Wi-fi / WLAN In Schools


The topic of Wi-fi or WLAN in schools seems to have come to the surface recently. Mast Sanity do not actively campaign directly on the topic of wi-fi, so we have less information available. We do have a Schools Fact Sheet here .

However, we do have several links to the subject here .

We also have Powerwatch's Letter here .

And Dr. Gerd Oberfeld's Letter here .

A local group have a document which includes research and information on wi-fi (including readings) here .

And Powerwatch have a very recent news article (look at the bottom of the new page)  here

See also stories - ICWAles - MP urges ban on wi-fi technolgy in schools

The Times - Wireless networks may not be worth the headache

The Times - Health fears lead schools to dismantle wireless networks



Source: http://www.mastsanity.org/