnetic+r adiation http://www.buerge rwelle.de:8080/helma/twoda y/bwnews/search?q=cellular +tower http://omega.twoday .net/search?q=cellular+tow er http://www.buergerwelle .de:8080/helma/twoday/bwne ws/search?q=health+risk ht tp://omega.twoday.net/sear ch?q=health+risk http://ww w.buergerwelle.de:8080/hel ma/twoday/bwnews/search?q= residents ...
Starmail - 12. Dez, 14:00
Dangers accepted far too naively
http://www.bclocalnews.com /opinion/letters/100386569 .html Negligence by a School Board? http://www.10news.c om/news/24583415/detail.ht ml WiFi in public places I just read the article circulated about... ...
Starmail - 21. Sep, 17:28
EMF-Omega-News 7. August 2010
Association between number of cell phone contracts and brain tumor incidence in nineteen U.S. States http://www.buergerw elle.de:8080/helma/twoday/ bwnews/stories/1276/ Awar eness on the Subject of Microwave... ...
Starmail - 7. Aug, 08:34
Liverpool Tesco hide unapproved mobile phone mast in flagpole
Liverpool Echo LIVERPOOL council bosses will take action against the owners of a supermarket who allowed a mobile phone mast disguised as a flag pole to be put up on the ... http://www.liverpoolecho .co.uk/liverpool-news/loca l-news/2010/08/04/liverpoo l-tesco-hide-unapproved-mo bile-phone-mast-in-flagpol e-100252-26990846/ Phon e... ...
Starmail - 10. Mär, 08:40
New O2 phone mast is disguised as flag pole on cinema roof
Burnham-On-Sea Yet, in fact, the white pole is actually a cleverly disguised high-tech mobile phone mast which O2 has installed over the past week to boost its coverage in ... http://www.burnham-on -sea.com/news/2010/o2-phon e-mast-19-07-10.php htt p://freepage.twoday.net/se arch?q=Burnham-On-Sea http ://www.buergerwelle.de:808 0/helma/twoday/bwnews/sear ch?q=O2 http://www.buerger welle.de:8080/helma/twoday /bwnews/search?q=flag+pole http://omega.twoday.net/s earch?q=flagpole ...
Starmail - 19. Jul, 17:31
Flag flies proud for England squad
Lancaster Today Many spectators looked on last week as a massive crane was used to replace the flagpole - which doubles as a mobile phone mast - and to upgrade some ... http://www.lancasterg uardian.co.uk/lancasternew s/Flag-flies-proud-for-Eng land.6323658.jp http:// omega.twoday.net/search?q= flagpole http://www.buerge rwelle.de:8080/helma/twoda y/bwnews/search?q=church+m ast http://freepage.twoday .net/search?q=church+mast ...
Starmail - 27. Mai, 11:02