Betreff: Thimerosal in vaccines
Von: Dorothee Krien
Datum: Wed, 9 May 2007 20:54:46 +0100

Please pass this on. Especially the last attachment is very important.

Kind regards,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dorothee Krien <>
Date: May 9, 2007 8:28 PM
Subject: Fwd: Fwd: Thimerosal in vaccines
To: "Moore, Tom" <>, SINNOTT Kathy <>

Dear Tom, dear Kathy,

Here's something quite sensational. The last attachment is the original confidential Verstraeten study that was discussed in Simpsonwood. He later published a study that made the claim that there was no evidence to link autism to exposure to thimerosal.

Please pass on.

The transcript of the Simpsonwood meeting is avialable at the safeminds website (about 250 pages).

Please judge for yourselves whether Robert Kennedy Jr was right about his accusation of a cover-up in his article Deadly Immunity (Rollingstone and/or



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dr. Joachim Mutter < >
Date: May 9, 2007 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Thimerosal in vaccines
To: Dorothee Krien <>

Das hängt vom Land ab, in der Schweiz gibt es, soweit ich weiß, 3
Impfstoffe mit Thiomersal, in D eine, allerdings auch Augentropfen. Wie
es in anderen europäischen Ländern aussieht, weiß ich nicht. In
Drittweltländer sind fast alle Impfstoffe voll mit Thiomersal
Anbei eine neue Studie von Geier &Geier und Haley
Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Dr. med. Joachim Mutter
Institut fuer Umweltmedizin und Krankenhaushygiene
am Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
Institute of Environmental Medicine and Hospital Epidemiology at the
University Medical Center Freiburg
Kommissarischer Direktor Prof. Dr. Uwe Frank
Breisacher Straße 115 B, 79106 Freiburg
Tel. +49/(0)761/270-8201 (-8320)
Fax  +49/(0)761/270-8323

Dorothee Krien schrieb:
> Lieber Herr Dr Mutter,
> Kathy Sinnott, Mitglied des Europaparlaments und Mutter eines
> autistischen Sohnes, hat mir diese E-Mail geschickt. Welche
> Grippe-Impfstoffe enthalten noch Thimerosal? Gibt es Neues von der
> Thimerosalfront? Ich weiss, dass die Klage von amerikanischen Muettern
> wegen Amalgam keinen Erfolg hatte.
> Mit freundlichen Gruessen
> Dorothee Krien
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *SINNOTT Kathy* <
> <mailto: >>
> Date: May 7, 2007 8:41 AM
> Subject: RE: Thimerosal in vaccines
> To: Dorothee Krien <
> <mailto:>>
> Would you like to take a petion to parliament about the fact that their
> is still thermerisol in some jabs and in amalgams despite the tough line
> that the EU is taking on mercury?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Dorothee Krien [mailto:
> <mailto:>]
> *Sent:* Wed 5/2/2007 11:09 PM
> *To:* SINNOTT Kathy
> *Subject:* Re: Thimerosal in vaccines
> Dear Kathy,
> The studies that are referred to are deeply flawed.
> Drs DA and MA Geier looked at the same data Thomas Verstraeten had found
> inconclusive - and they found a direct link.
> Would you please pass the attachment on.
> I'm copying and pasting  from Andrea Rock's article Toxic Tipping Point
> in Mother Jones, April/May 2004.
> An Interpretive Dance
> As the court dates draw closer, a flurry of studies both to disprove and
> support the thimerosal/autism link has been released. Typically they
> have been criticized by one side or the other as conducted by
> researchers with a bias or conflict of interest. And some rely on small
> sample sizes that can be easily dismissed. Which is why the latest flash
> point is over what could be a comprehensive source of data. Several HMOs
> are paid by the federal government to provide children's immunization
> and medical records for the CDC's Vaccine Safety Datalink, a database
> used to track pos-sible adverse side effects of vaccines. After the
> discovery that mercury levels had exceeded EPA guidelines, the CDC's
> Thomas Verstraeten reviewed medical records of 110,000 children. A
> confidential February 29, 2000, version of his report obtained through
> the Freedom of Information Act showed that the "relative risk" for
> autism in infants receiving 62.5 micrograms or more of mercury by the
> age of three months (as had most children abiding by the vaccine
> schedule) was 2.48 times higher than in infants who did not. In courts
> of law, a relative risk of 2.0 or higher has been considered sufficient
> proof that a given exposure causes disease. The figure was especially
> significant given that autism is typically not diagnosed until after age
> three, and 40 percent of the children in the study were younger.
> Yet these findings were never published or even disclosed to CDC
> advisory-committee members. Prior to a meeting of the committee in June
> 2000 to discuss the report, CDC officials apparently added to the
> study's database children born with congenital disorders (who had
> previously been excluded) and two groups of babies not yet one year old.
> Such statistical adjustment reduced the relative risk for autism to
> 1.69, comfortably below the legal threshold for causation. The lower
> number was provided to the CDC's advisory-committee members.
> Thanks to Weldon's intervention, Geier has now been able to use the CDC
> database to compare autism rates among more than 85,000 children who
> received a TCV for diphtheria/tetanus/acellular pertussis (DTaP) with
> rates among nearly 70,000 children who got the thimerosal-free version.
> In the TCV group, the risk of autism was 27 times higher. Geier's
> analysis is before two journals. Meanwhile, Dr. Walter Spitzer, a highly
> respected epidemiologist, has reviewed it and says, "This is important
> and needs to get out immediately. I see no major flaws. It is sound
> epidemiologically."
> "Denying the existence of the tragic, massive autism epidemic will
> neither cure the problem nor restore confidence in our much-needed
> vaccine program," says Geier. "Rather, we must admit our past mistakes
> openly and honestly and then work to improve current and future
> vaccines. The first step is the removal of thimerosal from all vaccines,
> which we predict will result in the end of the autism epidemic."
> file:///c:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Owner/Desktop/Geier.htm
> Kind regrds,
> Dorothee
> On 5/2/07, *SINNOTT Kathy* <
> <mailto:>> wrote:
>     Dear friends,
>     Please find attached a Commission Question Kathy asked on the
>     subject of Thimerosal in Vaccines.
>     Best regards,
>     Philip Sydenham
>     Office of Kathy Sinnott, MEP for Ireland South
>     +32 (0)228 45692 Tel. Brussels
>     <mailto: >